Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 40: Use the spear to attack the shield

"Angel? What are we fighting?"

When American sailors saw us, they were more astonished than those who had seen our country's elite before. After all, which elite had their own secrets, and they constituted the secret troops of other countries. I know a little bit about it. However, these sailors are just regular troops, and for us they should even be classified as ordinary people. For those of them who only know the world advertised in the news, we creatures are simply non-existent. However, now when a group of things that should only exist in fantasy appears in front of them, the mood of this group can be imagined.

"Jingjing and Lingling, we move separately, one ship per person, so that the speed can be faster."

Jingjing and Lingling thought that after I nodded, they separately searched for the nearest target and dived down. As for me, I passed over the nearest two warships and flew towards a missile ship to the rear.

Compared to the two destroyers that Jingjing and Lingling found, this missile ship is much smaller. It is at least a third shorter than the destroyer next to it, at least in length. Of course, the combat effectiveness of a battleship cannot be measured by its volume. The missile ship is a new type of ship, its function is more extreme, single-round fire output can even surpass the strike capabilities of aircraft carriers and battleships in a short time, but it is an active target when pulled out, but in the fleet it is Quite powerful damage output unit.

Seeing me dive down, the people on the missile ship naturally would not watch. Before I got closer, a launch port was opened on the fore-deck of the missile ship, and a flame was blown out, and a small missile dragged the long tail flame and rose sharply towards me. come.

For us, as long as the number of missiles is not too much, it basically does not pose a threat. After all, the characteristics of the missile determine that it requires a large number of sophisticated electronic devices to control, and all equipment with electronic devices belongs to our restrained existence Therefore, under normal circumstances, missiles are not enough for us to pose any threat.

Less than two seconds after the missile took off, his tail suddenly moved, followed by a tail-flicking movement in the air to adjust the direction of the warhead and the tail of the missile, and then there was no missile. In the horrified eyes of the crew below, the launch vent flew back, and the worse thing was that the launch was just filled with the second missile.

Boom ... The second missile was already launched in the battleship, but it only emerged a third from the launch port just now. The first missile previously launched had already channeled back and just collided with it, and then A fireball accompanied the scattered debris and baptized the entire front of the missile ship. Fortunately, those two are anti-aircraft missiles.

As a missile used to destroy aircraft, the warhead of the anti-aircraft missile does not carry a lot of explosives, and there is no energy-gathering mechanism that increases frontal penetration. On the contrary, there are a large number of metal rods for expanding the attack surface. . These metal rods can be shot back in all directions after the missile explodes. For an aircraft with a very weak shell, the damage of this kind of thing is quite good. And because the propellers or intake ducts on the aircraft are extremely fragile, so once these things are drawn into the engine, their strike range is really large. However, the deck of the missile ship is also as thick as a brick wall. These metals Except that it can scrape a lot of white clothes from the deck, it does not have any killing effect at all. Therefore, with the exception of the processing launch port being damaged when the warhead exploded, the entire missile ship was almost harmless.

Although two air defense missiles failed to cause any serious damage to the missile ship. But I remotely controlled it to fly back just to give myself time. I had no intention of sinking a search ship by it.

I had landed on the missile ship's deck while the two missiles exploded. Compared to one battleship, the deck of the missile ship is arguably the cleanest. The top deck of the entire ship is almost flat except for a six diamond-shaped podium that is slightly above the deck in the center of the hull. Of course, the deck of a missile ship is not completely flat like the take-off deck of an aircraft carrier. Its deck actually has a certain arc. With the ship's central axis as the highest line, the deck is tilted layer by layer to the sides. This structure is mainly to counter the enemy's radar system, which can make the missile ship have a strong radar stealth effect. However, although this structure is good for stealth, it is not good for defense. To put it bluntly, this ship has not been beaten.

As soon as I landed on the deck, I pointed directly at the side wall of the command tower in front of me, a buzz, and a light blue shock light ball flew out, and then I hit the side wall of the command tower and A large hole with a diameter of more than five meters was opened. Because the entire control tower of the Zero Barrier Missile Ship is a total of five or six meters higher than the deck, this large hole almost covers the side of the entire control tower.

Looking at the blasted out gap, I directly lifted my feet and walked in. The internal personnel were almost dead by the explosion just now. I was still alive and could not afford serious injuries. No one could stop me from entering.

After stepping into the command tower, I first bombarded the stairs to the lower floor with a small plasma ball, so that the people below would not be able to get up in a short while. Then I walked to the operation table, looked at the operation table briefly, and then directly raised my hand to pop out a blade claw to cut the cover on the operation table, then retracted the claw and reached in to directly lift the entire panel down.

Without the protection of the upper plastic panel, the circuit system below is completely in front of my eyes. Find the connection line of the control key, and then I pulled out my data interface from the back of my neck and started talking to the bar. The universal connector on the front of the data interface unfolds instantly. Countless gold wire-like things are all inserted into the wire instantly, and a pair of operation interfaces appear in my sight. This is the control system interface of this missile ship. Based on the transfer of the electronic brain and the powerful computing power of my own brain, the computer system on the battleship was completely defeated in less than a second. Now the entire battleship is in my Under control.

