Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 157: Get the Snake

Volume 19 Chapter 157 Get the Fire Snake

Just after I finished speaking, a huge lava column dozens of meters high suddenly rose under the rotating lava lake, and the lava slowly peeled off, revealing that the one inside was at least six or seven times stronger than the previous giant snake. Giant snake head.

"I depend, there is really a big one!"

"I'll stop it. Master, go ahead and finish the task." Xiaofeng immediately pierced after seeing the big snake. Although the large snake in front of him is n times larger than the previous giant snake, Xiaofeng's body is fully expanded and it is not much smaller than it. I saw two huge fiery red figures slamming into each other quickly, and then tumbling into the magma, even spraying a lot of lava on me.

Quickly shaking off the lava droplets on my body, I quickly turned and flew towards the tree of fire. Just like the other world trees before, there is a protective cover around the fire tree. As soon as I passed through the protective cover, I immediately felt the temperature drop sharply. Unlike the high temperature of several thousand degrees above the lava lake, the temperature on the island of the lake is almost the same as that on the ground, at most it is about twenty degrees.

Time is precious now, and my magic pets are helping me fight for time, so I have no plans to delay time, and as soon as I land, I hand over the world tree seedlings to the tree of fire. When the other person saw the seedlings, they understood me, and apparently, the tree of fire could see that my magic pet was busy fighting, so he didn't talk nonsense, he started the transmission after receiving the seedlings, and said, " If you are in a hurry, go out to help first. It will take me about twenty minutes to finish all my work. "

Now that the Fire Tree has said so, of course I won't wait here stupidly, and flew out of the protective cover directly with my wings spread out. The battle outside was extremely fierce. My four pets and four snakes were playing in the dark, rolling magma everywhere, and from time to time I could see a flesh that did n’t know who was flying, but it was no accident. The words should be the meat of the Yan snake, after all, I did not receive a reminder that the pet was injured.

I hovered in the air for a while, and suddenly a lava column exploded in the front left, and Evrit rushed out of the lava entangled with a flame snake. I had been waiting for the phone meeting, and I saw such a good opportunity and immediately rushed forward. Although my dragon armor is very heat-resistant, I can't fight under the lava, so I can only catch the opponent's water immediately.

Watching the Yan snake and Everett entangled all the way up, I rushed to their side like lightning, and then passed by behind the Yan snake without stopping. Almost as soon as I flashed behind the Yan snake, the Yan snake immediately burst into a terrible scream. Turning around and glancing at the serpent still fighting with Everett, I looked helplessly at my hand, which had become my eternal sword. A creature like ours has a disadvantage in dealing with monsters. Even with eternal sharpness, a long blade of one foot is just equivalent to causing a little flesh wound to the snake. This is like a normal human arm If you are scratched by a knife, it will hurt and bleed, but it is definitely not fatal.

After thinking about it, it seems that helping Everett is more troublesome. After all, Everett himself is not too big. The other's actions.

Looking around, I quickly changed eternity from knife to gun. The blade that I originally purposely stretched quickly softened and thickened and continued to stretch, and soon became eternally a handle with a length of four meters, with a tip of a two-foot-long gun like a broad sword Heavy lance. I carried a spear with a spear in my hand and carried a gun flower behind my back. Then I immediately contacted Hei Yan through spiritual contact. Hei Yan also quickly took the hot snake entangled with him out of the lava at my request.

The easiest of the four magic pets is now Hei Yan. His volume is larger than that of the Yan snake, if it is not because he is not a fire creature, it is estimated that the Yan snake has been killed. My plan is to help Hei Yan first solve the inflammation snake he dealt with, and then work with Hei Yan to solve other inflammation snakes nearby.

After getting my order, Hei Yan immediately rushed out of the lava with the worm snake, watching the two giant snakes entangled and rushed to the top of the cave. I rushed like a mosquito beside an elephant. On the head of the Yan snake, and then pointed the eternal gun head to the middle of the Yan snake's forehead and inserted it to the end, and eternal elongation continued in the process of my downward force.

Although the size of the Yan snake is too large compared to my size, now the eternity is more than six meters long, and this time it directly penetrates into the head of the Yan snake. Immediately after piercing the skull, I made Eternity into a jagged drill bit from top to bottom, and then spun up frantically. Even before the Yan snake entangled with Heiyan screamed, it had a large hole in its head that could have a thick arm. Of course, compared to the volume of the Yan snake, such a large hole is like a pinhole on a human body, which basically does not constitute a fatal injury. But I didn't plan to simply kill it by relying on this thing.

After the passage, I once again manipulated the eternal deformation into a hollow tube. This end of the tube is in my hand, and the other end is directly connected to the brain of the snake. As soon as the pipe was completed, I immediately aligned the exit of the magical bounce on my wrist with the tail of the pipe. With the sound of a bang, all 368 magic bouncing bombs slid into the snake's brain along the pipeline, and then with my thoughts, the magic bouncing began to start the rebound mode.

