Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 26: For nothing

An Min, completely overwhelmed by my cold tone, just half-sit and half-lying on the ground, twisted her body and looked at me stupidly, and then she urinated. Yes, it is indeed urine. Because I have seen the water stains spreading out of the beach.

"Do you still know the fear?" Looking down at An Min, who has no image now, I said sarcastically. Although she was indeed regarded as a high-quality beauty before, it is a pity that she looks like she has no beauty at all. No matter how beautiful a woman is, her face is swollen, her body is covered with mud and the smell of urine is spreading, it is estimated that normal people will no longer think that her current image has any beauty.

I probably saw that my girlfriend was bullied by me, so a long fighting force broke out. The crazy dog ​​over there suddenly broke free and the officers who pressed him tried to rush over again, but he only saw one when he rushed to half. The figure suddenly floated in front of him.

Ling stood directly in front of him without saying a word, so he stared straight at him, and the guy also hesitated for a moment and then wanted to bypass Ling and continue to rush forward, but just a few behind the delay The officer had rushed up and dragged him back again to suppress it. The mad dog saw that he couldn't break free and began to yell, but Ling and I didn't respond to his curse at all.

"That ... Excuse me ..." Just as I moved my gaze to An Min on the ground again, the Englishman next to him suddenly tentatively asked xìng.

I quickly turned my aim on the other person, then looked at him and asked, "Do you have anything?"

The Englishman said immediately when I turned my attention to him: "I knew at the first sight that you were the most responsible person. Well, I can tell you where the mine is, but you can find someone afterwards Send me away? "

I didn't even think about this person and said directly, "That's right. Even if you want to go in, I can't let you in. As long as you take us to the mine entrance, I will immediately ask someone to take you to the nearest Airport. So you don't have any questions? "

"No opinion, no opinion." The Englishman wanted to survive now. As for the mine ... he wasn't stupid. That thing provoked so many superpowers to send out secret troops for the sake of it. Is it true that an ordinary person caught in the middle of so many superpowers has been idle? The big country that came to grab this place this time almost represents the cutting-edge power of the world, let alone he is just an ordinary person, even if a second- or third-rate country is involved in this kind of thing, it is estimated that it must be pinched by these big countries Death, let alone an ordinary person?

After talking to the British, I turned my head and said to the officers next to the crazy dog ​​over there, "Let him over."

The officers glanced at each other and hesitated a little, but eventually they let go of the guy. As soon as she was free, the mad dog ran to An Min and helped her up, but I watched him subtly and said, "Listen to the boy. If she is just an ordinary reporter, I guarantee that she is ten times dead now. But Seeing the relationship between your old man and our old man, I will finally give her another chance. I will tell your old man back to Wuwu, this time we are benevolent. Also, you also remember to me, this is my last time Bear her, but if that happens again ... think for yourself. "

After saying this, I beckoned directly to the officers over there. After they came over, I took out a small round box the size of a lady's make-up mirror and passed it. Then I said, "Take this And it will guide you where you leave. "

The officer who took the thing heard the words and immediately looked at the box in his hand. Then he tried to press the only button on the side of the box. As a result, a small lid popped open on the front of the box. Then a three-dimensional map of the surrounding environment was projected in the air. When the officer touched the map with his hand, he found that the map, which was composed entirely of projections, could be turned by hand and zoomed at will.

The officer tried several operations, and then found that there were actually a few green dots and many red and yellow dots on the reduced map. He asked me questioningly: "What are these points?"

"This is a tactical map used by our own people, so we have our identification mark. Green is mine and my subordinates, yellow is an unidentified enemy-identified creature confirmed by the battlefield network, and red is an enemy or dangerous creature. Anyway You just need to avoid these red dots and yellow dots. This machine itself shows a white dot on the map, you just know where the dots are. You will know where you are. You go to the beach according to the map, and people with our dragon edge meet there, and their location will be displayed on the map. You only need to see the green dots on the other side, and you just have to pass by. "

The officer nodded and understood, then studied the map with several other officers, and I called the Englishman and took out an identical map box to expand and let him point out the mine. position. Because this is a three-dimensional map, the picture is easy to identify. Although the person has not seen this map, he quickly found the location of the mine. When he found the location on the map, the triangle sign of Yihebai appeared immediately in that place, and the officers over there were also shocked. One of them turned his head and asked me, "Brigadier General Shen Lin, what's the matter with this triangle?"

