Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 179: Legion Beasts and Information Gathering

"It's not that I'm overcasting you, but to say that it's all the trouble you're asking yourself."


Mother Earth looked at me and said, "What I arranged for you is just an ordinary challenge game. You should have discovered it yourself. Without the fruit of those wishes, this battle would not be very dangerous to you."

"Do you mean that because I am complaining outside, I have brought in the troubles of those fruits of desire, and finally made the battle so complicated?"

Mother Earth nodded: "Yes, these are your personal reasons. If you are just an ordinary person, there will be no problem with this duel. The reason you will encounter such a serious threat is entirely because You offend others, so people will use this opportunity to avenge you. What I have done is to give the other party a chance to retaliate against you. Even if there is no gambling war, they will find other opportunities to harm you. . "

"Well, you're right, but anyway, it's because of your betting war that caused me this crisis. Anyway, you can't let me suffer?"

"Of course. As I said before, I will pay you what you deserve." Mother of the Earth said, beckoning behind me, and then saw a Protoss I had never seen before holding a A sapphire-like crystal came in.

When the protoss came to the mother of the earth, they bent down and saluted, then handed the gem, and said, "His Highness Amorad let me tell you that he was not convinced by this bet. I'll bet with you again next time. "

"Tell him that I am always available."

The protoss nodded and bowed again to salute, then turned and walked out. Mother Earth turned and handed me the sapphire and said, "Hold on, this is your reward."

I took the gem and looked up curiously, but I didn't find out how to use this thing for a long time. I thought this was something similar to the magic pet egg, but after trying it, I found out that this thing could n’t be used like the magic pet egg at all. It's useless, this stuff is not a magic egg at all. "What is this? How is it used?"

"This is a seal stone with a seal inside. It can be opened as long as there is a corresponding spell."

"What is the spell?"

"It's this." The Mother of Earth handed me a piece of paper. I took the paper in confusion, then looked at the Mother Earth in surprise. Mother Earth said casually, "That guy is not convinced by this bet, so he wants to take advantage of this place."

I said helplessly: "Your previous grievances, why did the cheap come to me?"

"You don't have to complain there. Hurry up and untie the seal. I'll watch it for you now. I will not be able to help you next time I miss this opportunity."

I nodded and hurriedly held the gem and said aloud, "I am the invincible super idiot of the universe!" With this painful spell, the sapphire suddenly clicked, and the whole gem erupted. The dazzling light, I quickly threw the gem out. The gem exploded into a cloud of white smoke before it landed, followed by a giant black panther with a body as dark as ink and a length of four meters. It suddenly flew out of the white mist in the air with a dexterity. After turning over, he landed on the ground steadily. As soon as the black panther landed, there was a flash of flashes immediately around us. A large group of black panthers appeared at once around us, at least a thousand, not only on the ground, but also on the roof and trees.

As soon as the leopards appeared, they rushed at us, but the mother of the earth suddenly reached out at the moment they just started, and saw a faint aperture in the surrounding space quickly shrink into a ball, And all the leopards where this aperture passed were involved, but everything else was not affected at all. In the end, this aperture is like a large net that gathers all the leopards together and starts to compress them.

Thousands of leopards have a large volume even if they are pressed into a ball, but the aperture is completely disregarding their volume. After pressing those leopards into a ball, they continue to shrink, and finally they are squeezed out of a really impossible group of leopards. Suddenly there was a flash of light. Many leopards suddenly disappeared, and then only three leopards remained in the entire mask.

Because a lot of leopards were suddenly absent, the space in the aperture immediately became wider, but after the three leopards flipped in the aperture for a while, they found that this thing could not be broken at all, and they could only watch the aperture shrink further, and eventually These three leopards were also squeezed together and couldn't move at all. As the aperture narrowed again, the three leopards couldn't coexist because of pressure. Finally, there were two flashes. Two of the three leopards suddenly disappeared. There was only one leopard still struggling in the aperture, but as the aperture narrowed again, he was quickly pressed by the completely narrow aperture and could only barely turn around in it.

Looking at this completely controlled leopard, I finally had the opportunity to thoroughly observe his appearance. This guy's length is indeed more than four meters, and this length almost does not include the tail, because although his tail is not short, it does not stick straight behind him, but hangs a little behind the tip of the tail, which makes the tail length to the body. The effect is very slight, so these four meters are almost all the length of his body and head. In addition to its large size, this leopard also has well-developed muscles. Although he did not get rid of the body-building figure peculiar to leopards, he felt very strong and did not have the skinny feeling of ordinary leopards.

