Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 35: Find fault

For the black hole bomb that just exploded, I can actually guess a bit of its membership.

As a super-era weapon, the difficulty of making black hole bombs is conceivable, so the countries that can make it are nothing more than those great powers. We have to get rid of our country and Germany. After all, both of us are in the hole. They belong to the vested interests. There is no reason to throw black hole bombs into the hole. As for the remaining countries ... the British team was just outside the passage, and I saw their bodies when I came out. Well, since they are already here, there is no need to throw this kind of thing. There are three remaining countries capable of making black hole bombs, namely France, Russia and the United States.

The French team has just been with the British. I have seen this, so they will not throw bombs. The remaining Russia, although it may be very large, but the shape of the bomb just made me feel that it is unlikely to be Russia. After all, Russian weapons have a certain style. The shape of the bomb is simple and simple, but it does not look like Russians. Then there is only one final goal left.

Americans are one of the fastest responding countries, and even though we are here by accident, Americans are actually the first to respond. But, unfortunately, Americans have not communicated well with us before. Originally, if they lowered their attitude, they would be able to cooperate with us to obtain the contents of the ruins. After that, the union between us and the Germans was actually an American one.

It is precisely because the Americans have invested too much power that I chose to cooperate with the Germans. After all, it is more secure to work with an ally of equal strength. When they cooperate with the Americans, they have a greater chance of remorse.

Anyway, the American army was eventually wiped out anyway. Even if they respond quickly, it will take time for follow-up troops to come over. Moreover, how many troops can be hurriedly mobilized?

Combining these factors, it is not difficult to draw conclusions. American troops must first suppress the strength of other countries ’forces before they arrive. Otherwise, the troops they hurried together have no chance of success. Because of this, the black hole bomb may come from Americans. maximum. Of course, the key significance of guessing the origin of that thing is not in the bomb itself, but in the enemies I am about to face.

"It's true again!"

Before I returned to the big hole with the skylight open, the battle over there started. No, it should be a unilateral temper, not a fight.

Although Americans have always said internationally that this country is shameless and that country is a rogue country, in fact they are the most hooligans, because the United States never speaks of rules as long as it is in its favor. The seizure of the ruins is supposedly a secret operation of various countries. Before that, everyone was silent and kept silent. Although all countries have sent their elite forces to participate in the robbery, no one has sent regular troops. Of course, regular indigenous indigenous forces are not counted.

This alien ruin is a treasure for any country, but we are stealing this treasure secretly. This is a kind of off-stage contest. It seems like a group of people gather together to play fencing. Although it is also a kind of fighting, the significance of the contest itself is far higher than the meaning of hurting the opponent. However, the American immediately threw his foil sword after being stroked by the opponent, and then changed his axe up. Now he is no longer competing with others, but he is fooling around and trying to win, and whoever won't let me win will kill him. If this is not a hooligan, what is a hooligan?

Just now, when I arrived a few kilometers away from the edge of the big pit, there was a sudden explosion of explosive sound in the battle area ahead, and immediately after the explosion, I saw groups of planes from my Flying overhead.

Everyone has airplanes, but the only one who can send airplanes to Africa so quickly is the American carrier battle group. What's more, the models of these planes are also very common, and they can be recognized at a glance as the current main active model of the Americans. Compared to the mobile armored units that were killed by our regiment before, these aircraft are already conventional troops. This is no longer a battle of cutting-edge force, but a battlefield.

As the planes flew above me, a large fireball gradually rose in the woods ahead. The unrecognizable forest, which has been bombarded by all parties, is now completely dead. The Americans seem to be throwing high-explosive incendiary bombs. Not only the explosive power is amazing, but also the continuous burning effect similar to napalm bombs, so that now except for the big pit itself, the Americans are not willing to blow up. It is already a sea of ​​fire.

"They're too skinny, aren't they?" Looking at the flames in front of her, Lingling couldn't help complaining.

Jingjing said aside: "What about Lai Pi? There is no referee in the war between nations, and no one blows his whistle!"

"Actually, I think Americans are doing this by smashing their feet."

Hearing me, Jingjing and Lingling looked at Huò suspiciously. "Why does the host think so?"

