Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 39: Space strike


With the last prompt, a blue beam of light suddenly descended from the sky and penetrated the clouds, breaking through the atmosphere, and finally fell accurately on the battleship that was targeted. The light column is so bright that it can be clearly seen even in the daytime, and even looks a little dazzling to the naked eye.

The battleship that was hit as a target looked like a paper art model under a flamethrower in front of this city-level weapon. It instantly turned into gas and dust flying out, and then centered on the battleship's location with a radius of 50 meters. The entire piece of seawater sank drastically, but the area outside this range suddenly rose hundreds of meters high and spread out in all directions. All other warships that were close to the battleship were all translated by the waves. Some light ships even had a horizontal inclination of close to ninety degrees, which seemed to turn over at any time. However, fortunately for them, in the end, except for the fact that these warships were pushed out a lot, no ship actually overturned. It was just because the hull suddenly tilted that most of the people in the ship suffered different degrees of injuries. Some unlucky ones even died directly when they hit their necks or heads.

Although the beam from the sky is powerful, its duration is extremely short, and it suddenly goes out after only one second of irradiation. At this time, the tsunami was still spreading to the surroundings, but the battleship at the center point had completely disappeared on the sea. In addition, due to the evaporation of a large amount of seawater, this area is now covered in a cloud of white clouds, and even a beautiful rainbow can be seen there.

At the end of the shooting, the satellite killer system in my mind also prompts various information simultaneously. "The launch of the Yang electron gun is completed, and the end of the target is confirmed. The queue task is extracted, the second filling of the proton generator is started, the coordinate parameters are corrected, and the electromagnetic loop is boosted. The killer satellite is ready for the second launch and is waiting for the final launch instruction.

"Launch." The first time I heard the confirmation from the system, I issued a confirmation order.

"The launch order confirmed that the Yang electron gun was ready for the second launch, three, two, one, and launch."

When the second light beam fell from the sky, the US forces at sea were completely out of order. Their fleet can be said to be very powerful. Under normal circumstances, they will not be afraid of any enemy fleet at all, and can even directly destroy certain offshore countries. However, the attack from above caused them to mess up completely, because they did not have anti-satellite capabilities at all. After all, even with the current technology, the satellite is still a task of the strategic armed forces, and their fleet is only tactical. force.

As with the first light beam, the target of this light beam attack was still the battleship. Of course this time it was another ship. In the previous part of the battleship, about a hundred meters long, was directly bombarded by positrons and turned into atomic dust. The rest of the bow and stern sank directly to the bottom of the sea. Let's not talk about it, even the wreck Nothing left.

The battleship that was hit this time was similar to his companion. For directional energy weapons, evasion and non-evasion actually don't make much sense. After all, the interval between the launch and the hit of directional energy weapons is often within a few tenths of a second, so even if the aircraft is not able to move at this time, There is no possibility of avoiding it, but in terms of the power of the Yang electron gun, as long as it hits, there is basically nothing to stop it.

The positive electron gun fires protons, and because protons have a mass, they are actually a comprehensive weapon between energy weapons and solid ammunition weapons. It will carry a large amount of energy when launching, and it has an effect similar to that of a light weapon, but the protons carried in it carry an impact force, so it can directly blast the molecular structure of the target object and directly impact the atoms in it. Going out forces the material itself to collapse, and the macro result of this result is that an object instantly becomes a large piece of dust invisible to the naked eye. This kind of atomic dust is atomic dust, and its existence time is generally short. After all, single atoms are usually unstable. They will react with nearby atoms, but the final material will be messy. The overall structure is definitely not there anyway. .

It is precisely because of this special feature of the Yang electron gun, its attack effect looks as if an object is directly irradiated and then disappears. In fact, it does not disappear, but it has become a lot of loose. Atoms, and many of them reassembled into small molecular particles suspended in the air. Without the aid of a tool, the human eye can see that the object disappears directly.

The two battleships killed two battleships in a row. My action did not stop, but I quickly adjusted the target. The killer satellite in the sky immediately entered the third charge state. After a dozen seconds, the third beam broke like a sharp sword, and then a cruiser was directly bombed into fly ash.

After three rounds in a row, I suddenly noticed that the turrets of several ships on the opposite side actually lighted up. A few seconds later, a building beside us was directly collapsed. It is clear that the Americans are fighting back. In the face of this situation, I also know that there is no chance to launch again, so I made the last adjustment.

The killer satellite in space suddenly opened an opening on the side, and then a robotic arm with many joints held out a telephoto lens like a camera and protruded from the rear of the satellite. The robotic arm swiveled to point the object directly at the front opening of the launcher, and then moved up one set. As soon as the two mechanical structures collided, they were automatically rotated and fixed to each other, and the robotic arm was automatically disconnected from that device and retracted the place where it had extended before.