In appearance, this leopard has two very distinctive features. One is the fur of this guy. The dark, shiny fur looks as if it is oiled, and the brightness is amazing. The second is that this guy's mouth has two canine teeth like saber-toothed tigers, which are not as exaggerated as the teeth of saber-toothed tigers, but this shorter tooth is more suitable for biting and cutting, and the light shining from it Seeing that these two fangs have some magical attributes.

"This thing shouldn't be a leopard, is it?"

"Of course." The mother of earth moved the light ball in front of me and said, "This is the special creature I told you before. His official name should be called Legion Beast."

"Legion Beast?"

"Yes, this is his official name." Mother of the Earth said: "The Legionnaire is the second evolution of the Phantom Leopard evolution group. The Leopard Leopard is a branch of the Phantom Leopard, so it is relatively rare. In addition, this legion beast is the second evolution of group shadow leopard, so the number is even more scarce. The rare evolutionary body in front of you, the legion of the legion beast, although the name is still legion beast, but the actual combat power It is far from being comparable to the average Legion beast. "

"What ability does he have?"

"He has more abilities, the most important of which is the one you just saw."

"You mean those copied phantoms?"

"It's not a phantom, or you can't simply think of it as a phantom." The mother of the earth said: "This ability of the Legion Beast is indeed like a phantom, but I think it is more like a clone."


"That's right, it's the ability to transform yourself into many individuals, and unlike Mirage, each of the replicas created by this ability is a real entity, the difference is only their importance and combat effectiveness. . "

"You mean that the individuals just copied are all true?"

"There is only one body, but it is basically true in terms of combat capabilities."

"Then how many such avatars can he split?"

"It's up to you to see him after turning him into a magic pet."

When I heard the words of Mother Earth, I nodded and started capturing. Such a high-level creature is an uninjured individual. It is very difficult to make him a magic pet, and even if he is successfully arrested, he can only be turned into a magic pet egg, and he has to be turned back by a level. It ’s actually quite cumbersome to practice. But with Mother Earth, the problem is much simpler. This is what Mother Earth said before to help me complete the capture process. Under her suppression, the capture was successful only once, and the Legion Beast, which should have become a magic pet egg, became an adult body directly, so I didn't have to bother to take him to level.

"Well, even if your mission rewards are all given to you, as for the losses you have suffered during the gambling battle, I can help you upgrade the magic pets, so that we will not owe each other."

I said with a smile: "That way, I'll go first, and then notify me of any good tasks." After leaving the gate of the earth, I immediately checked all the attributes of the Legion Beast.

The Legion Beast's rank is 5,000, but currently he is just an adult, so it is only 2,000. In terms of attack and defense, the attributes of the Legionnaire can be said to be quite satisfactory. Based on the average value of creatures at his level, his attributes are considered fairly balanced. However, although other attributes of the Legion Beast are average, his agility is surprisingly high. Although he hasn't reached the abnormal speed level of light speed movement of darts, but in terms of the average agility of his creatures, his agility is at least seven or eight times the normal value. However, for his leopard-shaped body, this agility is completely understandable. After all, leopards in nature are the king of speed, and it is understandable that leopard creatures in the game respond faster.

In addition to the basic attributes, the rest is talent and skills. However, the legion beast's skills seem to be very special, but most of them are small skills, belonging to auxiliary skills, and the attack type seems to have only a shadow projection. This skill is actually Ling, because this is a standard dark magic, but not very powerful. Of course, although the single shot power of this skill is not great, the actual damage output is not low. After all, this skill has a launch speed of three to four seconds. This is comparable to the machine gun launch speed, even if the single shot power is not great. The super high rate of fire is enough to make up for the power.

Regardless of the messy auxiliary skills, there are only two skills that Legionnaires really deserve to pay attention to. The first is the shadow shuttle. This ability also has night shadows, that is, it can shuttle from one shadow to another. The effect is similar to instantaneous movement. The difference is that this skill requires two shadows as the starting point and ending point of the teleport. For example, if it is On the road at noon, this ability allows you to move from one tree shade to another. If you encounter a dark environment where you ca n’t see your fingers, this ability is even better. You can rely on this ability to appear arbitrarily at any point in the darkness, and the enemy is completely complete. Can't capture your figure. Of course, if you encounter a light environment with no shadow at all, this skill will basically be scrapped. However, the environment without shadows is actually rarer than the environment with complete darkness, so the scope of this ability is quite wide.

After removing this shadow shuttle, the only remaining skill is the legion of the Legion Beast's famous stunt legion. The effect of this skill is to split many identical individuals, each with independent thinking and entities, and can fight under the command of the subject. However, these split individuals' attack power is only half of that of the main body, so their combat effectiveness is still lower than that of the main body. But apart from their different attack powers, the other attributes of these clones are exactly the same as the ontology, so although they are not as powerful as the ontology, these clones must not be underestimated.

