Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 135: Isinger loses power

Volume 19 Chapter 135 Essinger has a blackout

Essinger's equipment studies all very high-precision microscopes. Although there is no way to compare them with electron tunnel microscopes in reality, the optical microscopes used in school teaching can still be made. What I need to do now is to find the center point on the map, and not to rebuild the cell. A microscope like this is enough.

After finding the approximate coordinates on the map, I used a special device to find the center point, and then I used the pen knife of the Micro-Engraved Magic Array I borrowed from the Magic Array Institute to point a small point on the map. Use the same method to mark the positions of all three circles, and then it's time to find them.

The nearest circle on the map is less than one hundred kilometers from Isinger's straight line. This is of course the preferred search object. However, only three circles are marked on the map to indicate that the three books are in these three places, but which book corresponds to which one is not mentioned, so it will become a bit troublesome to inquire about things. It was for this reason that Rose asked me to do this task that seemed to be completed by running a leg.

Although I usually show a strong and very good performance, don't forget that my affinity and deterrence attributes for n are much stronger than ordinary people when collecting information. If it is a non-hostile n, then the other party not only tells me everything I know, but sometimes it also actively helps me to contact other n who may know the information to help. If the average player comes to ask the same question, that n is two different things, don't expect to take the initiative to help. If you encounter an n such as hostile or wild monsters, most players will usually fight with the opponent, and then based on the result of the battle, the opponent will often choose to resist or deliberately mislead. Out of my level, he has a high probability to directly tell me what I want to know, and the bigger the gap between the opponent and me, the easier it is to ask the results. Of course, if you encounter n that is more fierce than me, it will still take some effort, but compared to the average player, I will definitely exert less energy than them.

I flew all the way according to the position of the marker on the first circle, and I quickly reached the coordinate point, but this is not a city or a leveling point, so it is really troublesome to ask someone to ask something. Looking at the rolling hills below, I finally landed on the ground first, and then used the old method-find the dead soul and sprinkle crystal powder.

"Dear Lord Lord, may I ask you to wake me up?" An undead inquired very respectfully when I emerged from under a big tree. If any player besides me is standing here, unless he is also playing the undead department, the first sentence of that undead will never be the respected Lord Lord, and I can almost conclude that when the undead touches The first thing you do after you get to live is to attack it.

I looked at the dilapidated guy and I asked directly: "Have you ever heard the book of the world?"

The undead immediately shook his head like a rattle. "Sorry, I have never heard of such a thing."

"So what about the Book of Thrones of Time Seal? Or the Book of Space and the Book of Energy. Haven't you heard of it?"

The undead still shook his head and said, "Sorry, I really haven't heard it." When I heard the other party's answer, I had no choice but to throw him a handful of black crystal powder and I was going to find other creatures and ask again, but Unexpectedly, after receiving the crystal powder, the undead suddenly added: "Sir, although I have not heard the books you said, but if you are sure that the book is nearby, I suggest you go there."

I glanced in the direction of the finger of the undead. From here, I could not see that there was any difference between this side and this side.

Probably knowing my doubts, the undead explained: "When I was a human, I heard a legend. It is said that a powerful mage lives in the valley in front. I think if I live in such a mountain forest If there is a book in it, it can only be the mage's residence. "

As soon as I heard this answer, I knew that the mission goal appeared. Toss the undead directly with a larger bag of crystal powder, and then wait for the other party to say thank you, and I will directly walk up the night shadow and ran towards the valley in front.

Judging from the energy aggregation level of the old ghost just now, he has been a throne of the Seal of God for a while. The dead soul will not condense to this level, and when he was human, I heard that there is a powerful mage living here. After that, that is to say that as long as the mage does not happen to be a Lich Switcher, he should probably be dead now. But this didn't have much effect on my mission. I'm looking for a book, not for someone. It doesn't matter if he dies.

After rushing all the way into the valley, I realized that this place is actually a dead end. The whole valley can only come in and out freely on the side I just came in. Except for the entrance, the whole valley is surrounded by a shaped mountain. It's not vertical, but no one can go up after a 70-degree gradient.

