Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 156: Water and Fire Double Tree

Volume 19 Chapter 156 Water and Fire Trees

The monster opposite was obviously not a patient guy. Along with a large swath of mud and sand, the center of the entire silt area suddenly lit up with a white light, followed by that light and projected a huge sharp fangs at the junction of the sand and the sea. Mouth.

When we saw that big mouth, it was a tense moment. Judging from the size of this guy, it is at least three times longer than Mira's body, and it is not difficult to see from this mouth, this guy is definitely a carnivore.

"What to do?" Mila asked nervously.

"Don't move, wait until the guy comes out. It's not a big deal to play fit again. If we concentrate our strengths, we can't beat it. There should be no problem running away."

Mira nodded and stood with me, waiting for the monster to appear. The other party didn't let us wait too much, just less than two seconds after we finished speaking, the sand and dust on the opposite side suddenly bulged outward, and then the swelled mud was pushed by a huge object to the sides and exposed. A huge and gigantic beak, and as the mouth continued to extend forward, the face, forehead and a pair of huge horns behind it also got out of the sand.

"Damn, it's the evil dragon!" The little dragon girl's voice rang out suddenly in her contact.

"Do you know this thing?"

The little dragon girl panicked and reminded: "No time to explain now, the master runs away, this thing is not easy to deal with!"

"Strong enough that we are not opponents together?"

"Of course we were able to go to him together, but here is the bottom of the sea, everyone can't get out!" Watching the huge figure in front of him rushing out, the little dragon girl's tone gradually began to get anxious.

After hearing the little dragon girl's reminder, I glanced at the crystal ball in front of me, and finally turned around and escaped without listening to the little dragon girl's words. Anyway, the task of Mother Earth is always to be done. Even if I run now, can I not come back afterwards? So if you can't get along with this thing called Nielong, you can only fight with him. Anyway, the cooldown of the God Realm and physical skills has passed, and it's a big deal to come back again. I don't believe that this guy's head is stronger than the Temple Mount. If I can level the Temple Mount, I can also cut this guy's head off. Of course, that's the last guarantee in case, it's better not to fight.

"Do n’t talk, let me talk to this guy. If it doesn't work, we will fight with him."

"Then you can decide for yourself, just call us if it doesn't work." The little dragon girl said helplessly and arranged with me.

Just after our conversation, the nefarious dragon on the opposite side had completely swam out of the mud. After seeing the overall shape of the creature in front of me, I finally understood why this thing is called Nielong. First of all, if you are not mistaken, this guy should be some branch of the Shenlong line, or maybe there is some blood relationship, anyway, this guy is very similar to the little dragon girl's body shape.

The shape of the dragon's head is basically similar to that of the general dragon, but the overall shape is more slender, closer to the shape of the head of the western dragon, and the teeth of this guy are obviously more terrifying than the teeth of the dragon. The mouth is sharp His cavities resemble two rows of scythes. In addition, the horns on this guy's head are not like dragon horns. The dragon horn is actually antlers, the tip is round, and there is no sharp point, but the guy's horns are like the horns of a triceratops. Not only are there two rhino horns on the tip of the nose. The two horns on the head also grow obliquely upward at a certain angle. It looks like two antennas. The sharp tip is definitely not the shape of the dragon's horn.

Except for the head, this guy's body is no different from the general Shenlong. Relatively thin limbs are born under the super-long body, but that is only relatively thin, and its actual thickness is definitely not low. However, in addition to the scales and four eagle claws that the dragon should have, this guy also has a spiky dorsal fin on his back. This thing does not look like a thing on the dragon. What's more, this guy's tail seems to be larger than the real dragon's tail. It seems to be more adapted to the water environment. You can rely on this big tail to swim flexibly and quickly in the water.

After I watched the overall shape of this evil dragon, the other party also came to me. However, I am a little relieved that although this guy is more fierce, he is not very brutal. At least this guy didn't attack as soon as he came up, but instead circled around me and Mira. However, because this guy's body is more than a thousand meters long, so he circled us in this circle and felt as if he had surrounded us.

