Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 178: Win easily

"Ten times the speed is really cool to use." Looking at the crowd who was completely scared, I smiled proudly: "Are you ready to die?"

"Hum, don't be too arrogant." A player stood up and said, "Even if we are all dead, as long as those few are not dead, you are doomed to fail."

"Which ones?" I looked at the guy completely and asked: "What kind of people do you call those people? I would like to know that only a few people can deal with me, can they Are two or three or four of the world's combat standings? "

"Although we are not two or three or four on the battle list, it is okay to join forces to kill you." Several players suddenly emerged from the crowd.

Looking at these people, I immediately understood that this was the "some people" just said. However, seriously, after seeing these people, I became more curious about the words of the previous guy.

There are a total of six people coming out. It seems that the occupation is a branch of a certain mage occupation. Although they do not know the specific occupation type, their clothing does not look like a type suitable for melee. In addition, according to the practice of "Zero", the better the equipment, the more beautiful its appearance, but the equipment in front of them looks very ordinary, without any advanced equipment. It's hard to imagine that if the opponent really has a strong combat power, he would only use such low-level equipment. Of course, it is not ruled out that the opponent's luck is extremely bad. Obviously, the level is high and the strength is strong, but the equipment cannot be obtained. However, those are all small-probability events, which are basically unlikely.

"Since you think you can kill me, let's try it." At this time I was too lazy to argue with the other party. The so-called Wenwu No.1 and Wu No.2, fighters want to know who is stronger than a direct fight, then everything is clear, and it takes some time to debate and estimate the results have been hit.

When the other party saw that I was ready to fight, he stopped talking to me and started an attack. Speaking of these guys, the attack is really special. They actually did not use all kinds of attack or curse magic on me, but pulled out the dagger they carried at the same time and stabbed their throats.

The behavior of these guys completely stopped me. In the previous second, this group of people vowed to kill me and they were ready to fight against me, but in the next second they suddenly committed suicide in front of me. What kind of situation is this?

Most of the audience at the scene were the same as me. At first, they were so confident, and those audiences were ready for the show. Who knows that this guy suddenly committed suicide in such a group, and the gang of viewers seems to be doing it all Like eating flies.

Just when the players on the field and the field were overwhelmed by the strange behavior of these guys, the six bodies on the ground suddenly moved strangely. At first this cramp-like tremor didn't attract everyone's attention, but as the amplitude of the corpse's movement became larger and larger, everyone finally noticed the weird change.

The first thing I noticed was the one of the six bodies, he was the guy who talked to me before. The guy's body was twitching on the ground first, and then suddenly one of his hands was lifted from the ground, then slowly supported the ground, followed by his other hand also stood up on the ground.

When both hands supported the ground, his arms began to exert obvious force, followed by his head and body slowly lifted off the ground. However, it's completely different from normal people. This guy first raised his head facing the ground at a ninety degree angle and looked at me at an extremely weird angle, and then his body seemed to be dragged from the ground by his head. The whole process looked abnormally mechanical and sluggish, as if his body was not moving with the power of muscles, but with an invisible person using a rope to move and move.

That ’s right, this guy ’s movement looks like a puppet. His body does not stand up by the support of his shoulders. Instead, his body is lifted up like a person ’s head, and then his body is lifted from the ground by his neck drive. Tugged up. This kind of reverse drive feels weird and weird. If it weren't for standing on a ring with bright lights and people everywhere, it is estimated that timid people can be dazed.

"Fuck, Sadako is resurrected?" Watching the guy crawling towards me with his hands and feet in a weird posture, I went straight up and kicked it, and said disdainfully, "I don't know if I am a dark Do you think you can scare me out of being a half-legged zombie? "

I just finished scolding, and suddenly felt an ankle tight. Looking down, I found that it was another corpse. I didn't know when it crawled to my feet and grabbed my ankles. When I looked down at him, the guy just rolled his eyes and went to the twisted and deformed dead man's face. I stepped up without hesitation and stepped his head on the ground and then cut him with a sword. Kicked his head out.

I thought this was all over. I didn't expect that the headless corpse on the ground didn't mean to let go. What's more, the headless corpse actually grabbed my leg and started to climb upwards. It seemed to want to come through me. stand up.

"Well? Is it immortal? That's kind of interesting."

I was talking, the one who had been kicked off by me had crawled back again and the corpses remaining on the ground had crawled towards me. These guys are all virtues, they are very slow, their limbs are distorted, they seem to be trampled by elephants, their faces are like evil spirits crawling out of hell. Generally speaking, these guys are basically the same as the ghosts in the legend. The only difference is that they have entities and cannot be cut at all. However, despite their immortality, the deterrent power of these guys is almost zero, because these guys' bodies are stiff like puppets, and even toddlers can easily escape this action. Ordinary people, they can't even touch their sides, expecting that such existence can kill me, isn't it the same as a joke?

"Hey, you guys will be almost there, right? Get out of here after the show and stop being disgusting."

