Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 121: Stupid toy

"Good job." I gave my thumbs to the Queen of Blades and Ghost, and then I turned around and dropped the last remaining 〖From〗 by the soldiers. Even the corpses were thrown into the Fenglong space and completely disposed , So as not to be a problem from the protoss. Of course, the group of protoss miscellaneous soldiers who had been killed before can not be left. They must be cleaned up, and the burrows they came out also need to be checked.

It won't take long to deal with the corpse of the Seal of the Seal, and the burrow below makes us delay a little. The main reason is not that the cave is too large, but that there are still protoss inside, and the number is still quite large. Let the gun **** help to guard the exit. I went down with the blade and the ghost to make a circle, and completely destroyed all the [self] in the cave from the protoss. Finally, I flipped through the cave again and confirmed that there was nothing valuable. There was a bomb left here, a special bomb.

"What the **** have you done in the hole?" Gun Lord was dragged by me and asked while running wild.

"You'll know after a while." After running for a while, I felt that the distance was almost the same, and I stopped to move on and turned around to see where we left before.

The Gun God stopped when he saw us, and followed us to stare there. He thought that we had a bomb or something in it, but when the thing exploded, he was stunned, because the explosion and flames he expected did not appear. Instead, it was an expanding light sphere. Raised below the ground and framed a large area around it. When the light sphere expanded to the limit, I saw it suddenly flash, and then shrunk inward into a light spot, and disappeared into the air instantly like a soap bubble that exploded.

There was no explosion, no fire, no sound, and even the original land and mountains on the ground were gone. The entire underground base, including nearby rocks and soil, disappeared as if it had suddenly been steamed. Only a smooth hole was left on the ground, and the cross section was extremely smooth, as if it had been polished.

"This, this ... What the **** is this?" To be honest, the Gun God was scared. Although this thing didn't explode ", it can completely eliminate the target, which is a direct blast and horrible. Well, if this thing is not thrown in the underground base, but in the city of the Paladin, this result ............ The gun **** couldn't help but take a nap.

When I saw the expression of the gun god, I knew that he wanted to crook. "Don't you think the underground base you just killed was destroyed?"

"Is not it?"

"Certainly not. Does it mean to know what level of energy explosion to annihilate something of such a large volume?" Amazing, anyway, you know that this thing can't be used in actual combat, it can only be regarded as a small toy.

"The gun **** madly grabbed my shoulder and shook desperately," Small toy? You call it a little toy? "He pointed at the big pit over there with one hand:" Look, right? " You have lost everything that is equivalent to the size of a small city. You actually say it is a small toy? Who can have such a powerful toy? God of Creation? "

"Calm, calm." I quickly held down the rabbit-like gunman who kept up with the bar, and then reached out and pulled out an oval-shaped object the size of an egg. This surface is turquoise. ”The strange egg with a circle of metal hua 玟 outside does n’t look like a weapon. It is similar to the egg carving in crafts. If you can calm down with the things I just used, I will give you this. After the gun **** heard my words, he immediately freezed, then looked back and forth between my face and the metal egg several times, and finally suddenly recovered a serious look, and then said in a calm voice: "I am good It's true. "Seeing that this guy is finally not crazy, I laughed and stuffed the egg into his hand. After the **** of guns took the egg, he immediately played with it in his hand, but there were no other things like institutions Then he asked me: "How does this thing work? "I took another one out of my body, and said," Look. Hold the two sides like this, and then rotate them in the opposite direction. Feel that the eggshell loosens and pulls away from both sides, then press it back and throw it out. "

Seeing that I threw the thing in my hand "The Gun God immediately turned and ran, but I didn't keep up when he ran for dozens of meters. The guy turned back with a conscience and asked me," What are you doing? " ? Run away! "

"This is small and not so powerful." As soon as I finished speaking, I saw a light ball raised at the place where the egg landed, and then zoomed in and out similarly, leaving a radius of more than five meters on the ground. Big pit.

Seeing that thing really has a lot less power "The Gun God ran back again, and then looked at the one I gave him and asked me," How powerful is this? "" Just like I just threw this, the radius is 5.8 meters. how? Do you want the big one before? "Without waiting for the gun **** to nod", I turned directly out of Fenglong space and came out as big as a melon. "This is the kind that makes underground bases disappear. But this thing is really just a toy and it can't be used to fight."

"Why?" Gun Lord asked while studying the large bomb on the ground with joy.

