Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 155: Treasure Ship Cemetery

Volume 19 Chapter 155 Treasure Ship Cemetery

"Huh, finally killed! This sea floor is really not a place to stay!"

After sighing, I quickly turned around and continued to dive, but it didn't surprise me that I just saw the seabed just a minute down, and after a few minutes of swimming, I finally successfully stood on this hard On the sea floor.

Unlike ordinary waters, there is not too much sediment at the bottom of the trench. It is not that the sediment in the sea will not land on the bottom of the sea, but that the water pressure here is too great. Although the amount of sediment that landed on the sea floor is not a lot, but because of the pressure on the sea floor, once the sediment sinks to the sea floor, it will be pressed into a whole with the sea floor within a few days. Therefore, in fact, what can be felt on the bottom of the sea is only a small layer of sand on the surface, and the bottom of the sea is hard like steel.

After landing successfully, I first observed the surrounding environment. The place I just landed on should be a small piece of high ground, and the surrounding area is slightly shorter than here. As for the water tree as the target, I haven't found where it is yet. Fortunately, guiding the crystal ball always indicates the direction of the tree, so don't worry about finding it.

Swim all the way along the direction of the crystal ball, and soon I found a sunken ship lying on the sea bed in front of me. Because most of the hull structure is buried under the sea floor, it is difficult to determine what kind of ship it is. It can only be determined from the wooden mast that exposes the sea floor and some hull debris below. .

I wasn't interested in the treasure hunt of the ancient ship, but the ship in front of it was broken a bit, and the hull was buried too deep. I didn't want to do excavation on the deep ocean floor. However, I just made up my mind to give up the treasure ship, and immediately found something wrong. After I bypassed the treasure ship, there were still treasure ship wrecks in front of me, but not one, but three.

Three dilapidated wrecks were scattered in a small area in front of me. One of them was only half of the hull, and the other parts were missing. Hundreds of boxes were scattered on the sea floor near the three ships, and several of them were cracked and fell on the sea floor, spilling large pieces of metal coins and some kinds of gems.

Although I have dark vision, the world I see in the dark is actually black and white. Different colors are different reactions of the human eye to visible light of different wavelengths. Night vision does not rely on visible light at all, so I can't see the color at all. The metal coins scattered on the seabed have obvious relief patterns on the surface, so it can be determined that these are coins, but because I can't see the color, I don't know if this is gold, silver or other coins. The same goes for those gems. The gems scattered on the sea floor were all translucent, but the color was not clear at all. Except for the light and dark changes that can determine these gems are colored gems, I do n’t know what these things are.

After seeing these three ships, it was finally determined to finally shake. Of course, the temptation of a shipwreck with hidden treasures and the treasure on the ground in front of the eyes cannot be the same. Because of my character, I haven't been able to do Baoshan for a while, so ... "Ghost bug, bring me all those things back."

This ghost place is not the ground, most of my magic pets cannot survive here. As for any unicorn warrior, death guard, or mobile angel, it will only become a pancake in this place, the difference is only the specific material of the pancake. In fact, if it was not for the perverted defense power of the Shenlong suit, I would instantly become a meat pie in such a place. This is not because my strength is not good, but the pressure in this place is too abnormal.

At present, among my magic pets, the only ones who can really move freely in this place are probably only Mira, Hei Yan, Sha Yezi, and the King. Mira is a gem dragon, and the whole body is a giant diamond. Not to mention the water pressure now, she will be fine with another zero. Although Hei Yan's body is not diamond, his strength is probably the most powerful of my magic pets. Although the pressure here is great, Hei Yan can still withstand it to some extent. As for Sha Yezi and the King, they can't say how outstanding they are. The main reason why they can survive here is because both of them can enter nothingness. To put it bluntly, these two are two ghosts without a substance. Have you ever seen a ghost crushed to death by water pressure?

Only four of them can be summoned, but the treasures here are fragmented, covering a large area of ​​the surrounding sea. If the four of them helped me collect the treasure, it would be at least a few hours, so I can only summon the ghost worm.

