Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 147: Anger Cut Temple Mount

Volume 19 Chapter 147 Angrily Cut the Temple Mount

Many Holy See angels rushing down the mountain did not even give us a chance to speak. They surrounded us as soon as they came up. The guy who seemed to be the leader first attacked us after a roar.

when. I held the guy's epee with eternity in the form of a hook sickle, and shouted at the top of the mountain, "Jehovah, you bastard, call me all your dogs right away!"

"Dare to call in the name of the Father, you should be purified." The angel I was struck kicked at my stomach, but suddenly I pressed his knee with one hand, followed by a strong downward force He pressed his leg back to the ground with a short press, then quickly leaned in front of him, leaned on his shoulder against a sticking mountain, and knocked him out. By the way, he also seized the sword in his hand. "Jehovah, let me say it again and give it out right away, or don't blame me for turning my face!"

The result of yelling again was still no response, but the surrounding angels began to launch intensive attacks on us, not only me, but even Linglong had to be forced to start a counterattack. Looking at more and more angels nearby, I was really angry.

No longer holding hands, a shot slammed an angel rushing in front of me into two pieces, followed by a kick, and an approaching angel knocked all the angels behind. Before the angel behind came up, I turned my head and looked at Linglong and shouted, "Your strength ... lend me ... is it okay?"

A lingering body let an angel rushing in front of her, and then raised a sword and pierced an angel rushing next to her, followed by pushing away the corpse to take a look at me. "What crazy words are you talking about at this time? My power is my power. How can I lend it to you?"

"Just make sure you don't resist, and leave the rest to me. I can show you what is really powerful."

There seemed to be some surprises, Linglong took a moment to choke, but was quickly disturbed by the angel approaching again. After slamming the angel in front of her again, she suddenly turned her head and looked at me: "Although I have no intention of trusting you yet, it is okay to see how you fight first."

"Then you agree?"

"Until this battle is over, you can borrow my power ... as long as you have the means."

I didn't explain anything to Linglong, but melted the eternal hook sickle into a liquid state and attached it to the armor, followed by the body quickly curled into a ball, and then when the surrounding angels rushed in front of me and were about to swing down the sword , I suddenly stood up again, and at the same time my hands flew up as if the heavenly girl scattered flowers. Linglong only saw two thin lines with beautiful colored lights suddenly flung out, and then as I started to swing like a dance in the same place, those two silk lines turned all the angels approaching into pieces. .

Immediately after clearing up a small space, I flapped my wings and flew off the ground. The angels above me who wanted to block me from being lifted up were hit by the dark shock wave, and I rushed all the way to the sky, but all the surrounding angels also followed. Get up and surround me in the air.

As I flew up into the sky, the thin lines that had just been dancing by me suddenly gathered around me to form a flower-like flower with buds. Ling reminded Linglong immediately when she saw this scene: "Back away, the master has to zoom in!"

Although I did n’t know what I was going to do, Linglong followed Ling and Xiaochun as far as possible to distance me, and just when they had just evacuated, a brilliant colorful light burst into the sky suddenly, and at the same time curled up in the flowers. In the center, I suddenly stretched out my body and shouted out the skill name: "Bloom." Alas, the original colored flower and bone blossoms were fully unfolded like the blooming flower in an instant, and the huge colored petals stretched out to spread the surrounding radius. All objects within 100 meters were included. At that moment, this flower made of purely colored silk thread was just as beautiful, and the next second, the flower suddenly disappeared like a blooming cymbal flower, leaving behind all the angels who were fixed in the air. . After about 0.5 seconds, with a bang, all the angels burst into the air at the same time as countless pieces of flesh at the same time. The blood and water instantly dyed all the space, as if the freshly withered flowers were reopened again. Out of general.

Standing outside the attack range, Linglong's mouth can almost be stuffed with an egg. Although she has seen many powerful creatures, it is the first time that all the enemies in the surrounding area can attack like this in seconds. See you. Moreover, it wasn't the miscellaneous soldier who was dropped. That's an angel! They are at least a thousand levels, and they can be used as powerful units for assault units elsewhere. However, at that moment, all these angels had become like a piece of paper, and hundreds of them were dropped instantly.

"It's now." I yelled immediately after the big move.

Linglong was trembling there, and suddenly Ling patted her shoulder and said, "Don't resist, let you see our true strength right away."

After listening to Ling, Linglong didn't immediately respond to what we were going to do, but the next second she suddenly found that her body started to move uncontrollably. As soon as she wanted to resist, she suddenly remembered what Ling and I told her before, so she gave up the resistance and let her body fly by mysterious forces.