Immediately after completing this preparation, the electronic prompt on the satellite began to operate. "The replacement of the electromagnetic guidance ring is completed, and the killer satellite is switched to the cover attack mode. The preparation of the sun electron gun is completed and the target allocation is completed. The countdown is three, two, one, and launch."

Unlike the previous three launches, the light emitted from the launch port on this satellite no longer travels along a straight line, but spreads out in a fan shape as soon as the launch port exits, and as the beam leaves the launch port, these The light beam also spread farther and farther, and when it finally reached the sea, it had become a huge circle covering a range of 50 kilometers in diameter. In this prototype area, tens of thousands of dense beams blasted down, and each one did not change at all in thickness.

In fact, the killing satellite's scattering mode and traditional shotgun scattering or light scattering are not a concept at all. Shotguns are originally a pile of projectiles, so they can fly in all directions. This is not a problem. Although the light weapon itself is emitted along a straight line, because the light can be refracted, as long as there is a suitable lens, a beam of light can be divided into several beams. If a multiple lens is used, a beam of jī light can be divided into Any number of beams. Of course, the more powerful the beam, the smaller the power. This cannot be changed.

However, positron guns are different. Although it looked at the light it emitted, it actually emitted solid ammunition. No matter how small a proton is, there is a solid substance that cannot be refracted through a lens. If you put a piece of transparent glass in front of the light emitter, as long as the transparency of the glass is high enough, it will not be damaged by the light emitter, and the temperature may not even rise. However, if you put a glass in front of the positive electron gun, no matter how transparent the glass is, the positive electron gun will inevitably blast it out of a hole. After all, protons moving at high speed will not pass through the wall. When they hit the glass, there is no other way than to destroy it. Only energy radiation can pass through the glass, and solid substances cannot pass.

For this reason, it is impossible for a positron gun to use a lens for scattering. In fact, the thing just installed on the front of the satellite is just an electromagnetic ring. It can complete a series of precise electric field changes in a very short time, so that the positrons that pass through its center, that is, protons, occur under the action of the electric field. deflection. Therefore, its actual function is not to cause the positron gun to scatter, but to cut that positron beam into n-cuts, and then make the n-cut beams fly to different targets through different electric field changes. This is why the beam of the killer satellite does not appear to thin at all under the scattering condition, because it is originally a beam, it is not scattered, and of course it does not thin. The difference is that the irradiation time is much shorter, so the power It will still decline.

Seeing the light curtain falling like a heavy rain in the sky, all the Americans in the fleet were scared to death. After all, they have witnessed the power of the three beams before. Since even the thick-skinned battleships cannot carry the next round, let alone their boats. So, when they saw the overwhelming beam of light falling, these people thought they were dead. Of course, the guesses of some of them were actually correct, because they did die. However, only a few died, and most people froze in fear for a few seconds before suddenly finding that they were not dead.

"Damn, what happened just now? Why are we okay?" The fleet commander on the aircraft carrier shouted and asked his men.

The radarman first reported: "Sir, our radar has failed!"

"Report: Sonar hasn't responded!"

"Report, the communication system is completely paralyzed, and now we have failed even the in-ship communication!"

The captain asked angrily: "How is that possible? Was the beam attack just an em weapon?"

"His Excellency General, if I guessed right, it should have been a positron attack from space just now. In addition to its penetrating power, the proton weapon has a strong ionization xìng. The effect burned down all the electrical wiring on the ship, so that our communications and reconnaissance systems were completely paralyzed. "

"Damn it, switch me to a mechanical guidance system and notify the damage management department to see if the circuit can be repaired."

Thanks to the flood of em attacks from various countries during the Third World War, modern warships are all equipped with backup mechanical guidance systems. The principle of this system is to use some gears and transmission shafts to synchronize the data between the command room and the operating units. For example, the command room wants the warship to turn five degrees to the left, so they only need to turn the cursor on the compass five degrees to the left. The connecting rod and gear under the cursor will turn the corresponding dial of the engine room by five degrees. Seeing the dial turning, you can operate the machine according to the scale to complete the warship steering operation.

Synchronized with this linkage transmission method is actually the oldest microphone command system. The structure of this thing is simpler, that is, a hollow copper pipe is connected to each cabin. As long as you speak to the tube, the opposite mouth will emit a clear sound. Although the technological content of this thing is almost a fight with the children's shouting microphones holding paper rolls, you have to admit that in the case of the electronic command system being completely paralyzed, this stuff has become a life-saving straw.

It took less than a few seconds to switch the battleship control mode, but the general's mood was getting lower and lower during this period. Nothing else, just because he just saw the outside through the porthole.

