Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 150: Olympus Anecdotes

Volume 19 Chapter 150 Olympus Anecdotes

The process of evacuating the scene was very smooth, of course, the main reason was that the place we chose was relatively remote. After a successful evacuation, we quickly made a circle and returned to the vicinity of Mount Olympus and randomly found a city hotel to live in.

Pandora and Radamantis are missing. The Olympian Protoss must inevitably conduct a large-scale search. It will be very difficult to hide outside. However, there is a saying called black under the lights. Literally, street lights can illuminate a large area nearby, but directly below it, it is black. The extended meaning is that the more dangerous a place may be, the more secure it is because the other side An intruder who would think that such a big thing would not dare hide in such a close place according to the inertia thinking, so they would relax their vigilance in this area and strengthen the search for a further area. According to this theory, the safest place now is actually near Mount Olympus. So it is actually safest for us to hide here, because the Olympians will not pay attention to searching this area at all.

"What shall we do now?" Linglong asked.

"We? Of course we are waiting here."


"Do you want to face the Olympus Protoss in a decisive battle? Even if our strength is very strong, it is only an individual existence. The other party is not only a Protoss, but also a whole Protoss. Even if our strength can kill one or two of them It is absolutely impossible to oppose them as a whole. You must figure this out. I know you want to fight with the Protoss, but that must be based on our life to come back alive, otherwise you still pray Don't happen well. "

Linglong snorted angrily after I finished speaking. When I looked at the loyalty, it turned negative again. Fortunately, it was only negative three. The value was not large. After thinking about it for a while, I touched Huang Chancan's fruit from my body and handed it to Linglong's eyes. "This is an apology."

"You want to send me a fruit?"

I thought about it and took another one and grabbed it in my hand and said, "This one is an apology. As for this, it is a free tasting."

After listening to my words, Linglong slyly snatched the fruit I handed it over and said, "I only need to taste this for free. As for your apology, please put it away." She then vented on that fruit like she was venting. She took a bite, and then her expression suddenly changed. After looking at the fruit in her hand in surprise, her eyes instantly turned to me to search for another fruit, only to find that I had actually handed the fruit to Ling, and what made her angry was the house. The magic pet here is basically a fruit with a human hand holding it, and the princess even has a lady's face full of juice without a lady's image in the left hand and the right hand.

"Don't you say it was an apology?"

"You said no," I said with an aggrieved expression.

"Don't you just say no if you don't?"

"Nonsense, you do n’t want me anymore. I forced you back. Is n’t that forcing you? Did n’t you say you wanted to be free, and hated others forcing you to do things you do n’t want to do? I respect you now, and you say no I wo n’t give it. Is n’t this compromising to you according to your habits? What ’s wrong? Do n’t you like it? Will it be better for me to force you like your original master in the future? ”

"You ... hmm ..." I was so annoyed that I didn't know what to say. However, when she was sulking alone, she suddenly found that two fruits were handed to her.

"Just kidding you. Don't be so mean?"

"Huh!" Linglong's smile flickered quickly, and she soon turned into a look of anger, but immediately after I increased the fruit to six, her psychological line of defense collapsed. Of course, as she accepted the fruits I passed on, her loyalty quickly rose from negative three to eleven. Thankfully, this **** loyalty finally returned to a positive value, and historically broke through the single-digit mark and entered the double-digit era. Of course, we must admit that the number of loyalty is eleven-still fail!

Seeing Linglong holding the fruit frenzy in that excitement, I was planning to turn back to the funeral man to make a little more of this kind of fruit. The effect of this fruit, which is used to promote loyalty and favorability, is simply amazing, and the taste of this thing is really great. If it is not high, I plan to use this as a solid beverage instead of drinking water. .

Although the hotel room looked like a leisurely scene, in fact I didn't really rest. Yes, my magic pets are all back, but there are large groups of ghost beetles wandering around Olympus. These little spies are constantly returning various information near Olympus, including of course the locations of the various protoss and their search.

Obviously, the search for the Protoss of Olympus was exactly according to my guess. They simply sorted out people in several cities below Mount Olympus, and then moved their targets to a wider area. Numerous spies were found during the period, but I was hiding in the hotel in good condition.

After a whole night of searching, the entire Olympus Protoss finally gave up completely. They finally found the battlefield where we ambushed Pandora and Radamantis, but the clues that followed were completely misleading to me.