Such a valley is simply the best place to build a fortress or base. It is not surprising that a mage lives here. As long as how to find the mage's residence, this is also simple. Anyway, there are bones of the deceased in the valley. Basically, I asked a ghost to come back.

Experimentally summoned two undead at once. After a brief inquiry and exchange, I learned from them that a mage did live here, but the mage has been dead for many years, and because no one has maintained it. Even the house where the mage lived has been buried in the mountain due to a mudslide. Fortunately, the two undead knew the exact location of the house, and as long as they knew the place, it didn't take much to dig it up.

"Be careful, don't demolish the house!" After knowing the exact location, I summoned luck and plague to help dig the house.

Although the mage's house was buried by mudslides, it was not buried deep enough. After a few simple flips, we found the wreckage of the house. The wood-stone mixed structure has collapsed in a mudslide, so all that is dug out now is wreckage.

After confirming the specific location of the house, I changed the lucky ones first, and the Kirin Samurai continued to dig. Although the Kirin Warriors may not be as careful as they are fortunate, but they are so small, so careless that one paw goes down for half a room.

After carefully removing the surrounding soil and rubble, some items in the house appeared under the rubble, but these things did not seem to touch the book, so we had to continue to expand the area around and down. It took more than half an hour, and we finally realized something valuable after we cleared out almost the entire house.

"Basement?" Looking at the rock frame in front of me, I immediately guessed the original use of this thing, but there is a small problem that needs to be resolved before starting our journey, and this question is-"Rely, why is this Is it all mud? "

"Obviously, the door to the basement was open when the mudslide broke out, so according to the natural law of water flowing low, it's not strange that the basement is filled with mud?" Lucky said behind me.

"It's not strange, but the question now is how do I go down? It takes at least a day to clear the throne of the mud here!"

The basement is not the same as the house on the ground. Its entrance is only enough for two people to squeeze together, which means that the work surface left for us is very small. On the ground, we can speed up the progress by simply increasing the number of workers, but there are no more people here. The **** entrance can be dug up by only one person. Although it is actually enough for two people in parallel, but Space is needed to work, which is obviously not enough area for two people to move.

"Maybe we can let Crystal try it," Lucky suggested.

"Then let her try it." There is no other way now, as the crystal of the fairy dragon knows at least a lot of messy magic. Although the battle may not be used, it is very useful to deal with many small problems.

When the crystal was released, it first turned into a humanoid and looked at the structure of the basement. After thinking a little, she said, "I think I can get it. Give me five minutes."

After telling us, the crystal immediately began to cast. She cast a strange spell into the cave first, and as her spell was cast, a thin water line suddenly emerged from the entrance to the basement. The water seemed to be alive and burrowed out from under the ground, then flowed to the valley floor behind us and gradually absorbed by the mud over there. After completing this operation, the crystal suddenly pointed at the mouth of the cave and shouted at the same time: "Concussion wave." With the sound of a boom, we were completely covered by the dust all over the sky. Of course, the entrance to the basement is still blocked. The smoke and dust look large, but in fact, just a thin layer of soil is enough to make such a large amount of smoke and dust. Compared to the soil in the entire cave, this is only nine cattle and one hair.

"Ahhhhh ... Crystal, please say hello to the trouble next time you do this kind of thing." Fortunately, he hurriedly flapped his wings twice to blow out the dust.

"Sorry for my mistake." Crystal said her finger to the hole again after she said it, and then she suddenly remembered something and said to us: "Everyone stand a little further, it may be a little dirty for a while."

We had planned to ask her what she meant just now. Who knew that she just threw a small cyclone to the entrance of the cave, and then saw that little cyclone like a vacuum cleaner that would dust all the dust in the cave. It sucked up, and with the whirlwind's suction, the soil layer at the entrance of the cave faded down quickly to the naked eye.

"How did you do that?" Looking at the falling dirt surface, I asked Crystal in surprise.