Speaking of magic bounce, it's just holy spirit equipment, but I think its actual power is much stronger than many artifacts, because this magic bounce can accumulate kinetic energy. As it rebounds, it can gradually increase its destructive power, and in the end it can even reach as much destructive power as the artifact. However, this so-called destructive force equal to that of an artifact refers only to a bouncing bomb. When 386 bouncing bombs bounce back and forth in a narrow space at a speed near the speed of sound, unless you have no entity, Otherwise, you can only wait for death.

The brain of the snake is obviously solid, and the brain is definitely the most fragile and deadly key to living things. Even if a person's heart is suddenly removed, he will not die completely instantly, but death is instant after the brain is damaged.

The Yan snake, who had been desperately tortured with Heiyan, suddenly pumped all over her body, followed by a scream of screaming. Heiyan took the opportunity to bite each other's neck, and a sharp fangs happened to be There was a big hole in the heart. The two key parts of the Yan Snake, which were fatally damaged at the same time, just twitched for two times and then completely stopped responding. The magic bouncer also quickly left the dead snake's body under my command and slammed it back into my hands.

Throwing the dead Yan snake to the shore, Hei Yan quickly turned towards the snake that was entangled with Everett. The Yan snake that was devoted to dealing with Everett did not expect someone to attack suddenly behind him, and he turned around and saw a large mask. Before the snake responded, the mouth bite a bit behind its head to completely seal its action. Ivrit took the opportunity to step back and calmly accumulate energy, and then stopped the fire snake with a shot. It exploded into two sections. Without the back of the head, most of the body lost his voice after a crazy twist in the lava, and the first half of the head was swallowed up by Hei Yan with a swig.

Heiyan is a dark energy creature. Strictly speaking, he can devour all energy, including surrounding lava, which can be devoured by him as food. However, after all, it is not a fire creature, so what Heiyan can do is only absorb the fire energy to transform the body energy. He cannot rely on the fire energy to strengthen himself.

Kill two Yan snakes together, plus one that was solved by Xiao Feng, now there are only one big snake and two small snakes left. The idle Heiyan and Everett are preparing to join forces to help Mila, but did not expect that a huge pothole suddenly burst into the lava, and then a pile of Yan snake fragments flew out, and then Mi La followed the pile of debris out of the lava.

Seeing that the smaller inflammation snake had fallen, I pointed directly at the giant inflammation snake and said, "Let's go together and tear me up."

After getting the order, Hei Yan rushed up first, but instead of hitting the giant Yan snake immediately, he first made two turns around the other side, and the volume of Hei Yan also kept increasing. . Heiyan has been able to control his body size to a certain extent since the level exceeded a thousand levels. Before, he did not use the full body shape in order to ensure flexibility. Now he meets a big guy. In order not to lose in body shape, he immediately The body size is restored. Although the melanitis is not yet complete because of insufficient grade, his volume is comparable to that of the large inflammation snake in front of him.

Originally, Xiaofeng and Yan snake did not fall into the wind. Heiyan was so entangled suddenly and sealed the Yan snake's body instantly, then Xiao Feng aimed at the opportunity to aim at the Yan snake's body. It was torn again, and she immediately took off the boss's piece of meat, and Everett and Mila also used all kinds of attack methods, and within thirty seconds they beat the inflammation snake all over.

"Keep the beast under your mouth!" Seeing that the Yan snake was about to die, Hei Yan was going to swallow this guy for evolution, but unexpectedly there was a shout from the shore. It turned out that we had hit the shore of the lake without knowing it. The group of people who had been attacked before Juli was less than 20 meters away.

First reached out to Hei Yan not to swallow, then I turned around and flew to the shore of the lake, but I didn't land, but hovered three or four meters from the shore a little more than half a meter higher than the shore. Xiaofeng saw that I flew past, and she closed her body and turned into a macaw. A beautiful bird fell on my shoulder, while Everett and Myra were still staring at the bar. The flaming snake, which was obviously out of breath, prevented it from returning to the light and then biting us again.

When I flew to the group of people, I didn't speak immediately, but I looked at the group first. I used to take a rough look at their numbers across an entire lava lake and didn't observe them carefully. Now I'm close to nature and I need to re-examine them. However, this team has been reduced by more than half compared with the previous one. The original team of more than ten people now has only six people left, and two of them have suffered considerable injuries.

When I looked at each other, they were also looking at me, but they obviously knew me. This kind of looking was not looking for observation, but a kind of gaze similar to appreciation.

After observing the characteristics of this group of people, I opened my mouth and asked, "Why do you stop me from killing the flame snake?"

Hearing my question, a white mage from the group who was watching me immediately stood up and said, "This is President Ziri. We are a free player squad. We came here for the most mission. . We know that you are definitely not interested in our task, but we are very interested in that snake, so we hope to do business with you. Let us buy the snake and pay for it. How about you hand it over to us? ? "

"You also want this thing?" I asked with a little surprise.