"Hello, can I understand what I am saying?" Because the other party may have a certain relationship with Shenlong, I began to conduct tentative communication directly in Chinese. After all, Shenlong is only available in China, so if the other party is really with the dragon Related, it should be able to understand Chinese.

"What kind of person are you?" To my surprise, it or she was actually a female, and what surprised me even more was that the head in front of me was more than 500 meters long, and my head was bluer than the entire one. The whale has to grow several laps. The super monster that can scare timid adults into crying has a sweet and shy voice like a sweet girl. Honestly, I was not so surprised when I just saw this guy emerge from the pile of sand. According to this guy's appearance, if she used a gong-like voice to make an unpleasant sound like rubbing sandpaper, I might have accepted it more easily.

"Are you a woman?"

"Crap, can't you tell the sound even if I can't see it?"

"Sorry, it was mainly a moment of surprise, so I didn't hold back. That ... May I ask if you don't want to spin around us? I'm dizzy."

The other person heard what I said was an emergency stop, then turned my head to face me and said, "You haven't answered my previous question? Who the **** are you? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, this is it. My name is Ziri, and it is the president of a guild on the ground, but this has nothing to do with you. I came here this time because someone asked me to help her do something I just happened to pass here. I just found that there are a lot of sunken ships here, and there are a lot of gems scattered on the ground, so I want to pick them up. May I ask if those gems and coins were collected on purpose? Just let my people stop picking it up, if it weren't for me, I would take it all. "

"You can take all the gems and coins. Those things are useless to me, but you are not allowed to move my boat."

"No problem, I promise not to move your ship. We will leave here as soon as my people collect things."

Not only did the other party not show happiness when they heard me, they asked me in amazement: "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Honestly, the other party did not fight with me, I was already very happy, I did not expect that she was still a hospitable host. Generally speaking, shouldn't b who live in such places dislike and be noisy, and hate others entering his territory? Could it be that the evil dragon with a cricket voice in front of him is an alternative?

"So what, we're just passing by, afraid that you think we're disturbing you, so I'm going to go quickly. Why? Do you mind if we stay here?"

"Why should I mind?"

The other person asked me a dumb sentence. Why bother? How to answer this question? This question is the same as why one plus one equals two. To say it is simple, even kindergarten children and trained puppies will be counted; to say it is difficult, people all over the world who can prove this equation are not satisfied with a bus. Do you say this problem is difficult or simple?

"This ... that ... it seems I'm wrong. Then since you don't mind, let's pretend to be slow and just leave."

The other person seemed quite satisfied with my answer, so he was very proud to say: "Anyway, your people are still collecting gems and coins. You just happen to be free now. May I take you to visit our collection?"

Although I really want to say that I don't want to see the Shipwreck Museum, but after grinning at me in the direction of "gentle", I swallowed the words, after all, the two rows of silver fangs were too convincing. "Okay, I just want to see it."

After hearing what I wanted to see, the other person immediately told me the origin of these ships. It was really hard for her to remember how many ships were sinking. However, I heard a cold sweat, because many of these boats were directly sunk by her, and according to her, she just seemed to find it more fun, and her behavior was like irrigating the ant's nest with water and holding a stick. Like a caterpillar, it's really "naive"!

"So what ..." After listening to the introduction of many ships, I couldn't help saying, "Don't you think it's bad to sink other people's ships?"

"Isn't it good to do this?" The other asked in surprise.

For her super naive personality, she must not use ambiguous words to communicate with her, so I am very sure: "Yes, very bad. This will threaten the lives of the people on board. Before you sink A lot of people must have died on these ships. "

"Really? But why didn't they tell me?"

Come on, it ’s your size. The boat rots as soon as you get down. Who will resist? But now I can understand it. This dragon is completely a child, basically knows nothing. There is no distinction between good and evil at all in her worldview, and some are just fun and not fun.

