Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 30: Grab it!

When the two Germans heard my problem, they didn't make a decision immediately, but said, "Let's talk."

I thought about it: "The most important thing on the ship is the weapon compartment on the bow, the computer system on the ship's heart, the mooring area on the bottom of the ship, and the power compartment on the stern. With the number of people we have now, we can take at most That is, some core components, so the things in the berthing area are basically not considered. The only value is the bow, stern and hull. The power system at the stern is undoubtedly the most valuable, but the head is certainly not small, and the power system is generally Both are connected in parallel or multiple machines. Even if we go together, they can be divided, so I recommend that each of us send one person to search in the past. If there is something, we can divide it equally, and discuss it at the end. Head and heart? "

I hesitated a bit before I went on to say, "Weapon zones are as important as core control systems, but your steel robots seem to be unable to keep up with the computer ng, and we just lack deep space strike capabilities, so we each take what we need. You go to the core area to get a computer, and we go to the weapon area to find weapons. Can you see that?

After exchanging opinions with each other, the two Germans directly agreed to my request. Anyway, the current situation is that there are too many things and few people, and there is no way to finish them. It is better to be more generous than to delay the normal affairs in order to take things that can't be taken away and conflict with us.

Now that everyone has no comments, we immediately start to act. After discussing with Ling, I sent Ling to the bow to find the weapon system. I went to the stern to search for the power system with another German. The remaining German went directly to the core. Area.

After the team separated, I entered a break near the stern with the German who was with me. This place has been basically disconnected from the sound of the ship in front. Only a part of the shell at the top and a bunch of wires and pipes suspended in the air are still connected to each other. Most of the hull and support structure have been disconnected.

Due to the large opening here, we did not walk outside the ship, but flew in directly through a corridor in the center of the fracture. Moving along the corridor less than twenty meters, the road was blocked by a half-closed gate.

According to the experience of the Fourth Special Zone, after the crash of this alien spacecraft, it seems that it will automatically close all access gates. This seems to be completely contrary to the design on our earth.

Although the door was not completely lowered in front of him, it had to be opened to pass. The opening under the door was only a little over a meter away. I went by empty-handed, but the weapon backpack was a bit obstructive. As for the German named Hans who came with me, let alone hope to get through. He "fucked" the captain of the steel machine captain that was more than three meters high. Even when the door was fully open, he had to bow his head to get in, not to mention the door was still half closed.

I walked over to the door and looked at the door, then I came out from behind my waist and threw something like a yo-yo into the passage behind the door. As soon as the metal ball fell to the ground, eight slender machines were unfolded to both sides, followed by a circular turret-like observation port, followed by a few beeps. After that, he quickly climbed up the aisle, and during the crawling process, the top observation port of the gadget was quickly turned up, down, left, and right.

I waited a few seconds before saying to Hans, "Behind the door."

Hans nodded, and then came over and lifted the bottom of the door with one hand, and only heard a click, as if something broke, the door was pushed up suddenly. I took a look at the door that was pushed up, and then I crossed the door and entered the back passage.

Hans followed me immediately after seeing me passing by, but he probably broke the bearing behind the door. When he came in, he let go, and the door fell down and scared us. Fortunately, we tried it a few times and found that it just couldn't be fixed, and it didn't shut our back.

Just behind the gate was a relatively long corridor, the metal passageway was a bit deformed, but it was generally complete. After passing through this passage, we came across another door, but this door was not a gate, but a mechanical door that opened to both sides.

The little robot I released before turned around the door several times before we arrived. After confirming that there were no gaps, I waited by the door. When I came over, I put away the robot and tried to knock on the door. Listening to the echo that was not crisp, I tried to cut the door twice with the blade claw, and then easily pulled out a few paw marks. "It doesn't look too strong. Do you have a cutting machine on your steel mech?"

"Yes, but what if there is flammable material behind the door? I use a light cutter!"

"This way? Then I have to come." I said, and pulled out the long sword hung directly on the waist, and then tightened my wrists, and a sharp sharp whistle was issued from the long sword, followed by me ng slammed on the door. Listening only to the squealing metallic friction sound and a lot of splashing Mars, the long sword even gradually entered the door, and the contact point between the sword and the door showed obvious signs of redness.

With a sudden loosening of his hand, the sword slammed into the door an inch deeper, and I knew it must have penetrated. Then I started to move the long sword and cut a straight line. After seeing the distance, I pulled out the long sword and put it in the 90-degree vertical state again to “plug in” and cut the vertical line. I made a square notch on the door of all four lines in a row. Of course, this gap is only over a foot wide and cannot be passed through.

