Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 28: Benefits of Wolverine

"Hey, don't listen to him nonsense!" The group of Americans shouted loudly as they stepped back nervously.

Looking at the panicked Americans, the German heavy machinery people suddenly raised their right arms neatly and aimed at the Americans in front, and then saw the double-mounted six mounted on the outside of the right arms of these steel machines. The cannons began to growl at the same time, and the dense metal jet even drawn a clear and recognizable orange-red line in the air, while the mech warriors on the opposite Americans hurriedly lifted the thick armor with some shield The functional left arm blocked the vital points in front of him and hurried back.

Now that the Germans have opened fire, we naturally can't watch it. At the same time, Bai Lang and Xiao Bai lowered their bodies, followed by the weapon backpack on their backs, and with a coughing sound, a large row of missiles flew together to the front of the American mech soldiers. Several huge fireballs exploded.

Seeing that the situation was unfavorable, the captain of the American mech warrior shouted as he stepped back: "Retreat, retreat, disengage!"

We have no intention of letting the Americans retreat. Special formations and the regular army are different. It is easy for the two to bite each other to attack each other. Therefore, if we let them leave now, they will probably follow up when we go to find the ruins. Rather than deal with a steady stream of reinforcements at that time, it would be better to settle this squad now.

"Hey, Zhonggu people." A German steel soldier stood next to me and fired. "You are more mobile, how about going behind to block the road?"

I looked at the American camp over there, then nodded and posted the order directly from the network to other people around. Ling and Skott quickly dispersed and ran through the woods on both sides and ran towards the rear of the Americans, while the German steel robots quickly pressed the Americans who were struck by heavy fire and did not dare to look up.

So many people on our side are moving together, and the Americans over there can certainly see it, but they can't organize even though they guess what we are going to do. The Germans are too powerful. These three-meter-high steel robots are the largest of the Three Kingdoms Elite. Although a large size does not necessarily mean that they are strong, you have to admit that the firepower of things is often more fierce. In addition, people naturally have a large amount of ammunition, so others are afraid to fire randomly, but they can use machine guns to suppress intensive firepower. After all, their 10,000 or 20,000 rounds of such a large head are not a problem at all.

Just when the Americans were anxious about what to do, we have successfully circled the American side. Probably knowing that there is no chance to stop running. The Captain America suddenly yelled at the team members on the team channel: "Break back, don't be blocked by the Chinese people, otherwise we all have to die here. "

Upon hearing the captain's order, the mech fighters on the side immediately rushed out of their hiding place and started running backwards. As for the firepower of the Germans behind them, they couldn't control that much for the time being.

The German steel warriors were equipped with battlefield judgment procedures, and the efficiency was very good with someone directing them. As soon as the Americans here saw their backs out, the gang of robots neatly stopped the cannons and pulled out an old launcher from behind. This shape is a bit like an electronic thermometer, and it is obviously very large, and it does not seem to be a conventional weapon.

Sure enough, just a few seconds after the weapon appeared, just as the Americans were still wondering what a good opportunity the Germans were to stop the fire, they suddenly saw the launchers on the shoulders of the steel soldiers light up at the same time, and then all blue and white Sè's dazzling ray of light burst out from these muzzles.

These blue and white light beams that are emitted are obviously not as simple as simple rays, because during the flight, this thing is like a hot molten steel, and it is still constantly dripping a drop of blue and white light. As soon as those liquids touch the ground, a flurry of electric arcs will erupt and the smoke will burn from the area near the explosion point.

Of course, compared to those droplets that have dropped on the ground, what is really scary is the group of light rays that are directly emitted. This group of light rays that can leave a naked blue blue air column on its flight track is like lightning. The speed accurately hit the vest position of a mech warrior. Almost immediately after the light group hit, the corresponding material of the mech warrior's former ōng immediately burst open a huge hole, and there was only the flame and arc left in the hole except for the thin flames and arcs. Green smoke. Whether it is flesh or machinery, all of this has been vaporized into gas at the moment of being hit.

