Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 140: Reach an agreement

Volume Nineteen Chapter Fourteen Completed Agreement


"I ..." The woman was a little bit cold at first, but soon she seemed to have gathered her guts again, "I know a hidden gemstone vein. If I promise to help me, I will tell you where the veins are.-= Members hand-to-hand = * But to sign an agreement with me, I will share half of the mining veins. "

I thought for a while and then said, "The agreement is not so fixed. If you want me to help, please go to me and find a place to talk in detail. This is not the place to talk."

The woman looked down at the corpse on the ground, and then looked at the big hole I dug out on the wall, only to react to it, and hurried to leave here with me.

The process of going out of town was smooth. I'm in the camouflage mode, and my appearance looks like a white player with a medium-to-high-level appearance. This type of person walking around the city is definitely the one who is least disturbed by others. The woman who followed me was even more difficult. Although her strength doesn't look good, but she has a badge on her chest, which shows that she belongs to a guild. It is not wise to provoke a guild player without being sure of the other party ’s guild. Moreover, this woman looks like ordinary equipment, and there is nothing worthy of others to find trouble.

After leaving the city, we first absconded on a road, and after walking for a while, I turned to the woman and said, "I'm wearing camouflage on my body now. Don't be too surprised to see me. If you see me, I still decided to cooperate with me after the true face, then I will take it to the mountain in front of me to talk. If we do n’t agree, then we will just separate it, so it ’s okay? ”

The woman listened to me for a moment, and then asked, "Famous?" I didn't answer her question, but directly withdrew the disguise. When she saw me, the woman was frightened to take a few steps back and forth, and stopped when she hit a big tree and had no way to retreat. The woman opened her mouth and stared at me for a long time before the woman responded and pointed at me and asked, "Is it Ziri? The Ziri of Frost Rose League?"

"Except I think someone dares to dress like this on French soil so swaying? I can now be regarded as a semi-hostile relationship with France. Even if someone impersonates me, I can only be in Germany or China, because it can also deceive me. In France Isn't this looking for a fight, posing as me? "

The woman also responded to my explanation. If my image now appears on the streets of France, Lima will definitely be besieged. Of course, I am definitely not afraid of being besieged by anyone, and in fact no one can threaten me, but if anyone dares to fake me to slosh on French soil, it will be miserable. With my strength, even if it is surrounded by tens of thousands of people, I can easily break through, but the person who impersonates me is definitely not as good as me. Once surrounded, it is basically equivalent to the death penalty. So now in France, no one will impersonate me.

"It's better for Ziri." The woman said to my surprise, "I was still a little worried about whether I had the strength to help me, but now it seems that this question is completely surplus."

"That's the hope to continue cooperation, right?" I confirmed.

The woman yelled, "Of course."

"Then follow me into the mountain first. Although it is a road here, it is still too close to the city. Maybe I will encounter some players passing by here. I don't want to have a meaningless battle." I fought A ring finger, night shadow and snow were present at my side at the same time. I quickly climbed back to Ye Ying's back, and then said to the woman, "My devil's pet first borrows to travel, hurry up."

The woman was obviously over-excited when I asked her to ride up the snow. As the Silverwing Unicorn King, Snow's appearance is definitely the type of female killer. As long as the world view and interests are happy and normal women are usually unable to escape Snow's lethality. Looking at the snow-white, slightly pinkish and wavy brown hairs on the neck of the snow, the woman was so excited that she pulled back a few to collect. If it weren't for me to urge, she would be able to turn around the snow for a day.

The New Year's Eve is very unpleasant for the woman. After the snow appeared, the woman rode on regardless of whether or not they were seated, and immediately opened the door. It instantly turned into a white light and disappeared on the road ahead. Ye Ying could only hear the woman's screaming far behind.

"This crazy girl!" After sighing helplessly, I urged Night Shadow to increase, although the degree of snow was also exaggerated, but she turned out to run on the ground, and the night vision of Shuttle was similar to teleport Ability, we got to them in the blink of an eye, and then the next flash we went to the forest in front, and Snow could only run slowly with the purpose of the reminder prompted by my and her mind.

It is running slowly, but in fact, the degree must not be slow. It took only two or three minutes for Snow to run for more than ten kilometers, and when she stopped, I realized that the woman was gone.

"Rely on, how did Snow do it? Where are people going?"

