Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 34: Someone is anxious

As the cave's roof collapsed, the first thing to come down was not a person, of course, not a tank, but a metal tank. This is a green metal can, which looks similar to that of a tin petrol tank, but it is twice as big. This thing is at least five meters in diameter and may be close to seven meters in height. There is no extra part on the outside of this thing except for a parachute attached to the top.

Although the shape of this gadget looks very simple, and there are no components that can reflect its function, but when I saw this thing, I stared at the boss, and then yelled, "I trust, flash ! "

Regarding the sentence I uttered on the communication channel, the people I brought naturally followed me without any hesitation, and immediately ran after me. As for the Germans, although they hesitated, they soon followed. Come up. But they were still asking, "What the **** is going on? Why are we running?"

I ran towards the wreck of the alien spaceship over there and said, "That thing is a black hole bomb!"

"Black black black black hole bomb?"

The Germans have obviously heard this thing, but they do n’t know it, but they know the general principle and lethality of this thing, so after knowing from me what this thing is, the gang of Germans began to go crazy Up.

In fact, escape is just an instinctive reaction of me. In fact, I'm not at all sure whether our escape is useful. To be honest, black hole bombs are not conventional weapons at all, and their design principles determine that their lethality is very special. Unlike conventional bombs, its lethality does not gradually decline from the beginning of the explosion to the surroundings. A black hole bomb will form a black hole immediately after its explosion. Its diameter depends on the design power of the bomb, and what is within the scope of this black hole, whether it is close to the bomb or the edge of the explosion range, its lethality is It is exactly the same, and even the power of the edge may be slightly higher than the center area. However, as long as you can run beyond the range of a black hole, even if there is only a millimeter distance between you and that black hole, you will survive unscathed.

The reason why I'm desperately escaping now is to get away from the black hole bomb, as long as we can escape its explosion range, then we are safe. As for how big the explosion range is, I think the vestige in front is the ultimate safety line. No matter who throws this thing, their purpose is a relic anyway, so this thing will never include the relic in the scope of the explosion. Even if it will rub to the edge of the ruins, it will certainly not be too much, so as long as we run behind the ruins, there should be no problem.

Although there is a parachute decelerating, the speed of the bomb's falling is not slow. Fortunately, we are not ordinary people.

In the case of escape, our speed is so fast that almost all of them are leaving afterimages.

"Hurry up, rush to the back of the ruins. The bomb should not include the ruins." I shouted as I rushed to the wrong one in the nick of the ship and did not speed. Minus ran directly from here to the other side of Nitt. Of course, even if I did n’t believe it, it was still there.

Run forward. Although I guess the other party just wants to kill all the people over the ruins, but after all, only my guess. If the group of people who threw the bombs is going to blow up the spirit-side spacecraft in the spirit of something that I can't get, others wouldn't have thought of it, then we will die too badly. Therefore, I will never stop until the gadget explodes. Even when I ran to the wall of the cave, I did not stop, but fired two missiles at the wall to open a large hole, followed by Xiao Budian rushed in and started digging in crazy, now Even if we dig more than one meter forward, that person is likely to save lives.

However, even though I was digging forward all the time, the gadget exploded as soon as we touched the wall, and even the little ones didn't have time to raise the paw.

It is completely different from the explosion effect of traditional bombs. When the black hole weakly exploded, it did not produce any effects such as loud noise and fire light. It was like a sudden appearing four-color sphere, which instantly expanded from a small point to the limit volume, and then again After reaching the limit volume, it instantly collapsed and disappeared directly into space. This entire explosion process was useless for one second. The quiet speed was too late to respond, and just before the light ball disappeared with all the huge bombs before it, the surrounding space suddenly came. A loud boom. However, the explosion was not caused by the explosion, but caused by the surrounding air quickly filling the vacuum zone left by the black hole. In fact, it ’s not just the surrounding air, as long as it is covered by the black light sphere when it diffuses to the volume, whether it is air or rock, even the human body, weapons and the like, as long as it is covered, All disappeared with the black hole. It ’s okay to say that the whole person is completely missing. Fortunately, some people are just at the edge of the explosion range. As a result, half of the body suddenly disappears, and the remaining half has not died for a while. It was confused for a few seconds before suddenly spurting blood and falling. This situation almost scared some veterans on the battlefield to urinate their pants.

Thanks to my timely reminder, there was no death between us and the Germans, but because the Germans hesitated a bit, eventually two steel fighters running in the end disappeared directly. If they waited another second at that time, it is estimated that the wing squadrons will be swallowed up by one or two.

