Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 27: Vertical and horizontal

The group of steel giants who just landed gathered after landing, then they turned their heads and glanced at the American body next to them, and then looked at us, after which they said in a unified voice: " It ’s lively here. "

Looking at the steel giants who spoke with a voice, I laughed directly at them, and I did n’t say until the other person looked at me, "Hey, that guy over there, do you think there are so many machines together? Speaking, I don't know which machine is the captain's machine? It's too easy for you to think. "

The other person was obviously stunned by my words, but soon responded and looked at me and said directly: "Shenlin, do you think I can really believe this if you just talk casually?"

I was a little surprised that the other party could directly say my name, but soon I realized that there is no secret between the high-level parties like us. , Security base, security technology, etc., but I think that in the end it is only the civilians who are truly confidential. It seems that the senior officials of various countries know more about the secrets of other countries than their own countries. It is impossible for ordinary people to access the secrets that should be specifically targeted at people in other countries, but people in their own countries know nothing. And the other party's seniors knew everything. This is not an individual phenomenon, but a common phenomenon. At least, we know more about each country than the other party.

It is impossible for a country ’s political power to be controlled by only one dog person, and there are too many secrets in a country, so these departments of the bargaining group will inevitably divide the labor. In the end, the leaders of the country only know that they are under their jurisdiction. That part of the secret. For example, like the chief of defense, he may know the existence of some secret armed forces in his country, but he does not know where these people are usually stationed and what technology they have. It is not that he does not have the authority to know, but that he does not need to know. in contrast. The intelligence departments of other countries naturally try to find them by all means, so often the information of other countries is collected in the hands of the relevant personnel of the country without any details, and because they are worried about not knowing the enemy, they are losing money, so the management personnel of each country Have to try to learn the intelligence of other countries.

My fox little strawberry itself has a special status inside Dragon Margin, and I am the only finished product of the artificial Tenjin plan, so my identity is relatively important. According to the custom of the international intelligence department, the more secret information hidden in other countries, the more they want to find out, so it is not surprising that other countries know my information. After all, the current pattern of information warfare in the world is the same as physical warfare. Spears are always more advanced than shields. Therefore, everyone has a strong urban offense and weak defense.

When I heard the other person shout my name, I immediately pointed at the guy and said, "Are you really kidding me? I'm talking about you, don't hide, you think you are standing in a humble position. Do you think you are an ordinary robot? "

"You you you ... what are you talking about?"

"If you say something wrong, why are you so nervous?" Watching the other person hurriedly change the queue position, I said directly: "You don't have to change there, it's useless."

"Do you want to lie to me again?" The other party asked out loud.

I said directly: "What is it to lie to you again? I just pointed out your position clearly. As of now, of course, it is true. Do you want to know what is wrong with your position?"

"What is it?" The biggest shortcoming of the German's intelligent combat robot is this captain's machine. Compared to the robot, the human body is obviously more vulnerable, and because of the problem of intelligence level, this group of intelligent robots have to carry a Someone "operates" the captain's plane to conduct tactical command. In order to ensure that the battle commander would not be the first to fall in battle, the Germans used a very simple method.

That is to make the captain's machine exactly the same as other machines, so that others do not know which one is the captain's machine. It is also because of this design that the German who commanded the robot to help the robot now wants to know how we found him.

When he asked him out, I smiled and said, "The principle is very simple! It's because of your weight."

"Body weight?" The German faltered for a moment, then suddenly responded.

As the captain's machine, because there are "operating" personnel in the body, there are a lot of things inside it. After all, the human body needs a space to accommodate it. However, in order to accommodate this "operator" personnel, this captain's machine will inevitably reduce some equipment. Although this will cause its ng to drop, as long as he does not directly participate in the war, then the problem is not big. However, even if he did not participate directly in the battle, the captain of the army had to follow the team in order not to be recognized at first glance.

Otherwise, all the other robots rushed up, and he stood behind this one, so it is unknown that this is the captain's machine. So no matter where the other robots are, he must follow. However, after all, an individual is installed in his body, and a lot of equipment that can be installed in the space corresponding to the human body must be removed. Most of these things are metal machinery, and the proportion of metal is obviously much larger than that of humans.

This determines that, even if there is no difference in overall dimensions, the captain's aircraft is much lighter than the team's aircraft.

