Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 161: Time maze

I originally reported to support Olivia that they rushed into the first Ice Hall, but when we rushed into that hall, I was dumbfounded by Frost and Snow, including the shadows of the night that stepped down.

There are indeed two groups of people fighting in the hall, and one of them is indeed the kind of ice monster I heard from Olivia at Di Tans, but the other party fighting the ice monster is not what we imagined Olivia or her team members, but ...


It is not others who are surrounded by a group of ice monsters, it is my magic pet Yeyue, and Yeyue is quite surprised after hearing our exclaiming voice. She first smashed several rushed monsters in a round of fierce attacks, then petrified several monsters with pupil technique, and finally nailed the remaining monster to the wall before looking at me in surprise. : "Master? Why did you come in from outside? You are not ..."

"Yueyue, hurry up, come back with me ..." Before Yeyue's words, I saw a white figure suddenly ran out of the side road and rushed to Yeyue and dragged her into the hole, but in After not pulling, she quickly realized that there was a group of people beside her, but then she suddenly stopped when she turned around.

It wasn't someone else who just ran out, it was Frost and Snow that came in with me, and the problem was that the frost and snow around me didn't disappear, and she stood there.

"You ... how did you become two people?" Ye Yue asked surprisedly as he watched the two frosts.

The frost and snow that had just ran out was much faster than Yeyue, and she quickly responded and said, "It must be a mess of time, they are the master and us at another point in time." After explaining to Yeyue Frost turned to me again, "Master, no matter what time you are the master, hurry up and help!"

I didn't hesitate to hear the cry of Frost, and immediately put away the night shadow and ran with Frost. No matter what time we are, we are all our own, so it is sure to help each other.

Following this frost and snow quickly rushed into the channel, I heard a rumbling sound in front of me in two steps, and then saw a figure flying over and struggling on the ground, struggling twice, and did not move. I looked down at the guy who was obviously out of breath, and found that this was a person I didn't know at all, and looking at the sign on his chest, it was clearly a guild leader, because his chest still had the guild head Purpose badge.

Since you are not an acquaintance, you do n’t need to worry. Frost and Xue quickly ran forward with us, and soon reached a wide passage. Here, the set has been completely disrupted. At least two or three hundred people are fighting, and It seems that they belong to three different forces. In addition to these two or three hundred people, there is a group of about four or five hundred monsters in front of them, all of which are ice-based creatures, the largest of which are two ice dragons. The whole body is shining blue light, except that the color is not right. It is very similar to Mira's body. Of course, the hardness of the ice dragon must not be compared with the gemstone dragon. After all, even if the ice is harder than the ice, it is impossible to harden the diamond.

Watching this chaotic scene Frost and Snow dragged us over the first time, she immediately stopped, and then immediately settled there like a dementia. When I saw her for a long time without responding, I patted her, and then asked, "What's wrong with you? Who are we helping? Who didn't see us?"

The frost and snow that brought us over suddenly burst into tears. I was too busy to know how to persuade her. After all, I didn't even understand why she was crying. However, the other party is a snow monster after all, it is a relatively strong creature, and just crying twice changed from crying to sobbing, and at the same time crying and said, "Woohoo ... I lost them again!"

This Frost Xue's words completely fainted us completely, I don't know what she was talking about.

"What is lost?"

"Just can't find it!"

"Can't find it?"

Seeing that I still do n’t understand, Yeyue explained to me: "It ’s unclear what you guys did. The time flow here is changed according to the passage. Every passage and every hall in the maze has Their own time characteristics, some of the time in the channel is normal time, some will speed up, some will slow down, and some will flow backwards. "

When I heard Yeyue ’s explanation, I immediately asked, "That doesn't mean that as long as we leave separately, we will soon be in different times?"

Yeyue nodded and said, "We also just discovered this problem, but in order to understand this situation, we lost a lot of companions. Every time, everyone is always divided into different channels for one reason or another, and then some time later The time in the passage will change, and when we go back, people will disappear. Even if everyone runs back to the same hall, we will not be able to meet each other, because we are already at different points in time! "

After hearing Yeyue's words, I suddenly realized a problem, which was about the previous maze. We initially thought that this ice cave was a huge three-dimensional labyrinth, and it relied on its three-dimensional structure to create an extremely complicated three-dimensional channel that was lost. However, after hearing Yeyue's introduction, I suddenly thought of a question: What is this maze used for?