"Because ..." I said half of a sudden on the winter bomb that was just normal, and then stepped back on a small cylinder that popped up, followed by the entire bomb suddenly lit up.

The Gun God was taken aback by my sudden move, and when I got up, I wanted to run, but I gave up after thinking about it. The explosion radius of the thing before was a few kilometers, and it was too late for him to run out of the explosion range. However, just as he was preparing to ask me why I want to launch the bomb, the bomb suddenly flashed and then disappeared. Of course, in addition to the bomb itself disappeared, the scene did not disappear.

"What's going on?", "I come to show you how to use this thing. Of course, if you need to set the explosion time of the Seal of God, you can rotate the small cylinder I just stepped on, there is a scale on it, a grid It is one minute, the longest is one hour. Adjust to the appropriate time and press down the small cylinder to start timing. If there is no rotation, it will detonate immediately.

But "I just started this thing, but I also proved to you that this thing really can't be used in actual combat. You also saw that this thing can't kill us all." "But just ...", "just now Annihilation of an underground base, right? Actually, that's not obliteration, it's teleportation. "

"Transfer?", "Yes. It's like a teleportation array", but it is not the kind of transmission that passively accepts a transmission order, but a forced transmission, regardless of whether the people within it are willing to force everything within the coverage. "

"Where has the underground base just been teleported to?", "It should be everywhere." The Gun God stunned for a moment, then suddenly reacted. "Incomplete transmission?", "Yes, that's the truth."

Generally, the normal transmission needs to send the transmitted object into the space channel, and then pull the object back to the real world from the destination, so that the entire transmission process can be considered. The so-called incomplete transmission is that the entire process of normal transmission has not been completed, and only one or some of them have been completed. Of course, whether it is only one step completed or only one step behind, the final result is the same. The teleportation will be forcibly thrown out of the space channel. Good luck may be thrown anywhere. "Unlucky ones will be sent to many places. Although most people do not want their body parts to reach different places, no one can guarantee such things. Isn't it?

Just as most destruction is far easier than construction. It is very difficult to safely transfer a person or a thing to a specified target point. During this period, not only a large amount of energy is needed, but also accurate coordinates and a complete magic release process. However, if you just want to send something or someone into the space channel, and don't care where it will be sent to, "it is much simpler.

I looked at the suddenly realized God of Guns and said, "After our guild's research, this special transfer device can transfer objects into the space channel, and then guarantee that it will be broken down into at least 10,000 fragments. As for the final fragments, Where the differences will appear is not a problem we need to consider. In addition, by the way, 10,000 copies are only conservative estimates. In fact, the experiments we have done so far show that in most cases, the objects being transmitted will be decomposed. It exists at the atomic level, so basically nothing can be saved as evidence. "

"It is broken down to atomic level? Do you still say that this thing is a toy? It can break down all the West, as big as a small city, into atoms. This thing is even more powerful than nuclear weapons!" "No" if it can really put Everything is broken down to atomic level, then it can certainly be used as a weapon of mass destruction, but I said before that "this thing is just a teleportation spell, and it is a forced teleportation, so the energy it generates must offset the material being transported. The active energy can only be completed after the forced transmission. To put it simply, this thing ca n’t transmit life forms and high-energy substances with higher energy levels. For example, when we are standing here, it will not take effect at all. Of course, you If a pile of magic crystals is here, it will also cause teleportation failure, because magic crystals have higher energy than it, and the transmission energy will not be enough to open the space channel. "," So this thing is basically a waste? "

"It depends on how you use it." I smiled and said, "If you say that you need to destroy the evidence, such as just now, this thing can work very well. Of course, you must first clear all high-energy materials in the range, and there must not be any life form beyond level 20. In addition, this kind of thing is usually better to find hidden treasures. You can take a few small teleportation bombs and throw them around. Where there are no treasures, they will be teleported away, and the real treasures will have high energy intensity, plus protection spells to protect the treasures. Interfering with the transmission, so the transmission will fail. At that time, as long as you see where the bomb has not started, you will know where the treasure is. "

"It's really easy to use in this way." "Of course, other things ca n’t be used for combat, but it's pretty good. If you are interested, we can sell them to you. The big ones just cost 100 yuan. One crystal coin, one small one of these five crystal coins. How about? Cheap enough? I tell you that this is definitely the price of cabbage. "Although Gun God was surprised by the low price of this thing, he still said : "Don't fool me, cabbage is not cheap this year. I'll order more if you give me a special price."

