Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 162: Book of time that only appeared in that 1 second

Although my desire is not too much, those abominable ice apes do not intend to satisfy my poor desire. Wave after wave of ice apes rushed into the cave frantically. At the beginning we were still able to fight normally, but later, the entire room was almost filled by them, not to mention fighting, we have even stood The place is almost gone.

"Damn, are these things counting rats? Why are there so many?" Yeyue said depressedly.

Ling shouted directly to us: "Everywhere I find a place to fix myself, I'll fix them."

When she heard Ling ’s shout, Yeyue hurried and yelled to wait for her to rush to the wall and insert her sword into the wall in order to fix herself, while Frost Xue simply used a circle of ice to hold herself Frozen on the wall. Although the female vampire and the undead knight who followed us did not know what we were going to do, they also wisely rushed to the wall and desperately inserted their weapons into the ice to fix themselves. Frost and Snow looked at their embarrassed appearance and spared time for each of them. A ring of ice was added to the body to firmly fix them on the ground.

After seeing them all fixed, I ran directly to Ling's side and hugged her from behind. I knew what skills she was going to use, and fixing herself on the wall obviously did not fix herself and Ling together. Safety.

The moment I hugged her, a black spot appeared on Ling's hand. As if a small pebble popped up, the black spot quickly hit the opening where the ice ape flowed in, and then instantly opened into a small black hole with a diameter of two meters.

Booming, a huge wind that suddenly appeared like an explosion filled the entire cave instantly, at the same time, all the ice apes around seemed to have lost weight and flew away towards the black hole. Some ice apes are still desperately trying to grasp something to fix themselves, but under the horrible suction of a black hole, there is nothing to escape its gravity. Of course, that refers to the real black hole. The attraction made by Ling is much lower than the real black hole, but it's no problem to **** people.

The ice ape corpse that originally filled the ice cave was first sucked off the ground and washed into the black hole, and then some nearby ice apes. After these ice apes disappeared, more ice apes started to be sucked into the black hole. Including the ice apes that just rushed out of the ice cave in the front, they were not spared. Later, it was not that the ice apes were rushing into the room at all, but they were simply uncontrolled and then pulled into the room. Then he was caught and drawn into a black hole.

The black hole opened for more than ten minutes in one breath. When the last ice ape disappeared in the black hole, the black hole suddenly closed. Ling wiped the sweat on his head and said, "OK, it's safe now."

"Huh, I thought it was going to be dead!" Said the female vampire while she pulled herself out of the ice ring on the ground, and said, "The one who has been a goddess is different, so strong."

Ling smiled and said, "If you've seen my strength when I was a goddess, I wouldn't say so." Ling said without waiting for the other party to answer, he turned and looked at me and asked: "Look at the time, I can Don't want to recalculate schedules. "

I quickly opened it and checked the pointer quickly, and then said, "Oops, we've been over twenty minutes!"

"What? Everyone, leave this room!"

I heard that it timed out and everyone rushed out of the room, but instead of stopping in the exit passage, we continued to run forward, because the passage outside this room is a four-speed time zone, although there is no previous one Hole time goes faster, but it's faster than real time, so we stop here to make time more and more.

After crossing this not too long aisle, we ran through several unsuitable aisles and rooms and stopped in a narrow aisle. The time status of this channel is one-half speed, that is, staying here for an hour, the time outside can catch up with one hour. I scanned the time map recorded in my brain again, and confirmed that it was close to the place where the book was placed, and there was a faster time retrogression time zone in front of me, so I did not let everyone stay here for a long time, counting Immediately after clearing the time, I took everyone to move to the time zone that retreated at twice the speed. After staying here for a few minutes, we leveled the time on both sides, and then we rushed into a room with a fork.

"Okay everyone pay attention. Here is the double speed time zone, which is the area that is synchronized with the flow rate of real time, but we are now more than a minute faster than real time. From us to the storage of the book of time is still There are three time zones that need to pass, one of which is a half-speed time zone, and one and a half time zones and a two-speed time zone. In order to ensure that we enter the room of the book of time just in time with the real time, you will all To follow my steps, I shouted to rush into the next time zone immediately. If the response delay is more than one second, the normal time zone will be missed, so everyone must pay attention.