"Well, they don't tell you because you move too fast and they don't have time to react."

"No? Every time I sink the boat, I will face the water and shout from the boat."

"and then?"

"Then the people on the boat hit me together. I was hurt, so I got angry and sank their boat."

"I ..." After thinking about it, I decided not to explain to her anymore. Based on this girl's IQ estimate, I should not understand it when she understands. "So what, we have almost watched the ship, let's go back. My people should have collected everything, I have to go to work."

"Oh, this! Then let's go back." Sin Long took me back to the place where I met us before, and then I let the ghost worm put all the gems and coins collected together into Fenglong space. After loading the stuff, quickly retrieve the ghost worm and take Mira to leave quickly, and the evil dragon sent us all the way out of her territory before willing to go back. Speaking of which, besides being unreliable, this evil dragon is quite good, at least not bothering us.

Through the territories of the Ninth Dragon, we soon encountered another deep-sea giant prawn. This thing doesn't look like shrimp, but it looks a bit tadpole, it's just shorter and thicker. Moreover, this monster is also quite large and looks like a moving hill. But we are relatively lucky, because although this thing looks very difficult to deal with, its swimming speed is very slow, and the speed of Me and Mila just simply moved away a little bit and easily bypassed it. The guy first tried to chase, but soon found that the speed couldn't catch up, so he gave up.

After passing through the prawn's territory, the front is a very desolate area. The ground is full of honeycomb stones filled with pores, and those pores really occasionally eject a large air bubble upward. This typical volcanic landform indicates that there should be lava under the ground, and the gas that occasionally spews out is actually toxic high-temperature gas. Even if you are not afraid of poison, it will definitely be cooked immediately after being sprayed, so it is not surprising that there are no monsters here.

Over the desolate undersea volcano active area, we quickly entered a large open terrain, and then a beautiful blue tree like a crystal appeared in front of us.

The water tree is not made of water. Its body is a blue crystal and it also emits light. In the dark and deep sea, the big tree emitting crystal blue light looks full of fantasy. If it were not for transplantation, I would like to plant one in Isinger's harbour.

Immediately after I took out the world tree seedling, the tree of water understood what I was going to do. After the transfer was completed, the water tree sent me a drop of water essence and a crystal leaf.

The essence of water is a liquid that can be taken, and it will take effect when consumed. Its function is simple, which is to greatly improve a person's affinity for water properties. This kind of thing is priceless for those who need it, but it is poison for me, so I can only take it back to give it away or sell it. I can't drink it anyway.

The crystal leaf has the same ability as the essence of water. The difference is that this leaf belongs to equipment, not medicine. In the end, this leaf was handed over to me by the little dragon girl, and she happened to be able to equip this, and my magic pet's ability was that of the water system, but she couldn't use this thing, so she could only use it. For women.

After bidding farewell to the water tree, we have three goals left. Tree of Fire, Tree of Soul, and Tree of Nature. I don't know the location of the tree of flames or the tree of souls, but the tree of nature is in South America. This is something that everyone in the world knows. However, considering that Juli South America is still one third across the earth, I decided to find the other two trees first.

Start the crystal ball of the fire tree directly from the bottom of the water. The crystal ball immediately started to rise straight from the bottom of the sea toward the surface. I saw this posture quickly hurled out the black flame and let Mira go back to rest, and then the black flame took me All the way up vertically.

If in reality, it takes at least tens of hours to adjust slowly in the decompression chamber from the bottom of the sea to the sea surface, otherwise the blood in the human body will release a large amount of gas like boiling water to burst the blood vessels and internal organs. But that's the reality. In the game, only diving without armor needs decompression. If you have armor, you don't need to go through this process, so I almost never let Heiyan take me like a missile. Rushing straight up from the bottom of the sea, the speed is much faster than when diving. In fact, many people think that it will be easier to go down than to go up, but this law should fall in the water. As long as you have enough buoyancy, floating in the water is often faster than diving.

