Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 38: Isolated american

"Shenlin, are you busy right now?" Because luck and the sudden appearance of silver drove the American troops to fight and ran away, I went to sleep. At first, they thought that An Min would have to die at least a few times before they could pass, but they turned into a tourist-like journey. All the enemy units that can be seen along the way are deformed, and some are even a pile of debris. How can such a journey be busy?

"What's the matter, dad? I'm very busy here now. The old American missile hit a little, and it just happened to be seen by his mother. Then these two dragons are full of people looking for Americans to settle accounts, I Even this enemy is invisible! "

"Just don't be busy." Dad paused a little. "We just had a meeting with those other countries."

"Oh? Decided to divide the loot so soon?"

"What's the share of stolen money?" Dad got angry as soon as he heard it. "This is a joint development of alien relics. Don't you say it is so bad, OK?"

"Xing Xing Xing, that's what happened anyway. You tell me directly and the result is."

Dad didn't stir up with me anymore, but said directly: "The outcome of the meeting was expected, and the results of the development of the relics were distributed on the basis of the principle of equal benefit, and our country could be divided into 18%. We have priority in technology. "

Eighteen percent is close to one fifth. The number of countries present was far from five, so we would definitely be big heads. Besides, the value of the things that I let Ling bring out before is definitely more than 18%, so we are making a lot of money this time. Of course, this is mainly because we currently have absolute initiative. After all, everyone's attention is here. Lucky and silver must have been seen by each other. This will be measured by other countries and we feel that we will have the strongest force here, so we should take big heads.

Dad waited for me to digest the news for a while and then said, "Also, this meeting was not attended by Americans."

"What?" To tell the truth I was surprised. Although the Americans did not follow the rules this time, although they said that they offended all the first- and second-class powers in the world, they are the United States after all, and it is not excessive to say that he is the world's first power. This time, these countries dared to join forces to exclude Americans, which was a little unexpected. I thought that they would finally suppress the United States in the end, only to share their scraps. I didn't expect to play without them at all.

I probably know why I was surprised. Dad said directly: "This time it ’s mainly Americans who are arrogant. When we had a meeting, we planned to bring Americans with us, but they said that they found the ruins first. They must share at least half of the resources, and they require development work to be contracted by them. As long as other countries provide equipment and funds, the results of the research will be allocated proportionally. "

"What? The Americans actually say that? What's he doing when everyone else is an idiot? They let them finish their studies and share a fart? Doesn't he have nothing to share if he doesn't research anything? It's true that they are the whole world. What makes you smart? "

"So ah. Countries are really fire this time. It is so arrogant to be defeated. It was already in the face of his world's number one power to take them a share. But they actually want to ride their heads in turn. Come up, who has suffered this? So in the end, everyone thinks that the United States is a hungry wolf that can't be fed enough. You can either give them everything, as long as they do n’t take them all, even if others take a little, they will not spare. Continue to make trouble with you. So, we either completely give up the resources we have, or simply leave them alone, the result is the same anyway. "

"So you decided not to play with the Americans?"

"Of course. And this time we collectively decided to make a tough stance on the United States to let them understand that although they are the number one in the world, they are not yet invincible."

"Oh, what do you mean by contacting me now ...?"

"The task assigned to China is to get rid of the American fleet here."

"I rely on, don't you? Get it all out? You're a battleship killer? The firepower on that stuff can threaten us."

Our dragons do have strong vitality. As long as the brain is not damaged, we will not really die, and our mechanical skeleton defense is amazing. The most important thing is that we have an electromagnetic shield, which is more resistant to attack than any weapon. The armor is all cattle. But warships are warships after all. Not to mention the aircraft on those carriers, these things are basically no threat to us, but the large-caliber guns and anti-ship missiles on the warships are a huge threat. Since the heavy use of emp weapons in the Third World War, modern warships have restored many large-caliber artillery as spare weapons. After all, in high-intensity emp attacks, no one can guarantee that their own electronic systems will not be defective, so they are equipped with A cannon that can be used even if it is out of power is necessary. In addition, because missiles are also very afraid of emp attacks, and many warships now have emp barriers, any missiles that pass through this barrier will fail, so many of the current missiles have begun to use the last-used xìng guidance, which is the initial tracking target. Once the electronic system is paralyzed, it is better to use a mechanical gyroscope to turn the missile into a rocket. This is better than the electronic system being paralyzed when it is paralyzed, at least with a certain probability of hitting the target.

Because modern warships have such modifications, we are also very afraid of attacking warships. We are not afraid of anti-tank missiles and artillery on tanks, because they are not powerful enough. Our dragons have strong defenses, but they are not yet inaccessible. Really hit directly by anti-ship missiles or large caliber guns, **** still have to die. Of course, with our flexibility, it is generally not easy to be hit directly, but there is no accuracy on the battlefield, nor can we guarantee that we will be fine. We can only say that we are no longer invincible in front of battleships, at least they can be really effective. Threatens our lives.

In addition, modern warships are not only equipped with missiles and cannons. Many warships have light cannons, proton weapons, or electromagnetic cannons. Although these gadgets have not yet been widely used, warships usually carry one or two such weapons. The power of these advanced weapons is often quite amazing and poses a great threat to us.