Just when Lingling was puzzled, she found that there were a lot of creatures around her, and she could feel that those had the same identity as her, my magic pet, because their thoughts were in that moment It was unified into one will. At the moment when the consciousness was completely merged, Linglong found that her vision suddenly changed to the core position of these creatures. From the position judged by the eyes, she should have changed to my position, and she was still floating around. The creature saw her body, which means that what she sees now is actually what my eyes see.

Linglong had just confirmed this, and the creatures she saw suddenly came towards the new body she now felt. However, the expected impact did not occur. The creatures seemed to be all phantoms and disappeared after hitting the body. She didn't even feel a touch of something. However, just after all those creatures disappeared, Linglong suddenly felt a power, a power so powerful that it made her tremble, almost more than ten times her previous power. Moreover, this power was still expanding, and eventually it was strengthened to dozens of times before her strength was completely stabilized, but Linglong herself had a kind of acidic body that was swollen by the power. It seemed to explode without venting. a feeling of.

When Linglong felt that the body was about to be blasted by that power, a huge pressure suddenly appeared from outside the body, and instantly suppressed this power to make it a whole. Although the strength of the power has not weakened in the slightest, she can feel that the current strength has completely stabilized, as if she could mobilize these powers with just one thought. The feeling of being able to manipulate such a huge power as the arm instructs really makes Linglong excited a little.

"What is this ...?" Linglong tried to ask, because she felt that not only the wills of the disappeared magic pets were beside her, but even I was beside her. No, it's not appropriate to say it's around. That feeling is like the feeling of being close together and even overlapping. Yes, it is overlap, I feel that she has completely overlapped with these magic pets and my master.

Sure enough, Ling's voice appeared directly in her mind after she asked. "This is our ultimate skill, Divine Realm. It can compress all of our magic pet's power and special abilities into the master's body to form a brand new god's body. This body will have half of the power of all our magic pets. And the special abilities of all of us are free to use. In this state, we are basically invincible. "

"That's it! No wonder I feel like I'm full of dozens of times of power under normal circumstances. It turns out that this is the result of the consolidation of everyone's power! It really is more people!"

"Haha, this harmony is also flawed." Xiao Chun's voice suddenly appeared in their conversation.

"Is it flawed? What are the flaws in such a powerful skill?"

My voice suddenly said: "Of course there are flaws, that is, this skill consumes magic power. After the magic power is exhausted, we will be forcibly separated, and all people involved in the body will become weak, it takes an hour. In order to fully recover. So do n’t control this body now, we are going to perform. ”

The people outside the conversation in our body are naturally invisible, and the time of the conversation is actually very short. The angels outside only saw that we suddenly gathered into a new individual with gorgeous armor. Although I know that such a transformation will definitely have a great change in strength, the angels did not have any plans to pause, and all the companions who had died before rushed up again.

"A bunch of nasty flies, let me go down and lie down." I glanced at the angel community below, and suddenly I reached out my hand, and then made a flick of the palm, and a light beam appeared in the sky immediately. The big hand formed by the regiment followed me to slap from the sky and slap many angels who just flew into the mountain. With a loud boom and sky-smoke, a huge palm print was added to the front of the Temple Mount, and the whole mountain shook violently.

After slapping hundreds of angels with a slap, I turned my head again and looked at the building complex on the top of the mountain and shouted with amplifying magic: "Fuck the Lord, please get out of me immediately, otherwise don't blame me! "

There was no response at all to my shouting. No, it could not be said that there was no response, but it was not the appearance of Jehovah that responded to me, but the heavenly angels and several protoss from the top of the mountain.

"Evil demon, how dare you kill the angels on the Temple Mount. How can we stand on our behalf without purifying you today?" Those newly jealous Protoss shouted angrily at me while holding out weapons Come up.

"Very well, now that you're ready to settle your account, I don't have to keep it anymore. I won't take it anymore, but my Ziri's cheaper is not so easy to take. I want to take My cheap, you have to pay the corresponding price. You Temple Temple ... as the price of your cheap! "I said suddenly took out a gold and white two-color sword at least two meters long from behind. , And then split a part of the eternal attachment from the hand to the blade to form a circle of blood-red blade. Immediately after the completion, I raised my sword above my head and shouted: "Holy Sword-Verdict." With the launch of the skills, a huge lightsaber stretched along the sword shadow in my hand and cut it diagonally and instantly. Following the sound of a bang, the temple hill began to soak up the sky with smoke, and the upper half of the mountain slowly slid from the lower half of the mountain along with the smoke and dust. Came down.

Seeing the half-truncated mountain that was gradually falling, all the angels around them were silly on the spot for a while, and they did n’t know what to do about this horrible situation. I saw that huge mountain fell to the ground obliquely, followed by a sudden impact on the ground and set off a huge earth wave like a sea wave. At the same time, the mountain began to slow down slowly, but the part that had touched the ground seemed to be moving along the ground like a bulldozer. Pushed forward and finally broke through the limits of the compressed space into the outer area.

