Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 130: Home delivery baby

Volume 19 Chapter 130

The ghost I was scolded by knew that I had made a mistake, so I didn't dare to talk back, so I just listened to my scolding, but after I finished scolding, I had to find a way out.

Looking at the passageway that was completely blocked, I directly released the trailblazers and rose vines. Fortunately, there is a special hole puncher in my magic pet, otherwise being buried in the bottom of the cave several kilometers deep will not be able to go out except for suicide. Therefore, the adaptability of the beast trainer is much higher than that of ordinary players. No matter what players have particularly good terrain, the beast trainer can do all-terrain combat as long as he finds a sufficient number and type of magic pets.

For the trailblazer, making holes in the soft soil is a piece of cake. The only thing to note is that the nearby area has just collapsed, and the surrounding soil and rocks are loose. You must be careful of the secondary collapse. Fortunately, we still have rose vines. The tunnels dug by the trailblazers can be re-supported by hardened rattan vines, so there is no need to worry about collapse.

It hovered up the path dug by the trailblazers, and soon dug to the ground. I was afraid that the Blazers would turn around on the ground and knock down the hole, so I simply sent him back to the training space after he got through the tunnel. Without the Blazers standing in front, there was only a large hole in the ground left in front of the passage. However, before we got out, a few faces suddenly appeared at the opening, and then those people raised their arrows and shot at the hole.

"I rely, where is this bastard?" When I saw the arrow shot down the hole, I directly pushed the Dragon Shield to the front. The hole that was not too large was covered by the shield for a while, just listening. After a jingling crash, several feather arrows slid off the edge of the shield.

Probably it was my shield blocking them, they couldn't hurt us, the shooter above quickly backed away, then a mage moved to the hole and threw a fireball below.

As soon as the opponent's fireball appeared, I felt a magic gathering reaction. I moved the shield away a little bit and saw the situation above. I quickly retracted the Dragon Shield and hit a ring finger forward. A fire dragon suddenly rushed straight from the hole. On the other hand, first swallowing the opponent's small fireball, and then overturning the mage at the entrance and several players around it to the ground before finally disappearing all the way to the sky.

"Well, don't take the summoner as a mage, I will set fire too."

"Chairman, can we go out first? We are blocked in the hole and we are like mice." Ghost said later.

I turned back angrily and instructed: "It's also bad for you to change the mouse. If you hadn't blasted the hole, will we get all the soil? Well, in order to show your punishment, you go up to help us clear the field. "

"Okay, I'm guilty, I'll just go ahead!"

The ghost helplessly squeezed past me, and then I saw the jet opening behind him suddenly opened, and the center of the jet gradually turned on.

"I rely, your kid is going to die!" I shouted as I hurriedly activated the dark demon halo to protect myself. The protection on my side has just appeared, and a few huge flames suddenly spewed out from behind the ghost in front. If the dark demon halo had a strong absorption effect on the energy attack, even if it didn't hurt me, it would at least be able to take me. Smoked into indigenous Africans.

The people outside just escaped the fire dragon and were about to come around to continue the attack. Suddenly I heard a roar from the hole, and then I saw a large white smoke burst out of the hole, and then a humanoid object came out of the hole like a unloaded shell. Shooted out, then suddenly turned in mid-air to spread wings and suspended in mid-air.

As soon as the ghost stabilized, he opened the shots of the liquefied magic crystal steam missiles on his arms and shoulders to the people below, followed him and shouted to the people below: "It's all you who harmed me and I was scolded by the president. Let me go. "As the ghost shouted, the eight Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam Missiles flew out of the shooting cabin all at once. The people below saw only eight white lines extending quickly, followed by a dense explosion. The original densely populated cave immediately became a no-man's land-at least there were no living people.

Immediately after the explosion, I climbed up from the burrow below, and then saw large pits and smoking body fragments everywhere. The ghost flew over me, lifted me up, and was covered by a bunch of magic following where I was standing.

Looking at the dense crowd around me, I almost lost my chin. I saw that the hole near the hole we had just climbed out was full. At a glance, there were at least tens of thousands of people, and this was not the end. In addition to these players, there are many n behind them, and the number of these n is basically several times the number of players. Based on this number, at least 100,000 n and more than 10,000 players are concentrated around us.

"What's the matter?" I was taken aback by looking at the dense crowd below.

The ghost carried me while flying desperately to the high side and said, "I don't know what happened! As soon as I got out of the cave, I immediately fired missiles around the cave to suppress the surrounding enemies. Who knows that the surroundings are all there? People, I knew I would not need missiles. "

"You shouldn't have used it. Liquefied magic crystal steam missiles are not cheap, so you can save me a bit. Oops!" Speaking of this, I suddenly thought of what I had just forgotten. "How to forget the Queen of Blades. She's still below!"