"It's very simple. You think. Usually Americans use brutal methods to deal with other countries. They never talk to people, but those who are bullied are second- and third-class countries. Except for the time when the United States was founded, the Americans were really true to the British. After doing a game, they have never directly confronted the first-class powers. They fought Germany during World War II, but when they joined the war, Germany was already in a slump, and they were purely trying to pick up leaks. Later, they were against our country. The contest was also an indirect war based on North Korea. After that, they never encountered first-class countries. Under such circumstances, it would be okay to play rogue and be fierce, but what countries are being beaten this time? Yes The worst thing about sending troops to this group is also among the top-tier countries, right? They are indiscriminately bombed, and even their own allies are reimbursed together. You said that offending so many countries at the same time, this can be good. ? "

"But the problem is the trouble and the future. It is the key to get the technology of the aliens, right?" Lingling asked.

I nodded and said, "Yes, I think Americans think the same way, so they will not hesitate to bomb their allies together. After all, this is not like bullying those second- and third-rate countries. He can divide his interests into a small part. An ally, but let the ally help him share a lot of pressure. This time the technology is almost impossible to divide, because we are fighting for technology leadership rather than technology itself, so if technology is shared and shared, it is actually equal to no one Get the technology, because we are fighting for the lead. Americans know this, so they do n’t plan to take their allies to share, so they can understand this fight, but this bomb blasts down, and the battle will definitely escalate. "

"Sacred forest."

I was talking to Jingjing and Lingling about my analysis, and suddenly there was an audio call in the data link, and the voice was actually my dad.

"Dad? What's wrong with this kind of thing?" Of course, it ’s impossible for our Dad to know such a big thing. Dad, of course, it ’s because he wanted to sell someone ’s family. Dad should be clear. Well, he would directly ask me for audio communication at this time, it would not be a simple matter, otherwise it would not be justified.

Sure enough, Dad said immediately after I answered: "The Americans just bombed the area around the ruins, are you all right?"

"Of course, otherwise I won't be able to receive your newsletter. Actually we have left there."

"Ah? Are you out?"

"Yes. Before we joined the Germans and grabbed a few good things and brought them out, I had Ling and Skt **** them back. But when we came out, we took your old friend's grandson I've forgotten in the hole, so I'm going back to find someone. "

Dad said immediately: "That's fine. But if you go back to save people, you still take your own safety as the first priority. Don't worry about him if you can't do it. It's not worth it if you don't take yourself in."

"I know this, I just go back and see, if you can save it, you can't. It doesn't matter. But the mess that has been bombed by the Americans now makes it easier for me to mix in."

"This is your own control. I will mainly tell you two things this time. The first is that I have sent you reinforcements. The emergency meeting on the side of the State Council has just ended, and everyone ’s opinions are more consistent. You must grab more. Some technologies come back. Finally, if you want everyone to share, try to get more benefits. "

"Of course I know this, otherwise I won't take the risk to advance and grab things. Rest assured, Dad, what we bring out can account for at least one-fifth of the remaining technical content of the entire ship, even if the rest is divided equally , The benefits of our fishing are also the greatest. "

"I'm assured of this. Then, let me tell you the second thing. Just now the Central side knew about the use of conventional forces by Americans, so now we don't have to observe any rules. But you also know that our country Compared with Americans in terms of conventional force, there is still a gap, so for the time being we can't give you any real help. However, the central government now means that you can let go of your hands and feet to attack Americans' regular forces. If you can get out Big news is better. "

"Big news?" I asked in surprise: "Aren't you guys trying to make me sink American aircraft carrier battle groups, aren't they fun?"

As soon as my dad heard my tone, I knew I didn't want to do it, so he immediately yòuhuò said, "But the old guys in the center said, the weapons are called by you, and we will take care of them if we get things done."

"That's what you said, but don't let me be a scapegoat?"

"Have you ever lied to your dad?"

"At the age of six, I said that as long as I gave a good shot, I bought nk's pet phone, but it was not honored. When I was seven, I said that he would take me to Ocean City to play, but you and your mother went and left me. Eight Time……"

"Good enough, I didn't say it! But this time it is the official order above. You have to listen to this, right?"

"Certain an e-secret order, and I'll keep it as evidence."

As soon as I finished talking, there was an electronically encrypted command file in the data channel. After decoding, it turned out to be a formal command, but the words in the command were full of spoken words, and there was a bit of banditry in the tone. See me Stick your tongue out. When did the Central Document come into this style? However, although the tone is strange, the meaning is very clear, and it is indeed a valid command, so it still has to be executed.