In fact, we cannot say that there is no loss at all, but it is not ourselves that lost, but the alien robots I just found. Those two auxiliary machines were fine, because I hadn't brought them to the front of the cave before. After all, they were fighting there, they were not combat type, and it was useless to bring them over. Fortunately, these two robots are the safest because they are far away from the front area. They even reach the other side of the spacecraft before us.

Although these two auxiliary robots are okay, the rest of the robots have nothing more. The mirror and his model are okay. They are air combat robots, so the speed is not affected. Although the speed of the eight Marine-like robots that are tall and large is still okay, it is still a bit slow. Finally, one of the last running bodies was covered by a black hole. As a result Even after the black hole disappeared, it flew forward with the inertia and there was no response. Of course, the most unlucky ones are those crab-like heavy robots. In my opinion, those guys may belong to the firepower support type, and their performance is similar to the self-propelled howitzer used by our earth army. Although the firepower may be fierce, the speed is really not complimentable. What's worse is that these guys are still so large. If they are smaller, we will not run out of the army if we carry them one by one. But it's too late now. The characteristic of a black hole bomb is that it will decompose all the materials enclosed by it into elementary particles. At our current level of technology, trying to put them back is purely a dream.

We have suffered some losses here, but overall the casualties are still within acceptable limits. The most rewarding thing is that our staff is all right. The loss of a few robots is not a big deal, but neither we nor the Germans are very distressed. When the explosion was over, we went back to the side of the spacecraft along the previous crack, but the scene in front of us was completely in the same state as when our uncle had just come in. The back of the dark cave that was originally buried underground is now completely open-air square. Most of the entire ceiling was wiped directly by the black hole, and the remaining small piece completely collapsed under the negative pressure of the air, which means that the sky directly above our head is now completely gone. Of course, disappearing is equivalent to a little bit more than just the top of the cave. For example, the channel we entered before is now gone. The passage I carved in seemed to be nearly 100 meters long, but now it only has a circular entrance. Most of the passages connected to the cave are completely missing, and the rest is just one It looks smooth and sloped like the bottom of a bowl.

In addition to this passage, the ground where the cave is located has also been affected by a black hole bomb. Although the black hole bomb was air-blasted, the area below it still covered the ground several meters deep, so that it was originally still The flat bottom of the hole now has a large pit. Of course, this pit is also a super regular round pit. If you associate it with the part of the wall that is removed and the top of the hole that is completely invisible, then It can be found that this is a very standard circle, but because many structures are now missing, and the space span is a bit large, it is difficult for ordinary people to find this. Compared to the disappeared caves and caves, the biggest loss is actually the personnel. You must know that this area was originally full of elites who tried to rush in, but now these elite people are at least four fewer. One-third.

"Huh, fortunately, even if you run away," Hans sighed in fear after seeing the miserable situation outside.

I did n’t explain much when I heard Hans ’words, but just said,“ Since the ceiling is gone, it ’s now easier for us to go out. I think we better flash while the Naxi people do n’t respond, anyway? With so many countries crowded together, it is no longer possible to swallow it alone. We still have to take away these precious things, and come back to participate in the multi-national division plan. "

Hans nodded immediately when he heard what I said: "You're right, we need to evacuate right now, or we will be surrounded by people from other countries, and we will have to take them apart."

Now that we have the same opinion, we will not say anything anymore.

In fact, the main reason why we couldn't get out was because the entrance was blocked. Now the entire cave top is gone, which saves us a lot of things. The German steel warriors all had jet thrusters. Although they could not move long distances like airplanes, they could leap forward. Relying on rocket thrusters and gliders, they easily climbed to the top of the cave.

Compared to the Germans, our speed is faster. Ling and I both have wings. Although Scots had no wings, they had thrusters and folding wings similar to the Germans on their armor. And thanks to the relatively high weight-to-weight ratio, they can do more than just jump forward, but it ca n’t be too long. But it's better than the Germans who just jumped together and fell down.

After we flew up, the last group of alien robots also flew up. These guys are actually much more capable than ours.

The mirror and his homogeneous machine are originally fighting robots in the atmosphere. It can fly without any difficulty, and its flying ability stabilizes almost all of our personnel. Not only is it super fast, but its flexibility is extremely scary.