The mage immediately looked at me in surprise and said, "Didn't President Ziri see it?"

I looked back puzzledly at the half dead snake, and then looked at the mage and asked, "What should I see?"

The mage heard the question and said to me, she was quite surprised and said, "Did you not find out that the snake exists at least more than 1,500 levels?"

I looked back at the Yan snake again, and then said lightly: "Exactly two thousand five hundred. That is a super evolutionary snake, which is five hundred steps higher than the normal one."

The mage was obviously more surprised to hear my answer. "Since you know why you still want to kill?"

"Why don't I kill?"

"President Ziri, are you kidding me?" The mage said in surprise: "A super monster of level 2,500 has been beaten to death. Once this creature is captured as a magic pet, at least It's also an eight-figure price. Don't you want such a thing? "

When I heard this guy's words, my doubts immediately disappeared. "It turns out you are for this. I'm telling you as the strongest animal trainer in the game, if someone sells you a snake like this for more than eight digits, you don't have to bargain with him, Lima turns his head and leaves That's right. "


"Because I know this creature too well. The Fire Snake is a special terrain creature. The level of 2,500 is based on the special adaptability of its lava terrain. Players cannot fight only in the lava area, let alone ordinary people. There is no way to move around in the lava zone without protection, so the Yan snake won't need it to buy it back. "

"Can't it be used elsewhere?" Asked a little girl next to her.

"You don't know what a special terrain creature is, right? Let me tell you, a special terrain creature is a type of creature that can only survive in a special environment, or that has a great diminished strength in a special environment. It seems that a fish will die if it leaves the water. It ’s the same thing. Although the Yan snake leaves the lava, it will not die, but its strength must be folded in half and then folded again. Do n’t look at this Yan snake is a class of 2500-level creatures. In this lava, it can single out 3,000-level creatures. Lost, but when it ’s outside, it can deal with 1,000-level creatures independently, even if you are lucky. If it encounters water or cold environment, it will even be a problem for its own survival, let alone fight. "

"How could this be?"

"What's weird about this? Every living creature is more or less dependent on the environment, but to a different degree. This worm snake is just more dependent."

"That's it, I've been taught!" The mage said again. "Then I'm sorry to interrupt your fight, but I still hope President Ziri can help us a little." Waiting for my refusal Or if asked, he immediately said, "It's not bothersome, but we need a leaf of a fire tree. I hope President Ziri can help bring one over. Although we found a lot of fire-resistant equipment, we also drank the fire-resistant agent. However, the temperature of the lava is still too high, and we cannot enter the lake at all. The fire bird prepared before was swallowed by the Yan snake, so there is no way out. "

I looked back at the tree of fire, thinking about it, anyway, there is no conflict anyway, can help someone else will always remember your affection, in the future may be used when not sure, not to mention it is not so big to me anyway It was just a round trip. Of course, words cannot be said to be dead. Besides, what they want is the leaves of the fire tree, not my hair. I can't help others promise it, right?

"It's okay to fly for you, but the tree of fire is alive. I can help you ask if he doesn't want to give it to me."

"Okay, as long as you help us ask, the fire tree should be given, anyway, he usually leaves, just give us a leaf that is about to fall."

Now that everyone has said so, I'm not good at appointing any members. I can explain that a black flame can eat the snake, and then I turned around and flew to the island. Sure enough, the fire tree didn't care about his leaves at all. According to him, the leaves were just like human hair to him. Of course, bald hair is still very precious, but the fire tree obviously belongs to that type of "excess hair" type. The leaves of the tree are dense and terrible. It is nothing to take out one piece.

After returning to the shore with the leaves and handing them over to a few people, the other side accepted the leaves with gratitude ~ ~ and then left the cave. I didn't care about those people, and turned around to say hello to them. They threw the remaining carcass of Yan snake to Hei Yan devour. Anyway, He Yan's stomach was like a black hole, and I didn't eat enough. According to Hei Yan himself, the longer he eats, the faster he eats. In order to restore the volume of Hei Yan as soon as possible, he should eat more food.

By the time Hei Yan had finished eating the Yan snake, the Fire Tree had also completed indoctrination. As a reward, the tree of fire gave me a core of flame. I threw that thing directly to Everett, and it wasn't used by anyone else.

After saying goodbye to the tree of fire, only the tree of nature and the tree of soul need to run away, but I haven't come and decided where to go next. It was the army **** who contacted me first.

"Purple Sun, the Ditans of the European Temple of Darkness said that you had a little trouble with what he asked him to do, so you better go there."

I thought about it for a long time before I asked Di Tans to help me investigate the book of the world in Antarctica. I did not expect that the power of the three temples could still cause trouble. It seems that the trouble is definitely not small . !! ~!

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