Almost instantly, the Captain America realized that his teammates had been killed by nearly a third. The loss was considerable. American troops rarely have such casualties, and the rate of injuries is too fast.

Although nearly one-third of the players were killed by a blow, the Captain America also acutely discovered some problems. A small picture on the side of Tai's helmet mask is showing the situation behind him. This is a signal from the camera mounted on the back of the mech warrior, which allows the mech warrior to see what is behind.

At this moment, the captain of the mech warrior saw in the picture that the side of the strange launcher on the shoulder of the German suddenly opened an opening together, and then a white smoke was ejected from this opening half a meter high before falling. The ground, and the launcher automatically folded back to the back of the steel robot after ejecting this thing.

Obviously the German's weapon is really powerful, but it seems that it cannot be fired continuously. It couldn't fire another shot for at least a short time. However, although only one shot can be fired, in a one-to-one situation, as long as they are given enough preparation time, this weapon is really unsolvable. After all, from the power just now, even a dozen mech warriors stand in a row This thing can still be penetrated in one shot. The only way to deal with this weapon is not to let it fire, as long as it locks and fires, it will be completely rescued.

Because he noticed this detail in time, the Captain of the American Mech Warrior did not change the order, but urged the team members to speed forward. One third of the team members were sacrificed in exchange for this only chance of liberation. If they give up at this time, they don't even want to leave alive.

Compared to the pictures seen by the Americans, the Germans obviously know more about their weapon status. So after folding that weapon, the gang of steel fighters took a big step together to catch up, and the cannons on their arms also Re-starting to show strength, the American mech warriors beating Mars flying behind, and from time to time some people's armor was penetrated to the ground. Of course, there was no other way for them except death.

Because we are all secret troops, theoretically we are all non-existent troops. It is precisely because we "do not exist" that those international laws, norms of international relations, and humanitarianism have nothing to do with us. Our behavior is only determined by ourselves. No one in the world will take what we do as an issue. After all, we are secret troops and cannot exist in public. Even hostile countries will never violate the secret forces of other countries. This is basically an international practice. No country dares to break the rules first, because that country will eventually become the public enemy of all countries with secret forces.

"Well, where are you in such a hurry?"

When the group of American mech warriors broke away from the Germans at the cost of losing nearly half of their team members, a row of figures suddenly flashed in the dense forest ahead, and when the group of Americans saw us, There was a cloud in their hearts at once. Needless to say, this time is blocked by us, their hope of survival is infinitely close to zero, after all, we just not only have stronger fighting power, but also half of the Germans are chasing after them. Once they are pinched back and forth, even God comes Also useless.

We in the Chinese state have a word called "Circle Switching". Although Americans don't know what it means, now they have accidentally encountered it. Just as we were about to get started, all of us and others around me suddenly frowned, followed by immediately turning around and pulling out a weapon to make a blocking action. I saw a large group of ninjas pour out in the woods in front of the rain. The number of these guys was as many as several hundred. At a glance, a large piece of black pressure rushed towards us together.

"Damn. How is this time!" I only came and complained and collided with the front ninja. Although the opponent helps to run, the mechanical skeleton system in our body plus the armor set on the outside has already weighed more than half a ton. Of course, these ninjas cannot be shaken. At the moment we were hit, we only slightly backed up a half step to offset the impact, and did not lose the balance at all, and the three like Shang Xiaobai and Xiaobuliao directly knocked the opposite ninja back.

Although I was not able to bump, the ninja who flung on me jumped directly on my shoulder like a monkey, and then grabbed my head with one hand, and took a short knife with my other hand toward the neck of my helmet. The connection point went down.

I certainly couldn't be killed by a ninja. The moment the opponent waved the knife, I directly grabbed one of his ankles and dragged it away from me, then did not let go, so I picked him up and threw it around from behind and slammed in A second ninja rushed to my head. With a loud noise and a crackling sound of crackling bones, the two ninjas were paralyzed together and there was no more movement.

After solving two ninjas in one hit, I didn't stop at all. Pulling out that small caliber pistol and raising my hand was a series of continuous bursts of fire. The ninja in front fell down a large moment. However, I was playing well here, and suddenly I heard footsteps coming from behind me.