Ling explained before me: "The map you use is our own map, all signals are synchronized with each other. We have marked on our map, you can see them simultaneously, but you do n’t need to worry about these The mark changes, just leave you. Then the map machine will just hand it over to the other party after they find your team, they will deal with it. "

A few people nodded, then they lifted up the red sister and An Min who was frightened and pulled Mad Dog and Chang Bin over there, and started to leave according to the map. As for the Englishman who wanted to follow him, he was I called back. What I told him was to find the mine and let him go, but let him go without pointing out the mine. I would not let him leave until I saw the mine in person.

In the longing eyes of the British man, the officers finally left An side with An Min, but before they were out of our sight, I suddenly turned around and frowned, and then waited It took more than ten seconds to see a few figures wearing silver and white mechanical armor rushing through the woods ahead. It is not difficult to see from their equipment that these guys should be the same as the one who was just beaten by the young.

The group stopped after they rushed near us, and then they immediately found their companion who was not far away. Two guys quickly broke through, and then squatted down and mō's pulse. After a few seconds the man stood up and shook his head to this side. The team leader here saw the person over there shaking his head and turned his head to us immediately, and then he heard him pointing at me and said in a low, thick voice: "You are dead."

"Do you think so? I don't think so."

The man shook his right hand vigorously, and a piece of armor on his right arm popped out automatically, and then saw a short muzzle stick out. Following him quickly pointed the muzzle at me, and at the same time, the muzzle began to emit a hot barrage.

The officers who hadn't run far saw the situation here, and quickly hurried An Min to speed them forward, and Ling and I moved as soon as the guy opened fire.

When the guy opened fire, I suddenly flashed to the side, and then took out the large-caliber pistol on the waist like a lightning and aimed at this guy's shoulder. Just listening to the sound of a bang with a small cannon, the guy's shoulder position directly burst into a ball of fire, and the guy himself was also crooked backwards, and the whole person almost fell out.

I didn't expect my pistol to be so powerful. The guy quickly adjusted his muzzle and started firing at me, but before his muzzle pointed at me, I jumped up. I rolled my feet and kicked **** the trunk above my head, and then I rushed down suddenly, and when I was about to pounce on him, I didn't know where to fly out of a metal net, and it broke me Cover it up and take me out to the side.

My body could not move at all in the net, and naturally it landed without any response, without waiting for me to get up, there was a burst of bullets over there. My entire body of armor suddenly burst into dense Mars, but fortunately my ceramic armor was quite strong. Although the Mars was splashed, there was no damage.

Just as the few guys rushing out focused all their firepower on me, a white figure suddenly rushed out from behind one of the guys, and then bit the guy's head and flung the guy back. Thrown and flew out. Waiting for the reaction from the people next to him, Xiao Diao swooped up from the other side, first fluttering one with a claw, then biting one and throwing it backward, followed by a turn around, flew one with his tail, and finally stepped on the ground He threw a guy up front and bit it directly into the guy's neck.

After the guy was pressed to the ground, he saw that the monster in front of him was about to bite his neck, and he hurriedly blocked his left hand in front of him. As a result, he clicked directly on his arm with a little click. Then I heard a crunching sound of crunching metal. The armor outside the guy's arm started to deform like the helmet of the previous man, and the constantly wearing parts had even started to emit electric sparks.

boom. Just as Xiao Budian was going to bite off this guy's arm with a bang, he suddenly burst into a ball of fire, and then saw Xiao Budian flying out to the side, and the person under him was relieved.

A guy wearing the same mechanical armor took away the cannon on his shoulder and came up and pulled the man and asked, "Is it okay?"

The man looked at the obviously deformed armor on his arm, then shook his head and said, "The thing the **** raised was really abnormal, and even our atomic armor could not be blocked. I thought I was going to die just now. ! "

"Haha, who made you carelessly. In order to hold Maggie's Shuangfeng with two hands in the future, I suggest you head directly to the top next time."