Compared with mirrors, his Marine Corps brothers' flight ability is much worse, but according to the description of the mirrors, they usually throw marine robots directly after the spacecraft breaks through the outer atmosphere during combat, so this The gangland robots are all powered by high-altitude aircraft. Except for their poor flexibility, they can almost be regarded as flying units. And in my opinion, their so-called poor agility should be relative to the special aircraft of the aliens. Anyway, I think that these airborne robots have much better air flexibility than our civilian helicopters. The only troublesome thing in the whole team is probably the two auxiliary robots. A radar on that back

The antenna robot has no flying components at all, but fortunately, its volume is relatively small. In the end, I let Xiaoduo take it

Bring it up. As for that guy like an octopus. It has the ability to fly, but it has the ability to fly in space, and

Not the gravity circle flight ability. Therefore, its thruster energy is very low, and it cannot fly at all. But this guy

There are a lot of hands, plus the thruster itself can provide some lift, so it simply simply grabs with a robot hand

Climbed directly up the wall of the cave.

When we were in the cave, we thought it was the hardest place to hit, but after I came up, I

They found that the outside was actually more intense than the hole. When we entered the hole, it was still a large piece of forest.

Forest, there is only an open space near the pit, but now the forest above it is almost invisible. ground

There are large and small craters everywhere, and some trees have burned down to a bare trunk, and there are only left

It's a half. Various corpse fragments and weapon debris are everywhere from east to west, you can't see it at a glance

There is no dead person.

"It seems that it is worse than our zero-hand fight?" Hans said, watching the horrible sight around him.

"I think it's better to run away than to sigh others here." I said from those marine robots

Two were separated and handed over to Hans and said, "Since it has already come out, our cooperation will go here first. That kind of crab

Crab robots are all done. There are seven Marine robots left. As I said before, I will divide you two. it is good

Goodbye, temporary allies. "

Hans said goodbye to us after receiving the two robots, and then took his own man in one direction.

I ran away, and I took my own person in the other direction and did n’t go far before suddenly turning to the other

Run in the direction.

The reason to change direction midway is mainly because the Germans are afraid to follow.

Hans said before that they actually had reinforcements, but these people were blocked outside the hole. Just black

We do n’t know if the hole bombs killed the Germans, so I can only consider the worst case scenario.

That is, the German reinforcements are still there.

Our alliance with the Germans is only temporary and is based on the fact that there is no overwhelming power gap between the two sides

Under the premise. But now it's different. They have reinforcements and know that we have a few key things in our hands

Therefore, after the group of Germans find their reinforcements, they are likely to chase us and grab our stuff. Although i don't think he

We may beat us, but the important thing now is to send things back to Longyuan headquarters, I do n’t want to fight with the Germans again

One game, let's say that in case we hit half of the people in other countries, then __ would n’t it be worse?

After changing direction, we were running, Ling suddenly pulled my arm and said, "Did we forget?

Order something? "

"Huh? What forgot?" I didn't respond for a moment.

Xiaochun first reacted and exclaimed, "Ah, we forgot Anmin!"

"I rely on ..." When I heard Xiao Chun's words, I quickly stopped with a sharp brake, but looked back and saw that we were leaving.

In the direction of opening, I looked at what the Bell Tone Knight was carrying, and I directly gave up the intention of everyone to go back together

. After all, compared with that group of people, the value of these technologies is definitely much higher, so it is impossible for me to

People take risks with the skills they have. "Ling, you are the commander from now on, you must send things safely

Huilongyuan Headquarters ~ ~ Xiao Bai, Xiao Budian, Jing Jing and Ling Ling follow me, others follow Ling's instructions. Oh yes, __

The playful mirror also follows me, and the same machine will go back with you first. Alright, do it now. "

Ling thought for a while now that she could only do that, so she nodded and turned and took the others away first. As for the Xiaobai whom I had ordered, the four of them naturally stayed.

Although there are relatively few people on our side, the victory lies in the strong assault force and high mobility. In case of any danger, we can escape at least safely. As for the mirror, this guy is an alien robot anyway, and the technology is far ahead of us. The most important thing is that this guy's radiation camouflage is too bullish. It is super stealthy. Not only can't find him by radar and visible light, even the red line outside is useless, anyway, as long as he enters stealth mode, except Traces of footprints would be left on the ground, and he would not be detected by any detector at all. It is a pity that such cattle's ability is not used well.

After seeing Ling leave, I turned around and started to take my team back. "Damn it, I hope that those people haven't been reimbursed by the black hole bomb, otherwise this time the people treat them as free gifts!"

(To be continued.

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