Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 134: Too much information is not good

Volume 19 Chapter 134 Too much information is not a good thing

After reaching an agreement with Yeda, there is no technical content for the next things. It is nothing more than discussing the content of medicines, the specific quantity, the specific time of the goods, the throne of the seal and the place to take over. After clearing all these things, the contact with the army **** was just connected.

"The person you want has arrived, where have you gone?"

"I'm talking to people about business. I'll be there in a minute. You ask them to wait there first. Be careful not to hit the assault boat. The battle is going on and they will be involved!"

"You are reminded late!" Said the army **** helplessly: "Our people have already fought with them."

"What?" I got up from my seat.

Yeda, they can see me covering my ears and speaking there, and there are many people who know about the communicator in our bank, so they didn't show any strange expressions, just suddenly saw me With such a big response, he asked politely, "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"The technicians I prepared for you fought with those who came to grab the mine."

"That gang of people are crazy? Frost Rose League also dare to grab the stuff?" Habu this guy is absolutely world-class in making flattery, he can shoot anytime, anywhere.

"The system does not stipulate that our guild cannot be grabbed!" I said helplessly: "Well, don't say it for the time being, I have to check the situation first, I hope not to lose too much, as well as you Hurry up for the preparations. You start the work one day earlier, and I will prepare the medicine for you one day, so the degree of drug arrival depends on your efficiency. So, I will pass first. "

"Wait a minute." I was leaving before seeing me. The guy in charge of informing the guild had come to the meeting to stop me quickly. "If it's not troublesome, you'd better bring Habu? We also need a contact person."

I turned my head to look at Habu, who immediately turned pale. This guy just came back here and vowed that he would never sit and fly again in his life. This would call him a contact person. Does this have to fly with me again? But ... what does it matter to me?

"Okay, habu, you lie with me."

"Ah I……"

"The throne of time and the seal of the seal of God is urgent. Don't let it go. We need to fly back as soon as possible."

"Fly back? As soon as possible?"

"Yes, don't talk about it, just go with me." Regardless of Habu's embarrassed expression, I just grabbed him and ran out. Although Habu desperately struggled, but the basic strength of the two of us was really too poor, so I still dragged him to run fast.

I ran out of the small hole in one breath as soon as I reached the position of the vertical well. Then I summoned the birds directly, and then I did not prepare a spear for Hab, and pulled him to jump up with me, and then patted Asuka shouted, "Go back to the place we left before. Hurry up a little bit, and hurry up to seal the throne."



The bird flew through the cave in front of it with a long flame, especially the zigzag curve. The bird flying was called coquettish, and the air angled at a large angle. Compared with this, the so-called drift on the car is slag. This is the real drift, while moving while floating, but also with a roll.

Listening to Habu's screaming all the way, the people of the Doge Alliance returned to the headquarters to convene a manpower to take over the mining area, and at this time we had soared twice. Because the distance between the two sides is not very far, in the current degree of flying birds, that is, in the blink of an eye, we are near the target point, and then we see a quite exaggerated scene.

"Fuck, this is the situation of shrimp rice?" The army **** said that it fought over here, so I hurried to hurry here, but what I see after now is ... "How to become a press conference La?"

"Hey? President you are here?" When I saw Asuka in circles around the sky, someone immediately flew up to say hello to me, not to mention that this was still an acquaintance. He is the senior n in our guild. He is usually responsible for Rose as a secretary and part-time bodyguard. He belongs to the type with high intelligence and can play particularly well. Of course, such n is definitely a type that is difficult to recruit.

I nodded my head casually, said hello, and looked at the crowd below and asked, "What's the matter? Didn't you say it started?"

"Oh, it was fighting, but it wasn't we who were fighting those people, but those people who were fighting themselves."

"Are you fighting yourself?"

"Yeah, that's when I hit myself." The rose's secretary quickly explained: "When we were here, they were hitting, and then we saw the monogram below our guild assault boat and we knew it was our guild. People came, and Sister Rose communicated with them for a while, and in the end, this was the case. However, there were a few frictions in the guilds due to the supply of some goods, but they were resolved. "

I nodded my head, and suddenly remembered that Hab's guy was fainting, and had to land on the ground first, and then put the guy on the ground. I ordered the n to take care of me and I went to the rose side, but I could n’t get over because she was surrounded by a large group of people who were arguing about what was going on in the dorm, and the guild that was still playing before you were outside Personnel and n are sitting together for a picnic. I don't know which school organized the outing.

Rose probably saw that I was here, and after a few words with the group, the group of people shouted and moved to a nearby open space to discuss it, and Rose came to me on the opportunity.

