Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 33: A sharp turn

"Fox little strawberry! Damn it!" Looking at the pile of scrap iron in front of me, I didn't know what to say.

The generator in front of him is not in the sky. In fact, he is located in a cabin of the spacecraft, and he has only two connecting channels with the outside world. One of them is the gate facing the bow. It was the door when the mirror and I came in, and the other was a hole in the side bulkhead. Yes, it is just a hole, and at most it can be stuffed into a small hole the size of a fist. However, it was such a big hole, and a missile drilled from the outside knocked out the energy generator inside. What is it called? The sharpshooter is not so accurate, right? You know that the missile that just flew in hasn't got a big hole yet. He squeezed in completely.

As long as she was one centimeter in any direction, he would explode outside, instead of drilling in and hitting the energy generator.

"What now?" I asked, turning to look at the mirror next to me.

The mirror shook his head directly and said, "Sorry, Matriarch, this is the only intact energy generator I can scan on the field."

"Then no other energy equipment can be used?"

"Sorry, I don't think so."

When I heard this answer, I was cold. The battle outside is now supported by the illusions of Emmenes. Although that thing is against the sky and abnormal, it is time limited after all. I originally thought that alien robots could be obtained, and then they could fight and fight together. But now, the only energy system that can start the robot has been destroyed. I have a bunch of robots that I can, but it ca n’t run because of no energy. What's the situation?

Just as I was thinking about what to do, the mirror suddenly added: "Sorry patriarch, why don't we look for energy from the outside?"


"Yes. My sensor scans a lot of civilian-grade energy equipment. Although their reserves are low, they can still be used if their energy is extracted centrally."

"You said there is an energy source you can have?" I asked in surprise first, and then responded and asked, "What energy do you use?"

"Polymerized hydrogen fuel," the mirror replied, "we use highly polymerized hydrogen fuel as the main fuel."

"What? Are you using a hydrogen fuel cell?" I honestly didn't expect that the energy used by alien robots would be so accessible. Although hydrogen fuel cell technology is relatively high-end on Earth, alien technology is thousands of years ahead of us! How could they still use this thing? I used to think that their worst was also possible with nuclear energy, but I didn't expect it would be such a low-end energy source.

Although the mirror did not know why I was so surprised, he just asked me: "Are we having any problems using hydrogen fuel cells?"

"Of course there are problems." I said directly: "Our technology is so advanced, why not use nuclear power or cosmic radiation energy or simply use antimatter energy?"

Hearing my question the mirror answered directly: "Since quantum stabilization technology was used for military purposes, nuclear energy has been completely transformed into civilian technology. Has the patriarch even had this memory problem?"

When I heard the mirror, I could only nod my head and pretend that there was a problem with memory. Then I said, "My memory is really bad. What is the quantum stabilization technology you just said?"

"Quantum stabilization technology is a kind of nuclear energy control device developed through the basic particle correlation theory in quantum theory. The original research purpose of the Karma device was to control the nuclear reaction safely and efficiently, so as to use a large amount of nuclear energy that can be collected in the universe. The core function of the technology is to restrain the neutrons through customs clearance and control them to stop or accelerate the nuclear reaction, but since then this technology has been applied to the military field, so that the enemy's nuclear reaction devices can be opened from a distance. If your own needs, you can control the enemy ’s nuclear reaction device to suppress the neutron activity and make it completely silent, or reverse the neutron activity to make the nuclear reaction device explode into a nuclear bomb. Based on this situation, the teams abandoned the The way nuclear power is used in the military field, after all, a nuclear reaction device that may be remotely extinguished or exploded by the enemy at any time is really not suitable for military use. "

"So what about background radiation in the universe? Isn't this energy also great?"

"Space capabilities do exist, and energy is relatively strong in galaxies with stars. However, this energy is unevenly distributed, and the energy density in the unit area is relatively low. Civil or unmanned devices can be used. The output of military combat units is relatively large. This kind of energy cannot provide high output requirements, and due to the large concentration of the two bodies on the battlefield, a temporary background energy vacuum zone may be formed. If any equipment using this energy source enters this area, it will stop operating, so Not suitable for military use. "

"What about antimatter energy?"

"The independent antimatter has been proven to exist only on the edge of a black hole, and its reserves are extremely small, and there is no possibility of development. The widespread use of antimatter energy is now artificial energy. Both antimatter energy is produced at the expense of other types of energy. It will be released when needed. The advantage of this method is that the energy density is large, the amount of energy that can be carried per unit volume is huge, and it can provide a large amount of energy output for a long time. It cannot be manufactured in large quantities, so it is generally only available in battleships or space cities. "

"It turns out that the future energy that we now have high hopes is so flawed!"

"What?" I asked in amazement as soon as I finished the mirror.