"Get out of here." The teased guy patted his companion, and then suddenly called out, "No, the captain is in danger."

When they were talking, the first guy who opened fire on me had rushed in front of me while firing. He fired at me lying on the ground for several seconds and found that he couldn't penetrate my armor at all. , So he ceased the fire and took off the heavy tomahawk on his back.

I was taken aback when I saw this. Although my armor is strong, I can't hold it like this. Seeing that guy was going to chop me with an axe, I rolled directly to the side, and the guy's ax slammed into the position I just lay. Although I don't know if I can break my defense, but look Almost half of that axe hit the ground, and it is estimated that even if it hit me, it would definitely shake me enough.

After flashing away that guy ’s axe, I quickly rolled over to him, because the guy had already raised the axe again to smash it down, but this time without seeing him hit a translucent impact bō directly He knocked it out.

Ling jumped in front of me and shouted, "I'll stop them. You have to figure it out first."

I didn't care about answering. I sat up directly from the ground, and then crossed my hands in front of ōng. Then I heard the sound of 嚓, and the blades on my arms bounced out, and the metal net tied to me was cut in an instant Two cuts, then I moved my arms, the cuts went straight down, and the metal net's rope broke with the edge of the blade claws, and the whole net was completely torn apart and scattered by me.

After I regained my freedom, as soon as I got up, I saw another guy spraying a metal net. I directly raised my hand and pointed at him. A shock bō directly blasted the metal net that had not been fully expanded in the past. Go back and wrap him up, and then hit bō all the way to take him back more than ten meters and hit a tree to stop.

After I got this guy, I picked up the pistol on the ground and hung it back to the waist, and then I stretched out the long sword hanging on the other side. The moment the arm gripped the handle of the sword tightly, the whole sword issued a buzzing noise, and the blade of the whole sword suddenly became a dazzling gold.

The captain of the American over there shouted directly in the communication channel: "Beware, that guy has a high-frequency vibration blade in his hand. It cannot be hard-wired. Our armor cannot stop it!"

Although the captain shouted such words, wouldn't he not be cut if he didn't want to do it? As soon as he shouted, I had rushed in front of a guy. After the guy hurriedly raised his hand and fired at me, I rushed to him in front of his bullet, and then suddenly saw me in front of me. Three streams of light flashed, followed me and passed directly around him, and until I passed him, the guy's right arm suddenly broke off from the shoulder, and a lot of blood sprayed out because he Suddenly, there was a cross-shaped incision in the ōng mouth, which cut through his entire body, so that his head and shoulders fell directly from the body below.

The mech warriors around saw the companions of their companions rushing towards me, but instead of evading them, they rushed to meet them.

The guys were busy attacking my guard, Xiaobai, Xiaobudian and Ling were looking for a chance to sneak attack behind them. Although they did n’t shoot fast, they would inevitably kill an enemy every time they shot. This time, the enemy ’s The number will be reduced directly below ours.

For the subsequent sneak attack, the mech fighters over there didn't know if they hadn't found it or planned to concentrate their efforts on killing me first. In short, they just focused their targets on me.

A mech warrior stood still far away, and then there was a tumbling deformation behind his shoulder, and a metal launcher flipped from his back to his right shoulder. Following him, holding the front end of the gun body with one hand, aimed at my position, listening only to the sound of a boom, something with a distinct orange-red track flew towards me.

Seeing that thing flying towards me, I jumped back directly, the orange-red thing was right where I was standing, and then there was a loud noise, which hit bō and blew out the surrounding ground. Leather, and I pulled the distance directly with the impact of bō, and then replaced the spear from the back from the back and aimed at the guy's neck in the air and fired. I saw a lot of blood spurting from the guy's neck forward and backward, followed by the whole head rolled down from the shoulder.

After finishing shooting, I quickly retracted the spear and replaced it with a sword. I kicked it on a large tree and flashed to the side. The moment I left, the tree was blown up by another shell. A pile of broken wood chips.