"You are ...?" Seeing Rose coming, I pointed out the group of people over there.

Rose didn't care when she walked around, she first gave him a kiss, and then explained with a smile: "Some small guilds, there is no need to be too rigid. These small guilds are not our opponents, but it is still possible to create public opinion. It's not worthwhile to lose our reputation for that little benefit. "

"Then how did you do that? Share some of their ore?"

Rose hung all over my neck, reminding him with a smile while shaking: "Poor scissors!"

When I heard the word, Lima understood it. "Do you want to sell them spaceships?"

The so-called scissors difference refers to a state of trade in international trade. In this transaction mode, the two parties that master the means of production and production technology will have a serious interest gap. The party that produces the means of production can only sell resources at a very low price. To the technical party, and then the technical party can buy the resources at a very low price and process them into high-end products, which in turn can be sold back to the resource-producing country at several times or even tens of thousands of times. In this process, the party that masters the technology is always taking advantage, and selling resources can only suffer.

Pumice ore is a kind of basic resource. At this time, Rose mentioned that this trading mode was nothing more than telling me that she was going to trade with scissors, and our guild was obviously not the party that sold the resources. So the conclusion is simple. Rose is definitely going to sell high-end manufactured goods to these guys, and in the process we can get more benefits. Think again about what the pumice mine can do. The first thing I thought of was to build a spaceship, so I am pretty sure that the meaning of the rose is to sell the spaceship to these little guilds.

When Rose saw it, I guessed and said with a smile: "They want pumice ore to build a spaceship, but their spacecraft is very low-tech. Basically, they build a wooden ship, and then use the buoyancy generated by pumice stones to support the ship. As long as a person knows a little carpenter, they can do it. However, pumice ore needs to be purified. They do not have that technology. If they use natural pumice, the remaining buoyancy will be very low. Even if the ship is large, the carrying capacity is limited. I promise them Help them to build two small and buoyant ships for each guild. The pumice ore is mined by us, and they do not receive their money. The technology and equipment on the ship pay for it themselves, and we help make it. The exchange is that the mining area belongs to us. "

"So they do it too?"

"Hey, please, how about you also care about your wife and my work? Do n’t you know how popular the high-tech equipment of our guild is now? A simplified version of the mirage system, line-of-sight bombardment auxiliary equipment, and of course the most The important magic crystal steam power system, these things are now being sold by our guilds, but they are only available in limited quantities. Those buyers have to break their heads in each auction. This time I promised each guild to sell them two sets. Whether they sell it by themselves or sell it afterwards, it is definitely a huge benefit. As for us ... that is just something down the assembly line. For us, a set of equipment just allows the assembly line to start up for a few more minutes. It's totally drizzle. "

I clicked on Rose's nose and said, "I've been getting worse recently! But I like it."

"As long as you like, I can make it worse." Rose said and jumped from me, then said: "Speaking of business. I want to mine a little bit of pumice ore first and get back to build a few spacecraft to experiment. So I need your pet's help, they dig faster. "

"You just come here for this?"

"Of course it isn't." Rose opened her Fenglong space, and then stretched her body into Fenglong space to find it. After a long time, she pulled her head out of it and returned Handed a bunch of documents as thick as "Sea of ​​Ci" and handed over.

"What is this?" I asked in surprise as I took the file.

Rose smiled proudly: "Your new mission."

I glanced down and found that the cover of the document was blank, but after opening it, it was a big category on the first page. There are four categories: skills, technology, history, resources.

Because there are too few things on the first page, so I ca n’t see them at all. I simply turned back, and now the one on the first page is only the first-level directory, and then there is the second-level directory, and then the third-level directory and The fourth-level directory is the text after the fourth-level directory, but I just looked at it and found the problem. The texts I think are actually not texts, but-introductions. In other words, the thing in my hand which is comparable to "Ci Hai" is just this catalog.

"This thing is this catalog?"

Rose nodded in excitement: "This is what the Weina finally extracted from the core information of the divine power, which has never been seen before. There is actually encrypted content in the core of the divine power. After two After parsing, I got these things. The one in your hand is just a catalog. There are 274,000 originals. Each book is four times thicker than the one in your hand. Some of the more complicated things are impossible. It was recorded in books, so it was simply made into a scroll of inheritance. Now all these things have been sent to Isinger's big book tube, but there are some problems here. "

I reached out and stopped Rose's next words. "Needless to say, I know. The library won't fit, right?"

Rose said helplessly: "It's really too much. We didn't expect to be able to extract so much information, so the library is not enough. But you know, the library is a functional building, not you You can expand if you want to expand, so ... "

"So you took on the task of upgrading the library, but I have to do it, right?"

