Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 31: Mysterious operating system

After hearing Ling's report, I handed over the core components I found to a ringing knight called by me. He would take care of this thing temporarily. After emptying my hands, I temporarily separated from the bow with Hans, and Hans ran to the bottom of the boat. Although it may be of relatively low value compared to the other three core locations, it is also a key location after all, and you may not be able to find something.

According to the position information given by Ling, I ran directly to a hole in the bow and drilled in, but the route here was more trouble than the stern. Almost no normal passage can be found here. The one I entered was actually a crack formed by a fracture, not the original passage.

As the first place to hit the ground when crashing, the damage to the bow is much more serious than the stern, and the mechanical and electronic systems here seem to be more complicated than elsewhere, at least in my opinion the various wires here have already been More scary than spider webs.

Since Ling had already entered the interior before me, I could directly reach his location exactly according to the route given by Ling, but was delayed a lot by those **** wires on the way.

When I managed to climb into the cabin where Ling was, I found that Ling was hanging herself on a pile of wrecks in a rather strange posture. This place was supposed to be a large machine, but it was completely deformed and distorted when it fell.

And this thing seems to have exploded, with a big missing piece in the middle. Of course, even if a large part of the volume is lost, this thing still looks much larger than the thruster.

At this point, Ling was hanging himself on the pile of rubble. His right foot was caught in a gap between a pile of parts with metal parts, and his left foot was stepping on the other below. On one part, the two feet formed a horizontal triangular support, and his entire body was suspended laterally on the side of the pair of parts.

Ling didn't make himself like this, of course, not for posing, in fact, the purpose of his being there was the thing next to the pile of ruins. This is a large piece of equipment. Although the distortion is quite serious, the general structure is still complete. I can see that the value of this thing should be a very long pipe-shaped object, its diameter is about three or four meters, and the length may be more than fifty meters. Obviously, such a large structure cannot be anything in general, plus his position at this time, I was surprised to ask the first time: "Is this the main gun of this ship?"

Because of the data connection between them, Ling always knew where I was, so he did n’t show any surprise when I suddenly appeared here. He continued to be busy with the injured work and said, “I thought so too , But just now I realized that this thing is not as simple as I thought. "

"Did you find anything special?"

Ling seemed to finally finish the work on his hands, tinkering with a gap in the large device in front of his left hand, and then yanked out a cylindrical metal can of the size of a thermos liner. . "Then." After throwing the thing away, Ling pointed to a place not far from where I entered: "You can see an electronic chair when you drill in. Our electronic contacts can be connected to this device. , Take a look and you will know ... "

After listening to it, I turned and looked at the gap that had just climbed in. There was indeed a crack next to the gap, but it was not the same direction as the one that came in. It was obviously in the other room. I walked over and delved into it carefully, and found that this room seemed to be a control room or something, because the room was not only a display-like thing for this circle. And in the middle of the room there is a futuristic thing fixed on the ground, like a luxurious swivel chair.

After glancing around and confirming that there is only this chair-like item, I walked over and sat on it, followed by wiping it on the armrest. It seemed that it was originally loaded with something, but now it is broken, only one is left. Exposed connection port. Immediately after seeing this connection, I put my hand behind the neck, and a metal head popped out immediately. Grasp the entire metal head in your hand and pull outward, and immediately pulled out a cable with a metal protective net that was more than one meter long.

Hold the metal end of the cable and close it to the notch on the armrest of the chair. The front end of the metal head automatically pops open immediately, and then dozens of hair-like wires are ejected. These wires are like one. The live tentacles generally twisted slowly in the air and extended to the interface on the side of the chair. Then, when these wires approached the interface, they paused for a while, as if they were a predator who found food. Just inserted it in.

It was almost like an electric shock. When I was in the silk interface, I was cramped up, and then I fell back to my seat. Although my head was dizzy, a lot of connection information suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, and then I focused my attention and started to read and try to access this information.

Many of these projection information in front of the reality are red, and the text on them is completely unrecognizable, but it is strange that these things actually accept our hex program code.