In addition to being used for entertainment, the biggest use of the maze should actually be a hindrance. This is similar to a space password lock. It uses a complex channel structure to make it impossible for people who do n’t know the password to pass through it to a certain location. Passersby easily pass through this area, which is the basic purpose of the maze. So, what exactly is this maze in front of? The answer is obvious, it is used to protect the world's book. And, if nothing else, this book should be the book of time. This is exactly the same number as the time turbulence here.

So, if the book of time is placed in this maze, must it exist in that fixed position in the maze? Obviously not. Time props are different from ordinary things, they have time uniqueness. Take Olivia. As a result of entering the time turbulence, there were four Olivias coming out of Di Tans, which shows that there is one Olivia at each time point. However, time equipment is different, they have time uniqueness, no matter how many time points you find, time equipment is only one, it will not appear many individuals at different times. If the book of time is really time equipment, then it should have this characteristic. That is to say, even if we reach the position where the book of time is stored in the maze, we may not be able to get it because it does not exist at the point in time. It must be the point in time when we arrived, and as long as the point of time is not right, we will not see the book of time.

My magic pets are not low in intelligence. When I think about the problem, Frost and Snow around me also scream. "Oh my god. We made a big mistake. This is not a space maze, but a time maze!"

"Fortunately, I got this first." I found the speed pocket watch from my arms, and then opened the dial to find that the dial on this thing actually changed from one to two. On the original normal dial, there are two sets of hands of different colors rotating. One group of gold hands moves normally and looks like normal time, while the other group of black hands goes fast. Obviously this The time displayed by the group hand is the current time we are in, and from its speed, the time at our current location should be much faster than normal time.

In addition to the time on the normal dial on the right, a dial has now appeared on the cover of the original pocket watch. This dial shows not time but some scales. The dial is marked with zero at twelve o'clock, and then the dial interval number from twelve o'clock to three o'clock continues to increase. Finally, the number displayed at four o'clock is four, and after three o'clock, the number is again Start zooming out until the six o'clock position becomes zero again. After six o'clock, the number on the dial becomes a percentage, and the smallest fifty percent is displayed at nine, and after nine o'clock, the number gradually increases until it reaches twelve. Becomes zero. Except for this strange dial, there is only one hand on the left dial, and unlike the right dial, the left dial does not have a protective and dustproof and waterproof crystal panel. Instead, the hands are directly exposed. outside.

Obviously, the dial on the left is not for showing time, but for adjusting time. Combined with the capabilities mentioned in the properties, I guess that the dial pointer on the left is the device used to control its own time flow rate, and the right is Display dial showing current time and standard time.

After looking at the speed dial, I said to Yeyue and the two frosts: "Now we have two choices. First, use this thing to search for different caves at different times, so that we can find everyone, and find out by the way Our goal is Olivia. Second, let's not worry about people first, and find a way to find the book of time. That thing may solve all the problems at once, and of course, we may find a space and a time to find it in the end. "

"Since it's better to find the book of time first, sooner or later, I'm going to find it." Yeyue suggested.

The two Frost Xue also nodded in support of this plan, and I summoned Ling again to ask her opinions. After receiving a positive answer, I took back the Frost Xue I brought and let the other Frost Xue follow us to find Book of time.

Unlike Shuangxue and Yeyue, Ling, who had been a goddess, is obviously much stronger than them. Immediately after hearing my explanation, she said, "I think we have to do three things before we can find a book."

"What's the matter?" I asked in confusion.

Ling pointed at the speed of my hand: "First we must find the room where the book of time is located."

"and then?"

"Then we need to record the flow of time leading to several passages near the room where the book of time is located. Finally, we have to use the difference in time and speed of different channels to let us reach the point in time when the book of time exists so that we can get it. . "

"But how do we know at what time of the book of time?" Yeyue asked.

Ling reached out with a finger and clicked the table below: "If I guess correctly, it should be at the time point pointed by the golden pointer."

"You mean when we entered?"

"Yes," Ling explained, "there is no reminder of the existence of the book of time, and the system will not give us a time without any clue to store the book of time, so this book of time must exist in a At a specific point in time, which time is more meaningful for us to come to? "

"It makes sense, let's try it out according to this plan. If it doesn't work, think of another way."

Because the time in this channel is chaotic, it is obviously not feasible to rely on the batch search of ghost ghosts, because the time fault will continuously transmit my ghost ghosts to different points in time, as long as the time fault here is not fixed Quantity, its theoretical volume will be infinite, and it is obviously delusional to want the number of ghosts to win in such a space.