There are two modes of ghost worms. One is nothingness mode. In this state, they are basically no entity like the ghost, so they are not afraid of water pressure. The other form of Ghost Worm is diamond form. In this form, ghost worms will become diamond-like creatures, as hard as diamonds, so they can be as resistant to water pressure as Mira.

Because the two properties of Ghost Worm are not afraid of water pressure, and their quantity is enough, I gave them the task of collecting treasures, and I myself moved a few meters upstream quickly.

I crossed the first ship before and I saw the three ships in front of me. I felt a bit wrong, but when I rose a few meters and the height exceeded the three ships blocking my view, I was still shocked by the sight in front of me. Already.

Just in front of me, behind the three sunken ships, within my eyes, dozens of ships of various models, sizes, and ages were scattered on the sea floor. The density was so high that there were even several ships. It happened in a pile like a human pyramid. Of course, in addition to the sunken ship, all kinds of messy goods around are also scattered all over the ground. Some very precious materials and more goods of little value are scattered on the sea floor, and looking at it is just a garbage dump.

"Master is careful." I was watching the seabed, and Mira suddenly appeared beside me.

Listening to her suddenly shouting carefully, I quickly drew back, but waited a while to find that nothing hit me. Myra pulled me apologetically and said, "Sorry, I'm too anxious to convey. I didn't let you hide things, but Sister Ling said you should be careful. There is something weird here."

Because the magic pets and I can share the senses through spiritual contact, although I can't get out, I can also see what Ling sees. Of course, the premise is that she has to take the initiative to watch.

I nodded when I was reminded by Mira: "I also know that this place must be dangerous. It's no coincidence that so many boats are all sunk in one place. But I can't help it! Look at the crystal ball! It was clear that it was going to take me to the central area of ​​the wreck, could I not follow it? "

Although it is still quiet until now, I actually guessed the situation here. Needless to say, there must be a monster here that likes to attack ships, and in many cases these sunken ships were dragged here by it. If the sea area above is an accident-prone area, it is unlikely that all sinking ships will be concentrated in this area. During the sinking process, a ship does not sink vertically. It will sink to different positions due to different damage locations, different hull structures, and different ocean currents when sinking. This specific sinking site may be hundreds of nautical miles away from the original sinking position of the ship, and the range of different ships affected by various factors is different. For example, when a wooden boat sinks, it may be carried far away by ocean currents, while a metal boat will quickly remove the bottom because it is relatively heavy and will not be washed too far by the ocean current.

However, there are wooden ships and metal ships here, as well as a few Japanese warships that seem to be sunk by our guild, and there are guild signs on it. So many ships are all concentrated in this area, which is obviously not caused by the natural environment. Even if the ships weren't sunk by the creature, at least it came over. It is impossible for the ship to come by itself anyway.

"Ling, what do you think is going to be here?" I asked Ling through contact with my heart.

Ling reluctantly replied: "I don't have much research on marine life, so I don't know what it is. But one thing is certain, that is that this thing is very large."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because the buoyancy of water makes the hull lighter, but it is not something small creatures can do to bring such a huge ship here."

I nodded and said, "That's right, at least I can't move a boat myself. So that thing should be at least much bigger than me."

Milla asked, "Would you like me to make a turn in front of you to find your way? With my defense, even if there is a monster attacking suddenly, you should not be able to treat me."

I thought for a while and said, "Forget it, the task of pathfinding is left to the Ghost Worm. You are not such a pathfinder in the past, it's called a grass attack."

Although the Ghost Worm is now helping me to move supplies, the Ghost Worm I can summon is not tens of thousands, but millions. The tens of thousands Ghost Worms are responsible for path exploration. The overall efficiency of the handling is almost nothing. Significant impact. However, I just sent out the ghost wrecks here ~ ~ The fastest ghost wrecks haven't even come across the three shipwrecks, and the monster who likes to collect the wrecks has come forward. We saw a sudden change of haze in front of the sea, and a lot of mud was turned up. What was behind was invisible at all, but the water pressure in this ghost place was too high for even Ariana to call. Without her sonar system, we want to know what it is after the sediment, so we can only wait for the other party to drill it out. !! ~!

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