The fallen Temple Mount itself is larger than the Vatican ’s Holy See. Before it had a compression space, it ’s okay to say that now the upper half of the mountain rushes out of the compression range and immediately returns to its normal volume. The Holy See ’s buildings are all smashed in an instant. Under the mountain, and although the speed of the half of the mountain has been slowed down, it still has no meaning to stop, and it still breaks out, and eventually even the Roman city suffers. The half of the mountain that slipped down completely flattened half of the Roman city before it was considered to stop moving completely. At this time, not only half of the Roman city was buried under the mountain, but also the other half of the city was filled with smoke. Nothing can be seen from a meter away.

"Are we not going to get revenge like this?" Linglong was a little worried as she looked at the ruined city.

I said very surely: "It was Jehovah's guy who provoked us first, and then even if he asked us to trouble, I would have something to deal with him. As for the Roman city, it is a system city, even if there is a guild stationed here, the loss is not It's just a headquarters. Of course, dead people may have resistance to us, but it won't be too serious. After all, death is not too serious for players. "

Suddenly Ling reminded: "Master, we have only one-third of our magic power, shouldn't we flash first? Jehovah is definitely going to come out with such a big movement, but I'm afraid we won't be able to collect the account now Right? "

When I heard Ling's reminder, I could only sigh helplessly: "I blame the jealous Jehovah. Even though his money is not saved, what good do we get!"

"Zi Ri, you **** ..." I was sighing here, and suddenly I heard a huge roar that sounded through the heavens and earth from the collapsed Temple Mount.

"Oops, that guy is coming out! We have to flash quickly." I said, and then suddenly turned around, the wings behind me suddenly opened, and then I saw the feathers under my wings flipping, and sixteen jet thrusters suddenly turned away. The bottom stretched out, and then the sixteen spouts all ignited and spewed out a few feet of flame instantly, and I also stunned out as the propeller fired.

When Jehovah came out of the mountain, he immediately turned into a stream of light and chased it up, but my speed also soared to the limit. The people below saw only two flashes of light disappearing into the sky.

As the boss of the protoss, Jehovah and the leader of Hongjun should be regarded as a level of existence, so he should actually be able to catch up with me in terms of speed. It ’s a pity that although he is very fast, there is a huge difference between us, that is, I can fly randomly between countries, and he is not allowed as the main **** of a nation ’s protoss Leave home. Although his speed is indeed faster than mine, it is not much faster, Italy is so big and vertical, at the speed of both of us, we flew out of the border. At first, it was better on the high seas. After all, it belongs to the public area, but after leaving Italy and crossing a high sea, it soon reached the Greek territorial waters. The Olympus Protoss is not a soft persimmon. He blatantly rushes into the territory of others, which is basically equivalent to death. Therefore, despite the madness, Jehovah did not dare to really chase into Greece. If you lose a temple, you can change another mountain to rebuild the temple, but if he falls by himself, then there is really nothing to count on.

Looking at the roaring Lord outside the Greek territorial waters, I also deliberately stopped and turned to him and said, "I warned you before, it's not good to offend me. Since you have to play tricks with me, you should take responsibility Prepare for the consequences. "

"Hmm, you ruined my temple hill, are you ready to bear the consequences?" Jehovah glared at me with an expression of respect.

I laughed intentionally when he heard him. "Hahahaha ... don't think too hard. We Frost Rose League has no influence in Italy, and your hand can't reach China, so you can't take me at all ~ ~ In the future, I do n’t have to step into the surrounding area of ​​Italy. There are two major temples in Britain, France, and Germany. There are ten of you. Whether you can go back or not, how can you stand me? ”


"Don't you, yours. Tell you, since I dare to turn my face with you, I'm not afraid of your revenge at all, so don't threaten me, because that's useless at all."

"Well, Ziri, wait for me. Sooner or later I will let you know the consequences!" Jehovah angrily dropped this sentence and turned away from the area. Although he did not enter Greek territorial waters, but he was still on the high seas. If the Olympus protoss really rushed out, he would have to say whether he could run away, so if it was really impossible for me, he had to leave this first Insecure place.

Watching Jehovah go away until it completely disappeared on the horizon, there was a flash on my side at once, many magic pets suddenly split out from me, and then leaped into the sea together, but most of them were in Halfway through the training space, only the exquisiteness of the training space and I did not intend to hide at all did not disappear. Opening the earth door under us, pulling Linglong into the door at once, then closing the door, the sea immediately restored its calmness. Now we are all in the sequelae of the Divine Realm. It is best not to go anywhere within an hour. After all, the Olympus Protoss is not as bullying as the Protoss. !! ~!

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