In addition to the strong individual combat power of the split legion, the legion beast of the Legion Beast also has a very abnormal feature, that is, his body can be arbitrarily switched among all the clones. An avatar immediately becomes the body. Therefore, even if the enemy finds the body, the Legion Beast can transfer itself to a certain clone one second before being killed, so that the enemy will kill only one clone. Because of this ability, the Legion Beast is almost immortal before all of its avatars die.

Like all other powerful skills, powerful skills always need to be limited. The limitation of this legion's clone is that the number of clones needs to be limited by magic, and this number is generally the current level of the legion beast. The added magic value of each level of the Legion Beast set by the system is just enough to summon a clone, so if you want to know how many clones he can summon, just look at how many levels he has.

After the avatars are summoned, the magic power of the Legion Beast will be reduced immediately, but if the body actively cancels a certain avatar, it can recover 80% of the mana value of the magic required to summon this avatar. In addition to this special offer, the Legion Beast also has a special ability, that is, after his clone or body kills the enemy, he can also get 1% of the opponent's remaining magic value to add to his magic value. This setting determines that the Legion Beast can increase the number of avatars by killing more enemies, because the system limits his mana value required to summon avatars, but it does not limit his summoning limit. As long as his avatar is not dead or is actively taken back, he can wait for the magic to make up for a summon and then recruit another avatar. According to this logic, in theory, as long as he is equipped with a few professional magicians, he can actually copy the clones indefinitely. Of course, this is only a theoretical thing, and it is actually impossible to do, because the clone of the Legion Beast is actually time limited. Although the time limit of twenty-four hours is already quite long for the summoner, it will disappear after all, so you cannot rely on this method to replicate the clone on a large scale. Of course, it is not a problem to summon more avatars than your own level in a short time. However, the system is not stupid. Although these avatars that disappeared due to time constraints also disappear, they will not return the magic value. There are also avatars that are actively canceled. In addition to the 80% limit, they also return the magic value. It depends on how long it has been summoned. The system will automatically calculate the magic loss caused by the summoning time according to a set of proportions, so the longer the summoning time is, the lower the magic value returned when the summon is released. There is magic back.

After reading these attributes, I also have a general understanding of the Legion Beast's capabilities. Strictly speaking, this guy is similar to the combination of Assassins and Summoners. He is said to be assassin because of this guy's attack power and speed, as well as his shadow shuttle ability, which are obviously suitable for assassins. It is natural to say that he is like a summoner because of his stack of avatars. These avatars are like summoners' summoning pets. The only difference is that these summons are his own avatars. So I guess that the legion beast's real fighting method is likely to be a sneak attack like an assassin. If the sneak attack fails, it will directly release a bunch of avatars to engage in Qunou. If you ca n’t fight, you will use the avatars to cover yourself and escape.

Regarding that the Legion Beast may consider the habit of escaping when it cannot beat the enemy, I even found the corresponding special ability in his skills. There is actually a skill in this guy's skill called larvalization, and the effect is to turn himself into a black cat. That's right, it's just a cat, and it's a little kitten that can be held in your hand. In this state, the Legion Beast's attack protection will be greatly reduced, but his speed will be increased ten times. Originally, there were legion beasts that were seven or eight times faster than others and accelerated ten times, that is, seventy or eighty times faster than others. At this speed, the short-distance movement was almost the same as the instantaneous movement. I can't imagine what this skill can do except to escape. After all, this skill will greatly weaken the combat power, so even if it is fast, it is not suitable for combat. It is only useful when escaping.

Because of the ability of Legionnaires to turn themselves into kittens, I finally named him "Big Cat". I personally think the name is quite in line with his image.

After finishing the big cat thing, I threw him to Ling. They took him to know the comrades in the future. It happened that there was still a problem. The succubus queen was also undergoing training, so she could find a classmate for her. Quickly let Linglong fit into our big family. As for the possibility that the big cat is damaged by Linglong, this is not to say that it is impossible, but there is Ling Zai, this possibility is almost equal to zero.

It is time to deal with guild issues after personal issues have been dealt with. When I was on the gambling ring, I was continuously used by a bunch of wish fruits, three of which were more than s-level wish fruits used by anonymous players. Although this guy chose to remain anonymous to hide his identity, eventually this guy's name was exposed by Rose with the fruit of their wishes. As a Chinese player, he actually dared to attack me, and also tried to destroy Chinese national weapons. How could such a person stay with him? Without killing him or deleting his number, he will be better known as the "Fellow Seed Federation" or "Soft Persimmon Alliance".

