Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 149: Caught 2 big fish

Volume 19 Chapter 149 Caught Two Big Fishes

It is easy to successfully reach the vicinity of Mount Olympus, but it is not easy to find a goal that is enough and good to start. m 七 路 中文 m 七 路 中文 I and Linglong waited for a full hour under the mountain, and found countless Protoss of Olympus near, but it is not too low to attack and meaningless, it is strength Too strong to start, or a bunch of gangs, can't take the lead.

Seeing the innumerable Protoss in and out, but could not find one who could do it, Linglong gradually began to lose patience, but because I later summoned Ling and Xiaochun to chat with her, I did not let her cause anything. .

We waited until dusk, even when I was almost impatient, and the two Olympians came down from the mountain. As a result, I immediately saw them as targets.

Although the two of us who are following us are not at the top of the Olympus Protoss, they are definitely numbered. I should not have attacked them because of their strength. After all, both of them are too powerful. However, after waiting so long, only these two are the most suitable, so I had to take a chance to try it, otherwise I don't know when to wait!

After finding the target, I quickly made a gesture to Ling and Xiaochun. After the two immediately pulled Linglong to lurk to a boulder, Ling directly opened a layer of translucent black light film and wrapped all three of them in, and I turned on stealth mode and lurked into a bunch of bushes.

After the three of us hid, the two on the mountain also gradually approached the path in front of us. At this time, the two without any knowledge were still walking and talking, not even noticing that four dangerous enemies were hidden on both sides of the road not far ahead.

"Zeus will arrange this, will Lord Hades accept it?" The men of the two Protoss said to the woman who was half a step ahead of him.

"Ladamantis, do you think you would accept it if it were you?"

"I don't think I will accept it! But with the character of Lord Hades ..."

Hearing Radamantis' words lingering, the female proto nodded and said, "No one knows Hardis better than me, not even Persephone. You won't accept this arrangement , But with my knowledge of Hades, he would definitely agree. "

"Maybe we can try to persuade Lord Hades." Radamantis suggested: "Master Pandora, you are still very important in Lord Hades's heart. If you persuade Persephone to be with you Go to persuade the subordinates to reconcile, I think Hardis should consider our opinions. "

"No Radamantis, you don't understand Hades' character. Although he looks easy-going, you must not really think of him as someone who obeys others. He just doesn't like to compete for anything. Does not mean he has no opinion. "

"But if we go on like this, our **** system will be annexed by the **** system sooner or later? Minos and Eacos can't get out of bed yet. Lord Tanatos was almost burned into fly ash by the purification light of Marilyn yesterday. And Xu Dela was also seriously wounded in the attack on the Protoss. If we continue to fight like this, our Olympus Protoss may be able to flourish, but the Nether gods will definitely die out! I am not afraid of death, just It really makes me uncomfortable to be framed to death like this! "

"Anyway Zeus gave the order, even if he didn't want Hades, he couldn't openly challenge Zeus' authority. And that nasty Athena, what was it just saying? I really want to kill her on the spot!"

Radamantis reluctantly said, "In fact, who of our gods do not want to kill Athena? Unfortunately, although she is a goddess of wisdom, she is more powerful than Ares. Otherwise, she and the gods are the gods. Relationship, we do n’t know how many times she has dropped without us. ”

Pandora shook her head helplessly when she heard what Radamantis said: "Thanks Victoria is no longer there, otherwise Athena may be even more arrogant than now. M 七 路 中文"

I was about to attack these two people. After hearing this name, I suddenly held my breath. First, I used Lingnan to contact Ling and told them not to do anything, and then called Victoria out.

"Master, what am I supposed to do?"

"You used to have a good relationship with Athena?"

Hearing my question Victoria first froze, then looked at me in surprise and asked, "Don't you know?"

"Should I know?"

"Of course." Victoria said, "Although Athena is a goddess of wisdom, she is also a **** of war, and is different from Ares' stupid man. The fart is pissing. "

"So you were a proto-Olympus?"

"Of course, otherwise why do you think I was sealed in the Temple of Light? Obviously there was a conflict between the two protoss, so I was captured. Of course, I actually joined the Temple of Light for a short time after that. La."

"Have you ever been a traitor?"

"Who told Olympus that no one came to save me. They don't take me seriously, why should I work hard for them?"

"I see, you go back first." Squeezing Victoria back into the training space, then I quickly greeted Ling to quickly keep up with Pandora and Radamantis who had passed by us.

As the head of the Pluto system, one of the three major gods of the Olympus, Pandora's status in this system is second only to Hades himself. This status is enough to ensure that Olympus Lima will be alert after her disappearance. After all, it is not easy for a big man like this to disappear suddenly. In addition, Radamantis following Pandora is not a general character.

