Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 133: Drug labor

Volume 19 Chapter 133 Drug Labor Exchange

"Hell alive. Why can't you find it? The guy said that waterfall is right here?"

After a short period of time, the flight of the throne of the Seal of God was lucky to have successfully carried me up the river and up the road to the waterfall called Habu. However, no matter how we look for it, there is no existence that can be supported as a base. In order to find this so-called base, we even used a WoW lair as their base entrance. Of course, the WoW rushed out were lucky to be grilled with skewers. The only problem was that the base was still not found.

"Ask where is that guy's entrance?" I can't bear it anymore. I can only ask lucky to ask Habu.

Fortunately, I could only helplessly answer my request: "But that guy has passed out."

"Some way."

"That's okay." Fortunately, he glanced at Habu who had completely fainted on his claws, and then shook it desperately. As a result, how could the guy be fainted and fainted. The shaking method was invalid, but luckily landed directly on the river, and then pressed the guy into the river with one paw.

A person instinctively struggles when drowning. This is the survival instinct, which has a higher priority than any dizziness, so Habu, who was just pressed into the water and drank a large mouthful of river water, immediately struggled. Fortunately, the guy started to move and lifted him directly to the shore.

"Hey, aren't you dead?" I jumped off my lucky head, and then gently kicked Habu, who was lying dead on the bank of the river.

Habu, who got up after being kicked by me twice before humming, looked around first, and then realized that he was all water. Struggling in the river before was an instinctive reaction, but his thinking hasn't slowed down.

"President Ziri?"

"Here is the waterfall you said. Where is your guild headquarters? We've all flown in the sky, why can't we see it?"

Habu was still a little confused for a while, then he responded and pointed at the waterfall: "Behind the waterfall, passing through the middle of the waterfall is a cave. But we usually go in from the side path, but that path It ’s only suitable for people to walk. Your dragon is too big to enter through the waterfall. ”

"Fuck, it turns out to be a curtain of water!"

After hearing Habu's words, we finally knew why the entrance could not be found for a long time. After half a day, the entrance was actually behind the waterfall. If it was not known in advance, most people would not think about this.

After knowing the place, I jumped directly to Lucky. Then Lucky picked up the hab still sitting on the ground, and then flapped his wings suddenly and rushed towards the waterfall. There is also a difference between a waterfall and a waterfall. The waterfall hidden in the guild headquarters of Habu is just a small waterfall with a small height and width, just the width just lucky.

After approaching the waterfall, luck did not rush in directly, but adjusted the body to align the abdomen with the rock wall and fanned the wings a few times to offset the impact. When the degree almost disappeared, the wings were retracted and the claws were used to hold the back rock. After reaching his head and looking at the entrance, he got lucky and drilled into the hole.

The space inside the cave is relatively wide, but it is wet all over, especially near the entrance of the cave is covered with moss. If it is not fortunate that the claws are sharper, they can be among the rocks. Almost all of them are on this kind of ground. Inability to stabilize the body.

"This is your headquarters? Why is there no one?" I asked, puzzled, looking at the empty cave.

The following Habu hurriedly said, "People are in the underground city below. This is only an emergency exit. Generally, we people rarely go here."

"Why are there other exits for us to drill the waterfall?"

"No, the exit is just this one. Our people generally use a teleportation array to get in and out. The exit here is full of Warcraft lairs, so we rarely go out from here."

To tell the truth, when we were looking for a cave, we just turned around and found a Warcraft lair. We can see how much the density of Warcraft has reached here. Whether in reality or in games, South America is indeed an animal paradise.

"Take me to see your president, this ghost place is even wetter than the bathhouse!" I wiped the water off my face and put the mask down. This ghost place is like a sauna with air-conditioning The room was full of water mist, but it was terribly cold.

After hearing my complains, Harb explained the way forward: "This place is close to the waterfall, and it ’s impossible to get wet. Our people also feel that this place is too wet, so we do n’t build a guild station here, but instead The main body of the guild has been repaired, and this side is only used as an emergency exit. It will not be wet after a while. "

The Doge Alliance, the guild of Hab, is not far from the cave where we are now. Push forward a short distance from where we landed, then turn a thunderbolt into a large vertical hole. The top of this big hole should have been a patio, but I do n’t know if it was artificial or formed naturally. Anyway, it is already overgrown with dense plants. You can only see some banquet sunlight from various vine plants and Projected down the gap formed by the stomped trunk.

The bottom part of the cave is completely bottomless, the depth is at least in kilometers, and I suspect that there is a magma layer below, because standing here can feel the obvious hot air coming from below, and the waterfall part in front is caused by Water vapor is also just because the hot air scours here are all sprayed out from the hole at the top. It is estimated that this is why the Dogege Union can repair the city in the cave behind.

