Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 131: Blocked mining

Volume Nineteen One Hundred and Thirteen

With my call, the ghost and the queen of the blade soon appeared beside me, but it was more tangled that these two guys came with a group of people who chased them down.

"I rely, I asked you to come over to take on the task, but I didn't ask you to pull the enemy over!"

"We don't want to!" The Queen Blade complained helplessly: "They don't know how to do it, just stare at us!"

I glanced at the crowd, and then suddenly noticed a guy standing at the end of the crowd following me, and then I understood everything. "Look over there."

Following my finger, both the Queen of the Blade and the ghost noticed the person I was pointing at, and then the two guys who were not weaker than the player's intelligence also reacted.

The guy I am referring to doesn't have any special looks or gorgeous equipment. The only difference between him and those around him is that we have just met him, in the hole before the collapse. He was the last one to run away. The ghost smashed the hole just to kill him, but it seemed that this guy ran out again. If it wasn't for his ability to evade the pursuit of missiles, it would be that he has resurrection skills. In short, this guy who should have been hung up and buried in the ground is now appearing on the ground, and seems to be living well.

Seeing that guy show up, don't guess and know what this group of people are doing.

"Ghost, go and block those guys. Queen Blade, go and grab a boss and cross-examine."

"Grab the boss?"

"Just the group over there, whoever it is, just grab one."

"This kind of thing will take you a few times before you can get it done? Why should I go?"

"Stupid! The opponents are very weak compared to us. If they see me here, they must know that Frost Rose League is coming in. They must know that they are not our guild opponents, so as long as they are not too Stupid, I will unite against us first, and by then I will be more than ten times more difficult.

"Oh, I see." The blade queen turned quickly towards the group of big bosses who were still fighting, and then suddenly bulged a large mass of liquefied metal from her shoulders. The liquefied metal continued to grow and stretched, and finally formed Got a short cannon-like thing. "President, can you just grab someone here?"

"Of course. But what are you doing with a cannon?"

"This is a catcher, not a cannon, you will understand as soon as you see it." Blade said, he locked the target on one of the big bosses, and then only heard a muffled sound, a rather large metal ball Suddenly flew out, and rushed to the back of one of the big heads with a lightning degree, and immediately after the guy was about to hit the guy, the metal group suddenly burst open and turned into a huge metal net.

As a director of the largest guild in South America, Habu can be regarded as one of the most powerful local people. The confrontation with the leaders of the guilds who did not know where to get the information to grab the mine just now has made him more confident in this. The leaders who came to grab the mine are really powerful, but He is the middle of the uncle. There is basically nothing so strong as to make him feel irresistible, which makes him convinced that his combat effectiveness is indeed proud. However, just as he was fighting with his opponent with confidence, he suddenly showed that his opponent's expression was a bit wrong, and he seemed to see something that surprised him.

As a strong master, Habu's battlefield response will naturally not be too weak. The moment he saw his opponent's slow action because of surprise, he immediately rushed up in excitement, but did not wait for his shot, and suddenly opened a large net behind him to wrap him in, and then the large net tightened and was suddenly suddenly A great force pulled back. Habu struggled desperately in the net, but everything was just futile. This **** net is so strong, it feels like a cage made of metal instead of a net, but this thing can be bent, no matter how it is folded, it is constant.

The bundled Harbu, like a wild boar, screamed and was dragged in front of me, then the big net was loosened, and before Harbu reacted, a bag was put on him, and he was directly packed and transported out of the battlefield.

Carrying this constantly struggling guy out of the chaotic battlefield, I waited until we found an open space away from the battlefield before I let this guy down. In order for the other party to cooperate, the interrogation cannot be carried out by me, so the Queen of Blades has become the best candidate for interrogation. Most of my magic pets are too famous, and I am not suitable for this.

After I hid it, the queen of the blade pulled the cloth bag on the guy's head, and the ghost returned before that, just taking over my position, so that the guy couldn't hide from the quantity.

As soon as the cloth bag was pulled off, the guy jumped up from the ground, shouting the collision skills and hit the ghost. But the result was accompanied by a sound of Jinming like a bell, and at the same time the guy was immediately rebounded back, rolled out all the way seven or eight meters before holding a big tree stopped. No matter how light materials are used, after all, ghosts are human-shaped creatures made up of a lot of metal. Besides, people are also over two meters tall. Even an ordinary person can reach such a mass without being bumped by anyone. Besides, the ghost is still a solid iron cymbal. It must be measured in tons based on its own weight. That guy is not Powerful warriors are called ghosts if they can really hit them.