Although you have to execute the order, you must not do it now. The mad dog has to be found first, at least to determine if he is alive or dead. If he was alive he would be saved, and if he died, at least I should know.

Although the flame ahead has not yet extinguished, this is exactly the effect I want. Americans will continue to throw bombs at a sea of ​​fire even if they are rogue, and the flame is just a safe area for us. Anyway, we are not afraid of fire. We can still protect it while the flame is still burning. As for the mirror, he was even better. If you are fighting near the stars in space, it is normal for the temperature difference between the side facing the sun and the side facing the sun to reach one to two thousand degrees. The mirror can withstand even the harsh environment, this flame is really drizzle.

By the cover of the flame, we carefully went into the sea of ​​fire, and then mō all the way to the edge of the big pit. Although no one found us along the way, we found many corpses and secret guards in some countries. It seems that the secret forces of various countries are not the only ones who are not afraid of fire. However, although most people are not afraid of fire, Americans are not throwing incendiary bombs after all. The previous explosion still killed a lot of people, so the remaining people are actually very few, and most of these groups have been injured. Therefore, most of them are busy saving people at this time, and nobody notices us.

After carefully reaching the pit, we slid down the side of the pit, but compared to the top, it was much more lively at this time.

The wounded have just been bombed to the bottom of the pit by their companions. After all, this is the only place that has not been bombed, and it can be determined that it will not be bombed afterwards. In addition, the concentration of the elite collectives of these injured countries here can be regarded as reaching a temporary ceasefire agreement. After all, everyone knows that no one wants to swallow it today. Moreover, there are Americans who do not behave according to the rules, and the rest of the country has a kind of meaning to unite against American attacks first. Of course, if they really stand up, I doubt if the Americans would go crazy and actually drop tactical nuclear bombs here.

No matter what they think, I have to find the goal first. Fortunately, the battlefield computer that had been given to Mad Dogs before was still working, so I got the coordinate signal very smoothly. However, there are too many secret troops here, and everyone has more or less signal suppression equipment. As a result, the signal I received is very bad, only the approximate position can be displayed, and accurate positioning cannot be achieved. There was no way I had to use the position coordinates of the battlefield computer as a compass, and I found it along the way.

"How do you say that? Good people don't have long lives, and the scourge has been left for thousands of years. You guys are really scourge! The black hole bombs haven't written off you, it's a big life." This is how I saw An Minhe Crazy dog ​​the first words after them. It was enough to make me angry once I ran, but this group of guys made me run again and again. If it was not for the love of the other person ’s family, I would not kill them with the enemy, I would kill them myself. Directly killed. For such people, how can I have a good face to them?

The mad dog did not know if he was frightened, or finally realized that the current form is no longer in his control, anyway, this kid is much quieter than before. And with my smell, I can directly see that he has a clear smell of excrement, and it is a mixture of the two. Obviously, not only did he urinate, but he also pulled into it. Of course, this is not a shame. Let all men in the country experience what he just experienced. It is estimated that at least 60% of them are the same as him, and the remaining 40% and 20% are worse than him. Only 20% of the people will respond better than him, but it is estimated There is no reaction at all. Anyway, in my opinion, in this case, those who can hold on and fail to faint are still relatively strong.

When I first discovered the group when they first entered the cave, they still had ten people. Among them were the five officers' bodyguards of Mad Dog, Mad Dog himself, An Min, Red Sister, Photographer Chang Bin and the British. but now……

In addition to pulling a child, the crazy dog ​​is okay, basically no problem. However, there were only three of his five bodyguards left. The one I had rescued with one hand was gone, and there was another guy whom I remember with a high tǐng. One of the remaining three guys had a bandage around his waist. Looking at the shape of the bleeding blood, it was estimated that it was rubbed by stray bullets.

The British was gone, I do n’t know if he went elsewhere or hung up. Anyway, he wo n’t be taken in by any other country's troops. After all, he would be useless to find here, so no one will deliberately rescue him.

Chang Bin, a calm cameraman, is still in the team, and it hasn't been for a while except for the clothes on his body that have been torn a few times, and he is still carrying a video camera, which is really dedicated.

That red sister is also in the team at this time, but it is completely different from the bright and beautiful image before. At this time, the red sister has a shaved hair and disheveled clothes. A **** bandage didn't seem to hurt much at the area.