"There is a tree hanging behind me, so I didn't have to go back in advance." Xue dropped such a sentence and went straight into the training space, and I could only go back along the way Xue came. It's pretty good, Xue is sending people to the premises, but the discharge is a bit rash. I went back and forth along the road of snow, and only took a few steps to see the woman. It was just not on the ground, but like a snowy man hanging on a branch across the road. Night shadows and snow are too big, so this kind of tree branches that other people can ride normally can create dangerous roadblocks to those who ride on their backs. The city always avoided these obstacles when the night shadow was holding me, but Xue was obviously in a temper today, so the woman was tragedy.

"Hey, are you okay?" I sent back to Yeying, and I stood alone under the tree and looked up at the woman and asked.

"It's okay, get me off!"

"Stand on my own." I raised my hand suddenly, and a sword flashed across the branch and broke, and the woman screamed and fell down. Seeing that she didn't seem ready, I had to help her, but unfortunately, her own balance was too poor. I could n’t help her, but fortunately, the branches were not too high off the ground, and the The physical fitness of the players is much better than that in reality, so it is not impossible to fall down to this point.

The woman climbed up from the ground and said, "The magic pet's character is wild."

"The high-level magic pet is a little bit troublesome." I looked around for another week, and then said, "Well, this is already remote enough, let's talk about our specific cooperation agreement."

The woman yelled, "Introduce yourself first. My name is Amanda G. Alpha. You can call me Amanda."

"Who knows who I am, and I won't introduce it anymore. We will sign our cooperation agreement. The purpose is to help me lose a few people, right?"

"Originally yes, but now I changed my mind after Zi Ri. I hope you can help me kill those people back to Xinshou Village and help me destroy their guild."

"Do n’t count on killing Xinshoucun. This is not China. I ’m understaffed here, and it ’s not easy to hunt down a person and kill them all the way back to Xinshoucun. I ca n’t do this in France. One point. But I have a compromise. "


"I can get ... yeah, how many people are going to be killed?"

The woman looked down and said, "Sixteen."

"so much?"

"Three have to be severely punished, and the other 13 can learn a lesson depending on the situation."

I thought for a moment: "That's the way, I helped get those three guys who needed severe punishment to less than 600, and tried to strip all their equipment. Although this is a little different from being killed back to Xinshou Village, but At present, the average player level is 900, and those who are not well equipped below 600 are basically the same as re-training a number. What do you think? "

Amanda yelled, "I accept that."

"Okay. That's it for the three. My plan for the other 13 people is to kill them five or six times, and then explode them with a few pieces of equipment. That's pretty much it."

Amanda yelled again: "I can accept this too."

"In the end, their guild ... the main staff were all finished, and it would be almost dissolution if they were not dissolved. But I still helped to destroy the guild headquarters of their guild, so that their guild would be completely disintegrated. The whole help That's the plan. Do you think there is anything left to make up for? "

Amanda shook her head: "This is a good plan, just do it."

"Now that I have agreed, then there is so much help for me. Let ’s talk about the problem of that mine. Is it certain that the mine is a magic crystal mine? Is it clear what the quality and reserves of the mine and the difficulty of mining? "

Amanda apparently didn't know anything about mining. She immediately held my ears when she heard my question. After a long time, she squeaked and said, "I can be sure that it is a magic crystal mine. I ca n’t see it, so I do n’t know. I do n’t know the reserves, but it should be very big, because the scale of my current ore space is very large. In the whole cave, there are almost all mines, and there are many magic crystals. It just oozes directly on the rock wall and you can dig it down with just two hits with a tool. "

"Meaning that the mining area is not difficult?"

"It shouldn't be high," Amanda said with some uncertainty. "I don't know how people define the difficulty of mining, but I don't think it is too complicated. Just take people down the hole and use tools. You can dig out a few smashes. "

After hearing such an answer, I have no hope of Amanda being able to give valid data directly. After thinking about it, I had to ask myself step by step: "Do you know how deep the cave is from the ground? The cave is in a mountain or a plain? What is the density of nearby wild warcraft? Do you know the type and structure of the rock formation?"

Amanda recalled, "I do n’t know the depth for many years, but I am sure it is at least 700-800 meters deep. The entrance to the cave is in the mountains, there are many Warcraft nearby, and the grade is not low. As for what rock formations are on the ground Yes, that's too professional. I don't know much about it, but I know the ground there is very hard and I need to smash it hard with a weapon to get the magic stone down. "

"What weapon did you hit?"

Amanda passed a scepter directly and said, "That's it."

