Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 177: We have the fruit of wish

The challenger team, which originally had more than 700 people, was automatically split into three forces because of different ideas from different people around the world. The neutral party who found out that things had gone out of the race directly withdrew from the competition, and by the way, could sell me. The supporters quickly stood by my side. Although the number is relatively small, their role will undoubtedly be huge.

Because of the competition settings, all of these players who challenged me have been teamed into a team by default, which means that the more than 500 people who are still in the competition are actually allied by default. Although they have now become hostile factions, the system still assumes that they are members of the same group. Moreover, this same group relationship is still the kind of compulsory team that cannot be withdrawn.

It is precisely because this team relationship cannot be withdrawn, so the dozens of people who helped me will be of great significance. If they are just confronting each other, then these dozens of people will fight off more than 100 people at most. In that case, there will be at least three hundred people left in the other party. Although it is helpful to me, it has little meaning. However, because they are now a team, the meaning immediately changed.

The advantage of team members is that they can automatically prevent magical accidental injuries. That is to say, except for those magic spells that may cause accidental injuries, most spells will automatically ignore teammates, ensuring that teammates can be bombarded by their masters Combat security. This attribute was originally used to help team members fight, but now the situation is reversed. Because these people who help me are in a team relationship with each other, they can be completely immune to most of the opponent's magic.

What does it mean to have a bunch of magic immune helpers? It means I can let them be a human shield for me. As long as the opponent throws magic on my side, these people can rush forward to help me block it. Anyway, the opponent's magic hits them will only cause very minor damage due to impact and other reasons. The main damage of the spell will be automatically ignored by the system. This is equivalent to abolishing half of the opponent's mage team.

In fact, in addition to the magic spells between teammates to prevent accidental injuries, many of the soldiers' skills are also identified by their teammates. Anyway, as long as they can not hurt their own skills in a team situation, it will not be effective for those who help me.

In addition to these negligible negligible skills, there is another benefit among allies, that is, automatic magic will not be triggered during physical attacks, no collateral damage will occur, no critical strike will occur, and only minimal damage will always be taken.

There are many types of automatic magic in Zero. Several players have one or two automatic magics. As for me, there are more than a dozen. These magics are often equipped with their own spells, and the triggering conditions are usually to hit the enemy or be hit by the enemy. This spell was originally designed to deal additional damage to enemies who attacked or were attacked by themselves. However, because these spells also automatically ignore the ally's skill type, the system simply sets these automatic spells to not be triggered by the ally. status.

Take a simple example. For example, if you have a knife, its attributes include this one: "50% chance to hit the target with Thunder Lightning again after successfully hitting it." Having this attribute means that every time you successfully hit the enemy, you may have the other party hit another Thunderbolt. Of course, the probability of occurrence is only 50%, and it will not be triggered every time, but after all, the probability is already quite high, so there must be frequent thunderbolts. However, if you use this weapon to hack your teammates, even if you smash your teammates, this skill will not appear once, because this automatic skill will not be launched by teammates at all.

In addition to automatic magic, collateral damage between allies by default is also negated. Like Automagic, many of the gear in Zero has collateral damage. For example, the most common one is the attribute of a weapon that writes how many to a certain elemental damage the attack caused, such as 10% additional Hellfire damage on my eternal sword. This damage is not calculated as the damage in the weapon's attack power, but it means that after the main attack power is calculated, the incidental damage is directly deducted from the opponent. One of the benefits of collateral damage is to ignore the opponent's physical defense, and the actual damage is related to the magic resistance of the opponent's spells. For example, if your weapon has fire damage, the value of the collateral damage depends on the opponent's fire magic resistance. If the opponent's fire resistance is zero, congratulations, your collateral damage can be 100% effective. Of course, people with zero magic resistance are still relatively rare, but there are many people with low magic, and most people except magic are generally not physically defenseable, so this incidental damage is dealt with in addition to the magic Other professional players are generally more useful than the main damage. As for the mage crowd ... you can rush to the mage and cut him with a knife, do you still care about any collateral damage? The mage approached by the warrior is the lamb beside the tiger. As long as the warrior does not punch up with his bare hands, it is usually more likely that the warrior will win even if he rushes up a branch.

In short, the attribute of collateral damage works very well and is very useful, but this attribute has no effect on allies. Even if weapons are used to slash between allies, only the basic damage can occur.

Thirdly, there is nothing like a critical strike for a critical strike that is also invalid in ally confrontation. Most players will have a critical strike probability. Sometimes they can hit a critical strike by chance. Once a critical strike is issued, the damage value may be higher than the maximum value of your normal damage value. Can do several times more damage. Although the probability of a critical strike and a lucky blow is very low, anyway, suddenly giving the enemy a cold and hard shot can really make you a little surprise. However, don't expect this attribute to work between allies, because the system defaults that this attribute will never be triggered between allies.