I cut this gap just to give us some room to work hard, not to dig out the door ourselves. After all, although this door is not very sturdy, it is not low in thickness. It takes at least ten minutes to cut a door completely enough for both of us to pass. Our people outside are desperately trying to help us get time, and we don't waste a dozen minutes.

Immediately after the door was cut open, I threw the small robot into it. After confirming that there was no problem inside, Hans came over and reached in to grab the two sides of the opening and tear them hard. With previous experience, I thought he could easily open the door, but he didn't expect that he would only push a little gap and then he couldn't move.

"Damn it, this thing seems to be stuck!" Hans said helplessly.

I looked at the door that was more than an inch wide and a seam open. I simply drilled into Hans's hand and “plugged” into the door and said, “Try again, I will count one, two, and three together. . "

As the two of us exerted force at the same time, the door immediately gave out a crunchy greasy metal friction sound. Obviously, the track behind the door was completely rusted, and we were pushing two large steel plates. Forcibly moved on rough ground. Thanks to my strength and the power output of the steel troopers, it is abnormal enough, otherwise this door would really take a lot of work.

Although it took a bit of effort to open the door, the thing behind the door made us instantly forget the depression, because the power cabin was directly behind the door.

Behind the door is a huge space that looks like an indoor stadium, but the half on our left has been completely flattened, and the floor has reached the ceiling. I do n’t know if it was caused by an impact or what happened. . The area in front of us and on the right-hand side is relatively complete. From us we can see that two huge machines are fixed to the ground and ceiling by a pile of thick metal members like overpass pier.

From the location of these two machines, it can be inferred that there should be a similar device in the area that is squashed on our left, but it should now be completely squashed. But this is convenient for us. If there are only two devices left, we and the Germans will be on one side, and no one will take advantage of anyone.

"Wow, how can we take this thing so big?" The next Hans looked at the two devices that were several times larger than the old steam locomotive and shook his head.

I looked at it and said, "We don't have to take all these things away, just go and see if there are any core components that are worth taking away and take away. The other parts will be worked out when the countries are divided equally."

Hans nodded. "It's only the case now."

"Then let's check to see if there is anything worthwhile."


After a good discussion, Hans and I immediately walked over and started researching around a machine.

This device does look a bit like an old-fashioned steam locomotive, of course it has no wheels. This thing faces the door we entered, which is the long cylindrical tank at the end of the bow. This is like a boiler in front of an old steam locomotive. However, the steam train boiler is a sealed metal tank, and this equipment is not.

Although this thing is cylindrical in shape, its entire side wall is made of glass-like transparent material, and it can be clearly seen that this transparent material is divided into two layers, the inner and outer layers, and there should be one meter between the two layers. How far apart the zone is. There seems to be a lot of green "liquid" bodies in the transparent material located in the inner layer, but only the jar on the right-hand side of the two machines is full of "liquid" bodies, and the "liquid" in the middle of the device The body did not know why there was no drop left. Of course, this does not affect the distribution between us and the Germans. Anyway, as long as the "liquid" body is sampled and taken back for testing, there are not many problems.

The two ends of this transparent tank are sealed with something made of special materials, but I have n’t seen this material before. Initial testing can only determine that it may be a ceramic-like substance, but the composition is not clear.

Behind the sealing components at both ends are a bunch of complicated machinery, but generally they look like simple electrical components. Therefore, we only performed a perspective scan of its results using light and ultrasound and recorded its spatial structure in the database. As for the specific components, we did not intend to bring them back, but just cut out the components of various components. Small pieces down, so you can figure out what materials are needed for each part position after going back.

In addition to the huge tank in the front of the whole machine, there is only a half-length mechanical structure in the back. In this part, of course, we also confirmed the internal results with the perspective scanning method. The resulting composite image shows that the outside of this thing is very simple, except that the core component has an internal component that looks like an American super electromagnetic engine, just this thing. The volume is much smaller, and the results are a little different.

"It looks like this is the core component." I marked that position in a three-dimensional image and passed it to Hans.

After seeing the image, Hans said, "Don't take anything else, we'll take it back and talk about it."