A quick turn turned just to see the American mech warrior captain leaping towards me and rushed down at me. I just turned around and was knocked out by him.

Compared to the Japanese biochemical ninja made by me, American mech warriors are much heavier. Almost all of these mech warriors are strong men over one meter eighteen meters tall. After wearing mobile armor, they are generally more than two meters tall and weigh more than eight hundred kilograms, two hundred to three hundred kilograms heavier than us. This weight, coupled with the kinetic energy generated by the speed, slammed into us suddenly. Even if we are strong, our body is absolutely unstoppable.

As soon as I was overwhelmed by the mech warrior captain, he immediately raised his fist and smashed it into my head. With the sound of a click, I just felt my head shake, but the guy was keenly aware that arm strength alone couldn't hit our armor. So this guy raised his arm directly again, and quickly turned out two metal elbows on his wrist, and then only heard a piercing light between the two metal heads.

When I saw this thing, I stumbled a bit, because we also have equipment for this thing, but it is not used for fighting. This is actually an auxiliary tool. Its principle is to use the special characteristics of metal discharge to create a plasma arc, and then cut the object with the high temperature of the plasma. Generally, the internal temperature of such a plasma can reach several million degrees. Not to mention our armor, there is nothing on the earth to withstand this temperature.

Seeing that the thing appeared, I directly earned a hand and squeezed his wrist, the guy desperately wanted to press down, but I pushed it up against him. However, although both of us were holding each other hard, but the guy was deadlocked for less than a second and found that his arm was being quickly pushed to his own head. Although their power armor can provide mechanical power assistance, the mechanical skeletons in our body also have mechanical assistance. Although the two cannot be said to be as powerful in output, our output is not much lower than them. However, contrary to the mechanical part, I am a dragon, and my body strength is tens of thousands of times stronger than humans. Although the guy is a muscular man and has certain assistance from biochemical technology, he is still human after all. Even if he strengthens his strength by using drugs and other methods, that is just a few times more than ordinary people, which is simply incomparable to us. Therefore, in terms of total power output, these mech fighters are still quite a bit behind us, especially in terms of explosive power in a short time. After all, their mechanical joints use mechanical pressure systems, and our mechanical bones use electromagnetic joints. There is a huge difference between the two in terms of the outbreak of xìng output. In addition, our muscle tissue can achieve zero-start outbreaks. This short-term power output is not comparable at all.

Seeing that the high-temperature arc was pushed towards himself, of course, the guy would not be silly waiting to be cut open by his own arc. Although he could not fight me, he could turn off the arc. As the arc extinguished, his arm suddenly hit his own head. However, because the arc was turned off in time, only a black mark was baked on the surface of the helmet.

Just when he thought he was temporarily out of danger, I suddenly dragged my right arm out, and as soon as my wrist moved, the blade on the arm bounced out. Before the guy could react, I suddenly punched him in the side of the waist, and of course the blade was inserted into his waist before my fist. Although his outer armor is quite thick, my blades are not short, and this time I inserted it, it definitely broke his internal organs. And ... my blade is poisoned.

We at Long Yuan are also engaged in biochemical technology. It is very easy to get some poison out. And our blades are retractable. I don't worry about hurting myself, so it is safe to apply poison. In fact, our blade claws are not simply smearing poison on the surface, but there is a small channel similar to a syringe inside, and the toxin reservoir is connected behind.

We only choose to inject venom when it is necessary, and we don't want venom to flow out when we don't want it. And we can even tell the need to choose to change the venom bottle at any time to replace different types of toxins. In addition, since we have three blades on each side of the blade, we can install three poison bottles at a time, of course, all of them are also possible.

I just injected one of the toxins when I was in the body of this guy. This is a kind of auxiliary agent that is often used in DNA experiments. Strictly speaking, it is not a toxin, but it is for all owning cells. The structure of carbon-based organisms has a very strong harmful effect, because once it contacts the cells, it will exchange atoms with the cell wall to cause the cell wall to change and cause the cells to rupture. At the same time, this exchange reaction is bidirectional, that is, when the cell wall is ruptured, the exchanged atoms will be exchanged back into the substance again, so the toxin itself will be reduced again.