Although binary computer coding is common in the world at present, because the core technology of our Longyuan is biotechnology, and the core technology of the son-in-law is the biological computer, we have a set of computer coding programs of our own. Compared to electronic or electronic systems, the complexity of biological systems determines that the underlying way is not binary. If the coding mode of the electronic computer is applied for convenience, it will inevitably affect the operating efficiency of the biological computer, so we simply write a set of hex codes directly, but also set the basic instruction set.

It is said that this instruction set and coding system was specially written by our company for biological computers, and biological computers are still cheap enough for personal users to use, so our group has not yet disclosed this coding. In other words, except for our own biological computer system, which accepts this code, other devices in the world should not recognize this coding mode. Even if our biological computer is to be connected to other computers, it must first transcode its own data so that other computers can correctly identify this information.

However, the system I just connected to actually recognizes our hexadecimal encoding, and it is even more surprising to me that this system is even compatible with all our basic instruction sets. If it is possible that the hex encoding mode happens to be the same, what is going on with this instruction set? This thing is something with strong behavior habits. Its role is to simplify the arrangement of some commonly used instructions according to the usage habits, and facilitate the core program of the computer to call these commonly used instructions. So why do aliens have the same habits as us? Their collective instruction

Of course, it is different from ours, and this difference is not an error, but a perfection. The instruction set used by the alien computer system I just entered is more than double the instruction set currently in use by Long Yuan. In addition to containing all the instructions we currently use, it also adds some additional Nothing, but none of the instructions we have here are retained.

Such a weird situation can hardly be described by coincidence, but I have no time to analyze this matter for the time being. With the conjecture in my head temporarily depressed, I first focused my attention on the system picture in front of me. Since the instruction set is the same as the encoding, the text on the interface is not a problem. Anyone who knows computers knows that the text on the graphical operation interface is just a description, and computer programs will never look at the text on these buttons when running. When the user clicks a button, the program executes the program selection corresponding to the button, not the text on the button. It's like erasing the two words of a switch on a light switch, and then rewriting Japanese, English or other meaningless symbols or even posting photos. For users, you may not understand the contents of the switch , But you press it, the final result will not change, it will only turn on or off the light, it will not change because you paste other text to switch the function. So as long as you can see and understand the code corresponding to a program button, what exactly is written on the button has no effect on you at all.

After confirming that the codes can be docked, I directly erased the text on the interface, and then replaced those words with our Dragon's Hexadecimal Code, and then directly converted the code into a text display in a virtual way. In my opinion, the system interface has become a full Chinese mode.

The process of completing this conversion is very fast. I almost solved the interface problem with an idea, but when I saw the converted interface, I was completely dumbfounded.

"What's this ?!" Because I was so surprised, I even called out.

Ling's voice came from the other side. "Note the lower right corner of the interface."

As I was reminded, I directly moved my attention to the lower right corner of the interface. The result was that I did n’t know it. I was shocked at first glance. Because of the small things there, I never noticed it, but as I Concentrating on it, the logo in the lower right corner of the interface automatically moved to the center of the interface and zoomed in to occupy more than half of the screen.

I can say that this sign is very familiar, but also very strange. He said that it was because the sign painted on it turned out to be a screen-oriented dragon with claws and dance claws. You should know that this sign is our group logo of Longyuan! Why does the alien spaceship system have the company logo of our Longyuan Group? However, if you look closely, you will find that although this cricket is very similar to the symbol of our dragon fate, it is still a bit different. The difference is that the outer circle of the round logo where the dragon is located has a ring with text and the right front paw of the sacrificial dragon in the logo actually holds a metal card facing the front.

There is also a ring outside the logo of our group, but that ring is a simple cable-like ring composed of multiple sets of interwoven lines, but the ring outside this logo seems to be a metal made of intentionally old bronze There is a ring of text written on this ring, and its content turns out to be a set of formulas, but I don't understand what the formula is.