The last An Min that I hate the most is still alive. Although I really want her to hang up, it ’s a pity that she belongs to the most scourge of the group, so if that saying is true, then she should be This is the one that lived till the end.

"Brigadier General Shenlin, we know that it is troublesome for you, but please help us in the face of the old leader!" A military officer next to Mad Dog said in a low voice.

I didn't answer anything at all, but just glanced at the situation around him and asked, "What about others?"

Another officer shook his head and said, "There are only a few of us!"

"Then follow me tightly, whoever fools me for the moth should deserve it. I already ran out and rushed back again, otherwise I would have reached the border for you!"

"I'm really sorry, we didn't mean it." An Min suddenly looked at me and said this.

I had no interest in answering her words at all, and ignored the past when she was invisible. Turning around and looking at the wall we came down, it is unlikely that it would be impossible to take these ordinary people to return from the same way. But on the other side, the area directly bombed by black hole bombs was easy to get out. A ramp was cut out during the explosion, so even ordinary people can climb up with bare hands. Of course, thinking about the past is not so simple.

Although most of the caves were wounded at this time, you have to admit that there are still many elites here, and since these people can become the secret forces of various countries, even if they are injured, their combat effectiveness will definitely exceed Common people.

It is obviously impossible to slip past this group of people without being found. The bottom of the pit is too clean and there are no obstacles. It is impossible for ordinary people to pass through it. But it is impossible to leave from the back side, so I can only risk taking them through the central area at the bottom of the pit. I just hope that the wounded soldiers don't bother us.

When we gathered and moved from the edge of the big pit to the wounded, the people there found us for the first time, but just like I had previously thought, they were just watching us alertly, and no one launched an attack. . However, although they didn't do anything, An Min and Sister Hong leaned nervously to try to find comfort. After all, the murderousness of the people was too strong, and most people couldn't calm down in their gaze at all.

Although I could understand the behavior of these two women, I didn't have any intention of showing mercy and jealousy. I glanced back at them and scared them to let go. I turned and walked again.

Because I refused to let them hold on, the two finally turned their attention to Jingjing and Lingling, but unfortunately, after seeing my performance, they simply learned something and ignored them at all. As for Xiao Bai and Xiao Budian, these two guys are not human figures, neither of them dare to approach. The mirror itself is a robot, which is obvious at a glance, so they dare not touch it. In the end, the two of them had no choice but to squeeze into the mad dog and leaned on him, trying to find limited comfort.

For our strange combination, the elites of the countries over there were at first vigilant, and then cast doubt on Huò. The behavior of Anmin's group of people is obviously different from that of our elite. Even the three bodyguards of the crazy dog ​​are just combat officers from the regular army, which is completely different from ours. In the eyes of ordinary people, they may be able to play ten of them, but in our eyes, they are actually no different from civilians.

"Hey, are you Chinese?" As we walked to the edge of the group, one of the guys sitting on the ground with n bandages on his face suddenly asked, and it surprised me that This guy actually uses Chinese.

I glanced at the equipment of his and his companions, and I confirmed for the first time that they were French, but this mummy-like guy did not know why he could speak fluent Chinese, if not his companions around him They are all typical Western races. I even think he is Chinese.

Although we do not currently have any ally with France, but now that the elites of all countries have entered the truce tacitly, at least politeness is still necessary.

"Yes, we are Chinese." I compared backwards: "These are my subordinates, there are civilians in our country, who broke into here because of curiosity. As a result, they were also beaten after we fought Blocked inside, now that the battle is over, I plan to **** them out. "

After listening to my words, the man immediately turned his head to speak in French with his companions, and there was more communication between people in other countries. Today's personal portable translators can already achieve the size of half a cigarette box. Most of these elites must have translators, so our conversation should be understood by others. Of course, the translator can only translate other people's words to you. What you want to say can only be in your own language. As to whether the other party can understand it, it depends on the other party's language ability and whether it has a translator.