If you ca n’t use Ghost Worm, you have to find it by yourself, and the bad thing is that because of the fear of dispersal, everyone can't search separately. They must gather together to prevent being broken into different time zones and losing contact.

The area of ​​this super underground labyrinth is absolutely huge, and the room where the book of time is stored does not know where it is. We are not even sure whether there is such a room. Now we can only do The thing is to try to walk through the entire maze to make sure nothing is missing.

Speaking of it really, I am not an ordinary human. My brain has a part of the electronic brain that can build a three-dimensional channel model of the area we walked through in the brain like a computer. These models can guarantee that I will not get lost here, but if it is Ordinary people, facing this seemingly similar ice wall, will definitely lose their way and walk around here blindly, and finally run out of supplies and be trapped here alive.

As we walked, I kept increasing the area of ​​the three-dimensional map in my brain. Although the area we walked was more and more, the map became more and more complete. Of course, in addition to marking the correct road, this map also uses red, white, blue, and three colors to mark different time sections, and each section is marked with the time flow rate of the section.

With the continuous expansion of the map, the data we have started to become more and more, and during this period we also encountered a lot of creatures, including ice monsters and players who did not know where they came from, and finally unexpectedly let We met the female vampire from the previous Olivia team, of course, at which point in time she was a player, I can't figure out.

After contacting us, the female vampire eventually joined our team. After all, this place is also quite unsafe. Although it is not a time segment, the female vampire is anyhow an ally with us. It is still safe to follow us. Guaranteed.

With our normal senses, after about seven or eight hours in the maze and killing countless monsters along the way, we finally found the storage of the book of time in a fork in the center of the maze, although there is no time now Book, but in the room there is a platform like a podium, there is a book-shaped groove on the table, it is clear that this is where the book of time once existed.

"Okay, the location is found, let's see the time." Ling Chao said.

I quickly took it out and opened it at a speed. The time displayed by the group of gold hands and black hands was exactly the same.

"What's the matter?" Frost asked in surprise, watching the two sets of hands show the time exactly.

I looked at the dial for a while before suddenly reacting. "By the way, the time difference must be twelve hours! This dial is twelve hours. If the time between the two dials is exactly a multiple of twelve hours, the two sets of hands will completely overlap."

"Then how do we know whether we are 12 hours faster or 12 hours slower than the real time? And you also said that it is a multiple of 12 hours, in case it is 24 or 36 hours or something What to do? Did you pay attention to whether our time is fast or slow? "

"You wait a moment." I took out a piece of paper from the portable equipment and laid it on the ground, and then I drew a lot of line segments on it, and finally marked the time on the map memorized in the brain one by one, and finally The approximate time we spent at each location was also written. Multiplying the dwell time by the time flow rate gives you the time that has actually elapsed in that zone. Adding all these times together gives you a negative twenty-three hours and a few minutes. Because I ca n’t determine the exact time to stay in each section, a small error is acceptable, and twenty-three hours is very close to the multiple of twelve hours, which is a multiple of twelve. As for the previous negative, it means that we Twenty-four hours slower than the real world, so we have to find the time-accelerating sections to get the time back.

Seeing what I calculated on the paper, it goes without saying that everyone understands what I mean. Immediately after looking for a section on the map, Ling pointed to a passageway about eight spaces away from the room we are now in. "Let's go here. The time flow rate here is the fastest in the nearby area. An eight-fold time flow rate means that we only have to wait here for three hours and our time will catch up with normal time. If we count it back, Time loss caused by the time zone that needs to pass, we only need to stay there for a maximum of three hours and ten minutes. The specific time can be calculated using the speedometer, when the hand accelerates over two laps and then overlaps again, we return The right time to get to this room. "

"Okay, just do that, let's go now."

Because there is a detailed map in my mind, it is very easy to find the corresponding time zone. With the ability to measure speed per hour, we easily confirm that we have reached the correct time zone. This section with an eight-time flow velocity is just a hall-like environment, with a slightly flat ellipse inside, and three channels are connected densely on an elliptical arc, leading to the book of time The aisle of the depository is in these three aisles, and there is only one aisle on the opposite arc edge of the ellipse. As to where it is connected, we still don't know exactly. Although we had spent a full eight hours in this ice maze before, we didn't actually go too far. After all, the ice passage is not a safe amusement labyrinth. There are monsters everywhere, and there are even powerful monsters such as ice dragons in some places, so it is actually very time consuming to move here.

Because we had to wait for three hours in that oval hall, we simply put a bunch of papers here and started to calculate the time ratio between each point, hoping to find some regularity and the like. After all, the Book of Time may not necessarily help us find the missing Olivia, so in order to prevent it, it is best to prepare early.