In addition, in the logo of our group, there is something pinched in the claws of the dragon, but it is a dragon ball, not a metal plate, and usually there is a capital letter in our dragon ball. If there are no letters on the dragon ball caused by this dragon, only the flame, then this is the general logo. If there are letters on the face, then according to the different letters, people represent the different departments of the Longyuan Group. Of course, this department is a special department of the group, such as a technology research and development unit or a security force like ours. As for the branches on the bright side, the same logo is used.

Now the metal plate held by this dragon hand also writes something, but this one is written with alien text. If it is a button, I can also read the code to confirm what the text on the button means, but the halo sign is just the bus sign, so I can't translate the above. Even combining text from other surfaces is not enough to decipher this alien text.

"Isn't it possible for us to make this thing?"

After I said to myself, Ling's voice came suddenly. "Don't be too surprised, what you think is impossible. At least it is not possible at the moment. Longyuan doesn't have such technology. You'd better first look at the operation interface, and then you will know how incredible we found Something. "

After listening to Ling, I turned my attention away from the logo, and then the logo automatically zoomed back to the bottom right corner. Now I only have three tabs from the far, middle and near three layers displayed in three-dimensional mode. These There is a simple text introduction on both things, and focusing can also bring the complaint to the center and zoom in.

I didn't want to do anything, so I went through all the options. After seeing the translation of this interface before, if I was so surprised, the content of the options on the interface in front of Guohui was too amazing.

There is a row of floating text at the top of this option interface. Its content can be translated with the text on the tab. The translated text content is: "Sabotage XXX Star Destroyer Console."

What does this title stand for? If the fastener interface is used to control the 50-meter-long device outside, then this huge device is likely to be a star destroyer, a super weapon that can directly destroy a standard planet.

Although it is often heard now that several major countries have nuclear weapons that can destroy the earth several times, it is not really destroying the earth, but humans. These nuclear weapons of mankind can do a large-scale cosmetic surgery on the earth at best. It can make a huge change on the earth's surface, but the earth is still that earth, it will not be blown up, only the surface environment. Something has changed. Mediating, this thing has the ability to completely destroy a planet. It is not simply to kill all the life of this planet, but to completely destroy the planet above the sky, let it directly become countless fragments and fly to the universe Everywhere, this planet will no longer exist. The gap between the two is simply incomparable. The two are like the difference between a child's safety firecracker and an anti-tank hand grenade rebound, which is not a category at all.

"This this this ..."

Ling has probably gone through a similar process before me, so she is very familiar with my performance now. When she stuttered there, she immediately said, "Don't be surprised.

The thing written on that thing is the same as you guessed, I just checked this thing outside. This is indeed a star destroyer, and I have basically determined that it should actually be an anti-energy weapon. "

"Anti-energy weapon?"

Anti-energy weapons can also be called negative energy. It is completely different from the well-known positive and negative electricity, and negative energy is completely opposite to them. At present, human technology has just realized the confirmation of antimatter. As for anti-energy, it is only a theory, an uncertain theory. Moreover, even if human beings have confirmed and can produce anti-energy, there is still a great gap between the anti-energy weapon in front of us. This is like a primitive man who would use fire, a modern soldier carrying a flamethrower, both of which are using fire, but the gap between the two is really amazing.

We do n’t even know whether the anti-energy theory exists or not. These aliens actually have anti-energy weapons, and this is still a zero-barreled star cannon. The gap is really ... Anyway, I guess this group If the alien companion comes to the earth now, probably send a boat casually to knock down the whole earth.

Shaking my head to shake off my thoughts, I watched the options on this device again.

Although it is very advanced equipment, you can see from the technological development on the earth that the more advanced the equipment, the easier it is to operate. For example, for those ancient ancient sail warships, sailing is a problem even if there are no more than fifty or sixty thousand-ton ships. Now, a dozen-thousand-ton warship can guarantee basic sailing with only a dozen people. The difference is enough to show the degree of simplification of advanced technology.