As soon as I heard it, I shifted the topic and said, "Oh yes, you said there is an energy battery outside?"

The mirror immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I scanned multiple energy battery packs, and they are all in motion. What kind of equipment should be installed with this civilian-grade energy battery."

Originally I thought that the mirror was scanning the battery in the alien living area outside, but I immediately reacted to what he said. The energy battery in the mirror should be the energy battery installed on the German steel soldiers. I remember the Germans seemed to have several pieces with them. The energy of that stuff is really not small, and it wouldn't be a problem to collect some from them.

"You gather your companions first, and I'll find the energy battery."

After explaining the available robots in the mirror, I directly informed Scotia that they would ask the Germans for an energy battery. Although I do n’t know what I ’m going to do, now we are the United Front. After all, they do not run out with so many batteries, so the Germans became more generous and each steel engineer contributed two hydrogen fuel cells.

The collected battery was quickly sent back by a ringing knight, and at this time the mirror gathered the moving robots together.

Honestly, I originally thought that these robots would look like mirrors, but at a glance, I knew that among the dozens of robots that were assembled, there was only one type of mirror, and the remaining 13 robots were the same. They belong to four different models. The largest number of them were eight marine robots. This robot is also humanoid, with a height of more than three meters, but these guys have a dwarf feel. Not because they are really short, but because these guys are too thick. Looking at the stout tutu and arms, and the armor on my body, I instantly understood that these guys are clearly humanoid tanks.

In addition to these eight Marines, three of the remaining five are robots that look like metal crabs. This thing stands about four meters high on the ground and has a rotating turret on its back. It seems that this thing should be a multi-legged tank running autonomously. After all, compared to modern tanks, this thing seems to have no wheels, and the shape of the body is a bit strange.

The last two robots belong to two different models. One of them is a quadruped robot with something like a radar antenna above its head. This thing is even more than one meter tall with the antenna on top of it, and it is relatively small. In addition to its four mechanical tuǐs and the German antenna on its back, it has only two light cannons on its side. It can be seen from this configuration that these 80% are types of auxiliary robots.

As for the last robot, this is simply a professional maintenance robot, because the shape of this guy is a large iron ball connected to a dozen robotic arms, and the whole is a mechanical octopus. I learned from the mirror that this kind of logistic robot is specialized in repairing various damages on the battleship. It is a standard auxiliary robot.

Even with the mirror, only 13 of the 15 robots can fight. Considering the current situation, of course, I will give supplementary energy to fight first.

The fuel cells contributed by the Germans are likely to be rich in energy for them, but not enough for the robots in front of them. In the explanation through the mirror, I said that these batteries were roughly distributed to these robots. As a result, in addition to the last 13 combat robots, except for the mirror, the other twelve were only supplemented with a little more than a third of the energy . The two auxiliary robots were left, and I didn't recharge them in the end. Now that supplementing them with energy is not going to help them, it might as well be the same when they are brought back for replenishment. Anyway, I now know that they are using hydrogen fuel cells, and it is too easy to add that.

After recharging these robots, I quickly led them to the battlefield outside the spacecraft. The situation at this time can be said to be quite endangered. Aimenis's illusion force field stopped working before we came out, and due to excessive use of power, some muscles showed a reaction to demobilization. Although they can still fight now, their strength and responsiveness have dropped significantly.

However, because Imagination ’s illusion force field managed to get a little time for everyone, now everyone finally recovered some combat power, but it is estimated that it will not last long because of ammunition problems.

When I showed up with the gang of robots, everyone here was stunned, but they had things in their hands, so no one except Hans and Hans had spoken.

Through the temporary team channel between us, I explained to everyone the origin of this group of robots. The Hans guy asked for the remaining robots to divide half of them after the fight.

I simply refused to discuss his request without discussing it. Of course, I did not directly say that I didn't want to divide them equally. After all, this would affect teamwork. Even if you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge, you have to wait for the river to come? How can there be a reason to dismantle the bridge while you are still on it?

My explanation to Hans is that these robots are not ready-made, but I tried to fix them myself, and I took a lot of risks in them, so they couldn't get these robots for free. However, I also know that I can't do too much, so I added a sentence after rejecting the scoring request, and expressed that I would like to tell them one of the marine robot and the crab robot.

These two types of robots are the most numerous and have the lowest value by comparison. Don't look at their combat power is stronger than those of auxiliary robots, but it is really more valuable than research. Even if there are 10,000 such combat robots, they are not as good as the octopus-like maintenance robot. Although this big octopus-like guy looks ugly and has little fighting power, but the head of this thing has a lot of structure maps of alien machinery. With this thing, we are equivalent to a bunch of alien machinery. Isn't this more valuable than a few combat robots?

