Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 36: Here comes the American soldier

Originally, I thought that Americans would be shameless enough to send planes to bomb, but I didn't expect these guys to have more shameless plans. Shortly after I reached the top of the slope, the two Assassins 2

The drone whistled and flew over my head, then swooped down and ran to the wounded soldiers below.

The first two drones over our heads had not yet dropped their bombs, and then there was a roar over the forest behind, but the sound was far different from the sound of ordinary airplanes, which sounded quite dull, and still With a drum-like rhythm.

"America's tilt-rotor?" One of the mad dog guards who had followed me uphill to the top of the hill suddenly said silly.

As soon as we finished talking here, we saw a team of tilt-rotor aircraft flying overhead, but these aircraft started to slow down as soon as they appeared, and many of them also opened the hatch and dropped some cables, apparently intending to make a landing. .

"What shall we do?" Lingling asked, looking at the plane in the sky.

"Let's go first. There's nothing cheap to fish here, and it's useless to stay." "Everyone listens to you." Lingling greeted Jingjing as they hurried to the woods.

The planes in the sky do not know why they did not care about us. It is estimated that their purpose is to **** the ruins, and they are more happy to see us take the initiative to leave. Of course, this is just my guess, and there may be other reasons.

There was a dense explosion in the woods behind us shortly after we left, followed by the sound of gunfire, feeling like a firecracker. We have no time to take care of the gunfire, but we haven't run far enough, and suddenly we heard a roar, followed by a huge black shadow passing overhead, but it soon appeared again. The second and third shadows.

As soon as Chang Bin saw these things, he picked up the phone and snapped, while the others were straight with their mouths open.

"American air gunboats, bully children's things," said an army officer beside the crazy dog, disdainfully.

In fact, this officer's words are considered a general recognition in the army. Air gunboats do look like they are powerful firepower, but they are firepower to the ground, and they are only suitable for suppressing small firepower.

Infantry, in the front battlefield, it is neither suitable for fighting for air dominance, nor can it cope with large equipped enemy forces. Whether it is offensive or defensive warfare, it is actually not useful. The only time this thing is useful Track small enemy forces in large fields. For this reason, this kind of thing is often nicknamed police equipment by various teams. Of course, no matter whether it is useful or not, the volume of this thing will definitely frighten many people. Especially when it flies over your head, it looks almost like a battleship flying overhead.

With the emergence of the first aerial gunboat, we quickly flew over a large group of these things overhead, but just when we thought these things would be completely irrelevant as before, we flew directly over our heads, one of them The air gunboat suddenly flew back in a big circle in the air.

"Hey hey, isn't that thing coming for us?" Lingling couldn't help but see the air gunboat coming back from the sky.

"It looks like it really came to us!" As Jingjing's words landed, the spherical remote control turret below the bow of the aerial gunboat in the sky suddenly turned around and pointed straight at us. Finally, The muzzle of the six-barreled machine gun actually started to rotate directly. Is it clear that it is going to fire?

"Damn it." Seeing that the barrel started turning, I reached for the plane directly.

Then the open palm was shaken violently, and the spherical turret below the plane seemed to be collapsed inwardly by a dough pinched by a large invisible hand to shrink into a twisted metal mass. Finally, The metal mass was torn from the plane in a burst of metal twisting and breaking. "Lingling." "Understand." When Lingling answered, the man was already choking out, spreading his wings and activating the thruster behind the armor, and the whole person glides directly on it in a very beautiful arc like a small fighter. Beneath the plane, she saw that she took out her accompanying sword and swept directly from one side of the wing to the top of the plane. As she flew past, the entire left wing of the plane came from the root. The whole fell down.

The aerial gunboat without half of the wings directly turned into an aerial rubber boat and spun off from the air. The crew did not even jump.

According to the fighting habits of Americans, their army has always been like a bee colony, killing one will attract a group, which is why I did not proactively cause trouble before. However, the premise of not causing trouble is that they can't mess with me first, and now this situation simply doesn't work.

Although I knew that the Americans would definitely come over quickly, but we can't wait for them to fight here, so after I killed that aerial gunboat, I immediately greeted Lingling and flew back, and then led the team forward. However, I really underestimated the determination of the Americans to do everything possible to achieve their goals. Just after we moved less than a kilometer forward, a large metal target entered my electromagnetic induction range.

"Why stop?" Both Lingling and I could sense metal objects and electromagnetic bō, but the mad dogs and their group didn't have this ability, so they were very suspicious of why we walked well and stopped suddenly.

Jingjing and Lingling both watched me waiting for my decision, and I hesitated. If we do n’t have the towing oil bottles behind us, we can do it no matter what we do, but we ca n’t do it with them. If we rush forward directly to the enemy in front, we must be fine, but what should they do? Even if we can open up the electromagnetic force field to protect them, but that consumption is too large, we simply cannot support it for too long. However, it does not seem to work if it is a detour. The speed of these towing oil bottles is too slow, and Mingli in the front is a mechanized force. If we move horizontally, we will increase the distance of the movement, and the speed will be too late. Finally, they will be blocked by the group.