To put it simply, the toxin does not consume itself when it destroys cells, so no matter how many cells there is, as long as the time is enough, even if only a few molecules of this toxin are enough to destroy all of them, only one milligram of this thing will take the world All of the creatures break down into corpse water and that's not a problem. Of course, the above is only a theoretical statement. In fact, the substance itself is not very problematic. Although the destruction of the cell itself will not cause it to be lost, it will naturally decompose in the human body, and some people in the body The secretion can also cause it to undergo qualitative transformation, so its actual lethality is not as exaggerated as the theoretical value. However, even if it is not as scary in theory, it is still a potent toxin and has a very fast effect. Its effect is similar to the corpse powder in martial arts novels under the naked eye.

I drew the blade claw into this guy ’s body, and then injected the venom quickly, and then the blade claw drew back again, and then took advantage of his temporary painful opportunity to hold his ōng mouth to hold him. Taking off a little, and then using the gap between us to lift tutu against his stomach, the guy kicked off, and the guy flew out.

The guy kicked by me struggling to stand up after landing, but soon he fell down again.

The toxin is decomposing all the organs in his body at a horrible speed. Although he looks fine from the outside, there is only a pile of yellow liquid left in his stomach, and it is estimated that it will take a few minutes. Will completely turn into a pool of yellow water.

"Flick off."

I was watching the guy over there falling down again. Suddenly I heard a call from Skott on the Internet. I did n’t know where the danger came from. I just jumped forward and felt a shock and a bang. A fireball flipped directly under me and wrapped me in.

Fortunately, this is just a rising fireball. I am no longer in the explosion range, so there is basically nothing but a lot of blackouts.

He turned to look at the ark where the explosives were flying. In my eyes, a surprised **** immediately appeared.

To be honest, when I heard the British said that someone had dug out the remains of aliens, I already knew that countries would send people one after another. However, I imagine that the powerful secret forces of all countries should come, but what is this explosive object in front of? Are the airplane models in the Space Museum?

What I just saw was not an advanced combat unit, but an aircraft. In addition to this aircraft, there are several similar aircraft in the vicinity. But ... these aircraft are, without exception, the old teething planes that the major powers have retired for more than 20 years. Not to mention that this thing has been discontinued for a long time, I even wonder if their accessories can still be found.

In my opinion, these things do n’t need to be grown by others. Let them fly twenty or so small in the sky by themselves.

Naturally, all will be planted because of this or that applause.

"This, this ... Is this a local government military plane?"

After a long period of horror, I finally reacted. It is absolutely impossible to have such a plane as a first-class country. Even if it is to be stored, it is impossible to store such an old thing? I feel that the old car that my father collected is a lot newer than this plane. How did this thing fly into the sky? Then again, pilots in African countries are really bulls! Do they dare to sit in this thing? Is n’t it dangerous to ride on a missile? At least the missile will not explode until it flies above the target, and this thing has been a firecracker with a fuze from the start!

That plane was obviously not for anyone's help, because it dropped a bunch of bombs after firing missiles at me. The American mech soldiers and the Germans who had just arrived were covered by bombs. Of course, as a secret force, our armor is a product of spare no effort, so what will happen after the bombing. Except for a few unlucky eggs, which were blasted off by direct hits, almost no one was killed in our Quartet.

The small Japanese ninja is too fast, and the bombs cannot bomb them. The personnel of the other three countries are protected by armor, so they are not afraid of bombing. This group of planes is just like a cheerleader, which has nothing to do except for being noisy.

Of course, if they don't threaten us, it doesn't mean that I will let them go. Looking at the plane that had flown over our heads, I pointed directly at one of them, and the plane immediately turned a corner and hit the wingman next to it. Following the bang, the two planes burst into a big fireball. As I pointed to the next plane, the remote control used airborne artillery to blow up his companion in the air, and then it dived towards the ground and hit the ground into a large fireball.