Finally, in addition to the first three attributes not appearing, there is a limitation between allies that the attack only gives the least damage.

It is well known that the characters' attack power in "Zero" is not a definite value, but a range range, generally how much to how much damage. Each time you attack the enemy, the system will calculate your single attack power based on the fighting situation of the two sides and the lucky value. This value will fluctuate between the maximum damage and the minimum damage. If you are lucky, the general single damage will be Large numbers often appear, that is, values ​​closer to the maximum damage. Of course, luck is lower in the opposite direction, which is more tragedy. It is possible that you will often hit the minimum damage or only a little higher than the minimum damage.

The average ratio between the current maximum and minimum damage in "Zero" is usually two to three, which means that the minimum damage of a player is generally about two thirds of the maximum damage. Because of this large ratio, the property of lucky value is very important. For example, when I play against others, I usually do the most damage, which is why so many people think that I am better than the players in the same level. Because even if the basic attributes are exactly the same, my actual attack power may be close to one fifth higher than others. This is an error caused by lucky values. However, in the state of ally confrontation, the value of luck can be completely ignored, because the system will default to attack between allies with only minimal damage.

In fact, there is only one conclusion drawn from the above four items, that is, it is difficult for allies to kill each other. For this reason, the meaning of these dozens of people who helped me is extraordinary. That's right, dozens of them are indeed not opponents of more than 400 people, but because the battle between allies is difficult to cause strong injuries, they must be entangled with those people for a long time. If it is a simple confrontation between them, then there will be nothing. After all, there are many people in the other party. Even if the attack power drops, both sides will decline together. Sooner or later, they will be able to kill them all. But now it's not the battle between their default allies in these systems, it's the battle between them and me. The dozens of people who helped me, as long as they dragged each other out to prevent them from enclosing me, then I could walk on the battlefield with my super strong strike ability. It is estimated that it won't be long before I can kill all of them. Light. This is the true meaning of the existence of these dozens of people who have decided to help me. They are equivalent to the mountain terrain needed in guerrilla warfare. With their enemies, they cannot concentrate their efforts on me, but I can defeat each other one by one.

After confirming that the preparation was complete, I followed the group of people who were willing to help me and walked in front of the group of people on the opposite side. Although the number of people on both sides is more and less, it seems that the expressions of the two sides are opposite. tension.

I am confident because of my fighting ability, and with dozens of people helping me, so I have predicted that I will not be too dangerous, so I behaved so calmly. As for those guys who helped me, their purpose was just to sell me as a human being, so it does n’t really matter to them whether they can beat each other. Anyway, they started from the moment they stood on my side. The sentiment has already been sent out, and after that, it is purely drought and flood protection, so they are not nervous at all.

Compared to the group of people we think differently. In this case, deciding to confront me is not as simple as discussing with me. The previous competition was just a bet. Even if I was defeated, I would not avenge it. After all, this is only a competition, just like a sports meeting. Being first doesn't mean you have to hate the first one, right? However, the situation is completely different after the fruits of those wishes come into effect. The battle at this time has directly touched my core interests, and it can be said that this is no longer a race. They still choose to be hostile to me at this time, which is a rather malicious act in itself, so regardless of the outcome, the opponent has already carried my hatred. If they win well, at least I may not be able to have the previous ability after being weakened, but in case I win, they will be in trouble. In my personality, I will definitely go to them one by one afterwards. Even if I do n’t go in person, there are so many experts in Frost Rose Alliance, and just sending a few in the past will make them cry.

Because of the burden on each other's heart, they now seem much more nervous than we are, although there are many people. In turn, this tense mood affected their mentality. The most destroyed thing in a battle is that you have too much thought in your heart. In the battle that can be divided in seconds, you can't calmly concentrate on the battle. That is a taboo for masters.

There was no communication between the personnel on both sides after standing. The two sides almost pulled out weapons at the same time and pointed at each other. However, when we were about to start playing, the system prompt actually sounded again. With the previous experience, this time, almost immediately after hearing the beep, I felt my legs become weak. The fruits of my previous wishes have weakened me enough. If I come here a few more times, then the victory I just got is not good and I will be pulled back!

However, just when I was nervous and terrified, the system prompts me a moment.