Although neither method seemed to be appropriate, in the end they had to forcefully pass through the enemy's troops, so instead of going through the time-consuming and laborious detours, it was better to rush directly to them.

Now that I have decided to punch hard, I have no hesitation. Say hello to Lingling first, then turn around and call the mad dog over. "I feel that there are a large number of fighters in front, and it may be American ground forces. It is impossible to get around at our speed, so we can only welcome them through their team."

"What?" An officer next to Mad Dog asked nervously. "Is this too risky?"

"Adventure is a bit more risky, but if you make a detour, you will still be chased out of their siege in the end. Rather than letting you run out and risking your life and rushing out, you might as well take advantage of your strength Rush, at least you can speed faster now. "

The officer finally nodded helplessly: "That's it, I hope we can leave alive."

In fact, the American troops were much faster than we expected. After we decided to meet directly, we met the Americans in less than a quarter of an hour.

The first to appear on the corners of distant roads was a Hummer seven-generation medic off-road vehicle, followed by a row of more than a dozen wheeled armored vehicles, and even these tanks opened out after these armored vehicles.

"The Americans are really shameless. When the cutting-edge force was killed, they played ground wars with us directly. Do they want to fight the Fourth World War?" Lingling said, watching the vehicle coming ahead.

I nodded and said, "The Americans just want to win, they never care about other things. But we better go quickly. Since even the armored units have appeared, it is difficult to guarantee whether there will be more infantry units in the future.

Although our eyesight is better, the range of sight in the woods is not really related to eyesight, so when we saw the team rushing across, they found us.

However, with the last hint of fantasy, I still did not attack first, but took the mad dog into the forest next to them, hoping that the other party could drive directly. After all, fantasy is just fantasy.

Just after the team drove to a place more than a hundred meters away from us, the military off-road vehicle rushed down the road in a dozen directions and rushed into the woods next to it, and I also saw the car on the roof. The heavy machine gun on that small gun rack was turned over.

A quick and dull gunshot suddenly sounded, and the person on the off-road vehicle fired at first without even asking about it, and the dense bullets immediately swept down a big tree around us. , Followed the bullet and shot straight at us.

Jingjing stretched forward with one hand, and a light curtain appeared in an instant. The dense bullets between us and the car hit the light curtain and could not produce any effect except for the white light.

However, their attacks have already shown their attitude, so we have no need to evade.


"Leave it to me." Lingling rushed out from the side of the light curtain holding the sword, and the machine gun over there seemed to realize that this was the threat, so she turned the muzzle over. It's just that Lingling's running speed in the forest is too fast and she can continue to change direction. The tǐng machine gun can only follow behind all the way to eat ashes, even Lingling's side has not been wiped.

Just after the machine gun turned, Jingjing also took off the protective shield and raised his hand to shoot out with a shock bō. The off-road vehicle was hit by the bō and immediately left the ground, turned over, and flew backward, then A bang on a big tree burst into a big fireball.

Originally thinking that the off-road vehicle alone could solve our team. After seeing the off-road vehicle being destroyed, we finally realized that we are not just soldiers. This off-road vehicle with armor protection and heavy machine guns on the top is more than enough to deal with one or two squadrons of infantry, but in front of us, this ignition power is too bad.

My own vehicle was destroyed, but the enemy was safe and sound. The convoy on the road finally realized that we could not treat us as scattered juggernauts. The convoy that was originally lined up in a long snake array instantly dispersed from a column to a multi-point propulsion mode. In addition to the front armored vehicle rushing down the highway towards us, the remaining armored vehicles also drove into the woods on both sides of the highway and spread out towards us.

It was more than a hundred meters away. The armored vehicle fired a shot at us first, but in the stunned person on the other side of the car, I shot it with a slap and flew out to give a big tree next to it. Directly broke off.

Shooting shells with the palm of your hand, this is not something that ordinary people can do. The first thing to face is the speed of response. The speed of cannonballs flying is usually above the speed of sound. To be able to accurately capture the trajectory of the cannonballs and intercept them by hand within a short period of time when the opponent fires, this reaction speed must definitely exceed the upper limit of human reaction capabilities. Another thing is how powerful is the kinetic energy of the shell when it flies at several times the speed of sound? How much force does it take to change it? Finally, even if you have enough power and anti-security speed to intercept the human body, it is absolutely impossible to intercept. In the meantime, even if you see the trajectory of the cannonball and have sufficient reaction force to command the movement of the arm muscles, your muscles will not have enough strength to allow your hand to reach the specified position within the specified time. Moreover, even if your hand is just there, when you hit a shell with ordinary human bones and muscle strength, his hand will be interrupted directly. It is impossible to shoot the shell like me.