We used to spend more than two hours from the edge of the trench to the bottom of the water before, but we only used it for less than an hour when we were floating. There are reasons for the faster floating speed, but more because we did not touch To the monster. I don't know why, anyway, we didn't even see a monster during our ascent. In the entire trench, there were no monsters in the past, let alone monsters along the way, not even a small fish or shrimp. However, we could just go up quickly without the monsters messing up, so I didn't investigate where the monsters went. They aren't there just for me, so if I ever find them out again, wouldn't I find it for myself?

The guide of the fire tree crystal ball took me all the way out of the sea, so I identified a direction to fly straight ahead. In the sky, I did n’t have to endure the speed of the underwater turtle, and summoned the birds to drive the aftermath, We saw the land in less than half an hour, and then we were flying more and more wrong.

"How do I fly, how come to Japan?" I didn't notice when I started flying high. As I thought of the crystal ball gradually decreasing in height, I began to find something wrong. Although the terrain below does not remember, how does the snow mountain in front look like Mount Fuji.

Wizard Crystal ignored my complaints and flew all the way to the top of Mount Fuji. Then he flew along a volcanic crater. No way, the crystal ball has gone down, I don't think it will work. The take-off bird summoned Everett, and then used Everett's special abilities to break it down into a bunch of parts and wrap it in to form an oversized armor. In this way, the fire elf king of Everett is blocked outside, so even if you sleep in the magma, don't worry.

After penetrating into the lava, the crystal ball started to go down. Although I can't see the crystal ball, I can feel that it is always running down. With Everett absorbing thermal energy, I don't feel much heat in it, otherwise if you go down this way, even if there is a dragon armor to protect it from killing me, it's definitely not a problem to steam me for a half.

The crystal ball suddenly turned to the side after drilling for seven or eight hundred meters, and I quickly followed. Who knew that an air wall suddenly appeared in front of me. When we passed the air wall, we found that the lava was blocked out of the air wall. It was actually the same gas environment as the ground, but for the time being I could n’t take back Evert. After all, this place is In the vicinity of the lava layer, even if the air wall is separated, the surrounding temperature is definitely not less than a thousand degrees. If there is no protection here, normal people will be grilled to dry instantly.

I ’m wearing an Everett-like shell like power armor. Although I do n’t have to worry about the effects of high temperature, walking is very troublesome. too big.

The normal state of Everett is about two meters and two meters high, which is slightly higher than the height of a normal person. However, after using the armor mode, because he has to cover himself on my body surface, many parts inside the body must be moved. Therefore, when Iveit is wrapped around me, we look from the outside. When you think of it, you are a giant wearing heavy armor. Although the height close to three meters cannot be said to be exaggerated, it is more annoying in this narrow passage.

When "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" I accidentally hit the top of the aisle again. Although I didn't feel the pain at all through the two layers of armor, it surprised me. In fact, the height of the top of the cave is not the main problem, but it is a big bend. The real trouble is the walls on both sides. This channel is also unknown whether it is natural or artificial. The width before and after is completely unstable. In some places, the width can reach two meters, but in some places it is only half a meter wide. It wouldn't have been narrower if the aisle was half a meter wide, but now I'm putting on the large armor from Everett and I have to be on my side to squeeze through that narrow position. Some places even have to smash the walls a little before I can get through, and I'm going to stop and stop trying all the way.

After finally reaching the end of the passage, a huge underground cave appeared suddenly in front of it, but this cave only has a platform with a width of more than two meters, which can stand on the wall next to the wall. In the center of the cave is a large lava lake. , Its area has exceeded the total area of ​​a large stadium, basically normal people standing on the side of the lake can not see the opposite. Of course, my vision is completely visible, and I did find something.

Just just a casual sweep, I found two targets worthy of attention. One is a small piece of lake island in the center of the lake. A huge fiery red giant tree grows on this lake island less than one hundred square meters. The entire tree is fiery red from the trunk to the leaves. Compared with its fiery red, it feels that the color of the lava is all Not so bright. If the guide crystal did not find the wrong target, that tree should be the tree of fire.