"Temporary notice. Due to the player ’s request for the c-level wish fruit, Red Moon ’s anonymous request for the player who previously used the anonymity for the player Ziri to use the wish fruit is now forcibly cancelled. The player ’s identity is now announced as China ’s shadow player II. "

Wow, with this cue, there was a moment of chaos off the court. Chinese players shouted that domestic traitors were out, while foreign players were gloating about it and said that it was lively. Of course, some more calm people are saying that this guy named Shadow II is going to be unlucky. I didn't even know about the anonymous Yin that was secretly before, and this time we actually announced his name with the fruit of wishes. The poisonous snake hiding in the grass is the most dangerous. Now this snake has been moved from the grass to the wooden floor of the basketball court. Without camouflage, it will not make a second idea except to die. In China, the guild that can directly confront our Frost Rose League has not yet been established. As for saying this guy is an individual player, I don't even think about it. This kind of wish fruit is not something that can be obtained at will, let alone three wish fruits up to the s level. To say that the other party does not have a force to support is something that even a fool would not believe.

As this prompt ended, the system prompt suddenly sounded again.

"Interim notification. As the player's blood red rose uses the c-level wish fruit to make a request, the player's purple day will get ten times agility in the next ten minutes, and the attribute will take effect immediately."

"Oh, it seems I must hurry up." After hearing this prompt, the corner of my mouth finally showed a satisfied smile. Compared to others, Rose naturally understands me most thoroughly.

As my dear wife and adult, Rose knows my identity in reality, and also knows that my dragon-shaped body has a reaction nerve far beyond that of human beings. So in the end, she did not want to help me restore other strengths, and It gave me such an attribute of ten times agility in ten minutes.

Suddenly, a normal person can't fight at such a speed, and may even have trouble walking. He only wanted to take a step forward, but because the speed is too fast, it is difficult to master the inertia, and he flew out. However, my body is different from human beings. My motor nerves can completely control this speed, which means that I can fully exert ten times agile effect. Although the fruits of those wishes have greatly weakened my attributes, Rose knows that my attack power is still higher than that of most players, so it doesn't make sense to improve my attack or defense at all, it is better to accelerate directly. As long as the speed is fast, I can directly attack the key points, and it is not a problem to drop anyone with my attack power. Moreover, if the speed goes up, it means that it will not be hit by the enemy, and it will not matter if it is not hit by the defense. Even if I only have a drop of blood and a little defense, as long as the opponent can't hit me, I can kill them all. So, as long as I have this ten times speed, I am already invincible.

"President Ziri, you speed ...?" Those who helped me suddenly heard that I got ten times the speed. The first reaction was not happy but worried that I couldn't control this speed, so they all looked nervously at me. Over here.

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have used this speed before, and it is completely unburdened to me. Now it seems that our tactics are about to change. Everyone just wait here, and I will change it in ten minutes. They all fell. "

"Isn't it? President Ziri, you can drive ten times faster?" A player asked, still not convinced.

"Just look at it and understand." The moment I finished the last word, I suddenly disappeared. My speed is not slow at all, and it is even faster at ten times speed. I ca n’t see anyone at all. Everyone can only see my afterimage. It feels as if I walk with phantoms. Line up, it's not clear at all which is true.

"Beware, he's here." The crowd across from me shouted immediately after seeing me disappear, but they didn't make any more sense. At ten times the speed I have exceeded the acceptance limit of the human response nerve, so even if they are prepared, they can not defend at all, because when they realize who I am going to attack, that person should actually have died. Because my speed is too fast, the signals reflected in their consciousness may be things that I have done. They think that what is happening is actually what happened to me. No one can do it at this speed. Do any resistance. Of course, unless a guy can open an invincible protective cover in advance ~ ~ even if he can't react, the protective cover can still block me. However, it seems that the only invincible protective cover in the game is the absolute barrier between me and Jingjing, and this skill has a time limit, and it can't stay open at all.

The players who stood by me first thought that I was talking big, but immediately after I disappeared, they followed my afterimage and moved their eyes to the opposite crowd, and then they saw my shadow in a person His side flashed, and it wasn't until my shadow reached the second person that the head of the first person suddenly started to lean back, and then blood and water sprayed out of his neck, and my afterimage Already connected to the third person, the second person is repeating the actions of the first person.

The crowd on the field and in the field saw the afterglow of my side flashing around an individual, and after waiting for a long time, those talents began to spray their blood, and even later, they could only see the mist of blood flying away, even the wound I can't find it anywhere.

"Strong! It's too strong! Ziri is really Ziri, and it's well-known." When I stopped and took a breath a minute later, the people on the opposite side were already a third smaller, and the people here were helping me. One can open three mouths and stuff three eggs. Originally they were planning to give up my personal love, but now it's good. I cut off the third person by a third in less than a minute. At this speed, the opposite person had to die in less than five minutes. Empty. Where is this hacking? It's faster than killing chickens!

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