Lada Mantis is one of the three major judges in the underworld. Although there are many judges in the prefectures in China, that is because of China's population problems. There are only three judges in the **** on the Olympian Protoss. If you use the position on the other side of the heavens to compare, Radamantis should actually be higher than the position of the king of the king. After all, the court of heaven already has eleven kings, but the Protoss of Olympus has only three **** judges, so Radamantis' status is at least equal to the status of four kings. And, although there are three judges in the **** of the Olympian Protoss, these three guys are not equal. Radamantis is the leader of these three, and is slightly higher than the other two in the post, so he cannot be considered a simple role.

The status of Pandora and Radamantis is not low, so if they can be captured or killed, it will definitely achieve my purpose of affecting Olympus' strategic focus. However, it is relatively unfortunate that Pandora and Radamantis are not fuel-efficient lamps. Their combat effectiveness is at least second-class among the Olympians, and their combat effectiveness is second only to Athena and Hades at the first-class level. And Poseidon. Such existence is not a good role to deal with, especially the Protoss of Olympus is still a strong war race. In such a protoss, it can be ranked second-class, it is definitely a pretty good character.

"Master, wouldn't it be too risky to attack them?" Both Ling and Xiaochun have been goddesses. They all know some of the well-known figures in the Olympian Protoss, so they obviously don't look like Linglong. So excited.

"Although it was a bit risky, it was not a big problem in terms of our strength. We followed them first and launched the attack when we left Olympus far away."


Tracking Pandora and Radamantis is not a complicated task. Although both of them are good, they are not paying attention at all now. Moreover, because they are near Olympus, they did not expect Someone dared to attack them in such a place. Because we didn't expect it, there was no alert, so we were able to easily track the two people out of the Olympus mountain boundary.

"Master, is the distance almost the same?" Apparently Linglong, who was extremely excited about being able to attack the protoss, actually urged us. The rebels really have the characteristics of rebellion. Linglong has an extraordinary passion for things that are absolutely dared to do and can't do when attacking the protoss, and she doesn't even care to help me, the oppressor in her eyes.

Although Linglong urged us just because she was in a hurry, I saw that the surrounding environment was indeed suitable for me to start, so I facilitated to give them a command to prepare for the operation with my heart. As for myself, I stepped forward to summon a large number of magic pets in advance and arranged them on both sides of the road.

After all, we are attacking two Protoss, and they are more famous. We must not be taken lightly to deal with such an existence, and no one else will give them their reputation. Without such strength, it would not be possible to gain a foothold in the Olympian Protoss who are constantly in the civil war.

Pandora, who was discussing the issue with Radamantis, stopped abruptly as she walked along. Radamantis noticed that Pandora stopped for a moment, then noticed me standing in the middle of the road in front of them, and what shocked him was that he had not felt the slightest emission from me until now. power. There was nothing at all in his induction, as if it was just a phantom, but the fact was ... it was indeed a phantom.

Just as Radamantis was surprised that he could not sense the breath of the phantom, a sharp blade suddenly pierced from behind him. Suddenly feeling the substantive breath, Radamantis hurriedly walked aside to let go of the sword's stab, and then turned back and slanted it to the opponent's head. As a result, the opponent disappeared like a ghost. Trace, and once again he stunned.

"Damn, it's actually a hit!" Radamantis, who fluttered with a sword, suddenly raised his hand and slaps his head against his own head, and then took a few steps back from his own shot and sat still. He reached the ground, and as he opened his eyes again, the surroundings changed. I saw he was surrounded by a large group of various creatures, and Pandora was fighting with several people in the distance.

Actually Radamantiss they had entered the illusion before they saw my phantom, but they didn't notice it. However, both of them were amazing. Pandora discovered the fact that she had entered the illusion almost at the same time that she had no breath in her illusion, and then she quickly got out of the illusion. Although Radamantis was delayed for a while, it did not let us do it, so it was a good response.

"Master Pandora!" Radamantis, who had just recovered, called out to Pandora immediately.

Pandora struck a row of black light **** with left and right hands, and Ling and Xiaochun released the light **** in the mid-air. After the hands suddenly pressed together, followed by a sudden pull, a nearly three-meter-long black long gun was directed A magic circle was pulled out, and then she saw a sharp wave of the tail of the gun, a black arc flashed, Ling and Xiaochun hurried back to avoid the light blade, and the rock behind them was nothing. The upper part of the sound was instantly cut off by the light blade.