After talking with his companion, the fellow's companion said something to him immediately, and he turned back and asked: "I heard that you and the Germans were blocked in it, compared to the gain? "

This is basically something that everyone knows, so I did n’t plan to hide it, and simply nodded and admitted: "I did find a few good things. I was really sad at the time. I was holding things in my hands. However, the result was not delivered. I did not expect that the last bomb directly helped us to lift the entire ceiling, but it helped us a lot. Now that things have been sent away, it may already be at sea. "

The reason I tell them things are gone is to let them know that it is meaningless to attack us now, so that we can be relatively safe. After all, these are the secret elites of various countries, not those boring enthusiasts who like to have nothing to do and find trouble. They are definitely not going to hit us if they are not sure that we have what they need.

Probably seeing that we really don't have anything extra, these people didn't say anything. I saw that they were no longer answering and directly called Anmin to continue to go forward, but I only took two steps and suddenly heard a roar from behind.

"Ah ... what are you doing!"

When I heard the call, I immediately turned back, but I was seeing Chang Bin faced a guy wearing a power armor in anger, and I saw the cause of his anger, which was the photo taken by that guy's hand Like machine. That thing should be Chang Bin.

At first, the guy probably wanted to grab the camera and left. He didn't plan to set up Chang Bin at all. After all, he didn't even have a weapon on his body, and he wore a power armor. Even if he didn't fight back, he could not threaten him. However, he hesitated a little after seeing me turning back, after all, unlike almost everyone here with injuries, Jingjing and I were really clean. Intact armor means that we have not suffered any injuries, and they themselves have been injured, and this combat power cannot naturally compare with us.

Considering the situation in front of him, the guy finally opened his mouth and said, "You can't take this thing away. I suspect you have hidden the alien technology you found."

When I heard the guy ’s words, I did n’t even say a word. Then I suddenly pulled out the sword at the waist, and then appeared in front of him at an ordinary moving speed at an instant when the other party did n’t respond. His hand was a sword that smashed the camera in his hands into a pile of debris. After finishing all this, I deliberately slowly retracted the sword from him, and it was only then that he finally realized what I was doing, but I did n’t wait for him to flare up before I spoke.

"Even if there is something wrong with ours, you ca n’t turn it over to check it. Do n’t think that you are wearing cutting-edge power armor that Americans eliminated. It ’s even more sophisticated. Tell you that the Americans’ six-generation mechs have just been killed by us for more than 100 Taiwan, do n’t wear this kind of shabby and look shameful. ”I said that I did n’t wait for the other party to react and became angry, and gently pointed at his ōng mouth, followed by a bang, the guy ’s power armor was like It is the upside-down state of the saints wearing the holy clothes in the cartoon, the entire armor directly burst into the sky, and the man in the middle fell to the ground unscathed.

If the previous Sword Smashing Camera only showed my speed, then this time is really a real attack, and the crowd who had been a little bit stupid before has calmed down instantly, those who tried to trouble us People have to re-evaluate whether they have that strength.

Although other countries can bear it first, the fellows of the guy I attacked cannot sit there and wait, because I attacked their companions, and they actually represent their country on this occasion, so They must not shrink back for national honor.

Regardless of whether they were injured or not, the hula hugs them all around. At a glance, I read out the number of enemies. There were only thirty or so enemies, which was not enough.

Actually, what I said just now is not the big story. I really know the mobile armor on these people. This thing is the early version of the mobile armor that Americans now wear, except that Americans are six generations of armor, and they are one generation. Of course, because of technological progress, their generation is actually much stronger than the original American mecha, and may even be stronger than the original second and third generations. After all, no country will be as good as it is after getting technology. Production of physical objects, even if the overall technology is not as good as others, they will still have some special skills. After improvements in these areas, how can the original generation of mecha be stronger. Of course, due to the problem of core components, this generation is still a generation even if it is further strengthened. It is absolutely capable of passing the second and third generations, but it is definitely not the fourth and fifth generations. The six generations are even equipped with firearms and anti-sniper rifles. The difference is that the xìng of the two is really too bad.

In fact, the biggest defect of this generation machine is not power or something. Really speaking about power output or protection ability, this thing can be at least on par with the fourth-generation machine, but in the eyes of Americans, this thing is a pile of garbage, and the reason is that it has no electromagnetic energy field shielding function.

What are the specialties of our dragons? It can be achieved by manipulating the electric field in the surrounding space to move objects or conduct high-intensity energy attacks. This ability determines that any device without the ability to shield the electric field will be as fragile as a child's toy in front of us, just like the guy who was just stripped of me. His armor wasn't damaged in any way, it was just removed. Yes, it was dismantled, and it was not violently dismantled, but all the buckles and screws were dropped and allowed to disintegrate naturally. To do this is actually very easy, just use an electric field to remotely control those parts of his body that have a locking function to rotate or lift up a little. For me, it was as simple as pressing the light switch with my hand, but for the guy who had been stripped of his armor, he was scared to pee.