The people present were basically in agreement with my words. After all, these guys didn't have the slightest fighting power, so just crawling on the ring to remove the disgusting people was useless. Not to mention my supporters, even many people who wish me bad luck feel that these people are simply wasting everyone's time. However, just when everyone thought these guys were like this, these guys suddenly did something unexpected again.

I saw the corpse just kicked my head and kicked my left leg suddenly and hugged my left leg like a koala. I have n’t had time to remove the headless corpse from my body, but another corpse climbed up and hugged my right leg, followed by the third corpse to start climbing up my waist, and the corpse behind was also Wrapping on me together seemed to want to crawl all over me.

Someone in the audience finally understood after seeing their actions, and as this guy explained to the people next to him, most of the people on the venue soon understood their intentions. In fact, these guys themselves did not expect to kill me at all, they are not the type known for fighting. The real role of these guys is to restrain the opponent's actions. Although the corpses they turned into were slow-moving, they were immortal, so they could crawl to the enemy and hug the enemy, and then they would not have to let go, no matter how the opponent cut them. The sole purpose of their existence is to put some weight on the enemy, which will prevent the other party from fighting normally.

The six guys in front of me are obviously going to all wrap around me. With their six weights, if all of them are attached to me, I can still estimate the movement capacity of 〖Operation〗 to drop to the freezing point. At that time, as long as other people who were hostile to me rushed up and made up a few casually, they could kill me. With the restraint attached to me, it was impossible for me to fight the rest of the people. In fact, I'm afraid that it will become very difficult to walk.

After the audience responded, the crowd opposite me also reacted. Those guys rushed over to me with great interest. The reason why they were all scared by me before was stopped because my speed was too fast for them to respond, but now I ca n’t move with these guys, and the speed problem they most feared no longer exists. How can you say those people are not excited?

Looking at the crowd coming by, I didn't have the slightest panic. On the contrary, those players who wanted to help me rushed over and wanted to help me, but just before they both approached me, they suddenly burst into a group of bears Burning fire. This purple flame not only did not emit any temperature, but made the surrounding temperature instantly drop by several degrees. However, although there is no temperature, this does not hinder the burning power of this flame at all.

The corpses that were originally attached to me did not respond at all even when their heads were cut off, but these guys all jumped up from me when the flames touched their bodies. No longer can I control my body, these guys made all kinds of strange noises while desperately rolling on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

Seeing this group of guys rolling around, the people who were ready to help later slowed down, and the group of people who were trying to rush to attack me was immediately frightened. However, they do not stop me from stopping. As soon as they stopped, I once again reached the limit state of ten times the speed and disappeared in the same place. Then the crowd of people began to burst into a blood fountain, and at the same time the screams flooded the whole place. Yantai.

I didn't fight for one minute like this last time. Instead, I retreated after only a few tens of seconds. But when I returned to my original position, there were fewer than 200 people who could stand opposite. Already.

"President Haha Ziri is really amazing. It seems you can do it without us. Then we will quit first." The group of people who had helped me said to me after I stopped again.

I turned back and politely with them and then let them withdraw from the game first. Only the more than one hundred people were left on the court. As for the six guys who turned into dead bodies, their bodies would already be there. Burned into dregs by hellfire, let alone interfere with my actions, I can't even think of disgusting.

The remaining hundred or so people on the opposite side even lost their last reliance. Seeing that I turned my attention to them again, this group of people stepped back involuntarily. A younger-looking guy shouted so that everyone should not be afraid to try to give themselves and everyone's courage, but the result was a white light on the team immediately after he shouted.

Now that the overall situation is clearly set, players with a little brain don't want to deepen their hatred with me anymore, so these people said nothing and just gave up the game and let the system teleport them out.

There are two for one. As the first player withdraws, more players begin to disappear in the team one after another. When the last team is left, there are fewer than 60 people, at least two-thirds of them. The personnel chose to give up the task, and only a third of the die-hard stubborn insisted on finishing the fight with me, but now I am afraid that even they know that they are just trying to get their breath out. I really want to talk about what happened to me. Impact, that can basically be summed up in five words, that is, no impact at all.

Hundreds of them failed to treat me before, and I was chopped melon and vegetables, but there are only a dozen people left ~ ~ I hope they can kill me. The sun may rise from the west.

Despite knowing that there is no chance of winning, these players finally decided to fight for themselves. As for me, I ca n’t complete the gambling game without killing the opponent anyway, so when I saw the opponent rushing up, I immediately rushed forward. .

At my ten-fold speed, all these sixty people died without even persisting for half a minute, and as the last player fell to the ring, system awareness finally sounded.

"Congratulations to player Ziri for completing the challenge. Now he will begin to teleport all personnel to return to their previous positions." As the system prompts ended, players on and off the field disappeared together in an instant.

"Mother of the earth, mother of the earth, you almost played with me this time!" As soon as I was teleported from the ring, I rushed directly to the goddess of the earth. I would n’t have done it with her idea As for almost being robbed of equipment. But having said that, it is also a good thing to be able to use this opportunity to reflect a hidden enemy. Of course, this matter cannot be raised on its own initiative, now is the time for the mother of earth to take responsibility. @。

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