Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 139: Mysterious Library

"This ... this is the library?" The moment the door to the secret room opened, I was completely stunned by the sight in front of me!

"That's right, this is our library, but the design is a bit exaggerated." That ghost's answer was tepid, but I couldn't calm down, because the library in front of me was too exaggerated.

Behind the gate of the library is a long straight bridge. The bridge deck is composed of a black rock, without railings and columns, and the bridge pier below is also made of the same black stone, but without a base. Under each pier supporting the bridge deck is a magic circle with a bluish light that is slowly rotating, but under the magic circle is a starry sky. Yes, it is the starry sky. This entire library is almost as if it was built in cosmic space. Except for this bridge, no walls, floors, or ceilings can be seen at all. There is nothing here for normal buildings. There was no sense of building in the entire room, as if such a bridge had been built in space.

"Who built your library?" I asked with a little surprise, looking at the bridge in front of me and the void around me.

The ghost shook his head and said, "I don't know about this. I was just one of the administrators here. I don't know when it was established here. But I know there are a lot of books here, and Each one is an extremely precious orphan. "

"But why can't I see the book?"

"That's because the book is below."


"Yes, on the opposite side of the bridge." The ghost replied: "This bridge is the dividing line of this space. You now think that the bridge is positive, but after you climb to the opposite side, you will find that the bridge is also the same when you look at the opposite side. It ’s positive. And the direction of gravity will turn around when you go over there. You walk on the bottom of the bridge just like walking on the surface of the bridge. The books here are all on the bottom of the bridge. book."

"Where does the long bridge in front go?"

"It doesn't work anywhere." The ghost said: "The part beyond the two hundred steps forward from here are all illusions. Once you cross the two hundred steps line, you will enter the long bridge of infinite loop, and you will be ignored. Whether you go forward or turn around and come back, there will only be one result in the end: the long bridge that can never go. "

"What if you jump into the void on both sides?"

"That's the same. The empty space is also a continuous infinite space. If you leave the bridge and jump over it will endlessly float down, and you do n’t want to turn around and return. It is not possible as long as you leave the bridge more than five meters away. After that, the surroundings will become completely helpless. Even if you have wings or flying skills, don't even want to come back. During the most brilliant period of the original large library, many thieves had sneaked in to steal books here. , But all without exception were trapped alive in this space. "

"Listening to you, I think this room seems more precious than those books."

"You can also say that, but it's a pity that this room cannot be moved, so if you want a book, you should take it as soon as possible."

I heard the meaning in the ghost words. "Why? Is there still no time limit here?"

"It's almost the same," said the ghost, "from the moment the door opens, time will start here, and a space storm will occur after half an hour. Except for the bridge itself and those books hidden in the bridge, all the extra stuff will be lost. Blowing into the void over there, so if you want a book, it's best to find it in half an hour and leave here. By the way, we've been here for five minutes. "

"I see, let's go down." I said and climbed down the edge of the bridge. According to the ghost, as long as it does not leave the bridge within five meters, it is normal to fly, so it is not a problem to get down to the opposite side of the bridge. The only thing that is a little more troublesome is that you will encounter a gravity fault after crossing the dividing line below the bridge body. Taking this place as the dividing line, the spatial gravity direction on it is all downward, and the spatial gravity direction below it is indeed upward. of. The moment gravity passes through the junction of the two, the gravity will suddenly reverse, and it is easy to lose balance if you don't pay attention, but as long as you have prepared in advance, it is not a big deal.

After climbing to the opposite side of the bridge according to the ghost's instructions, I stood at the bottom of the bridge, but because the direction of gravity over there is reversed, even if I stand at the bottom of the bridge, I feel the same as standing on the bridge, and bare. The bridge deck is different. There are arched supports on both sides of the bottom of the bridge as supporting structures. Seen from the reverse side, they have similar functions as railings.

As soon as I stood on the bottom of the bridge, I immediately found the books mentioned by the ghost, but there were no bookshelves I imagined. Some stones were artificially removed from the panel at the bottom of the bridge, leaving space just like rows of bookshelves, and those books were placed in these bookshelves embedded on the floor of the bridge.

Although the bridge is very long, there are not many bookshelves below. There are only three bookshelves inlaid on the bottom of the bridge. The largest one is an eight-meter-by-three-meter frame, which contains many books and is dense. Preliminary observations have at least thousands of books. At the top of this bookshelf is carved a stone plate like a car license plate, with the words "original" written in magic text. It is estimated that the book here is the so-called orphan.