In addition to the fire tree, I found a target, just across the lake. It was a group of players. It seemed to have at least a dozen people, with high levels, good equipment, and very complex races, including whites and blacks, and of course more yellow races. After all, this is Japanese territory.

Although I found each other, the group obviously did not find me. The huge surface of the lake makes the distance between the two sides exceed the range of sight of normal people. Besides, the red light emitted by lava is actually not suitable for people's observation habits, so the eyesight of normal people will decrease here.

After entering the cave, the group first sighed at the giant tree on Huxin Island, and then they released a big fire-red bird from the space equipment they brought with them. Although I don't know this bird, but from the characteristics, I know that this bird should be a bird that is not afraid of fire. After all, although this place is much cooler than the previous passage, it is definitely not a place where ordinary creatures can stay casually. Especially for birds, their wings are too easy to catch fire.

After the bird was released, the people first tossed the bird and tossed and tasted for a while, and then threw it in the direction of the big tree. The big red bird quickly opened its wings and flew towards the big tree in the center of the lake with the force of the upward throw. Although its speed is not slow, it is not too large and the lake is not small, so look It seemed as if it was flying slowly.

However, although the bird was flying very slowly, it flew for a few seconds before it ended its flight, because just a few seconds after it left the shore, it suddenly exploded suddenly under the calm lava. Open, a huge snake head suddenly burst out from under the lava, swallowed the bird, and then bit it in a secret bite.

The crowd who was staring at the birds was taken aback by this sudden change, and when they found that the snake had rushed towards them, they immediately started running around on both sides, but the speed of the snake was too fast, although the response was not slow. But in the end, two unlucky eggs were bitten by the snake and swallowed into the stomach.

After eating two people, Snake receded his head a little bit, and then immediately bit again towards the crowd on one side. But at this time the crowd had reacted, and various messy long-range attacks flew out one after another, but it seemed that the snake did not eat this set at all. Those ice cones, fireballs, beams of light, all had no effect on it.

Although the people across the board were threatened by the snake, I didn't know them, so I didn't plan to help at all. Besides, with them attracting the attention of the serpent, I could just take the opportunity to get close to the tree of fire. I don't believe that I have such good luck. I encountered two b's in a day and they were like reasoning. I was very satisfied that the evil dragon did not fight with me before. If this snake is polite to me again, it can only indicate that someone is helping in secret, or that snake is simply the hand of the tree of fire, which can be controlled by it. .

Looking at the group of people who were jumping by the flying chickens facing the snake, I just smiled, and then jumped straight to the lake wearing Evrit. Just as we were about to come into contact with the lava, I was behind Evrit Four large jets of red fire flames suddenly opened behind the specially changed large armor, letting us stay a few centimeters above the lava.

I didn't touch the lava not because I was afraid of heat, but because I wanted to keep speed. After all, the lava thing is relatively sticky. Even if Everett is not afraid of heat, it is impossible to increase speed in it.

I originally thought that I could take advantage of the snake's attention to successfully land on the island. Who knew that I had just flew a few meters away, and suddenly I saw a large bag on the lake in front of me. Rushing at high speed. Everett responded quickly and flew away from the meeting. A huge snake head slid down from our feet by half a meter, and then crashed into a rock on the shore of the lake. ring.

The movement over here immediately caught the attention of the people in the opposite area, but the snake did not give up the attack on them, so although they knew that someone was moving in the direction of Huxin Island, they just knew that they had no time to manage Goofy.

The snake that attacked me was almost the same as the snake that attacked the people over there. The huge head is dark red, and there are orange-red markings on it. There seems to be flames bursting out, and it feels like a fire snake covered with fire.

Just now, he failed to hit, and the snake immediately turned in the direction towards me again. Looking at the snake head, which was as big as a heavy truck, I quickly controlled Evert to turn and shoot in the direction of Huxin Island.