"How much can those who do!" Rose Zaojiao said, "Who told you to be the president of Frost Rose Alliance?"

"You are not willing to not exhaust me!" I shook my head helplessly: "Well, tell me the task, I'll do it!"

"Hey, it's not a very cumbersome task, but it's just a process. It's drizzle for you." Rose said to me and gave me the root scroll, then asked: "This task also has a joint task, if you can Get a special rating, our guild library can also get a random special attribute, so you have to cheer. "

"As long as the content of the task is not an intelligence test, I guess I can get a perfect score. Then let's pack up the ore here first."

After we talked here, Rose called the congregation presidents who were negotiating there, and then simply signed an agreement with them and signed a system guarantee. These people all evacuated here, after all, they are also outside guilds. It ’s okay to come and grab things, and long-term presence is not realistic.

Soon after those guys left, people from the Doge League also arrived at the scene. Because of the problem with the medicine, they were particularly attentive and unexpectedly quick. Of course, they are fast and we are not slow. First let the steel claws transported this time to help excavate all the previously collapsed channels, then build a fork on the underground river to temporarily divert, and finally seal the original river channel with a watertight door. The work before mining is here Even if basically completed.

After the technical work was done, the rest of the physical work was handed over to the Doge Alliance, and I was commanded to be lucky. They first dug some ore out of the rose and brought it back to the guild.

Rose, as the chief economic officer of our guild, can come here occasionally. It is definitely impossible to squat here for a long time, so she must return to Isinger with me after mining, but we are not in an assault boat, but Is to go back by a bird. The assault boat was too slow, and at that time we all came to Isinger.

After the ore mining was completed, I took the ore and rose and took the bird to the city first, then teleported back to Isinger, handed the ghost and the queen of the blade to Noreen, and after they adjusted, I separated from the rose. Rose took the ore to find the experimental spacecraft on the ship, and I took the task scroll directly to the Isinger Equipment Institute.

As Rose said, the task of library promotion is indeed a process task. In fact, the so-called process tasks are the most common tasks in the novice village to help someone who sends a letter or talk to XX. This kind of task has almost no fighting, or the content of the battle is relatively small. Just follow the prompts step by step. Run it in various places and talk to the designated n, it is definitely as simple as a personal task. However, if it were that simple, Rose wouldn't come to me for a task.

Mission Name: Miracle Library Construction Mission

Objective: Find three books of the world (Book of Throne of Time Seal, Book of Space, Book of Energy) and bring it back to the library that needs to be upgraded

Mission time: 168 hours

In addition to these three lines, the content on this task scroll is only equipped with a map, and nothing else. People who often do tasks know that what they fear most is that the scrolls are too clean. The more you write on the task scroll, the easier the task will be, because at least you have detailed tips, just follow the instructions. The scariest thing is this kind of task scroll with little content, sometimes you don't even know where to start.

I took the scroll and turned it over for a long time, and finally confirmed that the only thing that was useful was the map. But ... "Which **** fucking map is this **** mother?"

I'm really not because of my poor mental quality, but because this map is too painful. The map attached to the scroll is a world map, which is similar to the world map on the wall sold outside, but the area is smaller than that, probably about the size of a 22-inch widescreen display. If you think of a world map drawn on such a large area, how large should that scale be? However, the locations of the three books marked on the map are actually represented by three circles drawn with brushes.

Do you know how much a drop of ink can cover on a world map the size of a 22-inch display? Anyway, the area of ​​the three circles I saw can almost cover half of China ~ ~ Three circles and one piece are almost as big as the whole of Asia. You said that this map is better than writing a book directly on the earth.

Complaining is about complaining, but I still want to find it, but it is obviously not possible to look for it blindly, so I came here.

The Essinger Equipment Research Institute is mainly responsible for the design and sizing of some mechanical systems, so the various equipment here can be said to be the most complete in the guild, because others are responsible for the production equipment.

Although the coordinates on the map have a large range, according to probability, the person drawing the circle should draw according to the correct coordinates, that is to say, the possibility of the target at the center point of the circle is far greater than that of the circle. The marginal part, and the closer to the outside, the less likely it is. Of course, because the circles drawn by hand must have errors, the so-called center point is generally not the target point, but it can be concluded that the target point must not be far from the center point.

Based on the above theory, what I want to do is actually very simple-use the microscope to position the center point as accurately as possible.

[... Chapter 134 of Volume Nineteen is too much information is not a good thing. The text is updated the fastest ...] a! !!

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