Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 148: Ready to start

"Huh, this time it's safe!" Lying on the grass inside the gate of the earth, I stretched my large figure on the ground to relax and enjoy the sun and warm wind. The Mother Garden of the Earth is completely designed according to the environment of noon on spring day, basically there is no change of day and night and four seasons, but the climate here is definitely the most pleasant and refreshing, and there is a benefit that is not outside, that is absolutely Security.

"Where is this?" As soon as she entered the gate of the earth, Linglong was like a rat that had entered the cat's nest. The whole person was so tight that she almost put her hair up to indicate her nervousness.

"Just rest in peace. For us this is the safest place in the world. Even if you offend all the gods of all the protoss forces in the world, they don't want to hurt a hair here."

"Go ..."

"But can you feel that my breath is scary?", The sudden sound and the sudden surge of energy intensity scared Linglong three feet high, if you didn't see me and the surrounding unicorn warriors in that place. Busy did not have the slightest look of panic, so she probably turned around and ran away.

"Well? Mother Earth? Why are you free to come here?"

"What's your name? How about this in my back garden?"

When I heard this, I could only smile awkwardly and argue with the mother of the earth that the behavior was purely impatient. "Well ... although your back garden is right here, but you rarely come here after all. This time I should come to you for something?"

"In fact, it's not a big deal, just to let you know. Didn't they give you a mission before?"

"Ah ... sorry, there are too many things now, and I often forget when I turn around!", I suddenly remembered myself as if I had greeted me in a meeting, which means I didn't forget this time , But the people in the guild did not give me the findings.

The mother of the earth may not be too nervous about this matter, so she did not count me "but instead comforted me:" We are not in a hurry, you can do it slowly, I just remind you by the way. Actually, I have other things to ask you to do this time. "

"What is it? As long as I can do it, you can order it." Mother of the Earth is different from ordinary protoss. She is neither an ordinary protoss nor a higher **** who is new to me, so I generally don't consider extorting the earth female. As for the period of white labor, it is absolutely impossible for a mother of the earth to appear. Even if I do n’t want it, she will definitely give it.

The relationship between Mother Earth and me is also very good, so she did not treat me politely, but took out a small sapling that was only one foot long and handed it to me: "This is a seedling of the world tree, I think You take it to help me run the World Tree. "" What are you talking about in South America? "The World Tree in Zero is one of the most famous attractions. There are countless combat and non-combat players every day. Go and admire the tree, which is a few kilometers high, and is huge like a city. Moreover, in addition to being used for viewing, this tree is also a character in itself. World Tree can not only generate various tasks, but also complete the transfer of some special occupations. Basically, you can understand it as a collection of professional temples and a group of super NPs. Of course, it also has a main function of producing various fruits, such as the very famous wish fruit, and the tree of life in the main city of the elves is also planted with the fruit of the world tree.

Unexpectedly, the mother of the earth shook her head, and then said, "The world tree is more than one." The tree you said should be the tree of nature. He is an individual in the group of the world tree, just like this individual around you is an independent individual in the succubus. You cannot replace the entire world tree system with the tree of nature.

"Originally there is more than one tree in the world? I always thought that the world tree was the tree of nature!" "That is your misunderstanding. After all, the world tree you can see is usually only the tree of nature. So it's not surprising. But I need you to help me run all six world trees this time. "," Six? "," Yes. Except for the natural tree you said, There are six sharp trees, earth trees, flame trees, water trees, and soul trees. "

"I don't mind running errands, but I don't know where the other five trees are except the tree of nature? Do you know their exact location?" The Mother of the Earth nodded, then took out six colors each. The strange crystal ball passed over. The sizes of these crystal **** are different. The largest one is white. Its volume is almost equal to that of basketball, while the smallest red one is only slightly larger than the largest grape. There is a difference in volume between the two. It's big enough. "Here are some tracking balls." I've poured the breath of the world tree into it. When I use it, I can activate it with a small amount of magic, and then the crystal ball will float up and automatically advance to the world tree. Lost it, although it will fly to the target location by itself, but it will not leave you more than ten meters. If you stop, it will also listen to the route between you and the World Tree and will not fly away by itself. "

I nodded and asked, "Is this task urgent?" The Mother of the Earth nodded and said, "It is urgent, and it is best to do it as soon as possible." "Then I will help you as soon as possible, but I What are you going to do with this world tree seedling to find those world trees? "," Your task is to take the seedlings to those world trees, they know what to do, and when they are done, they will give you the seedlings again, Wait for the six trees to complete their task, and you can help me bring back the seedlings. Anyway, you can come back here anytime, anywhere. "" I see, I will help you when I finish the task at hand You run the world tree. "

"Can't you help me run the World Tree first?", "But I have already received the benefits of others, and this is a matter of life and death. If I run a lap and then come back, the loss will be great. Doing business Let ’s talk about career ethics? ”,“ Then you will help you first, but you have to help me run this thing as soon as it is over.