Although the armored vehicle in front of him was only a small gun of 40 millimeters, it was a door gun after all. Looking at me eagerly to shoot the shells, the personnel on the armored vehicle felt dizzy for a while. The captain even rubbed his eyes before putting on his omnidirectional observation glasses and starting to observe my condition. However, in this delay, he suddenly found that he could not find the target in his observation mirror.

Just when the captain suspected Huò turned around and wanted to see me, their armored car suddenly slammed, followed by the whole body began to tilt backwards, and the driver rolled over from the seat without grasping firmly. He came down, and he almost fell off the console himself. However, it's useless even if it doesn't fall now. In less than two seconds, the armored vehicle turned into a vertical stand on the ground and then as the center of gravity crossed the center point, the entire vehicle suddenly rolled over. Just listening to the bang, the whole car was buckled on the ground like a tortoise turned over. The shells originally fixed in the launch box were all slid out because the body was completely upside-down. The captain of the car kept blocking by hand, trying to stop the shells from landing, but in the end none of them caught. However, he was lucky that at least one shell that had landed did not explode.

After overturning the first armored vehicle, I turned my head and looked at the nearest armored vehicle nearby. At this time, I had passed my companion and turned the turret to aim at me.

Seeing that it was about to open fire, I immediately disappeared from the spot, but the **** of the armored car turned over burst into a big fireball. Because I flew away in time, the shell was completely taken down by this unlucky armored vehicle. But the one who started was not lucky. Just after they had fired the gun, the people inside the car suddenly heard a sound from the roof, and when the captain and driver looked up instinctively, they found the roof of the car The hatch was opened.

You need to know that the hatches of armored vehicles in the battle are locked from the inside, but at this time it is not known why the hatch on the top opened by itself. However, before the two of them reacted, I saw a black iron cricket rolling down from the hatch, then dropped on the gun rack, and then fell directly to the floor and rolled into the captain. Behind the radio controller.

The captain and driver reacted after stunning for a second while yelling to let the people behind get off the bus and quickly open the door.

Although the armored vehicles they used had turrets, they were not purely combat vehicles. There were eight infantry in the crew compartment at the rear.

When the captain shouted the command to get off, the infantry immediately opened the back door and rushed down, but just three people were out, and the first person had just run two meters away, and heard a boom from behind. There was a loud noise, and all the exits of the entire armored vehicle spewed a flame at the same time and completely quieted down. Even the captain and the driver who ran out were swept to the ground by the impact of the explosion.

Seeing that this car was exploded, the armored vehicles next to it approached one after another. One of the armored vehicles with fast-fired Vulcan guns on the top began to suppress firepower across the distance.

Watching the dense ammunition flying overhead, I could only temporarily jump to the other side of the blasted armored vehicle to evade. The other side was forced to stop the attack because he was afraid of the wounded in the car, but even if he wanted to attack, No chance.

As soon as I was suppressed by the fire behind the armored car, 1 Xiaobai quickly hurried towards the armored car over there.

When the other side saw Xiaobai rushing over, they turned around the turret and began to suppress the firepower. The side covers of some armored vehicles were also opened, and some rifles were extended from it to start shooting on Xiaobai.

However, although the opponent's firepower was fierce, none of them could fall on Xiaobai.

The turret structure of the weapon's turning speed is too slow to keep up with Xiao Bai's speed, and the rifle used by the infantry in the body is flexible, but the power is too low, and the bullet can only emit 嘭 when it hits Xiao Bai's fur. Howling muffled, and then the warheads fell to the ground without hurting him at all.

When all the attention of the armored vehicles was attracted by Xiaobai, a black dot suddenly dropped from the sky and hit the top of an armored vehicle, followed by the surprised eyes of the personnel on the surrounding armored vehicles, and the falling creature was a sip. Biting on the turret of the armored car, and then pulling back fiercely, only to hear a squeak, the entire turret was torn off by brute force ~ ~ Those sitting in the car are still stupid Suddenly looking at the big hole above his head, he suddenly saw that the creature tearing the top of the car was inhaling. A few of those guys who often watch movies almost instinctively thought of a possibility and wanted to run out when they got up, but it was a pity that they were one step behind. As soon as they jumped up, a little bit of dragon inflammation was injected into the car, and then they kicked the body and flew directly into the air before the firepower from the other reacted vehicles arrived. As for the armored car Here, there is no living person at this time. Longyan is not a flamethrower. It can instantly melt steel. The human body can support it for at least a second or two in this flame.

The small dot that successfully killed an armored vehicle did not fly high, but quickly rushed to another armored vehicle, but when he was about to run into that vehicle, he suddenly heard a boom, a fireball directly at him Burst's side exploded, and flew Xiaobiao horizontally.

"Oh yeah," there was a cheer in the American communication channel, especially in the armored car that fired the missile. However, this sound was stuck in each person's throat with two dull bangs, because, just outside their car, the two were exactly the same as the creature that had just been bombarded by them. But the creature that was dozens of times bigger just happened to fall.

What happens when you hit someone in front of other parents? !! .

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