"Understand." Frost and Snow nodded for another period of time. In fact, I want to remind her that night moon and the two undead who originally belonged to Olivia. My own pets can take back the training space, so that people are less prone to errors when they cross the time zone less.

After telling the time schedule, I took back my magic pet and took two Olivia men and two pet pets from different points of time to the time division line, and let them all keep an eye on For my right hand, I'm currently making a nine gesture with my fingers, and my eyes are staring at the speed in the left hand without blinking. After holding this position for a few seconds, my right hand suddenly moved, the displayed number changed from nine to eight, and then the countdown started in one second, and the moment when my gesture changed from one to clenched fist , The four of them and I jumped forward suddenly.

"Ok, this time just worked well. Now to the next dividing line, it's still the same way. See if I gesture for a jump."

Soon we lined up again and moved in the same way. Originally we could rush through three rooms at a faster speed, but because of fear of accidents, I still set aside special buffer time. Of course, it takes a little more time, but I have waited for a few hours, and it is not a big deal in these few minutes.

We did a good job of the first two dividing lines, but when we entered the last passage before the room where the book of time was located, an accident happened. When we rushed into the last passage, we found that there were others in the passage.

This passage is not empty. There are about thirty individuals in it, and they obviously belong to the three parties. One of them is four ice monsters, and one of the other two is actually three Olivia with six players and a total of nine people. As to what time point they count, I can't tell. Except for their nine and those four monsters, the most in the field is the one left. There are more than twenty people in this group. Although the individual combat power is the worst among the three parties, they are currently controlling the direction of the battlefield on the whole battlefield, because they are more than twice the number of the other two parties.

Almost when I saw this group of people I knew it was in trouble. No matter whether they are definitely impossible. Without Olivia, we might be able to get along with that group of players peacefully, but now I am not sure if there are the Olivia I am looking for, so I must help them, and they and The group of players was fighting again, so I had to fight the group of people. As for the four monsters, they are all irrational monsters who bite when they see people. They must fight if they run into them.

Everyone in the room had different expressions when they saw us entering. The monsters have no response to us. They are busy anyway, and a few more enemies have no effect on them at all. People in Olivia were immediately excited when we saw us. After all, I still had two of their teammates with me. Even if I was n’t sure if they were at the same point in time, at least they could be classified as helpers. . As for the group of people across from us, it was natural that when we saw us, we were deemed to be the other person. After all, there were two other people around me standing there.

After seeing the chaos in the room, I just stunned for two seconds, and then suddenly responded and shouted at the front: "Quick, we have only forty seconds!"

I did set aside a buffer time before, but this time is just for everyone to queue up. I didn't expect to fight. It takes at least twenty seconds for so many people to wait in line. My buffer time is reserved for one minute, which means that the battle must be ended within forty seconds, otherwise you must return to the previous room and start again.

Everyone heard my shout, but I didn't give them time. Because the time is too short, I can only use the fastest speed to solve the battle, so when I came up, I directly activated the **** domain and physical skills, but this time I did not use the full physical body, but only blended the night shadow, darts, and frost And flying birds. There is a benefit to the skill of the **** domain and the body, that is, it can be incompletely activated. As long as you do not fuse all the magic pets, the final penalty will be lower, and the fewer the number of fusion, the shorter the fusion time, the lower the penalty , The worst punishment is the whole fusion plus the time to reach the limit of automatic disintegration, this case will be fully punished, otherwise only a small part of the punishment.

With only the power of the four magic pets, the final punishment must not be too serious. Frost is an ice-based creature, and her environmental adaptability is just right now. Blending darts is purely for his speed. After all, time is limited. As for Night Shadow, what I need is his ability to float and dream shuttle. The entire maze was dug out of a huge piece of ice, so the ground is also ice. It is okay to walk normally. Various extreme steering movements require high friction on the ground during combat. If there is no night walking ability on this smooth ice surface, the only result of wanting to play extreme speed anti-running is Can only be killed. As for the last bird, he was fused to get his jet thruster, which can provide a huge instant burst speed on the ice surface with little friction.

It only took two seconds to start the body, and before the person on the other side did not respond, I squatted and followed the wings. The people around me saw a flash of fire behind me, and I lost sight of it in the next second. It wasn't that I really disappeared, but that their eyes were too fast to keep up.