Don't worry, I won't let you do it for nothing. Each of the six World Trees will give you something to complete each task, absolutely right for your labor. "

"Hey, I don't doubt that, the credibility of your Mother Earth is still very reliable." After telling the mother, the Mother Earth turned and left, and Linglong didn't dare to walk back to me and stammered until this time. Says: "That was the higher **** just now?"

I watched Mother of the Earth leave before turning back to look at Linglong: "How? Didn't it feel like you? I told you that I was fooled when I saw her for the first time. I had always thought of the Earth before A high-level **** such as the mother should be a royal sister's image even if it is not a middle-aged woman. "I didn't expect her to be an eleven-year-old girl. I almost ugly in front of her. "Linglong heard my words and her jaw almost fell off." Can you be mistaken? " Do n’t you feel the terrible coercion? Don't you feel the pressure of horror that even controls the magic in your body? "" Please, I was a novice when I first met the Mother of the Earth, okay? At that time, I could n’t even feel the magic net. “Where do you know what is coercion? Besides, this is the place where the mother of the earth lives, the world supported by her own power. To put it plainly, this is her domain, The grass, sky and everything you see now are all created by the Mother Earth. All the natural laws in this world are made by her, so you will feel the magic in your body Are all controlled the same. "

"This is the realm?"

"Actually speaking, the field is no longer appropriate. Several of our guild masters, including me, can open up the field, but our field is very small, and we can only cover ourselves with several enemies around us during the battle. Just go in, and we ca n’t create anything in the field, we ca n’t even formulate the rules in the field, we can only make a little modification based on the actual rules. Speaking of us, we should call it a quasi-domain form. In fact, it is still a certain difference from the real field. As for the mother of the earth, this one can't be regarded as a field, because the mother of the earth can not only keep the place stable, she can even create it here according to her rules. Life, so this should be called the kingdom of God. "

"So powerful. I didn't expect you to know such a god!"

"In fact, the higher **** I know is not just the Mother of Earth, but in terms of relationship, it is the Mother of the Earth and I have walked the closest."

Linglong nodded and said, "I have found another advantage for you now, that is that you are much stronger than the previous masters." At this point, she suddenly became excited. "Yes, what **** realm and body before that" feels so strong! My heart feels almost popped when you cut down the Temple Mount with your sword! "

"Is there any exaggeration?", "Anyway, it's very prosperous, prosperous, prosperous!", Looking at Ling Long, so prosperous and talking about things in harmony, I am happy with her Talk more. More communication is the correct way to reduce the gap, the more difficult it is to get along without speaking. Ling Long's willingness to talk to me is actually a progressive performance. Although her loyalty is still negative, the value is gradually decreasing as we chat, and when the loyalty reaches zero, it is estimated You can start to cultivate loyalty normally.

"How do you feel? Have you recovered?", I started to inquire about Linglong after chatting for more than an hour. "Although the negative state is early, I had to patiently accompany Linglong in that **** in order to gain loyalty. Kan. But kung fu deserves someone who cares for me. Although I talked for more than an hour and made my mouth dry, Linglong's **** negative loyalty was finally not zeroed by me. Although zero is not considered for the time being Positive, but at least better than negative?

After hearing my question, Linglong realized that this chat was too long. ”And thinking of the first time she had been chatting with others for so long, her face immediately turned pink. Then again, if it was not Ling They are very beautiful with Yeyue. "Suddenly there is such a beautiful magic pet around. Generally, people with poor self-control are really a little uncontrollable. Just the moment of exquisiteness revealed by Linglong is enough to make a willpower. Normal men commit crimes. Of course, I belong to a pervert of willpower, so I can be controlled. But think of it this way, the succubus is really a succubus! Even if it is a mutant iceberg succubus, the temptation is still undiminished!

When I saw Linglong's cheeks red, I could only pretend I didn't see it. Now our relationship is not good enough to joke with each other, so it is best not to mention this kind of thing. "How's it going? Haven't you recovered?"