The second bookshelf is obviously much smaller than the first one. The size of this bookshelf may not be as large as that of some models of refrigerators, and it is not the same as that of the front bookshelf. Similarly, all the books here are placed flat in a special groove, and each book is placed in a separate small area with its cover facing up. There is a large gap between the books, and each concave There is a layer of light film on the surface of the tank that flashes twice from time to time.

"These are those particularly precious and important books?" I asked, looking at the sign on the top of the second shelf, because the sign said "secret code".

The ghost heard me say, "Yes, these are the most precious treasures in this library."

When I got a positive answer, I nodded, and then let Ling and Xiaochun come out and let them carefully take out those books and put them into Fenglong space. Moving books is not moving. Besides, these books are too precious. I dare not let those Death Guards and Qilin Samurai move. Anyway, there are not a few books in this bookshelf, so I can get them soon. Of course, we have carefully checked before moving the book, and there is no book in the world on this shelf.

The first two bookshelves were not found, and the only one left was the last one.

Unlike the previous two bookshelves, there is no writing on the title board of this bookshelf, but a skull with a sickle and a robe is directly painted on it, which clearly means death and warning.

The shelf area under the title plate is slightly larger than the second shelf, but there are two less books on it, mainly because each book on this shelf is sealed tightly, and each book is added outside. A box that looks like an ashes, and each box has a strong seal on the outside, obviously you don't want people to open the box.

"Sir, please speed it up a bit, we have only fifteen minutes left." As I watched the so-called forbidden bookshelf, the ghost next to me suddenly reminded.

I nodded and walked down to the bookshelf, thinking about calling Ling over. It is better for professionals to deal with professional things. It is more reassuring to deal with these strong seal books by Ling.

After Ling came over, he didn't read anything, directly reached out and ordered two books: "These two seals have expired, just open them. The soul swear curse was added over there, and the king or Sha Yezi went to open. Finally This book is equipped with a blasting array. It is better for me to deal with it, otherwise the book will be blown up. In addition, there is a strong seal under the slate in the middle, and there should be a hidden one. "

The ghost apparently did not expect that the person I brought was so powerful, and what surprised him even more was that the demolition array that the curator had told him the most troubled before was even demolished by Ling Jie even without ten seconds.

The four books taken out of the four boxes were all wrapped in black cloth. After careful opening, we found that the four books were not too exaggerated. The first book is a biographical book that records the secret history of the Protoss. Although politically valuable, it is basically meaningless to us. The second book is an encyclopedia of curses, which is more precious and worth a lot more than all the books on the shelf in front of it. The third book is also a magic book, but it records very rare soul magic. In the teachings of the Temple of Light, soul-type spells are all classified as evil spells, and France happens to be the seat of the headquarters of the Temple of Light, so it is not surprising that this soul magic book becomes a banned book. But for us this kind of thing doesn't make much sense, at best it can be regarded as a good skill book. The book in the last box is even stranger. This is a series of skill books, but there is no name on the book, so I don't know what it is called, but I can roughly classify this book into the category of "sexual books" after a brief flip. All the content recorded in the entire book is about that aspect, and it is also filled with a lot of magic animations. The content is more exaggerated than the island country love action movie. It is estimated that the gang of single men in the guild will be very Popular.

After I collected these four books, I removed the bookshelf completely according to Ling's instructions, and found that there was a microwave oven-sized groove on the back of the bookshelf, and one of them was the same as the four on the outside. Circle of stone boxes. However, to get this stone box, you must first solve one problem, that is, the groove is covered with a red magic array. This magic map has been constantly flashing, and a small wave of magic that occasionally leaks out can make people feel upside down.

"What kind of magic circle is this? How does it feel like it's been caught by some beast?"

Ling touched around the edges of the groove, and then replied, "It should be an absolutely blocked law circle, a self-contained circular law circle. It can absorb the energy generated by external attacks and turn it into defense. Energy, so normal attacks are not effective against it all, and if you can't destroy it all at once, you will find it getting stronger and stronger. "

"How to crack it?"

Ling stretched out three fingers. "There are three methods. The first is to put it in an environment with zero space energy and let it slowly lose energy, and finally the seal will disappear naturally when its energy is exhausted. But this method does not take you three or five hundred years. Do n’t count on it, so do n’t think about it. The second method is to use a super attack that exceeds its conversion limit to completely destroy the magic array, so that it has no time to fully convert the attack energy and be completely destroyed by the remaining energy in the attack, so it It's useless. But in my observation, the damage output required by this method is too exaggerated. Even if you call Kristina and gold coins together to fit the three of you, you probably won't get this level of attack. . Besides, the damage output of that level is not good for controlling the intensity. After destroying the seal, it is likely that even the box below will blast into **** together, so it is not suitable. "

"What is the third method?"