For the convenience of climbing holes before, I put away all the magic pets. But neither the Queen of Blades nor the Ghost was my magic pet, but just a creature, so I didn't throw them into Fenglong space, just let them follow me. Just after coming out of the hole below, I didn't even react to it. I was taken to the sky by the ghost. It wasn't until then that I remembered that the Queen of the Blade was still not coming up.

"What shall we do now?"

"What to do? Go down and save people!" I directly broke the hand of the ghost and turned in the air and dived directly towards the ground. When the ghost saw that I was down, I had to dive down.

When we dived down, the ground was already in a mess. However, the situation is completely different from our imagination. It is not that the people around them are besieging the Blade Queen, but that they are fighting themselves. Of course, the Queen of the Blade was not idle, and there was a large group of people around her who were fighting her, and the crowd outside was also a mess, and they didn't know who was playing who.

"What's the matter?"

"I don't know!" The ghost looked at me again and looked at the ground, then pointed at the Queen of the Blade: "The blade seems to be surrounded."

I nodded and said, "As long as not all of these people stare at her, it's okay. You can cooperate with the blade to withdraw from the combat range. I'll go outside and grab a tongue to see what's going on. We will go outside the theater according to communication Device coordinates merge. "


After separating from the ghost, I flew directly to the periphery of the battle array, and n was basically there. Although it is also possible to find players by grasping the tongue, after all, the loss caused by death and degradation in the game is too small, and many people will desperately fight against death, so instead of grabbing a player with n lives to force a confession, it is better to find n. Easy, at least people will not be as afraid of death as players.

After successfully flying to the edge of the battlefield, I didn't care which side was on which side, anyway, they were all mixed up, no one except them knew who was hitting who. Randomly grabbed two humanoid senior commanders out of the battlefield, and then threw them directly to the ground. The first thing the guys wanted to do after they landed was not to bother me, but to fight each other when they got up. Seeing that they were so belligerent, I couldn't help it. I went up and kicked them all down.

"Can you be quiet now?"

The two n's now also know that I'm terrific, and one said yes.

Seeing that they were finally quiet, I looked closely at these two n, but after my observation, these two seem to be completely different from the local army.

One of the two n's I caught was a humanoid monster that was nearly four meters tall and was as long as a human stick insect, while the other was simply a snowman. To say that this stickworm-like creature is a local resident here, I really believe it, after all, this thing looks like a bug, and there are all kinds of strange bugs in the tropical rain forest. It can meet a little me who grows like this Nothing strange. However, although the Zerg is not strange, the other snowman with white hair and a polar bear looks strange here. Although the snowman is not like a snowman from a snowdrift, it will melt when the temperature rises, but they are also cold zone creatures. It is strange to be comfortable in a place like a tropical rain forest. However, the other side appeared here, and before I caught him, I saw a large area of ​​his kind nearby.

One of these two creatures belongs to this tropical rain forest, and the other comes from the extreme cold, but they come together, which is undoubtedly a very confusing problem. In fact, the weird race here is far more than just these two n. During the flight, I have at least a dozen species of geographically representative creatures. They almost do not belong to the tropical rain forest, but they all appear in It was a joy to play here.

"I have some doubts and I don't understand, and you two might be able to solve my troubles." I stood in front of the two n and said, "If you can cooperate with me honestly and help me answer what I want to know, then in I will release you after asking. But if you don't cooperate, then I have to kill you, then turn around and go back and catch two unlucky guys back until I know what I want to know. You two want Be a corpse, or a good captive to answer questions? "

"Good captive, good captive. We don't want to be corpses!" This time the two captives answered very neatly. After all, under my deterrent attribute, it is difficult for n with any level but a thousand levels to be truly fearless. And as long as they're afraid, it's easy.

After confirming that the mental defenses of these two guys had completely collapsed, I began to ask what I wanted to know. "First question. What are you doing here?"

"Grab the mine." The two captives almost shouted out together, which also proved that the answer was true and reliable. After all, they were enemies before, and it was impossible to join together to make confessions. Besides, they had no time for the Seal of the Throne to confess.

"What mine do you come to grab?"

"Blackstone (don't know)" The answers from the two guys were obviously different this time. Black Stone shouted from the stick insect, while Snowman said he didn't know.

The two guys apparently stumbled after answering differently, and then the snowman cried with a crying face: "I don't know! I didn't lie to you!"