Crystal said with a little pride: "It's very simple. I first collected all the water in the basement from the soil by using the gathered water element, and then the soil became extremely dry. At this time, I used the shock wave to dry the crispy soil. All are scattered, so the connected soil becomes flour-like dust. At this time, the dust can be sucked away with a small tornado. Is it easy? "

"Good job."

The efficiency of this class of crystal vacuum cleaner is really high. It took less than three minutes to clear all the steps in the basement entrance. After that, the crystal went down and repeated the previous magic again. The tornado started to clean the dirt in the basement again. The space in the basement was basically cleared out within 20 minutes. Although there are still a lot of dirt and stones stacked on the ground in many places, at least it does not prevent us from finding things.

The age of this basement is really too long, and there is no protection spell unique to the temple, so all kinds of items are basically rotten, including all kinds of wooden furniture and everything in the seal of the throne for a long time. The mud became soaked in the soaking, and just after the crystal was drained of water, it was smashed by a shock wave. These rotten things were cleaned by the tornado along with the dust.

We didn't come to find treasure anyway, so the damage to these things didn't make any sense to me. Without those things, it would be convenient for us to find things. The entire basement that can be blown away is pumped out, and now there are only some magic items with protection spells and large stones in the mudslide. These things are things that cannot be damaged by the previous magic, so After the tornado, only these things were left.

"A few people moved down the stones." I took a brief look in the basement and greeted the Qilin samurai to clear the stones out. The entrance to the basement is so large that the volume of stones that can be rolled in will not be too huge. After being cleaned up quickly, there are only three things left in the basement.

The last three things left in the empty basement are not books. The first item is a box, which is about half the size of a home computer case. It is estimated that it should be used for valuables, because the box has a strong protection method. Array. Except for the box, the remaining two items are a large slap-shaped disc and a thing that looks a bit like a microscope.

Because the three things are covered with a layer of soil, the specific shape is temporarily unclear. After confirming that there are no other hidden channels in the basement, we returned to the ground with things. After the surface soil was washed away with water, the three items immediately glowed a dazzling magic light. Obviously the magic on these things is still in effect.

The microscope-like instrument was quickly recognized by Crystal. This thing is said to be a device for analyzing the magical properties of matter. It belongs to the technology long ago. The Dragons have used it before, but it has been eliminated for a long time. In short, according to Crystal, this thing is really worthless other than being an antique collection.

Although it was quickly figured out what exactly the microscope-like thing was, the previous disc was not clear what it was used for. This disc was not cleaned until its surface was engraved with dense text and patterns using a combination of engraving and embossing. Ling couldn't figure out what was engraved on it. In short, this thing like an enlarged pocket watch is completely a mystery, even if the appraisal technique is used, it is completely unresponsive. Of course, although I can't figure out what it does, I won't throw it away. It can be something that is protected by powerful magic and remains intact after many years. It is definitely a precious thing. Even if this kind of thing is unclear, it should be stored first, and we can figure it out sooner or later.

Although one of the first two things was recognized and the other didn't figure out what they were, at least they were intuitively seen, but in the end the box made us blind. The box is definitely used to hold things, so the box itself is not the point. What is in it is what I am anxious to know. However, although this box is not what we are looking for, it is definitely a treasure in itself, because this thing cannot be removed violently, even if it is used for eternity. The artifact that cuts artifacts is as eternal as cutting tofu. There is no way to take this box. I even turned eternity into an axe and couldn't cut it.

"It seems we must take things back to find a way." Ling said after studying the magic circle on the box for a while, "I don't know what protection magic this box uses, but I know there is a way You can open it. But it will take you back to Isinger. "

"Then go back first, if there is no accident, there must be a book in this box."

After I returned to Isinger with those things, I asked Ling what to do, and Ling gave me a very violent way out of the box.

"Protection magic is like a safe. It can protect the things you want to protect closely. There are only three ways to get through it to reach the protected things. One, use the key and the corresponding password to open the insurance. Cabinet. 2. You know the structure of the safe, use special tools to pry it open. 3. Destroy it directly with unsustainable force. We obviously do n’t have keys, so the first method is impossible. The second method is the same .We don't understand the mechanics of this protective magic, so it's almost impossible to crack. "

"Do you mean to use the power of the upper limit of protection to break through the magic of protection?" Ling Du said so clearly, I certainly guessed what she meant.