I nodded, and then smiled and said, "Although we don't want other things, I suggest that they should be taken apart as much as possible, and then mixed with some other unrelated equipment parts. We have drawings, and then everyone will share them equally. This machine can be easily restored at some time. We can build some of the parts ourselves, and we can't create the parts that are required to be divided when we share them, so we can quickly copy this equipment in our own country, as for other countries ... "

"They can only stare at a bunch of unclear parts," Hans said, laughing. "What are you waiting for, let's start."

Although it is not clear how the device is manufactured and how it works, it is simply too simple to simply break it down. For some material parts that seem to be able to be synthesized by ourselves, we simply perform irreparable ng damage, especially for small parts that seem to be critical. I simply created a plasma to melt them all into a pile of metal solvents. "Liquid", don't even try to figure out what they looked like even when the gods came after they cooled down.

Using the violent dismantling method, we quickly dismantled the machine into broken parts on the ground. Some were complete parts, and some were completely destroyed. In addition, we also removed several nearby things that may be circuit control equipment, and then mixed the parts of these things into the two large equipment parts piles, so that others would have difficulty distinguishing parts.

With the destruction done, we also got the core components we found earlier. This thing is actually not small, it looks a bit like an airplane jet fighter engine, and its size is similar to a real fighter engine. It may be slightly smaller, but not too small. Its length is about three meters, and its diameter can be more than one meter. It is basically about the same size as the German steel robot. Of course, the weight of such a big thing is definitely not light. I weighed it for about a ton and a half. This weight is not a big problem for us. It can be easily lifted by one hand, but the volume of this gadget is too large, and there is no place to grab it. It can only be carried away. The balance is very difficult to grasp.

In order to get these two things out, we also took a lot of effort. After all, the gadgets are not small. The way we came in before is slightly narrower for them, and we have to hurt a few of them. The deformed part was stretched out before getting these two things out.

By the time we got these two things out, more than twenty minutes had passed, and the battle outside was not only end but it was more "chaotic". Subsequent elites arrived in the melee outside the cave, and the troops that rushed to the entrance of the mine clashed with the troops blocked in the mine. At the same time, the troops in the tunnel were still in the ruins with us and the Germans. The troops exchanged fire, and the entire battlefield was divided into several sections.

Hans and I carried the two core equipments, and as soon as they left the hull rift, we saw two missiles flying in, and after a flash of light, I saw a bell knight and a steel machineman being blown out, but fortunately on both sides They were all set off by the exploding airwaves, and there was no damage in themselves. Of course, we can't just be beaten here. The ringing knights who had just eaten two missiles immediately "fired" a row of small missiles at the entrance of the cave, which eventually collapsed the entire entrance of the cave for a period of twenty to thirty seconds before the explosion continued. Kicked off.

"Fuck, they are really lively!"

"As long as they don't rush in, everything else is easy to say," Hans said.

I looked at Hans and said, "Don't think of things as simple as that. They won't be able to rush in for a while, but have you thought about how we can get this out? Also, why can we stop them now? It ’s all because the entrance is too narrow, and our firepower is too fierce. But when our ammunition reserve is still used up, it ’s not too far away at this moment. ”

Hans first heard what I said, and then quickly searched through the internal data link for the ammunition of other steel robots. The results did not let me know. Half of their steel fighters have only 3% to 7% of ammunition, and the remaining half is only a little over 10%. What ’s more terrible is that It seems that heavy weapons such as missiles are used up. At present, the only thing that is relatively abundant is that there is still a lot of power energy left. After all, their steel engineers use hydrogen fuel cells. A battery the size of a ng lighter is enough for a steel engineer to continue to operate for a week with maximum output. Almost every one of their steel warriors carries more than a dozen of these batteries, so the power is the least to worry about.

After reading the data, Hans asked anxiously: "Our ammunition on our side is only 100%. How is your side?"

"It's better than you, but it's only 11-12%."

"So what do we do now?"

"What to do? Of course, this time is called reinforcements ~ ~" Hans said, depressed: "Our reinforcements have already arrived, but it ’s a pity that we ca n’t get in! "

When I heard Hans' words, I shook my head in dismay: "I heard that you Germans are relatively rigid, and today you have seen it. You ca n’t blast in the hole of the mine, and you wo n’t come out of the road elsewhere? Are we overhead? The soil layer at most is only over 100 meters thick. If you blast it with your equipment, it shouldn't take long to dig in, right? "

"This one……"

Hans just reached out and stopped me because there was a call from Ling in my electronic brain data connection.

"Master, you better come and see me."

"What happened?"

"This ... I seem to have found something extraordinary!"! .

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