Before everyone in the room had responded, I had rushed to the nearest opponent to us like a gust of wind. Before that person responded, I passed by him. A blood spring appeared at the same time as a flying head, but before the corpse had fallen to the ground, I had knocked the second player out. The man flew out more than three meters away, then slammed against the ice wall and turned into a meatloaf, blood and water sprayed everywhere instantly.

The people in the room didn't react until I flirted with them. A quick-responder shouted, "Damn, stop ..." Just after half of what he said, I suddenly fell from the sky and hit him Behind him, following his left hand around his neck from behind, he squeezed his chin backwards and lifted the whole person off the ground. At the same time, the right-hand blade claws popped around the neck from the other side and shone. His neck socket was all in. The guy's legs kicked immediately after the blade claws penetrated into the neck, followed by the whole person shaking as if they were electrocuted. The open mouth didn't know what to shout, but because the trachea and blood vessels were all cut off, a large amount of blood was ejected in the end.

Throwing away the twitching corpse, I quickly aimed at a young female player who seemed to be frightened. This is a game. You don't need to consider the care of women and children when fighting for the elderly. There are only combat players and non-combat players. Since this little girl chooses to become a combat player, she should be prepared to be killed before she kills. So, without any hesitation, I flashed in front of her in the little girl's scream, followed by her side in her surprised eyes, but just when she wondered why I would let her go, My left hand was a few tenths of a second, pinching her throat as soon as I flashed past her, and then pushed her forward quickly with the speed of my sprint and held her behind. Sword player on the tip.

Alas ... She didn't figure out what was going on when the sword came out of her abdomen, and I just pushed it aside slightly, and her weight took the man's sword to the side, and at the same time I The right hand's blade claw also accurately held the man's neck slightly, and instantly the guy's head flew up, a few seconds before the woman died.

There was almost no response to the people who were present at the speed of my riot. Five people were lost in the blink of an eye. They had not yet figured out what happened. They only knew that they were attacked, and how to defend and why they were attacked. They were still a little stunned after the attack. After all, five people have been dead since I appeared here, and it took only about five seconds before and after. What time is enough for this?

"Ah, help ... help ..."

"Don't come ... don't ... ah ..."

"Come and help me ... **** ..."

"Don't come here, you demon ..."

After that, the screams can only be uttered in a few words and will stop abruptly. The personnel present are not masters at all. When I start the incomplete body and the realm of the body, I ca n’t even stop one move, often It was killed before he reacted. Some people with little strength couldn't stop my attack even if they reacted. Often, they were cut in half by people even with weapons.

"You ... don't come over ..." Seeing all his people dead, the last guy who looked at me was only stepping back, but he forgot that there were others besides us.

Alas ... the guy had just taken two steps back and bit his head with a big mouth, and the ice monster behind him was chopped into two by my sword immediately after biting his head.

While I was killing this monster, the other people present at the same time had solved the remaining monsters, so I couldn't explain to the three Olivia, I directly pulled them all to the time line and reminded loudly: Do n’t ask anything first, I will count down in a while, everyone will rush forward with me when my hand changes from zero to zero, and you can ask anything after you pass. "

Although I got a little faint ~ ~ But Olivia originally helped me with the task. Now that I asked for it, they did n’t resist and stood in a row waiting for my signal. .

The fighting just took no more than forty seconds, and it was only about 20 seconds before and after. However, pulling this horribly group of Olivia and her teammates to the dividing line delayed more than 20 seconds. After everyone stood up, it took me a few seconds to start a nine-second countdown. When the time returned to zero, I shouted and the people present rushed forward.

The room where the book of time was stored was a dead end. Except for the passage we just entered, there was no second way to Ben, so no one rushed over, and everyone stopped immediately after crossing the dividing line.

In fact, even if there are many forks here, I believe everyone will never overtake, because the room at this time is completely different from when we last came. The original empty room with only a podium containing books was now shining with gold. A huge book made of gold opened from the middle and hovered smoothly above the platform of the platform. Dazzling golden light radiated outward.

"Book of time!" The few Olivia yelled at the moment they saw the book.

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