Ling really nodded, "Although I didn't figure out how the protective spell works, I at least determined its energy intensity. If we temporarily transfer Isinger's power core to this thing, then only one Seconds, this thing will automatically explode because of magic overload, and then it is just a normal box. The advantage of this method is that the box can be opened quickly and accurately. The disadvantage is that the box must be scrapped. "

Although the box that can block the eternity is also very good, it seems to us that the guild is not short of things like safes, so no matter how strong it is, it is not very useful to us. Because of the above reasons, I quickly agreed with Ling's suggestion and took things directly to Isinger's powerhouse.

Now Isinger is not the original power core, because of the application of Liquefied Magic Crystal steam technology, the power core of our guild has now become a hybrid power. A huge blue liquid ball with a diameter of twenty meters is suspended in the void and slowly spinning. Around this huge liquid ball, thirty-six metal probes like syringes are evenly distributed around this liquid ball, but the needle is about a meter away from that liquid ball. However, while the huge liquid ball was spinning, it was continuously discharging to the metal needles, and arcs of various shapes were twisting around the entire ball, as if a group of blue electric snakes were dancing.

The tail of those syringe-like devices facing the liquid ball are connected to a metal ring, which has many metal pipes wrapped around it, which looks quite complicated, but it doesn't look messy. The tubing is connected to each syringe-like device, while the other end is connected to a huge device like a multilayer birthday cake through the base. This device is located at the bottom of the entire suspension. A thick blue energy ray is falling from the tip of the inverted multilayer cake-like thing. After passing through an octagonal crystal, the blue energy ray is evenly divided into eight thinner rays and introduced into the room. Of the eight receiving devices in a circle, the rest of those devices were buried in the wall, so they were not visible. However, those things are actually huge. They will be responsible for transmitting energy to Isinger's various energy-requiring devices, providing the energy required for the entire Isinger operation.

"What am I going to do?" Standing on the huge telescopic platform of the powerhouse, I asked Ling nervously. You have to know that even if it is any one of the eight rays scattered, the instant output is enough to kill me. Don't look at how high my defense is and how thick my blood is. It is a matter of a few seconds under the energy ray that can drive the entire city, so it must be burned to ashes, so every time I confront these things tension.

Ling didn't seem to care about my nervousness. She just pointed to the thickest ray in the middle, and then said, "Throw the box directly, and it should be invalid when the box flies out from the opposite side."

"I hope your method works." After I said it, I threw the box directly towards the energy column in the most village. That box drew a beautiful arc in the air, and finally hit the main energy ray released by the core of urban power exactly according to the route I expected. Without any confrontation or cancellation, it was like a watermelon hitting a speeding train, and the box burst into a sky fragment when it came into contact with the energy beam. But ... but an accident happened.

The smashed box did not have any impact on the energy core ~ ​​ ~ it was crushed without even being able to resist it. However, although the box was broken, the contents were still there. As we expected, there was only one thing in the box-a book. Although I don't know which book we want, I'm sure that's what I want. But, in the next second, that book did something amazing.

We just watched the box smash like this, then the book flew out and crashed into the energy rays, and then the beam of light originally directed at the reflecting crystal was cut off instantly. That book was like a black hole, and all the energy rays directed at it were sucked into the book, and just as it was absorbing energy rays, the entire power chamber suddenly turned black.

"Warning, the main power chamber has an unexplained output disorder. Three seconds later, the standby power chamber is activated, three, two, one, and switched." With a popping sound, the room continued to light up again, but in front of us The equipment was completely stopped, and the energy ray was automatically extinguished because of the protective shutdown of the energy extractor. That weird book fell off as if suddenly remembering that it should follow the law of gravity after the energy rays went out.

[... Chapter 135 of Volume Nineteenth: Essinger has a blackout and the text is updated the fastest ...] a! !!

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