As a new type of warship, the command and control system of the missile ship is quite advanced. In theory, it can reach the maximum combat power with only a dozen people to operate. Now that I take over the central control computer, it is equivalent to one person operating the entire ship.

In front of my eyes, a three-dimensional frame of the entire ship is displayed there on a virtual operation screen. The 3D image moved quickly as my thoughts moved. The stern engine was selected by red and the operation menu popped up next to it. The cursor moved quickly and the maximum power output on the menu was selected. Then I felt that the hull shuddered and started to move forward. After that, I quickly moved in the 3D image Select the rudder and display it independently in the lower left corner of my line of sight with a fan-shaped dial similar to a car speedometer. By adjusting this dial at any time, I can control the warship to move as I need. After the ship moved, I quickly selected the hull weapon menu, then adjusted the target classification to the anti-ship status, and then selected all the missile numbers that popped up with a cursor. Instantly, the deck on the top of the missile ship seemed like an automatic sunroof. Generally, it is closed to the middle, and the rows of vertical launchers below are launched, and all the green lights representing the storage mode in the entire launch cabin have jumped to red lights representing the launch status.

After completing this operation, I quickly used my own data link to request to connect the satellites of Longyuan, and downloaded the coordinates of other nearby US warships via the satellite and entered them into the database of all missiles. Then, every time, generally, people only need to be stupid enough to operate a missile, and it takes about ten seconds to get a missile. But because my bioelectronic brain is actually more like a computer, this process took me only a few seconds It was completed before, and all the information was entered for all missiles.

After getting the data information, I directly chose to confirm the launch, and then quickly dialed out the data interface and ran out of the big hole in the wall. At this time, a flame was rising outside, and more than half of the entire missile ship was spitting fire. That was the result of launching many missiles together. But now I do n’t have any control over these missiles, but I quickly spread my wings and started the propeller behind them to fly with the missiles. Just after I flew with the missiles After five or six meters, those missiles no longer followed me vertically, but suddenly turned to fly towards their own targets. There are hundreds of missiles in this group. If all of them hit, it is estimated that the Americans There are no more ships in the aircraft carrier formation. Of course, it is impossible for these guides to hit all of them stupidly. American warships have automatic interception systems. Although it cannot be said that the interception rate is 100%, most of them are blocked. I'm sure it's okay. But I'm not stupid, I won't give each ship a missile. In that case, it is estimated that the missile can hit at least one or two rounds. It is good for me to use multiple missiles. One Ship's saturation attack method. American warships generally have only five to six intercept points. If the missiles come from one direction, then only three to four intercept points can play a role. If two missiles correspond to one, If you want to be a stupid interception point, as long as you fire eight missiles to attack a ship, you can basically guarantee a 90% probability of hit. With the power of modern anti-ship missiles, as long as there is only one hit, except for battleships and Beyond the aircraft carrier, at least other ships must be paralyzed. \\\ "Intercept, intercept. \\\"

As the missiles started to chaos around, all the commanders on the surrounding American battleships went crazy and shouted. Although they are now command failures, they do not know how to passively defend them. After all, they saw the missiles go crazy, Silly Huizi also knows to hurry to intercept.

Although the commanders yelled loudly, and the operators on the battleship also responded in time, but ... the effect was unexpected, and I was included among this crowd.

The previous positrons bombed the American fleet and caused an effect similar to electromagnetic strikes. I know this, but I don't know that their damage is so high that the entire fleet's electronic systems are paralyzed. I thought They just have a broken radar and radio, and don't know that they even burned the internal circuit of the ship. This is why we carry out saturation attacks on those warships, because I thought that their automatic interception weapons could still be used, but the fact is But ... they're dead!

The short-range interceptor gun is a computer-controlled automatic weapon. After all, the entire process from the discovery of the missile to the end of the hit generally does not exceed ten seconds. In such a short period of time, you must expect a person to go back and operate the machine gun with the missile Beat it down, this is really a bit tough. Therefore, these automatic weapons are all electronically controlled, and the effect is really good. After all, the computer is obviously faster than humans in processing data ~ ~ But the problem now is that the control circuits on these warships have all been burned out, so that all these automatic weapons have become immobile weapons Let ’s talk about the interception rate. They ca n’t even start.

Originally, I thought that at least most of these missiles would be intercepted. However, I found that none of the near-defense weapons on that group of warships had been activated, and then I saw four successive bombardments on the recent destroyer. A big fireball. One of the four missiles assigned to it actually hit all.

Compared to this destroyer, the latter cruiser was even worse. This guy was divided into eight missiles by me. I expected one or two of them to be almost the same. The result was good. There was no interference from near-defense weapons. None of the eight missiles were pulled. All of them hit the cruiser. As a result, the entire ship was instantly blasted into a pile of debris, and completely disappeared on the sea in less than a minute.

Two minutes later, with a loud noise, the missile ship, which had no missiles, crashed directly into the side of the frigate. The thinly armored missile ship disintegrated immediately, and the frigate was not good. The entire rear deck was distorted and the side armor was worn through. The hull was instantly distorted by five or six degrees, apparently beginning to enter the water. Looking at this effect, I happily nodded, but this can only be done occasionally, and the remaining battleships seem to have to be resolved manually! !! .

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