In fact, after attacking Pandora and Radamantis at that time, I did not leave the scene immediately, but released a formation of death guards. These death guards rearranged the scene to a certain degree after we flew out of the scene, making it look more intense than the actual battle, and all traces of the battle that might expose us were cleared, leaving only Traces of simple sword attack. After doing this, the death guards immediately carried some stones and ran towards the sea towards Italy. Their footprints were deliberately removed, but they intentionally left some other traces along the way for the Olympians to trace. In the end, the Olympians could only chase the sea along the traces we laid, and then they would find a small piece of cloth on Pandora's skirt and a few pieces of linen clothing. As for the origin of those sackcloth clothing fragments ... that was actually collected when we battled the temple angels on the Temple Mount. There is nothing wrong with this kind of fabric, but because it is the clothes of the angels, there will always be some angel's breath. With the power of the Olympus Protoss, it is definitely not difficult to figure out the origin of the clothing. And this is my misfortune plan.

Jehovah's miser, the ghost, even dared to rely on my account. Later, he even wanted to turn over my face and kill me. This behavior is absolutely unforgivable. As a third-party liaison organization between the gods, if I easily let go of Jehovah and the protoss this time, then there will be a second and a third accounter. In the long run, I'm still a fart? Therefore, this time it is not just a matter of debt. To be honest, compared with the incident itself, the benefit is really not a big deal.

Although I have successfully attracted the attention of the Protoss of Olympus to the Protoss, but this will not take effect in a short time, so I must add fire to let the Protoss of Olympus realize that the Protoss is now their biggest Trouble, so they had to slow down or even suspend their aggressive behavior against Di Tans. At that time, let the Olympus Protoss and the Protoss fight for their lives. We just have to sit on the side with popcorn and watch the liveliness.

Until the search operation in the early morning of the second day, Olympus immediately began to close the team and return to their respective positions. After all, the Olympus Protoss is invading the three European temples and the Protoss territory at the same time. It can be said that Olympus Protoss is already in a state of war. At this critical moment, if it was not because of the identity of Pandora and Radamantis, Olympus would definitely not send the frontline personnel back for a search. But now that the search has come to a conclusion, it would not be worth it to waste manpower. Therefore, the next morning, the members of the Olympus Protoss all returned to their jobs, but the two did not leave.

The two remaining are not small characters, one of them is Persephone, the goddess of spring. From a relationship point of view, Pandora and Hades should be regarded as brothers and sisters of different names. The two have a good relationship, while Persephone is Hades's wife. In other words, Pandora should be regarded as the younger sister of Persephone, and according to what I learned from Victoria, it seems that Persephone and Pandora's personal relationship is also good.

As Hades's wife, her auntie disappeared, and Hades couldn't afford to take care of it. Of course, Persephone, which had little fighting power, would share some sorrow for her husband. So after the gods left, she stayed and continued to search for information about Pandora, hoping to find some more accurate clues.

In addition to Persephone, the other person left was Ares. This guy's status among the gods is quite high. After all, purely in terms of combat power, he can already be regarded as one of the three main forces of the Olympus Protoss other than the three brothers of Zeus.

Among the entire Protoss of Olympus, the three brothers Zeus, Hades and Poseidon can be said to have the highest combat effectiveness. The three people below them should be the goddess of wisdom Athena and the sun **** Apollo. And this Ares, the **** of war. Moreover, in addition to the three brothers of Zeus, Ares should be regarded as the strongest existence of the Protoss of Olympus. Although this guy was often spit by the fart beaten by Athena, it was definitely not because of Ares' incompetence, but rather because of his bad luck.

According to Victoria, Ares is a guy she hates, and the victory of the battle is not entirely determined by strength. Luck also plays a big role in combat. Even if you are a master of martial arts, if you encounter muscle cramps in a fight, it is entirely possible that you will be killed by an apprentice who has just learned two moves. Therefore, although victory is related to the value of force, it is not necessarily absolutely related. And Ares belongs to the super unlucky master, because he has a bad relationship with Victoria, who is in charge of the probability problem, so he always has something to do with each other. He had been hit badly by Athena before because of this reason, not because he was really weak.

After this search, although the Olympus Protoss all evacuated, Ares was left behind, not because he was able to fight, but because his luck was too bad, leaving him on the front line not only to get up The other protoss who had suffered from the tragic luck to the positive effect were unlucky with him. This time it happened that such a large disappearance occurred within the Protoss of Olympus, so the gods collectively used this excuse to throw all the follow-up work to Ares. It doesn't matter if he can get Pandora and Radamantis back, as long as he isn't on the front line and everyone is unlucky.