My purpose here is to find the tree of fire, not to fight with these giant snakes. That fire tree can stand on Huxin Island for so many years is safe, indicating that the snakes will not attack the fire tree at all, or simply cannot approach it. No matter which one, anyway, as long as I fly to the tree, it is safe. As long as the task is done afterwards, those snakes that I want to run out at my speed will definitely not catch up.

However, although my idea is good, I forgot one thing. Since there are more than one fire snake in this lake, why can't it be three or more?

My side just flew a dozen meters away, and suddenly there was a lava over the left front, a huge snake head emerged from the water, and then flew towards me. Even if Everett hurried to the right to smash the snake's slam, but unexpectedly, while we were still sliding to the side, there was a sudden wave under the lake behind again. The snake slammed out of the lake and opened its mouth wide and bit it at me.


Alas ... the sudden appearance of black flames bit the head of the fire snake behind me with a mouth larger than the fire snake by two turns, and then the two snakes tangled and smashed into the magma.

The snake in front of me found that his companion had missed and rushed up again, but Mila immediately appeared on the top of the snake's head in the form of a body, and then bite the snake's neck and pulled it back, and finally the one The snake was also pulled bluntly by Mira and fell into the lava on the side.

Both snakes were entangled, and the snake that initially attacked me immediately chased after me, but as soon as it ran halfway through my body, the armor suddenly disintegrated in the air and quickly assembled into the appearance of Everett. Immediately after finishing the combination, he immediately lifted his right arm toward the snake and rayed a few rays. The snake's head immediately raised a few huge fires, and the snake was miserable. Barking back into the magma, Evrit regrouped and deformed in the air and plunged into the lava next to continue the pursuit.

Without Everett's protection, I felt that the surrounding temperature rose immediately. However, it is protected by a Shenlong suit, this temperature is only relatively hot, and it is not life-threatening.

"Hold them first, I'll finish the task first." After telling them to Mira, I flew in the direction of Huxin Island, but when I turned around, I suddenly found that the other side should be attacking there. The snake from the crowd disappeared. Almost at the same time I thought that the snake must be coming to me. Before it ignored me because he thought his companions could deal with me, but now his three companions are in trouble, and the threat of the group is obviously not as big as mine, so the snake gave up decisively and continued to attack the The group's intention was to jump at me directly.

However, although I guessed that the guy came at me, but because the snake is under the lava, and now the whole lake is confused because several snakes and my pet are fighting below, I ca n’t help it. Use the track to determine where the snake has gone. I had no choice but to pull up first, away from the lake can at least give me a little reaction time.

My side just flew less than ten meters above the lake, and the lake below suddenly burst open. The snake really slammed out from under me and bit me straight. However, at the moment he was rushing up with his mouth open, a sudden drop of feathers fell on my body. These feathers automatically turned into a giant candle bee rushing towards the snake's mouth in the process of falling ~ ~ and then heard a loud noise, on the snake The momentum of the rush was interrupted instantly, and the snake's mouth was billowing with smoke.

Watching that snake ate a bomb, I immediately turned around and continued to fly towards Huxin Island, but the snake was not simply killed by a few candle bees, it just paused slightly and rushed towards me . However, just when it thought it could bite me this time, a crisp bird sound came suddenly from the air, Xiaofeng's huge body opened instantly, the two claws pinched the snake head and the snake body, and fluttered The wings pulled the snake straight out of the magma.

Without the support of lava, the snake's strength immediately fell by a large margin, and even if its strength did not decline, it would definitely not be the opponent of Fire Phoenix. Xiaofeng easily carried the snake with the top of the hole, and then pointed his mouth sharply at the middle of the snake to pierce the snake's heart. The fire snake, which was still struggling, suddenly softened.

After seeing Xiaofeng handle the last snake, I immediately turned around and flew towards the island, but the moment I turned around, the lake suddenly spun up and turned into a huge vortex.

"I trust, isn't there a big one underneath?"! ~!

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