With the help of the big tree's reaction force, I quickly rushed to the nearer famous enemy, and then chased in front of him in a panic while chasing a sword to cut off his right hand with a gun. Before the guy responded, I waved it diagonally upwards. The long sword cut into his ōng cavity from under the right arm of the guy instantly, and then cut out directly from above his left shoulder. His entire right shoulder was connected to the neck and The head fell off the body together.

After killing this guy, I didn't charge forward, but quickly backed away, because the position where I just stood was covered by fire. However, even if I jumped backwards, the opponent fired a missile in the center of my ōng mouth.

Of course, ordinary missiles can't hurt me, but these people are American secret troops after all, and the technology on them is not ordinary technology. The missile didn't look big, but it was quite amazing. I just felt that my ōng mouth seemed to have been stomped by an elephant. The gas in ōng's cavity was squeezed out instantly, and I was dizzy in my head, and I did n’t even know how I flew out. . When I regained consciousness, the comparison of the time returned by the electronic brain told me that it was two seconds later, but now I feel like there are more than a hundred bells ringing in my head. The sound is really Zhen's head hurts, and at the same time I felt the hotness in my nose. Needless to say, there must be nosebleeds in it. Of course, I also found a hot pain in my body. I didn't know whether the internal organs were misplaced or what happened. I felt bad anyway.

"Master? Master? Are you all right?" Ling called in his head.

I shook my head to rejuvenate myself a bit, and then reached up and supported a fallen tree trunk beside me. Looking around, I found that several enemies were running towards my side, but the little three of them dragged these guys in time, so they could not threaten me for the time being.

I tried to shake my head again, so that I was a bit awake, and then I tried to stand up, but I felt a bit uncomfortable, and it seemed to be out of balance.

A red cursor suddenly flashed twice in the vision in front of me, and then the cursor suddenly started to flash while scrolling down, leaving a line of text in front of my eyes. At the same time as the text, there was a sound in the ear: "Confirmed that the maneuver has been seriously injured, and now turn on the self-test of the function." After a pause of two seconds, the sound continued. "The basic functions are intact, and some circulatory systems are broken. It takes 20 seconds to repair. The left ear hearing parts are severely damaged, and it is expected to be repaired within 15 minutes. The body balance will be affected before the function is restored. The electronic gyroscope is temporarily enabled. Replace the ear pressure balance system. Start countdown: three, two, one, start. "

With the start of the last sentence, I immediately felt that the balance of the body was back, and my brain was awake a lot. Following the cursor in front of me, the electronic prompt sounded again. "Confirm that the current status level is high-risk level. The current system status is low energy consumption, and the body can only have 5% of the normal value. It is recommended to start the hibernation zone to enter the standard mode. May I ask if it should be started."

I chose yes directly in my thoughts, and then I felt an unconscious sensation of heat in the whole body, and it seemed as if the whole body was full of endless energy, and most importantly, my thinking became clearer. People's speed becomes slower and slower, just like watching a movie playing at a speed of sixteenth, and it feels that the pictures are jumping stitch by stitch, and each picture will pause in front of the eyes for a long time. .

In fact, humans' perception of time is not accurate. For example, when people feel happy, you will feel that time is moving fast, but when people feel agitated and uncomfortable, they will feel like they are living in years. Of course, time does not change because of our emotions. We feel that the speed of change is entirely due to changes in thinking.

What ’s different from humans is that our dragons ’brains have extraordinary computing power. For humans, things that require all their energy to think about are just like instincts to us, and because the speed of nerve reflection is too fast, normal people The state of action in our opinion is really slow enough. In order to adapt to this extreme dissonance, we are always in a low energy state. In this state, our electronic brain performs only minimal calculations, and our biological brain enters a state of half dream and awake. If it is a normal person in this state, it is bound to be a complete mess of thinking, but our thinking ability determines that even if we only use one-tenth of our thinking ability to work, we will not have any sense of confusion. However, once we return to the working state of the brain, then we will re-enter that super fast thinking mode, and at this time, everything that happens around us will be like a slow motion. Of course, they didn't slow down. The reason why the people around them felt slower was because we were too fast.