The captain's machine is lighter than other machines, which means that his footprints are shallower, and the feeling of gliding, jumping, and falling when in action will also be very different. Although these differences are not obvious, if you pay attention to observation, they can still be easily found.

After understanding the reason, the other party immediately said, "Thank you so much for Shenlin's answer. I must remind the development department to increase the weight when I go back."

After hearing this, I said again: "If you want to add it, add it, anyway, I still know which one is the captain's machine after adding weights."

"What?" The other side was really scared. Once the captain's identity is determined, he will surely be killed first. As long as he does not exist, the robots next to them are a group of super dumb muscles in their heads. The enemy can wrap all these robots by designing a slightly more complicated trap. After all, their intelligent system can only handle it. Some simple data, as for various strategic applications, intelligent systems are not impossible, but must be simulated by a large computer group, and the computing power of these steel soldiers is obviously not so exaggerated. After all, they are going to fight. The space in the body must be reserved for driving components and weapon systems. The volume of the main control computer must be compressed to a certain range. Otherwise, a big-headed doll-like robot is created, so it does n’t look good, let ’s not talk about it anyway, the combat effectiveness cannot be guaranteed anyway.

Hearing me again said that he could still find the position of his captain's plane, the other party immediately asked: "Is there anything else here?

After hearing what he said, I deliberately stretched my voice and said, "Is this a secret?" Just as the other party was about to rise after hearing what I said, I suddenly said, "In fact, it is not impossible to tell you, but you also know. Your group of steel fighters is the foundation of Germany's future combat effectiveness. It can be of great benefit to you to solve this huge hidden danger, so since you have got such a big bargain, then we also need to get some benefits. "

What I said is of course reasonable. The other party did want to know what the flaw was, but they didn't want to pay for it. Of course, the reason they didn't want it was that they probably guessed our request.

They were sent here this time to grab the ruins, and I'm telling them what the price is. Needless to say, they definitely want to grab the ruins. As commanders of this group of robots, the guys in several of the troop captains sent are Chilean weak commanders, which is equivalent to the rank of captain or major army officer in the general army. In addition to their special strengths in combat effectiveness, the more important point is that their brains are very clever.

Although they also knew that the improvement of steel soldiers was important, they also knew that the ruins were definitely more important than that. If in case they can get the supercomputer technology left by the aliens, the captain's problem of these steel soldiers will not be considered at all. After all, as long as the computer can keep up, these robots can have enemy intelligence, so they don't need a captain's machine to command them. Therefore, the ruins are more important than the technical defects of the captain's machine, and it goes without saying.

I'm certainly not stupid if the other party is clever. Of course, I know they won't trade in ruins, so I don't even think about that. Of course, my ultimate goal is that ruin. Seeing that the other party didn't answer, I said directly: "Don't you think you want to use this secret in exchange for your exit from the battle for ruins? Rest assured, I am not a fool, of course, knowing that this secret is not worth the price.

As soon as I heard that it was not this request, the guys were really energetic. It is only possible to find super computer technology in the ruins, but it is not necessarily available, so they still need this information from me, so they start to move again. The guy who spoke before said to me: "If it's not about the ruins, you can still discuss them. But what exactly do you want?"

When I heard him, I immediately said, "No, my request is related to the ruins." The other party immediately became nervous again after hearing this, but before they waited to speak ~ ~ I said, "But I think this request is not only a loss to you, but also a huge benefit. So I think you should agree."

"What on earth do you want us to do?"

"It's very simple," I pointed directly at the Americans over there. "Cooperate with us, kill them first, and then jointly drive away the secret troops of other countries. The final remains are counted by our two countries. The people behind are just talking. Anyway, two points, no matter how much, they are more than everyone together? "

"Hey, what do you mean?" When I said this to Americans, I wouldn't do it. Although they are crowded, our fighting capacity is stronger. They had already suffered a lot from us. If the Germans came to us with a wolf, then they really could only run with their tails and talk!

Compared to the nervousness of only Americans, the Germans are excited. Just like __ playfully said, the two countries are better than all the world ’s hands and groups together. Almost as soon as I finish, the heads of the German robots turned to the American side. I haven't started yet, but the meaning is already obvious.

"Hey, don't listen to him nonsense!" The group of Americans shouted loudly as they stepped back nervously. !! .

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