The numerous tabs displayed in the front of the Zero Bar Star Cannon operation interface are not various complicated setting parameters, but rather the type of enemy. Although this gun is a star destroyer, it only means that he has the ability to destroy the planet, not that he can only be used to hit the stars. I believe that more often he is mainly responsible for destroying enemy warships, and depending on the enemy's warships, this thing must also adjust the launch power. Full power transmission energy consumption is not to say, the transmission interval is certainly larger, so it is necessary to set different target options. As long as the operator selects the target, this thing can automatically adjust the working state and reduce power.

Because I just checked the general situation of this thing, I just clicked on a target option. The target of this choice is a battleship called Aegis Ship, but because I am not an alien, I do not know what this Aegis Ship is, anyway, I just want to look at the general operation.

I just clicked the target type here, the screen flashed, and all the tabs full of screen suddenly disappeared, and then a line of text appeared: "Fault warning: The space energy extraction device is faulty, and the fault sensor has no response , It was confirmed that multiple lines were damaged and the system could not repair itself. Please troubleshoot manually and restore at least one power line. "

I knew before that this thing would definitely not work. After all, the pile of things outside is almost twirling, and it would be a miracle if it still sounded. Actually, I am very surprised that this operation interface can respond in the coming year. You know, this spaceship didn't just fall off, he was buried here for at least thousands of years. When humans haven't mastered clothes, this stuff is here. After so many years, and the hull has been broken into several sections, the surface is so riddled with holes, all rotten into this, this system actually has energy to run, which is already a miracle.

"Ling, where is the source of the power of this thing, did you find it?" After finding that the system was inoperable, I disconnected and asked Ling.

Ling's voice came directly from next door. "Looking along the back of the chair, I only found out which Fangxian extension the pipeline leads to, but I couldn't get through. I started to dismantle the Star Cannon here. There wasn't much control over there."

"Then you keep busy, I'll see where the power source of this system is." I said, then picked up the sabre and started cutting along the wall behind.

From the energy response under my feet, I can be sure that the energy extends behind the wall, so I had to pass through the wall.

What happened was that the internal partition of the wall was not as thick as the broken wall in the key area. I just cut the wall with a few swords and drilled into it. Fortunately, behind this is a twisted and deformed channel. After the power pipe enters this channel, it is docked with the pipeline in the channel, and then it starts to extend along the pipeline. I followed the direction of this energy pipeline all the way, and when I encountered the obstruction, I tried to cut it, and finally I let me climb into a cabin located in the middle and lower part of the hull.

This was not a very large compartment. He seemed to have been penetrated during the battle because of the obvious large holes in the wall. In fact, thanks to this hole, because the room was obviously reinforced, not only the external wall material is special, but the thickness is also exaggerated.

The weapon that penetrated this room should be an energy weapon, because the hole in the room penetrated through a row of equipment and then went out from the opposite side, and there were traces of burnt along the way. However, this energy apparently just wiped the room and completely destroyed it, at least most of the equipment was retained.

I found a row of Dingxi in this room, like a cabinet air conditioner. The number is about tens of units. Those power pipelines are connected to these devices ~ ~, and these devices have obvious energy response in their bodies.

Seeing that this gadget is still working and protected so carefully, I decided that it must be very important, so I started to tear down one and studied the structure. Throw out the part that can be understood and confirmed that you can imitate it directly. The key part is left, which is about the size of a microwave oven. After carefully tying that part of the core to the body with a nearby cable, you looked at the other equipment in the room.

In addition to this powerful device, I also found a hidden door on the wall of the room, but the door was deformed and I couldn't open it at all. However, since it's a secret door that hits the regiment by zero, the things inside must be very important, so I just took out the sword directly and planned to cut the whole door. However, as soon as I inserted the sword into the door, a sound of mechanical activation suddenly came from behind the door. The fox little strawberry keenly caught the abnormal sound and quickly jumped aside Then I heard a boom, the door flew directly behind me, hit the wall on the ground, bounced back, and fell in the middle of the room.

Immediately after the door fell to the ground, I turned my gaze directly to the original position of the dark door, but I was there in the next second.

"Wow, dog, what's the matter? Is the sleeping guardian?"

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