Just now this was just a verbal conflict. What if I suddenly took off his entire armor while the two sides were fighting? Now whenever I think about this guy, he just snores.

Looking at the crowd around me, I laughed. And just as they were going to question me, I suddenly turned around and walked out, as if preparing to leave. Those guys were rushed forward just for the sake of their faces, but now their thoughts have changed after seeing me suddenly leave. The first thing that these guys thought of was not finally being relieved, but that I was afraid of them.

It's not surprising to have this kind of thinking, but as an elite power of a country, it is very surprising that such people can think of such mental retardation. But no matter how unexpected others are, they think I'm scared anyway, and then they shouted, "Do you want to run away? You Chinese are just able to do this, grab our Changbai Mountain and occupy our history and culture. Tell you We Koreans are the heirs of the dragon. You cowards are best ... "

Just as they shouted, I suddenly waved my hands backwards, and I didn't even have my head in the meantime, but the next second, the voice of the group stopped abruptly like a **** pinching his neck. Because the armor of these people has all disintegrated as before.

"Hahahaha ..." Just as the gang of Koreans were stunned, there was a sudden laughter around them. The group of Koreans was inexplicable. However, they soon discovered the problem, because they suddenly felt that their lower body was chilly. As a result, they looked down and realized that I had not only removed their armor this time, but actually also removed their kùzi and inner kù. A big hole was opened in it, and the buttocks and the key points in front were all exposed outside. How can this look keep people around from laughing?

"Hey, if you want to see the excitement, I'll go first." I was watching the gang of laughing dogs in Korea with the people around them, and they quickly turned to follow me.

Because the action just showed our strength, the rest of us didn't bother us anymore. Anyway, we really don't have anything on them, so they don't think it's worth turning around with us. what? You say the mirror is something in the ruins? Yes, he is indeed in the ruins, but who knows? Although the mirror is a robot, there is no robot on the earth. He didn't bear the alien symbol on his body. When others saw the first reaction, they thought it was brought by us. They would never think that the alien robot thousands of years ago was still active.

Just as we carefully climbed up the wounded soldiers' ascent and climbed up the slope, Chang Bin thought he was unconsciously approaching An Min, and then said with a very low voice and An Min: "Photo The elephant was smashed, what do we do now? "

An Min looked up at us in front, and then carefully said to Chang Bin: "Did the hard drive come off?"

Chang Bin nodded slightly and said, "I have been driving the backup synchronously, and the previous records are retained, but we will not be able to shoot again afterwards!"

An Min thought about it, and suddenly secretly took out a large cell phone from Mō, shoved it into Chang Bin's hands and explained, "You use this."

Mobile phone with camera function is not new technology anymore. In terms of current mobile phone video recording capability, its clarity is almost the same as that of professional cameras in the 21st century ~ ~ This mobile phone is not an ordinary mobile phone. Because she is a reporter, in order to prevent the sudden encounter of news without a camera crew, she specially bought a professional camera phone that is nearly twice as expensive as a normal mobile phone. This thing claims to be the ultimate weapon for street photography enthusiasts, and its practical functions are even more powerful than some low-end home cameras.

Since Chang Bin is a videographer, he is naturally familiar with this kind of electronic products related to videography. As soon as he got the phone, he recognized it and immediately took it carefully and started to continue climbing. Of course, what they didn't know was that I had hacked into the mobile phone and modified the camera function when they just spoke. Now if you shoot with this thing, everything will be displayed normally at that time, but the recorded things will be automatically deleted half an hour after the shooting is completed, that is to say, even if they capture something, don't expect to bring it back. In addition, I have already dealt with the backup disk they said. The storage unit of that gadget has been directly destroyed by me. Now it seems to be working. In fact, it has no function.

After finishing these things, I smiled slightly, and then climbed directly to the top of the slope. I thought about turning around and pulling others, but I did not expect that I heard a slight roar as soon as I came up, and a high-speed moving object appeared in my electromagnetic induction range.

"I rely, there is a limit to shame, right?" .

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