The German xìng grid is more pragmatic, and they probably know that in this case, the alliance with which we fight for the ownership of those robots will only break, and in the end everyone will get nothing. Besides, we are not giving neither. Just a little less. Moreover, when they drive, these robots can only be regarded as surprises, and those they find from the ship themselves are really valuable things.

With the coordination of our two sides, the alliance finally stabilized, and the bots were immediately assigned to the battle sequence. but. Before the gang of robots started to participate in the battle, a white light flashed suddenly at the top of the hole on our heads. At the same time, with the loud noise, a large rock suddenly fell off the top of the hole and fell down.

Although the stone fell very suddenly, our group of people did not respond slowly. As soon as the toy fell off, we immediately flashed out in all directions, and eventually the rock was not hit by anyone. However, as the rock fell off, the top of the cave burst out five or six large holes one after another, and along with the fire and the falling earth and stones, six or seven beams of light appeared on the top of the cave.

The hole here is deep in the xué, and the big hole that burst can actually shoot the light, it goes without saying that the other party must have blown the top of the hole through.

We know that if we can't get out of the hole, we thought about making holes from other directions, and the guys outside are not stupid. We know that we need to make holes, and of course they also know that we need to dig in. And compared with the situation where we have no tools and no place inside, it is obviously easier for them to dig down.

As the top of the cave was blown through several large holes, dozens of ropes were immediately tossed down in the bright channel. Then they saw a group of special warfare personnel wearing black urban combat uniforms with large windshields and helmets, and submachine guns on their backs, and quickly descended along the hanging rope.

The hole is dark, and the black combat suit worn by these people really has a good concealing effect, but they ignore an issue. At this moment, the passage they are in is like a miracle to us. The bright beam of light hits from above. Their appearance in the black pillar is almost as conspicuous as the flies lying on the white paper. Is it a camouflage, clearly neon?

Sure enough, the group of guns rang as soon as they dropped to half, but it was not the gun we fired, but the group of people who had been pressed at the entrance. Obviously, the hole in here is not the same as the group of people at the entrance of the cave. In order not to allow other countries to get the highest technical instructions first, the people at the entrance of the hole saw that someone was going to enter first. Naturally, they were unwilling to shoot Already. Compared with us who deal with the bottom of the hole, this group of people obviously have a larger shooting angle against people hanging in the air, so it is easier to intercept than to deal with us.

At the bottom of the cave, we watched the group of people sliding down and they suddenly trembled like cramps, and then hung in the air in an abnormal posture. Because the cable-pulling pulleys in their hands are pinched tighter and fall faster, they are automatically locked as soon as they relax. Therefore, as soon as these people die, the cable-pulling devices are automatically locked there. Later people descended to the positions of these people and were stuck by the corpses. They had to open the safety device of the people below to make them fall to continue to slide down, but now they are not playing rock climbing in the tourist area, but On the battlefield of fierce crossfire. The group of people blocked at the entrance of the cave had been blocked for so long and they had nowhere to vent their anger. How could such a good goal be given up? The result is that the person above has not taken down the corpse of the person below, and he has become a new corpse and is blocked there, and the person behind is blocked by his corpse to become a new corpse, so that the person behind is continued No one can come down at all.

After the sound of the gunfire for a while, I do n’t know what happened. The ropes hanging a string of corpses suddenly broke off. The string of corpses fell from the top of the cave, and then the top of the cave was quiet for a while without any changes. After a few seconds, there was a sudden movement in those holes, but this time it was not the ropes, but the people, the dead and the dying.

Those pierced holes seemed to be dumplings falling down like crackling dumplings ~ ~ Some people were still screaming while falling, while others were completely unresponsive. Obviously these people were not beaten Those who die are injured and fall, of course, there are intact ones, but they do not use any equipment at such a high height, unless the other party has the same physique as us, otherwise it is considered a minor injury if it is seriously injured. Meatloaf is their normal result.

Just after these people fell for a while, they suddenly became quiet for a while, and then fell off again within 20 seconds, but it was obvious from the clothing that this time was not the same as last time. Help people.

After this group of people fell down for a total of seventy or eighty people, with a muffled sound, even at the bottom of the cave, we felt a clear vibration, and the big holes above our heads suddenly collapsed collectively.

The seven big holes that had just been blown out were originally arranged in a circle like a revolver's bullet nest, and each hole was only about three meters in diameter. But now, these holes and the area surrounded by them in the middle of the center have collapsed. As a result, the seven holes have become one hole, but the diameter has changed from more than three meters to more than ten meters.

Don't say that such a big hole is a human. Now even if someone throws a tank down, I don't think it's strange. However, in the end, what came down surprised me a lot, because that thing was more amazing than the tank. !! .

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