"Of course you can't do it alone." Dad also said that he understood after hearing my concerns, but then his words made me completely relieved. "I also know that there are enough weapons on the battleship to threaten you, but I have no intention of letting you raid the entire fleet. I have just issued you a license to use the satellite killer system. You can assist the satellite killer in this attack. Shouldn't it be a problem? "

"No problem, absolutely no problem." Satellite killers are all dispatched. What's the problem? What is satellite killer? That was a city-level weapon, a real map artillery, and the base we had with the Americans last time was not completely destroyed? Think about it, a weapon that can sink a small island the size of a large county seat. What is the concept? Except for nuclear weapons, this thing basically already represents the strongest force on earth. It even surpassed nuclear weapons in directional power. After all, nuclear weapons are proliferating, and their power is concentrated.

Although it is a pleasure to get a satellite killer, I can't help but think about the group. "That. Attacking the American fleet with a satellite killer, old America won't even get our killer satellite together, right?"

"No." Dad said excitedly, "Polar bears used their space garbage truck to help our killer satellites. Old American anti-satellite missile killer satellites can intercept themselves. The launch cost of space fighters is too high, and temporary launches are also It's too late. The only thing they can use is an anti-satellite satellite, something that can't do anything with polar bears. "

"It turned out that the Russians intervened. They have always been enthusiastic about letting Americans eat crickets, and this time a space garbage truck was taken for granted. Well, in this case, I can safely take the old American carrier battle group to the bottom . "

"Then let's go and do it. I guess the Americans will probably have no time to remember you now."

"what does it mean?"

"This time, the countries intend to conduct joint operations. Our task is to destroy the aircraft carrier battle group near the ruins. Other countries will also deter American troops and create friction. If the old United States can tolerate it, then it will be fine. Then countries will make things bigger, and then eat their overseas troops. "

"You guys are really cruel. But that's fine, so they're too arrogant. I'll go first and let me know if there is something."

After the communication was cut off, I told the news to Jingjing, Lingling, Xiaobodian, Bailang, and I didn't say anything about the crazy dogs. They don't need to know such things.

Tell them to stay here first and don't run around. After that, I kept Bailang to protect them, and then I took Jingjing, Lingling and Xiaodian first to leave and rushed to the port in front.

The American deserters started running around after they got into the city, and Lucky and Silver were busy hunting one by one at this time. Their noses are much easier to use than police dogs. This group of people basically dreams of running away. However, the local residents would suffer as a result. Even if the dragon's body size is deliberately controlled, it will definitely destroy the king level in the city. Besides, Silver is now on the fire and has no intention to care about these irrelevant buildings, so I don't know how many cars I trampled and how many buildings I knocked down on the way. Fortunately, fortunately, I have been with me for a long time, knowing that he can't hurt innocent people, so he is still careful, but his body size is too large after all, it ’s really a stepping on a few cars and hitting some electric poles There is no other way. However, there were not many casualties.

When Lucky and Silver were busy hunting down deserters, I took Jingjing, Lingling, and Xiaobudian and flew directly over the city. But halfway through, I let Xiao Biao go down and merge with his parents, and he could n’t help attacking the warship anyway.

After crossing the city, we soon saw the fleet parked on the sea in the distance.

The biggest feature of this aircraft carrier compared with ordinary warships is its large size. Since this thing is called the sea airport, you can imagine how huge it is. Such a big thing can be seen by ordinary people even from afar, let alone our eyesight. However, although we discovered the fleet, the fleet over there obviously also found us.

I do n’t know much about how Americans found us, but they definitely found us because I saw the warships all over there, and the missile launchers and cannons on several warships were turning here. And the aircraft on the carrier is also moving, it seems to be taking off.

"Damn, actually found us." After I looked around, I simply told Jingjing and Lingling: "Help me for a while, I will kill the battleship first."

Because the large-caliber heavy artillery has once again become one of the main battle weapons, the battleship type, which has been eliminated, has begun to be used again. Of course, modern battleships are far from the old battleships of the past. They are the backbone of the carrier battle group, are air defense positions at sea, and are mobile arsenals. Their combat capabilities are second only to those of aircraft carriers.

But ~ ~ Because of our special capabilities, airplanes do not pose any threat to us at all. The anti-ship missiles carried on the plane could not hit our targets so small and so fast. Their machine guns and air-to-air missiles do not have enough power, and bombs are useless to those of us who can fly. Besides, the aircraft's defense is too low. No matter whether it is an emp or a direct physical attack, these aircraft cannot be carried at all, so the thing we are not afraid of is the aircraft. The aircraft carrier is a warship that flies by aircraft, and an aircraft carrier without an aircraft is a pile of scrap iron. Since we are not afraid of aircraft, aircraft carriers have no meaning to us, so my first goal is to be battleships, not aircraft carriers. After all, the naval guns and multi-function missiles of that gadget are too powerful, which is quite dangerous for us.

As my mind entered the network operation mode, the killer satellite in the sky immediately established a data connection with me. After a short period of data calibration, my eyes became the sight of the satellite directly. At this time, I An image of the large battleship was clearly printed on his retina.

"Satellite killer system loading target is completed. The restraint ring is unlocked ... Meteorite protective shield is unfolded ... Nuclear fusion system is started ... Nutron stabilizer extraction ... Energy is rising ... 20% ... 50% ... 85% ... … 100% …… Energization of the positive electron gun started, and the proton generator gathered energy ... Hou is correcting the atmospheric refraction error, the satellite killer system is ready to complete, the proton weapon is in place, and the launch will be dozens, nine, eight, seven, Six, five, four, three, two, one, launch. "! .

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