When the cursor in front of me disappeared, a bunch of charts suddenly flashed in front of my eyes, and then they quickly moved to the edge of my line of sight, just like the border of the monitor. These charts directly show the surrounding environmental conditions, including wind direction, wind speed, air pressure, air humidity, magnetic field strength, electromagnetic signal strength and signal source information, and environmental noise.

These things originally did not appear in the electronic brain's semi-dormant state. They only appeared when we were fully activated. At the same time, the metal skeleton in our body also changed from a follow-up mode to a drive mode.

The internal skeletal system of our dragons is itself a robot system. Even if all of our flesh is torn off, this set of bones can move by ourselves. But usually they will always be in a state of follow-up, that is, when we contract muscles and bend the body, the metal skeleton will feel the external force to follow. It will not be a hindrance to our movement, but it will not assist us to output any power. However, once we enter the full body mode, its working mode will enter the drive mode. At this time it no longer moves by feeling external pressure, but moves according to our thinking.

For example, if I want to raise my right hand, then when I decide to do so, my biological brain will send a bioelectric signal to the right arm muscle group. The muscle group feels the signal and begins to contract or relax to drive the arm movement. However, when the biological brain sends a signal, our electronic brain will also send a signal to the driving joint of the mechanical arm of the right arm. At this time, the driving joint will work with my muscle group to bring my power into the maximum state. .

The Americans over there looked at me standing in a daze, and they were desperately impacting the three lines of defense composed of Ling and Xiaobai, because they felt that I had been beaten, and they wanted to take this opportunity to completely solve me. However, just as one of the lucky ones crossed the line, I suddenly moved.

I saw a distant grip on the guy who rushed over, and then I started raising my arm upwards, and the guy was frightened to find that he actually left the ground, but around him and Nothing touched him. In other words, he is now completely in the air.

As he struggled, the palms of my virtual hands suddenly snapped together, and the guy's waist armor seemed to be pinched by a large invisible hand, and then made a squeaking noise, and then collapsed and contracted together. Become a metal rod less than the diameter of a normal human arm.

The moment the waist was pinched, the guy stopped struggling, and it took a few seconds for the helmet to ooze a lot of blood. Needless to say, the guy inside must be dead.

Looking at the soft guy, I immediately waved my hand, and the guy immediately flew out and fell to the ground, but he didn't move at all during this time. Others around me saw the situation for only a second, and then launched a crazy attack on us.

The captain yelled directly from the external speaker: "Everyone, activate Level 1 mode."

Just as we have been dormant before, this group of Americans has not fully released their strength. Everyone is a secret force of the superpowers, and they are afraid of each other, so although they are fighting, they have never really let go. But now the two sides are really fighting, so there is no longer any problem of keeping hands.

Seeing that I have started the standard mode, and the other party has also released the restrictions, Ling and Xiaobo have also entered the standard mode. The battle on both sides escalated into a life-and-death battle.

"Give me to death." The captain of the previous gun directly pointed at the doubled lance and fired a red energy corps. Ling pointed at him remotely, a shock bō flew out and collided with the energy group in the air. But the two did not offset each other, nor did anyone defeat them, but passed by.

The red sè energy group blasted a hole in the middle of the impact bō, and then banged until it hit Ling's ōng blast, which lifted the whole backward, and at the same time, the impact of Ling's launch bō also hit that Captain, blasted the opponent directly.

After Ling was blown up, Xiao Budian rushed to the captain quickly, but a mech warrior blocked him. It doesn't matter if the mouth of the three or seventy one is a dragon bomb, as a result, two trapezoidal lids popped up on the opponent's shoulders. Each of the lids had three light bulb-like things on. A white mask enveloped the mech warrior at the moment when those light bulbs were lit, and the small dragon bombs also exploded on the surface of the mask, but the flame was completely blocked. The mask just shook twice. However, at the same time that the man thought he had blocked the attack, Xiao Budian slammed onto the mask, and then the blue arc flashed between the two horns, and a blue and white sè was almost The transparent light ball suddenly flew out from between the two small horns, and then blasted on the protective cover. With just a bang, the six light bulbs on the man's shoulder suddenly burst all at the same time, and the protective cover disappeared instantly.