In the end, there were two planes behind me. I was about to turn around to deal with them. I did not expect that one of them turned and suddenly started to emit black smoke behind the buttocks, and also sprayed a orange flame, followed the plane Just planted like a stone. The other plane was even more bullish. It flew out of the cockpit and suddenly burst into flames. Then I saw the pilot climbing through the glass with a pistol and climbed out of the cabin to jump off the plane. He continued to pull the parachute in the air in an attempt to open it, but I did not see the umbrella until he disappeared into the canopy. As for the unmanned aircraft "... 咦?" Just patronized the pilot. Then, I noticed that the plane fluttered away distantly.

"Fuck, this thing is really advanced enough, unmanned can also be ah?" Although most civil aviation aircraft have unmanned systems. But after all, it was civil aviation, and fighter planes were also unmanned. I heard this for the first time. Of course, dedicated drones are not counted.

Watching the noisy six planes all over. I spread my wings and glide down to the ground. The battlefield ahead has been largely ignored. The last dozen or so Americans are still suffering, and because the Germans have arrived, the Americans are probably not going to last long. At the end of this time, I guess Americans will definitely find a way to find the jade of our country. After all, the American xìng grid is unwilling to suffer. This time they lost so many secrets here, they will definitely not be happy, and if they are not happy, they will definitely find us in trouble. Of course, as long as the ruins are in their hands, they can find what they want, and we are not afraid of them anyway.

I was thinking about it, and suddenly felt that there was a call reminder in the wireless signal. I saw that a large red dot appeared on the map. Ling and Scotia also had the first access to the information network. Ling asked on the Internet, "What's going on? Where are these enemies?"

The voice of God of War suddenly appeared in the network. "Hello everyone, now I will be in charge of your battlefield guidance. All you see now are troops from all countries in the world. They are basically all elite troops that can be assembled in a short time. "

Xiaochun's voice said: "I can understand the strength of the ruins, especially for those countries that do not yet have ruins. But with such a big movement, are they not afraid to attract attention?"

Ling said: "Almost all the countries with a little power all over the world have come. If everyone suppresses the news with a unified caliber, as long as you don't worry that the whole of Africa will sink, civilians in other countries probably won't know anything?"

"But what now?" Skott asked. "So many people come together, shall we ...?"

I turned my head and glanced at the Germans over there, and then shouted at them with an external speaker: Hey, give me a communication port, something for you to see. "I just finished shouting here, the communication check immediately found an open data port, then we quickly added it to our internal network, and then the screen of the Germans was also projected into our virtual chat room Medium, but because the equipment they use is different from ours, they can only see facial expressions and hear sounds, they can't embody a body in the chat room like we do, after all, they do n’t have our simultaneous consideration. The brain of the network and reality computing, the brain of ordinary people cannot bear this amount of data.

"What is this?" The group of Germans also cried in surprise after seeing the map we passed.

The voice of the **** of war explained to them directly: "The red ones are the teams, and the dotted lines are the predictions of their moving routes and arrival times."

"so much?"

After the other party was surprised, I said, "We were only the first to arrive. These countries are already a lot slower than some of our countries. But slowness also has the advantage of slowness. They are definitely more powerful than us. There are many people. "

The voice of another German appeared in the newsletter: "We are not the only ones in our country. We are just the first troops, and the reinforcements are still being assembled."

"Then let them hurry up and tell them they don't have to assemble if they don't come again." Yeyue said directly.

"Don't just talk about us, what about your reinforcements?" The German said unconvinced.

I moved the map directly to a location overseas, and then enlarged it to show them.

"Here you are here, it must be here before your reinforcements. Let me tell you first. If your reinforcements come late, you will have to share less in the end."

Although the Germans wanted to refute, they could not find an excuse. They had to temporarily mute the communication channels and quickly contact the country to speed up the assembly to send reinforcements as soon as possible. After all, it's time to grab the cake. You're late, so you can't even leave cake residue.