Ling pointed directly at his feet and said, "We go to the front, and then make a hole directly from the bridge and pull out the book from the back. As for the magic array, it only seals the front and the surroundings, don't go Just leave it alone. "

"That's a good idea," I sighed.

The ghost immediately shouted: "No, this idea is not good at all. You have no idea, sir. The bridge is made of Ujin steel, and the hardness is beyond your imagination, not just ..." I can't say anything more than half of the words, because just as he tried to explain to me that the bridge was very hard, I had pulled out the eternity and cut a sword flat against the supporting frame next to him, and then saw him. The so-called extremely solid Ujin steel was cut by me as if tofu.

"Isn't it too hard," I said, holding the cut corner.

The ghost lingered there for a long time before saying, "When I say nothing!"

After returning to the front of the bridge, we roughly determined the position, and then I turned the eternal sword into a cutting blade with a head, and dug a large hole from the bridge a few times. After cutting the last layer of slate, the stone box below appeared in front of us, but we have no time to open it for inspection. The moment I got the box, I quickly took back Ling and Xiaochun and picked up the ghost and ran to the exit. Thirty minutes of extreme time mobile arrived, and if I did n’t go out, I would be blown into the void. In order not to be blown away, I had to go out and check the box again.

We rushed out of the gate in the last second before the storm, and then closed the safety gate directly, and we were finally safe. After returning to the upper storeroom with the ghost, I threw a large bag of black crystal powder to him.

"Well, that's the end of our employment relationship. Thanks for your help. I'm leaving now."

"Master, you're welcome. The best thing to do is to have this bag of things," said the ghost, holding up the crystal powder in Yang Yang's hand.

After bidding farewell to that ghost, I opened the wall panel that had been dug up and ready to drill out. Who knew that I had just dropped the wall panel and found that there were actually four people standing outside looking at me with a silly expression. The two of us settled there, and after a little hesitation, I drilled out of the hole as if nothing had happened, and then installed the wallboard back. However, just as I was about to turn around and leave, the leader of the three guys who were obviously a gang of the other four suddenly reacted to me and pulled me past him.

"Boy, do you think we don't exist?"

I glanced back at the wrist that he was holding, and then looked up at his face and said coldly, "You better let go now, otherwise I can't guarantee that your hand will still be attached to your shoulder."

"Oh, isn't that a tone of breath? I'm standing here to let you ..." The guy suddenly got stuck at half of what he said, because he suddenly found his arms and shoulders separated. After returning for a second, with the sound of a gurgling sound, a lot of blood was suddenly sprayed on his shoulder, and the guy only reacted at this time and started screaming with his shoulders covered.

Looking at the guy who fell down, I didn't bother to care about him at all, and turned around to go out. Who knew that the two guys around that guy suddenly reacted in shock and rushed towards me together. When I heard the footsteps behind me, I suddenly turned around, waved eternally and recovered, and then saw the two stupids rushed directly past me, and continued to run forward two steps before the two talents fell to the ground. After his head landed, he separated from his body and rolled forward along the ground.

After turning eternity back, I turned around and left this alley. Who knew that, after two steps, I heard the back shouting, "Hey ... wow ... don't go."

I suddenly turned to look at the last woman and stared at her for a while, until the other person's eyes flickered as if I wanted to run away at any time and said, "I know you and them are not in a group ~ www. ~ But anyone who blocks me will die. Now give you twenty seconds to give me a reason to stop me. "

"I want to hire you to help me kill a few people." The other party quickly shouted after waiting for two seconds and seemed to have run out of courage. Generally speaking in smaller and smaller voices, "I see you just seconds after a few strokes Drop them, so I think you must be great, so I thought ... "

"Sorry, you can't pay for my appearance fee." After I said it, I turned and went straight out. Anyway, I just stole their library. It ’s not a wise thief to hang around at the crime site, and I ’m still not sure whether the box I got is filled with three books of the world. As for one of the books, I'm in a hurry to find a place to confirm.

I was about to turn out of Jiaxiang. I didn't expect that the woman behind was suddenly shouting, "I know a high reserve magic crystal ore no one knows."

The sound was like a brake signal. My foot got stuck in the air in an instant, almost tripping myself. "what did you say?"

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