We have calculated for more than an hour here, and common sense all the possible laws, and found that the time of these channels seems to be irregular, at least we can't find the rules. According to this situation, if we can't find a thing that can completely solve the chaotic time, then we must spend at least ten days to hope to find the Olivia needed by Di Tans. Of course, this time is only a normal estimation time. If we are lucky, we may find her in the first channel we are looking for, or we may never find her. This is not impossible.

"I hope the book of time can help us get this messy time!" I sighed helplessly as I looked at the calculation paper that almost filled the room. I was planning to pack up those papers, and suddenly I heard a booming noise from behind, and then I saw a figure turned over and fell into the ice room where we were.

Seeing this figure flying in, all of us present turned around and entered the fighting state in an instant, but when we saw the man climbing up on the ground, we all realized that we were actually acquaintances again.

The guy who just flew in is the undead knight in Olivia's team, but looking at his current appearance, it can be said that he is more and more embarrassed. There are only a few large pieces of armor in the body armor, which are skewed and hung by a piece of cloth. It looks as if it will be broken at any time. Fortunately, the lower leggings and boots are still intact, so as not to streak. However, there were several bloodstains on his face, and his left eye remained unknown, leaving only a dark hole.

Although I don't know at what time the undead knight, but one thing is certain, he is an Olivia, so after we clearly see his appearance, we flashed to the hole where he flew out together. Watching the cave together alertly wanted to see what had hit him.

The creatures behind did not disappoint us, and almost as soon as we flashed to the entrance of the cave, we saw a huge white creature roaring out of the cave.

"I trust, it's the ice ape!" When I saw the giant monster that was rushing out like a white gorilla, I quickly greeted everyone to walk away, and after waiting for the guy to run over his head, he chased up from behind and jumped a sword Penetrated into the cervical spine behind the guy's head. The huge body of the ice ape lost control completely when it was pierced by the sword tip, and turned to the side. I hurriedly kicked its body off the ice ape's back, and the ice ape's body continued to rush forward. It was a long time before he hit the opposite wall and stopped.

After recovering eternity, I walked to the undead knight in doubt and asked, "Although the Ice Ape is more powerful, it is not a difficult monster to deal with? How can you do this?"

The undead knight got up from the ground and pointed hard behind us. I glanced back in confusion. When I was about to say nothing, I suddenly felt that the ground seemed to have a slight vibration, and the vibration was gradually The upgrade, which was only a little bit at first, has strengthened to the point where most of the people in the scene feel it.

Just when we were puzzled by the vibration of the ground, an ice ape suddenly slipped horizontally at the corner of the channel in front, and the ice ape slid out of the turn sideways as if playing drift, and then opposite After a violent crash on the ice wall, it immediately returned to the center position of the channel, but at this time its direction had been completely adjusted and ran towards us.

When I saw this first ice ape, I already understood why the undead knight did this. He wasn't able to beat the ice ape, he was just unable to beat a group of ice apes. Less than two seconds after the first ice ape stumbled, a large row of ice apes slid out of the corners of the passage like a flood. The ice apes crowded and pushed each other out of the corners. , And then after a slowdown across the ice wall, they launched a storm towards us.

"Frost Snow ~ ~ With my cry, my own Frost Snow has been released by me. At that other time, Frost Snow and the Frost Snow that I released also lifted up towards the cave. Raising my palm, with a large white frost blowing, a thin ice wall appeared instantly at the entrance of the channel, and then I saw that the ice wall grew and thickened at a rate that was visible to the naked eye. A one-foot-thick ice wall completely sealed the entrance of the channel. However, although the entrance was sealed, the thickness of the ice layer was obviously not enough. One-foot-thick ice must not block ordinary people. Problem, but if you want to block a group of crazy ice apes, it is not enough.

With the sound of a cricket, the first ice ape hit the ice wall and quickly caused a large spider-web-like crack on the surface of the ice wall, although two frost and snow quickly repaired it with freezing gas. Some cracks, but unfortunately the ice apes in the back did not give them enough time to continue repairing. A large group of ice apes rushed up and hit the front row of ice apes, and then sprayed all the ice apes in the mouth and nose. Blood, but the ice wall in front also burst completely under their crazy impact, and the ice apes in the front rows crawled into the hole.

Seeing the ice apes rushing in, I had no choice but to pull out the eternity to greet them. I hope we can get these ice apes before three hours. I don't want to miss the time and find a new hole. Wait back again.

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