"Large ones, if you have purchased a hundred at a time, each one can give you seventy crystal coins. The small one is in a box, twenty in a box, and three for one hundred or more One crystal coin. If you can buy a thousand large or a thousand boxes of small one at a time, you can get half price. "

"For the deal, I want a hundred for the big one, and two thousand boxes for the small one. It's all right at half price, right?"

"No problem. But what do you want so many things to do? Our guild has not created a total of one hundred boxes since its creation!"

Gunshen said with a smile: "If you give me a hundred boxes in small, I will tell you what I want to do."

"Ten cases."


"The deal."

The gunman smiled proudly "and then said," I want to use this thing to mine. "

"Mining?" I stumbled for a moment, then suddenly came to understand.

"Damn, why didn't I think this thing could still be used this way?" Sure enough, it was the three smelters who put up Zhuge Liang. No matter how smart one is, there is something unexpected. Although our guild has more than one person, after all, everyone's thoughts are Different, what we don't think does not mean that others can't think of it. This bomb ca n’t be used in actual combat. ”But if you use it to record the surface soil above the mine, the mining efficiency can be n times higher. Well, like an open-pit mine and a deep underground mine Can the mining efficiency be the same? "Damn, I sell cheap! "

Hearing the words of regret, the gun **** smiled very proudly. There aren't many things that can make me eaten. "Occasionally, there is such a thing that he is proud of.

After leaving this secret base of the Protoss, we returned to the headquarters of the Paladin. The Ghost and the Blade Queen's combat effectiveness test is basically completed, and the result is not bad. The two of them can almost immediately drop off against the general protoss, unless they meet the high-level protoss, they are basically invincible. As a artificially produced construct creature, I am quite satisfied with this combat ability.

Although our test task has been completed, we cannot go now. The promise of the **** of guns has to be completed. ”Fortunately, the gambling contract in that savage arena is tonight, and there are still more than two hours away, so we did not rush, but waited here to start the game. .

Because I'm not assured that the ghost and the blade will go back by themselves, I asked them to join me in the competition, of course. "They don't need to play, they just act as spectators.

After discussing some issues such as deep cooperation between the two guilds with Gunslinger, two hours passed quickly. Immediately before the gambling time of the Seal of Throne was approaching, the Gun God took us to that brutal arena.

This arena is not a cinema-by-cinema model, but a completely open game. No matter it ’s people or spectators, you can come in and out at any time. Of course, people who participate in the game must enter the line first, and the opponent must accept the challenge before they can play. ”The audience is not so limited. Look.

When we arrived there was a dogfight here. Three people had fallen in the field, and five people were tearing each other out, but it seemed that these five people belonged to three camps.

"Are there any multiplayer dogfights in this game?"

Gun God took a look at the grand arena full of yellow sand and blood, and then said, "The rules of the brutal arena are that there are no rules, as long as both parties are willing, any rules are fine. Even if you want to pick 10,000, it is fine. The limited use of the "real" real world model in my contract was agreed by the two parties. There are actually no rules in the playing field itself, it will only change the rules according to the requirements of the playing party. "

"Then how did you both remember to use this rule?"

"It's the idea of ​​the Black Queen." A voice came in suddenly. I looked up and it turned out to be a long muscular man like a gorilla. "There were two black queens who used to be black boxing champions in reality. Later, because the game in the game was more **** and violent, and no one was watching the black boxing outside, so the two also ran into the game to confuse. Black The queen does not know how to attract these two guys, and specifically let them use the Real World mode to challenge others to bet here. So far, they have not lost. "

Gun God waited for that guy to finish and then introduced to me: "This is Logan ~ ~ I have a realistic combat coach. I didn't expect you to come before, so I have prepared three Participants. "

I shook hands with that guy, and then asked the gun god: "Since you have found a good person, do you still want to choose me? That's the real mode. The first place in my world combat list is to add attributes and No. 1 after equipping, aren't you afraid that I will ruin your bet? "

The Gun God waved his hand: "Your level will lie to others. I have played against you, and I know your ability. If you do n’t work hard in reality, I will change my nationality and join your guild as a younger brother. . "

I smiled at all, then turned to the muscular man and asked, "Where are the other two players? Although I'm here, at least two people from your original team need to make up for the game, right?"

"I'm your partner." The sudden voice made me stunned, not because the other party's ability to appear suddenly out of thin air, but because ~ she is a woman.

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