For this reason, there are now two high-level protoss left near Mount Olympus, Ares and Persephone. Of course, it is impossible for a senior protoss to go around alone, especially in the case of knowing that the homeland is not safe. Therefore, Ares and Persephone have each brought a combat team of more than 300 people, but the personnel in this team are not protoss, but-Saints.

That's right, it's the Saint Seiya, but it's not the same as the Saint Seiya in the cartoon. The first is that these Saints do not belong to Athena, but each Protoss has its own Saint. Of course, there are also differences between Saints and Saints. Saints like Athena are particularly good at fighting. Sometimes only two or three Saints can kill a weak protoss with a relatively weak strength, and some saints may be It is slightly stronger than ordinary people, and this is the gap.

Ares's saints are very high-level, and they are also outstanding in combat effectiveness, but unfortunately they have inherited Ares' terrible luck, so so far they don't know what it means to win, anyway, no matter what they encounter No matter how good the enemy is, they can always figure out something and be defeated by the enemy somehow. But having said that, after participating in thousands of battles in my life, I still can survive, which is a rather strange luck in itself.

Compared to the Saint Seiya of Persephone, they are naturally inferior in strength compared with the Saint Seiya of Ares. However, Persephone is also of high status, so her saint is also quite capable. And without the weird influence of Ares, her Saint Seiya knows what victory means.

After the brigade Olympus ended, the two Protoss began to take their Saints to search for various clues on Greek land. Of course, at the request of Persephone, they searched separately. of. Persephone's original words were: "So many of us are enough to ensure our own safety. Being together can only be a waste of time. It is better to be separated." Of course, what she thought in her mind, except for Arie That idiot is probably known to everyone.

"What shall we do?" Linglong, who was holding the last fruit, suddenly heard Ling asked me such a sentence, because we were all resting before, so this sudden and unexpected sign made her a little bit messy Unclear about the situation.

I closed my eyes and sensed the message from the ghost worm, "I think of a way to kill one of the teams."

When Linglong saw me and Ling said something she didn't understand, she curiously came together and asked, "What are you talking about?"

I didn't answer her, but pulled the princess's hand over her forehead, and the huge information was instantly inserted into the exquisite mind, and she immediately understood what we were talking about. Me and my pet can share their spirits, so the information ling of the ghost worm and other pets can also be seen. However, because Linglong's loyalty is too low, it will be like a bad signal when accessing our spiritual sharing. Others can get information synchronization at any time, but she has to take the initiative to check the information to get feedback, otherwise the spiritual sharing will give her feedback. It is almost shielded.

I didn't care about the exquisiteness that was digesting the information, I asked the surrounding magic pets directly in the soul sharing: "Which team do you think is better to attack?"

Xiaochun said: "From the perspective of combat effectiveness, of course, Persephone's team has a greater grasp. Just according to Victoria's intelligence, that Ares ..."

Everyone laughed a little, and Victoria said, "Anyway, in my memory, Aris has fought countless times in his life, and he has never beaten it once. So if it is I, I must choose him.

Ling said with some reassurance: "Aris was always defeated because of your interference. Now you do n’t do it at the Olympus Protoss. Will his strength return to normal? After all, Ares is God of War, according to normal circumstances, the whole Olympus protoss except the three brothers Zeus should count him the most powerful. If there is only one of him, we do not have to worry, but there are more than two hundred Saints around him, this It ’s a little bit risky ~ ~ We managed to lead the target of the Olympian Protoss to the Protoss. In case any Saint ran out to tell the Olympus Protoss, our plan will be immediately It's going to be a mess. "

As soon as Victoria heard it, she explained, "You misunderstood. I did have a bad relationship with Ares before, but he always lost the battle, but it wasn't all my reasons. He always lost because of my fight with Athena. The reason, but that ’s just because I had a good relationship with Athena at that time. Usually he lost the battle because his own luck was really a tragedy, and it really had nothing to do with me. For this reason, he went to find Goddess of Destiny, he still could n’t solve his luck problem. So you do n’t have to worry about Ares ’luck suddenly recovering. That guy is a born hapless guy, a model of tragedy.”

The king suddenly said beside him: "Fortunately, I am not so miserable. If I were Aris, I would have committed suicide early. I have never won a battle after fighting for a lifetime, and I still dared to continue to fight, Aris' willpower It is really admirable, if the average person would have been crazy! "

After listening to everyone's words, I finally said in a final voice: "Okay, our next goal is to choose Ares. Let's see how much this unlucky egg can be unlucky!"! ~!

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