The channel we entered earlier entered from one side of the vertical well, and the cave where the headquarters of the Doge Alliance is located is just opposite the vertical well, with a span of almost thirty meters between the two. This is exactly what the vertical well is. diameter. However, we do n’t need to fly over. There is a cable bridge made of plant cane between the openings on both sides. People can walk over it, just be careful when passing, because there is no bridge board on the cable bridge. Certain balance.

The entrances to the caves on both sides of the vertical well are obviously not the same. Fortunately, the side where we came in can take up the wings and walk through it without any effort. The entrances on the opposite side are significantly smaller. I originally planned to use lucky earthquakes to get off the ground. Just because of the size of this entrance, I had to take him back first, and then I followed Habu into the cave alone.

"Hab, who are you? Bring them to the headquarters?" We just came to the cave and just met two people coming out of the hole. The man was obviously at odds with Hab, and he didn't seem to know me. Stubble of cloth. However, although this guy doesn't know me, the people behind him obviously know me. The man saw me for a moment, and then he was scared by the words of the person next to him. He rushed up and covered the guy's mouth and dragged back. Although he wanted to help, the guy didn't intend to show affection. After being suddenly covered by his mouth, he overturned the man, then turned and scolded, "Don't you know who is the boss? How dare you stop me?" Do n’t you want to confuse? ”The guy turned around and pointed at Habu ’s nose and cursed:“ Do n’t think that the president likes you and you can climb on my head and tell you that our Dogeger Alliance is not one The little guild that people have the final say, the president must also accept everyone's opinions. Your idiot who can only make fun of me will kick you out of the guild sooner or later. "It seems that this guy is still out of breath after scolding Habu, He actually put his hand on my helmet again to scold, but ...

Woo ... pop ... A sudden clear current sound accompanied by a dazzling spark, the guy who was not in the same direction as Habu felt as if he felt a high voltage of 5 million kilovolts and was instantly struck by the current. When he went out, the whole person was flying all the way and discharging towards the surrounding ground and walls all the way, until he fell into the cave inside and aroused a scream.

Looking at the stupid looking at my Habu and the person the guy just brought out, I have to explain it. "Don't look at me, it's his own unlucky touch on the counterattack property on the armor. I can't control this kind of thing. As long as it is hostile, the touch may be agitated, regardless of the strength of the attack. But ... he should thank that Road current. If the revenge is not excited, I promise he will only be worse now. "

As the world ’s most powerful leader, the world ’s most powerful guild president, and the only player who can participate in the struggle of the interests of the Protoss, my status is not in any way a small guild leader in this anarchic zone. Than. Just because he just dared to put his claws on my helmet, I have every reason to shoot. Even if you don't kill him, at least you have to be a pig. Now just being charged, it is definitely a big deal for him.

When I finished the explanation, the person who came out with that guy also reacted. He quickly stuttered and explained: "President Ziri, I just came out with the guy just now, we are not familiar." Said It seemed that he was afraid I would not believe it. Now that Habu was next to him, he suddenly thought that I was coming in with Habu, so he hurriedly said, "I do n’t believe you ask Habu.

"I'm not in charge of whether or not you are all the way. Take me to see your president. If possible, call up all the people in your guild. I have a business talk with you."

"No problem." This guy was obviously better than Habu. He answered directly: "I'll go and gather the main leaders in the guild." After he said to Habu, "Habu, you first bring purple The president of the day went to the conference room for a break, and we will be there soon. "

Watching the guy run away like a smoke, Habu hurriedly took me to the meeting room of their guild.

Immediately after passing through the opening, the surrounding environment entered my view. As the entrance of this hole is higher than the inside, a small platform is built at the entrance of the hole. There are steps on both sides of the platform to go down to the ground inside the hole, but now the railings facing the edge of the platform are twisted like twists. . When the guy just flew in, he obviously bumped into the railing, then turned to the ground below, and seemed to hit people. Now there are many people talking below, but the guy obviously said hello before After seeing me, I didn't panic or ran up to find trouble after seeing me. Instead, I bowed slightly to me to show politeness, and then gave up my way automatically. Now I am even more sure that the guy who just left is definitely very experienced, and even thought of such small details.

After seeing the people below give way, Habu said nothing and led me directly to the conference room. Because the total area of ​​the cave was small, the meeting room arrived soon. This place is called a conference room, which is actually a small room cut out of the wall of the big cave. It has a lot of Tengyi furniture in it. It looks like that. Unfortunately, this conference room has a door. None of them, lowered the grade virtually.