Near the surface of the sea, almost all of our own battleships were emitting pillars of smoke, large or small. The coverage density of the attack just now is quite high. Although it cannot be said that one was not missed, at least 90% of the warships hit at least one or two light beams. These relatively short-beam beams failed to penetrate the entire battleship because of their reduced power, but the hit location had to be at least cut off. So the Huzhen fleet was full of warships missing half a turret or a layer of islands. Of course, this is not the worst. The worst is that the radar antennas on the tops of all warships are almost finished.

The radar antennas are basically installed at the highest point of the battleship, and the sun electron gun was fired from the sky, so the radar became the first victim. In addition, the radar antenna itself is an electronic system, which is relatively fragile, so the entire fleet The warships in it, if they are hit, have almost lost their radar, and the warships in modern wars have no radar, it is the same as the ancient knights becoming blind. Speaking of force is still there, but the real fight is only waiting for death.

In addition to the loss of the radar antenna, the unlucky general also found to his surprise that two large holes appeared on the aircraft carrier's flight deck. The edges of these two large holes are extremely smooth, as if they were cut by a knife, and one of the holes even cut off the half-pull neatly, and the remaining half was crooked at the opening It looks like it will fall at any time.

The generals who were bombarded with a few planes didn't care, but the two large holes on this deck were equivalent to the death sentence of the aircraft carrier. Aircraft carriers rely on aircraft to fight. The two holes cover almost half of the flight deck. The aircraft cannot fly and cannot land. How can we fight? Yes, there are indeed fighter planes on the aircraft carrier that can take off and land vertically, but after all, they are not mainstream aircrafts. Firstly, they are small in number and secondly, they are not as good as conventional fighters.

The general was depressing here, and the next lieutenant suddenly reported that the switch was complete, and then a soldier on the signal tower on the top of the battleship desperately waved a banner to convey information to other warships.

Commanders on nearby warships lamented while watching the semaphore in the telescope. Such a modern fleet is actually reduced to command by semaphore, which feels like a great irony. However, they have to be satirically used. It is better to have a semaphore command than no command. At least they can still act in unison.

"Okay, it's time we got on." Looking at the fleet in front of which was basically in a state of chaos, I directly cut off the connection with the killer satellite, and then said to Jingjing and Lingling around me.

The killer satellite's attack power is indeed very high, but the gadget cannot be used too many times in a row, otherwise if the system overheats and burns out, it will be very troublesome. As a space weapon, the real purpose of the killer satellite is not to attack ground targets, but to intercept nuclear weapons. Its main role is defense, not offense. Therefore, I cannot occupy the killer satellite for a long time, otherwise in case Americans throw nuclear bombs at this time in China, we will be in trouble. Of course, even if Americans lose red eyes this time, they should lose their minds to the point of throwing nuclear weapons directly, but the problem is that we dare not stop the lives of the whole country! What if the Americans really throw it?

Since we can't afford to lose, then don't bet at all, so I used the killer satellite to release the control and return it to automatic mode. The four-shot burst just now is only a moderate burden on the satellite itself. Even after the Americans launch nuclear weapons, the killer satellite can also intercept it. But if I continue to use it, the satellite will overheat for a while, and it will be forced to cool down, and it will not be possible to intercept it during the cooling down time. That is a situation we absolutely cannot allow.

After receiving my order, Jingjing and Lingling followed me to take off and flew towards the sea ahead. On the opposite sea, the warships of the Americans were still busy slogans to communicate with each other.

Although the semaphore can communicate, the aging effect is too bad. I used the electronic command system to order a few things casually, but now I have to use a slogan for half a day. This efficiency is naturally conceivable.

Because of the small-scale tsunami caused by the previous three solar guns, the American fleet is now in a relatively dispersed state. The three ships that were bombarded at the time were all in the middle of the fleet. The waves that were spread out by the three waves that bō naturally pushed the surrounding fleet to the surroundings ~ ~ The result was that the American fleet naturally dispersed. Come on. Although they are still trying to reassemble the fleet, after all, warships are not airplanes, they are much slower, and it takes time to re-queue.

Before the American fleet had gathered, the three of us had already flown near the few warships closest to the port. These ships were originally the closest to the port. Later, the spreading waves pushed them a long way towards the port. As a result, these ships are now less than a nautical mile from the harbor. We were almost there in such a short distance, and the warships below didn't even turn around.

"Look, what's that?" Just after we reached the fleet, the sailors on the ship finally found the three of us. As a standard procedure for the failure of the command system, the captains of all ships dispatched observers to all high points on all sides of the ship as soon as the radar failed, so that they could rely on their eyes and telescopes to form a simple temporary reconnaissance equipment . Although this method is really backward compared to radar, it is better than running like a blind man, right? No, those talents discovered us as soon as they were in place.

Because one person's line of sight was limited, three observers were on duty at each observation position on the boat, and when they heard the shouts of their companions, the other two immediately moved the telescope, and one of them called out directly. "I rely on, angel? What are we at war with?"! .

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