Looking at the guy who was bumped by himself over there, the ghost walked straight up and lifted him up, and then directly threw it back to the previous position.

Although Habu was still proud of his fighting ability before, he had the advantage that some people did not have, that is, his thoughts changed particularly quickly. It's good to say that it's flexible and adaptable. If you don't like it, it's not firm, and you like to see the wind to make the rudder. After the impact, he changed his viewpoint decisively, and immediately surrendered to the ghost, and behaved like a trained hound, which was honest.

"Why don't you resist?" Ghost looked in amazement at the guy who had just taken the opportunity to attack, but now suddenly turned into a very honest guy.

As soon as Habu listened to the other party's question, he quickly answered, "I have fully realized your great strength, and it is right to surrender before the strong."

"You want to drive." The ghost wanted to say something more, but was stunned by the Queen of Blades.

"Tell me, what resources are you doing so hard for here?" After grabbing the ghost, the blade queen went straight to the question and asked. Ghost's response is obviously not quite right recently. When he just came out of the laboratory, he seemed quite dumb, but in recent hours his words began to become more and more, like a dull guy in a few hours. The inside has become a mouth-watering playboy, and this change is quite surprising. Of course, the Queen of Blades didn't notice this situation. The reason why she would go to pull the ghost is that I reminded her with a communicator.


The guy just said a word, the Queen of Blades, and said, "I advise you to think about it. We only know the information is not complete, not completely. If you dare to mislead us with wrong information, I will let you know what it is regrettable."

Upon hearing this, Habu nodded quickly, and then seriously answered: "We came here to grab the pumice ore, but we didn't know where the news was leaked. As a result, so many lines came to us to grab things. Information of the mining area It was bought by our guild and I don't know how to do it ... "

The guy seemed to be quite dissatisfied with the leak and complained as soon as he opened his mouth, but I have no interest in the following information. The only thing that can keep my attention is pumice stones. The snowmen in the two n we caught before said that this type of ore was used to build a spaceship, and now this guy has confirmed that this type of ore is a pumice ore, and it is not difficult to draw the correct conclusion under the two corresponding certificates.

To be honest, I didn't expect that there would be pumice ore in this place. You must know that pumice is definitely not a high-yielding resource, even if it is a scarce resource. Besides, the pumice stone is not like any fine gold or Mithril. As long as a few grams are added, the magic and physical properties of the equipment can be changed. The only function of pumice stone is levitation, so it can only be used to reduce the weight of the equipment, or Simply use it a lot to get something flying directly. However, the support force produced by pumice per unit mass is limited, and this ratio is quite low, so if you just want to lighten your armor, it ’s good to say, but if you intend to make a piece of equipment Flying with you, the amount must be calculated. Therefore, once pumice is used, its amount will be very large. However, its output is just like gold, which is often dozens of grams and hundreds of grams. That point is enough to remodel a piece of flying equipment. If you want to do something else, you do n’t want to do it for three or five years. miss you.

After confirming that the guy was not lying, I asked Queen Blade to ask again: "Do you know the exact location of the mine?"

"It was underground in the place where we just fought, but there was a hole there. Unfortunately, I do n’t know why it collapsed. I guess it was a good thing for those guys. We came late and saw the first one There will be people in that burrow. "

Needless to say, the group of people this guy saw should be the ones we killed, and according to him, isn't that floating corpse mine in the nest of the prison snake? Really, knowing why we're still out? But there are pioneers anyway, and it should be very fast to dig a hole.

Now that we know where the mine is buried, it will not make sense to fight with these guys. We are not here to find someone to fight. Immediately after the blade was stunned by that guy, I immediately summoned the Blazers and Rose Vine to start digging back. Of course, the entrance was sealed after we entered, lest anyone use the hole we dug to follow up.

It is said that although the trailblazers and rose vines are good at burrowing, it is not easy to find the cave we left before under the ground. When we came out before, we didn't have to look at the road at all, just dig up, but we would have trouble finding it from the ground down. That crypt is just below the battlefield. We can't go down a vertical well in the middle of the battlefield. We can only dig down obliquely from where we are now. However, it is actually not easy to ensure the direction of the channel under the ground. Digging will often lead to deviations, and the final result of such deviations may be ...

"I rely, what's the situation?" Looking at the underground river in front of me, I was stupid. "Hey, Blazers, where did you dig?"