The guild is small and the guild is small. The guy who left in less than five minutes called their president, deputy president, and several guild leaders. Except the guy who was stunned by me. After the treatment, the people who spoke in this guild were basically in order.

"Hello, President Ziri. I'm Ye Da, the president of the Dogege Alliance. I heard that you want to negotiate business with us. I don't know what it is?"

To my surprise, the president of the Dogege Alliance turned out to be a woman, and it was a bit surprising to be thin. Although she is more exaggerated than the Indian chief, even if she wears a huge feather crown on her head, her total height is definitely only one meter six. If that crown is removed, I guess she can have one meter five That's great.

"Are you the president here?"

The other person seemed to be prepared when she heard my question. She immediately explained: "You know, witch doctor is a sacred profession with us. I can become a witch doctor. You should understand that I assume the position of chairman. There is no doubt at all. No one in the tribe dares to resist the witch doctor. Even if there is a tribal war, the witch doctor will never be killed. With this status, it doesn't make much difference whether I become president or not. "

"Are you often asked such questions by others?"

"No, you are the first." The other party said, "The reason why I understand your doubts is because I know people like you from a civilized society." She paused for a while before saying: " I actually went to your country to study. "

"Our country? Have you been to China? In reality?"

Ye Da nodded proudly: "Although we have been in the chaos here, you can't deny that there are occasionally smart people here. I used to learn from China in the past because of a cooperation project of the Longyuan Group. Opportunity. In fact, I have lived in China for five years, and I do n’t know you much about the civilized world. I know that in the propaganda of you advanced countries, we are all described here as ignorant and backward, but please do n’t We look at it as barbarians. We are also part of the civilized world. At least you can see in the game that we have a very high level of electricity. Monkeys will not use gaming helmets! "

Ye Da's words have a strong meaning of self-deprecation and ridicule. On the one hand, they lament their backwardness, and on the other hand, they are ironic that we do not regard them as part of the civilized world. However, what she said is indeed true. Nowadays, European and Asian countries basically treat some South American and African countries as primitive people. Although these countries actually already have a considerable part of their industrial production capacity, because these countries are far behind in comparison to Asia and Europe and North America, the citizens of the countries in question basically despise the citizens of these countries. .

Knowing that the other party was in a bad mood, I had to shift the subject and relax the atmosphere. "What did you study after living in China for five years?"

"Traditional Chinese medicine." Ye Da also seemed to know that I shouldn't say this to me, so as soon as I changed the subject, I immediately followed my tone and said, "I am the chief's daughter, and I was selected as a tribe when I was very young. Witch doctor, so I chose Chinese medicine in the cooperation plan. In fact, many of the treatment methods used by Chinese medicine in your country and our witch doctor are very similar, especially the two systems rely on natural animals and plants to make medicinal materials. It ’s just that our witch doctors are much worse than traditional Chinese medicine because of the lack of written inheritance and the slow development of the system and the imperfect system. "

I smiled and said, "Traditional Chinese medicine is divided into many disciplines. What do you study?"

"I mainly learn acupuncture and massage. Food, medicine and weapons are more valuable than gold here. The equipment and medicines of Western medicine have been here for a long time. What we lack most here is equipment and medicine. "With a box of silver needles, I can treat many diseases, which is more precious than anything here."

When I heard her, I suddenly thought of a cooperation method. "If I say I can get you a lot of medicines in reality and promise to deliver them to you, can you do something for me?"

"Do you really mean it?" Ye Da almost reached me in front of me. I thought she was going to fight me.

"Medicines are precious to you, but that's not a problem for me, and I happen to have channels to help you get through."

"As long as you can get the medicine, let us do anything."

"I don't need you to do anything complicated. It's about the pumice mine you have now ..."

"It's for you." Ye Da yelled out before I finished speaking.

"Please, I have already found the mine. You haven't found where the mine is now. What made you give it to us? Is that what we have now?"

Ye Da didn't bother to worry about other things when she heard about the medicine ~ ~ When she heard that it wasn't this request, she said immediately: "Okay, say your request."

"I have the ore now, but it is a low-quality mine with large reserves and a large area. If we mine it by ourselves, the input and output are seriously inconsistent, so I hope you can help us protect the mine and mine ore. I will use technology The equipment and some technicians are transported here, they are responsible for the more troublesome parts, and you are responsible for your efforts. Is this a requirement not troublesome? "

"No trouble, but how much medicine can you provide for this?"

I thought for a moment: "At most one container, how much can be loaded."

"What kind?"

"In addition to the types of prohibited exports and some extremely expensive specialty drugs, you can choose whatever you want. I will be responsible for purchasing and packaging for you."

"The deal."

[... Chapter 133 of Volume Nineteenth is the fastest update of the text for changing labor ...] a! !!

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