After two consecutive moves to force Kai Ling and Xiao Chun, Pandora directly turned around and pierced the spear towards the second, who secretly leaned on. After the second one jumped and struck the blow, Pandora took the opportunity to shout to Radamantis: "Don't worry about me, you go back and report."

"Yes, sir!" Radamantis immediately promised to open a few magic besiegers with a ring-shaped magic ring, and then opened a pair of huge black meat wings, followed by a fierce one. Slap your wings and jump into the sky. However, before he adjusted his direction and left, he suddenly felt his ankle tightened, and a huge pulling force dragged him directly back to the ground.

Everett floated in mid-air and watched Radamantis thrown back to the ground by himself. A row of missiles swept away. Radamantis crawled and dodged to escape. But before he recovered, with a crackling sound of thunder, a golden figure suddenly appeared in front of him like a momentary movement, and the figure disappeared again after he did not respond, and then he himself He was blown out somehow.

"Sickle." I reminded Radamantis, who was flying away. Two groups of white slime **** immediately shot one after the other, and then opened into two large nets in the air, and immediately tied Radamantis in flight to become a mule.

The whole body was entangled in wire-like spider wire, but Radamantis was still struggling, but the sickle rushed up to pick it up. He just rolled over, and by the time he landed again, it had become a huge one. Cocoons.

Seeing Radamantis captured, Pandora knew that he must not run away. However, she is not the kind of person who will surrender. After discovering that she has no hope of running away, she immediately squeezed with one hand, and then pointed forward, a black arc flashed, and instantly flew the king who was about to rush forward. A few feet away, the whole person was smoking after landing. If it wasn't for the king itself, it would definitely be familiar.

Immediately after hitting the king, Pandora flipped her spear over and slammed it into the ground. Then she grabbed the handle of both hands and began to chant. With her movements, a magic circle suddenly appeared at her feet and began to rapidly expand around, but at this moment Ling suddenly blinked his eyes, and drew a floating magic circle in front of him with one hand, then He smashed it with a fierce punch, followed by Ling vomiting blood and backing up until Xiaochun held it, while the opposite Pandora also bleeds back with Ling at the same time. The magic array under her foot collapsed instantly, even the spear All shattered into pieces.

"Well ... forbidden magic!" Pandora tried a few more magics after she was injured, and found that she couldn't gather magic at all, but she blew out her wounds instead.

Although Ling also received a certain degree of backlash for forcibly using a spell of this level in the forbidden magic area by forcibly using this method, but because Xiaochun was treating her nearby, the injury was quickly treated. Under control. Of course, even if the injury was contained, Ling seemed quite weak. But she doesn't need to fight anymore now, so this injury is not a big deal at all.

"She can't use spells, melee." Ling, who was supported by Xiaochun, commanded with pride after Pandora spit blood, and several melee pets around him rushed together.

Although Pandora can also melee, she is still a spell attacker after all. Her melee ability is not her specialty. She is besieged by a group of magic pets who specialize in melee combat. She has no weapons in her hands, but she only insisted on three moves before being attacked by Yeyue. One tail flew out, and then the person was stuck in the sickle's spider web by the sickle's spider web, and she was wrapped into a cocoon like Radamantis a few seconds later.

Xiaochun helped Ling in the past to put a seal on each of the two cocoons, and then allowed Yeyue to turn the two cocoons into stone sculptures with petrified eyes. Now if I do n’t release them actively, Pandora and Radamantis will basically not have to expect to run away ~ ~ In fact, they should even stop consciousness now, so they ran away No ability to think.

"Hey, have you made any mistakes?" I have been excited to experience how exquisitely the savage protoss feels until this time before jumping out and screaming. Just after I issued the attack command, our team of magic pets cooperated so perfectly that Linglong ended the fight without finding a chance to intervene. Looking at the two stone eggs on the ground, except for her expression of depression, she was left stubborn. "You guys let me do it once!"

"Fighting is not a game, not just what you want to do." Ling said very earnestly, "We don't owe you anything, and we take care of you only because you haven't fully embraced our collective. So I want to give you a chance to adapt, but you should not take this as your privilege. When you say that you yearn for freedom, you should understand that freedom is not your own freedom, and others need freedom. "

Appreciatively, Ling Ling's complexion was pulled down by such a thorough training, but she still understood the reason and knew that she was in a position of loss, so she did not refute it. Xiaochun looked at Ling's black face and immediately jumped out and sang a white face. "Ah, Linglong was also excited for a while. Ling you were told she was here. It's still too close to Mount Olympus, and we'd better move quickly, so that the Protoss will not get in trouble after a while." !! ~!

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