The Blazers desperately defended in the connection of the mind. I also knew that he couldn't blame him, so I didn't say much, I could only let him dig back. Unlike a regular large excavator, although the trailblazer is also good at digging holes, but he is a creature after all, so he can't even penetrate stones and everything like an excavator. During the digging process, the trailblazer will almost instinctively avoid the hard materials such as rocks and try to choose the softer part to open the hole. In this avoidance process, the trailblazer will be like a person walking through the forest, because the constant Avoid the trees ahead and end up off course. Although the trailblazer who relies on his strong sense of direction will not make mistakes from east to west, but the channel he dug out is not a straight line after all, what is missing in this process is completely understandable. Besides, making holes in the ground is not like walking on the ground. The space under the ground is three-dimensional. Even if you are aligned, you may pass through the target from above or below because of the depth problem.

Although the process of opening the road backwards again could not prevent the Blazers from deviating again, but this time I learned smart. In addition to letting the Blazers dig holes in the front, I also summoned the peppers. Pepper's mental force field can penetrate a certain thickness of soil layer, which is equivalent to invisibly widening the hole dug by the pioneer. As long as the trailblazer can keep the general direction, once we wipe from the vicinity of the target, as long as we don't have the sensing range of the pepper, we can immediately see the cave.

Sure enough, luck was much better this time. The Blazers dug as soon as they dug the pepper. "Stop, I felt the underground cavity, and dug down to the left, only about 20 meters away from us."

The trailblazers turned immediately after hearing, and after pushing forward for 20 meters, the trailblazers really penetrated a large hole. After retracting the trailblazers and rose vines, we finally returned to the previous crescent hole, but the entrance now It's at the top of the cave. If we would all fly, how to go down would be really troublesome.

The guy who provided information previously said that although the ore is in this cave, we didn't know the specific location, but we still got a move. Fortunately, we know that pumice is a black thing like coke. This feature is still It is relatively easy to recognize. After letting Xiaochun arrange the lighting, I released a lot of Death Guards and Kirin Warriors to help find mines. Of course, their main job was to clear out the big cave that collapsed, because that side is also part of the cave, and the pumice mine may be buried below. The **** is very high. Besides, before I asked Lilith to clean up the corpses, the treasure hole collapsed before it was cleared, so it was very necessary to clear it out.

Originally, this workload was quite large, but fortunately we have many people and there is no shortage of large-scale construction equipment (a few dragons), so the excavation work is quite fast. However, the problem still arises.

Pumice mines soon became apparent, but problems arose. I originally planned to dig back a little bit after the present thing, but fortunately the pepper is nearby, otherwise it is really troublesome. When I was about to dig for luck, Chili suddenly reminded that the back of the ore was the riverbed of the underground river we dug before, because this cave is much lower than the underground river, so once the ore is mined , The river water will immediately pour into the cave here. Although many of my pets have the ability to survive underwater, mining under water is definitely not that easy.

After all, my magic pets are just magic pets. They exist for fighting or supporting battles. It is no problem to temporarily open a mine for investigation, but you ca n’t use them as miners, right? Besides, after our research, this mining area should belong to the kind of relatively nasty large-capacity bulk ore. The total amount of useful pumice is high, but the distribution area is very large. Most of the excavated in the unit volume will be useless stones The useful pumice content is extremely low. The annoying thing about this kind of mining area is that the mining volume is huge. You can't simply extract the pumice, you can only dig out the nearby rocks, and then divide the ore beneficiation and finally process the pumice. This series of procedures itself is very complicated. Not to mention that the extra mined stones will greatly increase the workload. In addition, the area of ​​this mining area is so large. The entire mining process will certainly not be a day or two. It's almost a month after mining.

The long mining time of the Seal of the Seal of God has determined that I definitely cannot use the magic pet to mine. It is also not necessary. Even if everyone has a helmet with underwater breathing function to dig into the water, without equipment assistance, this mining rate will definitely be more than half. Besides, how do you use tools to dig a stone when it is suspended in water? Swinging a pickaxe and a shovel won't help you in the water at all. Explosives can't be used underwater, otherwise the whole mine will definitely collapse.

Even if the mining equipment and the time of the Seal of Throne are not taken into account, once the mining area is permeable, mud alone can annoy people. As long as you start mining under the water, you will irritate the water, and the sediment suspended in the water cannot fall to the ground as quickly as the dust in the air, and it will definitely be filled with mud, let alone. After mining, I accidentally knocked the tool on someone's head and couldn't see it.

Looking at such a large pumice mine can't even dig. This is just a cat watching the fish on the plate and not letting it eat. Isn't this deliberately killing people? For a moment, I couldn't think of a way. I simply started the communicator and contacted the **** of war. The three tanners still have a Zhuge Liang. It is a waste to use the think tank in the guild.

[... Chapter 131 of Volume Nineteenth is the fastest to update the text of the blocked mining novel ...] a! !!

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