"Okay, stop." I kicked the snowman who tried to come and hug my thigh for mercy, and pointed at the stick insect: "What is the black stone you said?"

Stickworm replied with some hesitation: "In fact, I don't know what Blackstone is, and even the name of Blackstone is my own name. I don't know what it is, I only know that it is a black stone. And it ’s easy to break if you knock hard. The cross section of the stone is generally reflective, and the black and black are very beautiful. Except for these I do n’t know what it is, I have seen a few boxes in total. ” The stick insect seemed to say something to him: "Oh yes, I also heard that this black stone is very valuable. I know so much."

I do n’t have any doubts about stick insects. Such low-level n can rarely lie in front of me. First, the deterrent attribute makes them dare not resist me. Second, this low-level n on the battlefield itself is not high in intelligence. Few can come up with any ghost ideas. . If it is the elite senior n in the city, then it may be uncertain. Those guys are a lot smarter than the players.

According to the information obtained now, these people should all be mad, and this ore should be a black stone. As for this black stone itself is a natural element or a raw ore that needs to be refined, this must be confirmed after receiving a sample. However, at least one thing I can confirm for now is that stick insects say that this thing is very valuable and it is absolutely true, otherwise people on the Snowman side are unlikely to run here to grab mines from thousands of miles away.

Seeing that I was thinking there, Xue Xue next thought that I was going to fight him. After all, he just said that he didn't know, but the stick insect answered a lot of things, so he worried that I would kill him. I have to say that the extreme environment is very exciting, even the snowman. Under the threat of death, he finally thought of something he forgot.

"I remember, I remember." The snowman suddenly jumped up.

I slapped the guy back again with a slap, and then cursed, "What's your name?"

The slapped snowman quickly squatted back to the ground and explained, "I remember. Although I don't know what ore to grab, I have heard before that the ore is going to be taken back to build a spaceship."

"Spaceship?" The image of a space battleship suddenly popped into my head, but I quickly overthrew the idea myself. Anyway, "Zero" is still a game based on mythology. Even if there are some science and technology that can be applied here, it will not make a space battleship, which is too exaggerated.

Sure enough, the snowman then added: "It's the kind of big sailboat, just like a ship in the sea, but it can fly in the sky, and it doesn't need long slurry, but is driven by something like a spinning windmill."

I know that what he said should be a propeller. As for the spaceship, it should be something similar to an inflatable airship. However, after describing the snowman, I quickly had a problem. "Are you sure there are no balloons on top of the ship?"

The snowman said with some fear: "I don't know. Maybe because the boat has not been completed, it has not been installed, or it may not have existed anyway. Anyway, the boat I see is like a boat in the sea, there are no balloons. Oh yes The sail of that spaceship is also very strange. It is not mounted on the ship, but is mounted on both sides of the hull like a bird. It can also be controlled by a cable to fan like a bird's wings, but only slowly. "

"How do you know that thing is not a seaship but a spaceship?"

"I heard from a shipbuilding worker. At that time my company was assigned to guard the big ship under construction, and then I was curious to ask a worker why he was building a ship on the 6th floor. The place where they built the ship was closest to the neighborhood The surface of the water is tens of kilometers away, even if the ship is built, it will not be transported. Later, the worker said that he did not know why he built the ship here, but he said that they heard the foreman say that the ship was not used for water. It ’s flying in the sky, but it ’s flying in the sky. Later we simply called it a spaceship. ”

"What else do you know besides these?"

"And that's all!"

"Very well, you can be free ... forever." As I finished, the captives had been swallowed by Lilith, who had just appeared.

"They are grabbing mines, what should we do?" Lilith asked.

I turned and looked in the direction of the battlefield: "Of course, first figure out what kind of mine it is."

"But didn't that guy say they didn't know before? I guess these little soldiers wouldn't know except a few main leaders ~"

"Then let's catch a big boss and ask."

On the battlefield, personnel from various forces are frantically fighting, but although it is a scuffle, the levels are clearly divided. The soldiers are fighting with the soldiers, and the bosses can only fight with the bosses.

Because the combat effectiveness of the bosses is significantly higher than that of the soldiers, the battlefield of the bosses is naturally one of the most exaggerated battlefields in light and shadow effects. From the sky, I can see that continuous light at a glance. On the battlefield, who made their attack special effects so exaggerated?

"Blade, ghost, where are you?"

"Three hundred meters ahead of your left."

"Come to me right away, and I will give you the task."

[... The nineteenth chapter of the nineteenth volume of the novel delivered to the door is the fastest text update ...] a! !!

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