After successfully removing the protective cover, the little bit that was already prepared was immediately flung up and pressed the person down, and then opened his mouth to bite the person's helmet, accompanied by a screaming heartbreak in the communicator, that The guy ’s helmet gradually deformed and collapsed, and finally the strengthened glass mask burst, and as the mask burst, the guy ’s helmet could no longer withstand the huge bite force and was flattened instantly, of course, the head inside was also squeezed and exploded. Into a pile of rotten watermelon.

Immediately after killing this guy, he flew towards the captain in front, but the man was already running, but just before he responded, a white figure suddenly burst out from the side and bit his left arm.

This guy is also clever, knowing that his armor can not withstand the opponent's bite, he simply gave up his left arm armor. The position where his left armband was connected to his shoulder was automatically disconnected, and Xiao Bai actually pulled the armour of the arm hard.

Because I didn't expect this thing to fall, Xiaobai suddenly twisted too hard, and the man seized the opportunity to turn around and hit Xiaobai with a row of bullets. Xiaobai's body instantly burst out a few blood spots, and then screamed and jumped out of his attack range.

While the guy was planning to continue attacking, he did not expect that another Bai Sè's figure suddenly burst out from the other side and bit his right arm armor, and this time did not give him the opportunity to loosen the armor, Bai Lang With just a hard click, the whole right arm of the guy was bitten directly.

The captain was also terrified at this time. Xiao Bai and Bai Lang have seen it before. When they were bypassing their frontal defense line, they knew that two white dogs were on our side and one was on the front battlefield. Now they see that another one is also here, that can only explain one. Things-our main force is back.

Sure enough, there was a sound in the surrounding woods, and after seeing Skott they rushed out. However, although our main force has arrived, the other party is not empty. Just after they appeared, a large group of mech warriors ran out across from them. It doesn't look like our main force is back now, but the frontal battlefield and our battlefield have merged.

Due to the sudden emergence of so many people, we did not dare to act for a while. Everyone was alert to retreat to their own people and confronted. A total of 28 people came to our side, plus Bailang, Xiaobai, and Xiaobudian were thirty-one. The number of mech warriors on the other side is obviously more than ours. At a glance, there are at least one hundred people. The opponent is superior in quantity, but we are superior in single-handed combat capabilities, especially the small ones here can basically be regarded as a heavy weapon level. If he fights, he can kill more than a dozen people. So now both sides are afraid to act lightly, and this situation quickly becomes more troublesome because-the Germans have arrived.

Just after we confronted each other, there was a roar suddenly in the sky, and then I saw two large transport planes whistling past the height of the treetops ~ ~ Then a pile of more than three meters tall, the whole body was painted The black giant matte paint metal giant hit the ground directly. These things are different from the American mech warriors in front of them, they are real robots. There is no human driving in it. The whole is a machine. The command system is an intelligent computer system installed in the body. It provides tactical command through a man-machine like the American mech system, but the specific actions are completely automatic.

Compared with the American mech, the biggest advantage of these robots is that they are fast in response, and their execution efficiency can almost have a fight with us in standard mode. Moreover, these guys are obviously more powerful than Americans. After all, they don't need to put individuals in their bodies, so they can free up a lot of space to install large power units. Of course, these guys have many disadvantages. The main point is that the intelligence is a bit less. Although it is basically able to achieve the normal battlefield, it is definitely not as good as humans in playing tricks. Otherwise, they will not be equipped with a captain's plane driven by them. Another point is that these guys' operating systems are smart computers, so there is a certain possibility that xìng will be invaded by stronger electronic systems. Of course, the other party also did protection. It is not easy to really want to invade, but it is always a hidden danger.

Looking at the pile of steel giants that suddenly landed, both the Americans and us were in a quandary. Only the two of us can still grab it. Now the three have arrived together, but it is not easy to start. It is estimated that in the end, everyone must share it. Of course, whoever scores more and who scores less depends on who has the bigger fist. !! .

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