I took the scepter and looked at the attributes, then returned it to her and frowned, "Although I haven't seen the mine for the time being, but if the description is correct, I can be sure now This is a high reserve magic crystal mine, but the location of this mine is quite bad, it is buried too deep, all the ore is buried in hard rock formations, and the nearby mountain environment means that there may be groundwater systems under the ground. It's easy to penetrate the underground river if you don't care, and it is not impossible to dig out the magma directly if there are more disadvantages. There is also the high-density Warcraft grade high density near the mining area, which is the most unsuitable area for mining. So this mine is at most It's a medium-value mine. Because the mining profits are average, I can't split the score. "

"I can't accept that ratio." Amanda obviously knew that she was not a professional, so she didn't think about her own valuation. Moreover, she had a very positive attitude. She didn't think that the tools she had should be complete. Be yourself. In the end, she turned out to be alone. The profit of the mining area is not necessary for a guild like ours, but it is definitely an astronomical figure for her, so even if it is only one percent, it is for her. Definitely a huge addition.

Although our guild will dominate in the mining area this time, but without her information, it would be empty talk to open a mine, so her news can never be ignored. After thinking for a while, I opened my mouth: "6% of net profit, or 1% of gross profit, I decide for myself. If I estimate correctly, the difference between the two will not be too big."

"Just that?" Amanda asked in surprise.

"Too few?"

"Of course." Amanda said with some excitement: "Although I didn't do anything except provide information, it's too little to do that?"

"How much do you think you should take?"

"% Of net profit."

"7%, this is the limit. Don't bargain with me anymore. If you agree, you'll have this ratio. If you don't agree, please be smart."

Seeing me a little angry, Amanda was anxious. After thinking about it, she finally gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, just follow."

"Happy cooperation."

After discussing the mineral distribution issues over here, the two of us signed a system guarantee agreement, and then I notified the army **** that he wanted to find someone to mine. Because the mining area is in France, our guild certainly did not come directly to dig, but although we could n’t come, we originally had two mining areas in France, both of which were mined in partnership with the French local guild. They Responsible for mining, we provide equipment and are responsible for sales, as long as we don't send people from our bank to France, there is no problem. As for this new mining area, it is definitely necessary to use the same method for mining. Although it will lose part of the benefits, it will be at least safe.

After the magic spar mining problem is solved, the rest is to help Amanda solve the group of people she wants to deal with. According to Amanda's law, she was originally a member of the guild called the Crystal Rat Alliance. Later, she appeared in the mining area, and then she told a friend in the guild that she was the deputy of the guild. President.

Originally according to her idea, the guild came forward to contact another guild, and then the family released the mining area together, and she hoped to get 15% of the profit. But this request is not excessive. After all, the result is not consistent with ours. Their guild is a French guild. Unlike us, we also have to sign an agency guild, so the mining cost is very low. Re-guidance to them is actually doing business without capital. After all, as a result, they are guilds and cannot mine by themselves. In the end, they must disclose the information of the mining area for another guild to mine. It is equal to making money selling mine information. From this perspective, Amanda can actually find a guild to sell the information and lose it. Although this will be more selfish, there is nothing wrong with it. She can now think of telling the people in the meeting to take the New Year's Eve together to share, which is already very good.

Unfortunately, although her idea is good, she underestimates the temptation of money. In the end, the people in their guild not only did not agree to give her this 15% profit share, but also tried to trick the location information of the mining area. In the end, they did not lie to the information and they started to grab it. Amanda was completely broken from the meeting because of this, but the group of people in the guild seemed to smell the **** sharks. During this time, the throne of the Seal of Siam had been attacking her endlessly, forcing her to The news came out. As for the people I met today blocking her in the alley ~ ~ I don't know how many times in the past few days, each time it ends with Amanda's killing. Amanda had been forced to come to me to assist me. Otherwise, she would definitely not be so eager to find someone to cooperate with.

After listening to Amanda's narrative, I asked from her how many people there were in their guild, as well as the abilities of those people she was mainly dealing with. Although Amanda couldn't remember the specific attributes of each of them in the guild, I just didn't care much about this issue after listening to a brief overview. What master can a guild who can't even mine on its own, with a total membership of less than 100? According to Amanda's narration, the president of their guild has just passed the 1,000th level. Such a person is just an ordinary member in our guild. I am too lazy to let go of such a guild in person and directly summon pure, crystal Jing, Lingling and Aimeness asked the four of them to help me with this task.

In fact, if I am not afraid of Amanda, I do not value the agreement between us, and I even plan to send Lingling alone. After all, this guild can't find a player who has passed the 1100 level. Lingling can kill seven in and seven out in their guild alone. Going to four people is pure waste. However, it turns out that the plan can never keep up with the change. Just when I sent out the pure women, and then went to my guild's agent agency in France to discuss the matter of mining, Chun came to ask for help.

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