Since Hongyue can think of revealing the identity of that guy, naturally they also think that this kind of person can't stay, so when I asked the military **** about the situation, the military **** immediately replied: "While you are still on the stage, Hongyue The vice president has asked me to investigate this man named Shadow II. "

"So have you found anything?"

"According to the information I have, it can be determined now. Shadow II is a Chinese player. He is now the vice president of a guild called the Freedom Front. Currently his level is about 1,000 to one. Between thousand and one hundred, but his character appeared only a little more than a month in total, and according to his consumption habits and other factors, we judge that his level is spent a month to spend a huge amount of money with the help of a large number of experts Brushed out. His current equipment is a set of holy spirit called the legend of the moon shadow, the attributes are not bad, the occupation is a sword dance fighter, belongs to the high agility melee occupation type. "

"Is that all there is? Do you know that Freedom Front information?"

"The Freedom Front is a guild of medium age. It currently has 1,723 registered members. Its president is a Taoist priest. The current rank is 1,107, which is not too high. High, but the combat effectiveness is okay. The guild has a small city with about 3,000 guards, but most of them are intermediate guards. The number of high-level combat guards is very small, and it can be related to financial resources. "

"What did the guild usually do?"

"What I know is that they participated in the attack on several large guilds with bad reviews in the country. During that period, they performed well. They once hit a guild that specifically hijacked domestic players. However, they also attacked a rumored guild, which was often rumored to help the Japanese to search for advanced equipment in the country, but it turned out that the rumor was malicious slander. In addition, this guild has participated in several During the Japanese battle, the performance was not bad during the period. The battle was very active, but in the end, when we cooperated with Matsumoto Masa to carry out the plan, the guild bounced back fiercely. It caused us some minor troubles in the middle, but the scope of influence was not large. . "

I frowned and said, "It looks like this is a typical angry youth guild! Army God, do they react after knowing that Shadow II used the fruit of my wish to shade me?"

"At this time it is certain that this matter is not a collective decision of their guild, at least the members of the guild were not notified, because after they knew this, there was chaos in their premises. Several of the seniors in the room entered the meeting room together. Until now, these people have not come out, and their members seem to be arguing outside, but we are not clear about the content yet. "

"Did you not send spies to their guild?"

"The city of the Free Front is a closed city and it is not open to guilds, so it is difficult for our people to mix in. The information previously surveyed was obtained from other guilds that have dealt with them. As for The information for the meeting was what I saw with Babelta's sight glass. "

"That's all there is. If you don't have any other information there, I'll go and contact them on the spot to see how this can be resolved. If not, I can only clean them as a whole."

"That's all I know, but Miss Rose said it would be better to bring her if you were going."

"Okay, I understand." I cut off the connection with the army god, so I contacted Rose directly with the ring of love, and then told her that I was waiting for her at the portal of the teleportation hall, but when I went outside the teleportation hall, she found she was better than me One step ahead. "Well? Why are you so fast?"

"As soon as I came back from the United States, I only received your message when I came out of the transnational transmission array. Naturally, it is much faster than you."

"That's it. Have you heard the report of the army **** before that Shadow II?"

Rose nodded and said, "I know everything, so I asked the **** of war to tell you that it would be best to bring me if you were going."

"Are you worried about the Freedom Front?" Rose's thoughts are clear to me. The people of the Free Front are a group of angry young people. These people have a high patriotic enthusiasm and are extremely hostile to people in hostile countries. In addition to black in their thoughts, White with few intermediate options. Moreover, this group of people also has a characteristic of being more impulsive and aggressive, usually only making simple plans or not planning to start actions, as a result, of course, good intentions to do bad things often occur. However, we cannot deny them because of their impulse ~ ~ Impulsive patriots are always better than those treasoners. What they need is guidance, and thunder strikes should be given to those treasoners. The reason why Rose had to come with me was because I was afraid that I would conflict with those people. Judging from the situation we have now, it seems that 80% of Shadow II is using the power of the Freedom Front to confront me, and what I should do is try to pinch him as a maggot alone and pinch it instead of hitting the Free Front all together.

Rose did not answer my question, but just nodded, and said, "Wait until you try to let me negotiate with them. You just need to act as my armed guard to help me shake the ground. I worry about that. The guy muddled the water and made us conflict with the Freedom Front. "

"Understand. I don't speak, you let me do it, I just do it again."

Rose smiled: "Not so exaggerated, just give me the main position of the negotiation. Okay, let's go first. The guild's city teleportation array is not open to the public, we can only teleport to the nearby area first. Fly over again. "

As we rushed to the Freedom Front, there was a tense atmosphere in the conference room on the Freedom Front. The judge sat in the position and stared at the guy in a gorgeous outfit with a serious face. "Shadow, you have to give us an explanation of this matter, otherwise you don't blame us for not talking about brotherhood."

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