"Let ’s just go out and wipe out these Americans and the Japanese monkeys, and let ’s quickly find the relics. Maybe there are not many things in the relics and we rob them and run. They will come to many more They are all busy. "

As soon as the German had finished speaking, I poured a cold water on him. "Don't dream. We have talked to those British people briefly before, and according to them, the ruins are very large. I don't know exactly how big they are, but any of us will definitely not be able to move."

"By the way, the British." The Moo Germans suddenly asked, "When I first arrived, I saw that you had brought a British with you, who?"

"I rely on, fighting to forget that guy!" We patronized with Americans before and completely forgot the British to Java. Now when we think about it, we realize that we have lost people.

"Don't worry, I put a tracker on that person." Ling really deserves to be a goddess, and she is more reliable. Although she also forgot about the British, she remembered to install a tracker.

"God of War, where is that tracker?"

"Here." The **** of war directly moved the map a little distance, and a marker representing that tracker immediately appeared on the map, and it didn't look too far away. After all, that guy is an ordinary human. How fast can he run at his speed? But "How many next?"

"Fuck, that **** woman!"

After seeing the tracker's sign, we actually found that there was a signal next to the tracker, and this signal was clearly my map pointer for the crazy dogs.

Following the normal route, the group of people holding the pointer had already moved a long distance towards the sea. However, now they actually appeared beside the British, and this place had an angle of nearly 140 degrees with the route of departure I pointed to them, which was almost catching up in the opposite direction. This group of guys can never be so outrageous even if they are crazy. Well, the only explanation they appeared there was that crazy woman Anmin.

"This crazy woman who wants to kill the news!" Ling couldn't help scolding this time.

"What shall we do now?" Xiaochun asked.

I looked at the battlefield and said, "To resolve this group of Americans as soon as possible, we will find the ruins immediately, and go ahead and see what is more important before we get rid of it. Even if the last thing has to be divided equally, at least the most important us It has been taken away. "Since the communication channel was connected, the Germans also heard us and they immediately agreed. Everyone came for the ruins. Since it is no longer possible to swallow it alone, then make the worst plan first, and get rid of the most technical content first, so that even if you share the rest with other countries, you will not lose money. Of course, the premise of all this is that we have to be fast enough.

Under the appeal of the ruins, we and the Germans were completely exploded. After a fire pour and violent attack, it took only five minutes to resolve the remaining Americans and the Japanese Ninja. It was confirmed that there was no more After the living, we turned around and drove past the ruins.

Based on the coordinates given by the British before and the position of the tracker on the map, the British were obviously moving towards the ruins. This is obviously not in line with his original intention, so I asked the God of War to show the tracker's movements within the last half hour, and at the same time to show the map information changes around him within half an hour, and the picture I saw surprised me.

According to map records, the Englishman sneaked out after we drove. Then he kept running towards the port. After all, living here for a long time, this guy can confirm the correct direction even without a map and pointer. He was almost unbiased in the direction of the port ~ ~, indicating that he intends to leave here. However, he walked for a few minutes and merged with Anmin's logo, and Anmin and them clearly ran back, so they met the Englishman. After that, the two stopped together for more than a minute and then started to move to this position. This is obviously that An Min had somehow tried to force the British to take them to the ruins.

"I'll kill her next time I see her." I said resentfully after reading the map.

Xiaochun said, "She is the girlfriend of the arrogant guy after all. We have saved them so many times. This relationship has already been sold enough. If the relationship is lost for the sake of exasperation, isn't it worth it? what?"

I think it makes sense to hear Xiaochun's words, but it's a bit of a panic if I can't say this. How could there have been so many things for this **** crazy woman? But then again, if it were n’t for her, we would n’t have been able to be pulled over to save people, and we would have to send us back when our country got the information about the ruins, and it is estimated that at that time, we can only go here now Pick up some dregs like those countries!

"Forget it, it's really Xiao He, Xiao He, and Xiao He! Seeing as she gave us the opportunity to pick a bargain, let her die. But I will have to slap her both again This woman is so annoying! "! .

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