After hearing my question again, Linglong quickly responded: "No, I have fully recovered.", "That's good. Now that you have fully recovered, let's go to complete the task now. The business that collects the money is not hurry up I'm going to complain when I'm a client. "I said, opened the door to the earth and drilled out, and Linglong quickly followed.

When we reappeared at sea, the situation was overcrowded. The originally empty sea was full of ships of all sizes, including modern steel warships, a large number of large sailing ships, and even small wooden boats slippery. However, although there were a lot of ships at the scene, they were attacking each other without exception, and it was strange that they couldn't see who was fighting with anyone. It felt like the following had already become a pot of porridge. Not everyone on board is the enemy.

"I depend, what is the situation with Mou?", "Maybe it happened to be in Shanghai!" Linglong said uncertainly.

"Have you ever seen hundreds of ships belonging to more than one hundred forces, and then everyone concentrated in a sea of ​​scuffles? Besides, if you really want to fight naval battles, those steel warships should hide in the distance and bombard them. You said they drove one Isn't it a good time for the iron boat to play side-to-side battles with other wooden ships? "Linglong hadn't come to answer me yet. The people below found us first. I do n’t know who screamed, and the people below looked up together and saw my existence. Following it, there was a mess more chaotic than before, but this chaos only ended for a few minutes, because they did n’t Knowing how to reach an agreement, they all aimed at me.

Watching a cannonball fly past me, I quickly pulled Linglong to fly high, but the crowd below continued to open shells, and many people who even flew on the boat seemed to fly up. Want to play air combat with me.

"Do you need to teach them?" The zero loyalty made Linglong know how much to ask for my opinion, but listening to her means that she will wait for me if I want to go down, not that she will go down to help I fought, it is estimated that she would not be able to join me in the war without raising her loyalty to more than twenty. Of course, even if her loyalty rises to more than 20, she estimates that there are many cases where she can't work hard. If you really want her to participate in the battle without having more than 50 loyalty, don't think about it.

Although the following guys provoked me first, I have something to do now, so I don't bother to care about them. However, a little bit of revenge is still necessary, otherwise others thought I was bullying. An air combat mobile angel suddenly appeared next to me, and then raised my hand under my command was a few magic crystal steam missiles to blast those guys who just flew up again, and then he would The rest of the missiles were aimed at several large ships below and hit. Looking at the missiles that Tian Nu Sanhua generally flew down, many people who responded quickly jumped into the water without waiting for the missiles to land. However, such people belong to a very small number, most of them are foolishly watching the pen-sized missiles penetrate into the hull under their feet and then there is a loud noise. If it is an iron boat that will be opened into a big hole, but if it is a wooden boat, it is basically the end of a pile of broken pieces of wood.

Looking at the messy sea below, I took back the mobile angel with satisfaction and asked Linglong to turn around and flew over to the coast. As for whether the group of people on the sea will fight again, that is not my concern.

After entering Greek territory, I did not continue to fly, but first brought the exquisite landing to the ground and first disguised it with camouflage, and then we began to move in the direction of Mount Olympus.

This is my plan. First we need to go to the vicinity of Mount Olympus, and then find a Protoss of Olympus who is out for business. The next part is to attack this guy. Of course, UU reading is best to kill it directly. After killing this guy, the next process is to follow up and kill a few more Olympians. Based on the total number of Olympus Protoss, almost as long as four or five Olympus Protoss are killed, the other party will have a more obvious reaction, and what I want is this reaction.

When the Protoss of Olympus find that someone in their own country is attacking their own clan, they will inevitably adjust their strategic focus from external expansion to eliminate internal saboteurs. As long as they cannot concentrate their efforts to expand outward, I have basically They met Di Tans. As for the issue of the Olympus Protoss' resumption and expansion after my withdrawal, I have also thought about this.

It was impossible for them to adjust their focus immediately after I left. After all, they could not determine whether my attacker was still latent, so they could only relax slowly. Come two ... They do n’t even need to know that I ’m no longer here. Anyway, this mission itself is a long-term job, and I will definitely come to attack the Olympians again afterwards. Besides, I actually have another plan. As long as that plan is successful, other problems will not be a problem. As for the success of that other plan, it depends on whether I can find several heavyweight targets and successfully kill them. Only by hurting Olympus Protoss can my plan be successful. !! ~!

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