Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 41: It's useless

In fact, if the American fleet ’s weapon system is not bad, I can “run” one by one like the missile ship just now, and use the weapons they carry to attack other warships. However, there were not many warships that were completely undamaged like the missile ship just now, and not all ships were as highly automated as missile ships.

American warships are really doing a good job in automation, but they have not reached the point where they can be "handled" like a fighter with one or two people. The missile ship is only a special application. Most of the other ship ’s weapon systems have independent control rooms for “operation”. Even if I invade the warship command tower, it is impossible to control the weapon system. "Operate" as part of the weapon, because not all the weapons on the ship are controlled by a control room. [Search for the latest updates in m]

Since I can no longer attack Americans with American weapons, I simply start myself.

At present, the nearby warships that are basically valuable have all been sunk. The battleships in the fleet were knocked to the bottom by killer satellites at the beginning of the war, and the most valuable targets left were the aircraft carrier and the cruisers. It is said that the carrier attack is more valuable than the cruiser, but I still set the target on a cruiser, because the carrier is nuclear-powered, and because of the damage to the circuit, the reactor has been shut down, so it is now There is no possibility of escape. Since it can be sunk sooner or later, there is no need to worry, because it can neither run nor take off and land the aircraft to fight, so that thing is basically a pile of scrap iron now.

After selecting the target battleship, I immediately turned around and flew towards it. The cruiser that I was following was an Emperor-class defense cruiser.

The functions of naval ships in the new era have begun to develop in two directions. One is the small-scale warship with extreme functions, which is characterized by extreme superiority in other aspects, while other aspects can basically be made up. The large battleships have a comprehensive development direction, that is, a ship has multiple combat capabilities at the same time. But because there are more functions, there must be focus.

Like this one is the defensive cruiser, which is characterized by its super-protective capabilities, not only with a large number of short-range interception weapons, but also with a large number of detectors. Of course, these things are currently useless, because the high-tech equipment is paralyzed by the electronic system. However, as I approached the ship, the accident suddenly happened.

Whoops ... When I got close to the cruiser, a whistle-like sound suddenly came from the bow position. I saw an automatic turret there and turned the muzzle in my direction. Then the twelve-tube "shot" machine gun on the turret started firing a fierce fire whip at me frantically.

"I rely!"

As I was diving, I saw that the scourge that was swept up was a horizontal tumble and flashed off the row of scourges composed of bullets, but the turret quickly followed my movement and began to rotate no matter what. How do I roll and dodge, it just keeps chasing me.

Moreover, when I was forced to go from the bow to the side of the hull to find a blind spot for firepower, the two automatic turrets in the middle of the hull suddenly moved and began to turn towards me.

As I am more impressed with the current, I discovered the fact that the two turrets started to power up at the same time that the two turrets started to power up. At the same time, the whole ship seemed to come out suddenly and came out. Intense electromagnetic

o move.

Almost induction

o At the same time when I moved suddenly, I quickly backed away from the vicinity of this cruiser, and at the same time other artillery on the whole ship also started to move. If I move a little slower just now, this will definitely be It was pinched by numerous artillery.

As a protective cruiser, this ship is equipped with a very special experimental ng equipment, which is characterized by the ability to instantly fill excess energy that cannot be carried by the circuit into a very special container to protect the ship by losing this container. electrical system. Of course, although this device can absorb excess energy, at the moment of the energy impact, the overloaded energy will still cause the nasal system to be abnormal, so this cruiser will be in a semi-paralyzed state like other warships. However, it is different from other warships in that other warships have their circuits burned down, and it just shuts down the electronic system automatically. Compared with other warships, all it has to do is restart the system.

In fact, this kind of protection ng shutdown caused by energy overload is not as simple as the normal startup mode, because normally starting a battleship is just turning on the computer system and issuing a startup command. Even if the marine command system is more complicated, this process is generally not It will take more than five minutes. However, when the system is shut down due to overload, the protection device will pop up all the separation protection switches. Therefore, if you want to start the system, you must not only turn on the main engine on the ship, but also manually manually reconnect all the circuit systems that are disconnected. Before the ship did not move for half a day because it was busy restarting the system, and later only the bow defense machine gun was started first, and because the opening time of the departments was not uniform, only the front machine gun was started first.

I frowned as I watched the cruiser restarting underneath, but instead of being dazed here, I quickly made my choice.

Just after the ship was started, I suddenly raised my left arm and aimed at the warship, followed by a movable armour on my arm, and a small missile with the thickness of a pen was lifted. The missile flew towards the warship in front of it with a bang. However, just when the missile was just out of my arm, the four close-guard turrets on the side of the warship turned together and began to shoot at the missile. In the end, the missile only flew a dozen meters away and was exploded into a big fireball by a bullet hit.

Seeing the missile being intercepted, I had to give up my intention to use a nose nose attack. But before I figured out what to attack, the cruiser below moved first. Suddenly a movable door opened on its foredeck, and a hexagonal platform rose from it. When the thing was completely lifted off the deck, the originally opened movable door quickly docked with its base to completely close the gap on the deck.

When the deck was closed, one side panel of the hexagonal object suddenly unfolded to the other side to form a triangular opening, and then three metal rails protruded from this opening.

These three long tracks "plugged" on the hexagonal rotating platform look like they make a turret, but all three tracks are in the shape of a "gate". Not only is the single track not closed, Even if the three tracks merge, they are not completely closed. But just when I was wondering what it was, I suddenly saw that the three orbits facing the center suddenly turned on a blue circle of lights, and then a large number of arcs began to "chaos" between the three orbits. jump up.

"I rely, plasma cannon!"

Because I didn't know the structure of this thing before, I didn't figure out what it was used for, but as soon as it started, I immediately understood it. As a dragon, I myself have an extreme response to energy. At the moment when this gadget is activated, a lot of electromagnetic radiation "radiation" is released. If it doesn't feel like it, then it's damn.

This thing is clearly a plasma cannon, and it is quite powerful, because I can already feel the electric field strength in it.

As soon as I reacted to prepare to dodge, three erratic arcs appeared at the same time at the roots of the three orbits on that thing. These three arcs gathered together in the middle of the three tracks to form a small electric ball, and then the electric ball began to expand rapidly. At the end, the edge just topped the three tracks and became a bigger one than basketball. A circle of white light balls.

After the photosphere was formed, all three orbits flashed at the same time and then saw that the photosphere suddenly accelerated from the root of the orbit and quickly moved toward the front of the orbit. Finally, after it passed this orbit less than three meters long, Its speed has been increased to nearly thirty times the speed of sound. What is thirty times the speed of sound? That's the speed in a second. The distance between me and that warship was just over a thousand meters, and at the speed of this stuff, at most it was more than a second before I arrived. If I arrive on the ground and dodge at such a time, after all, my reaction nerves and muscle strength are strong enough. But the problem is that I ’m floating in the sky, and the air is not a hard ground. If you want to accelerate here suddenly, that ’s basically impossible. Anyway, it ’s impossible to flash this thing in one second. .

In fact, if that gun just fired an ordinary shell, even if it was flying at this speed, I could fire. The air is really not very good, but because I have a rocket to shoot the "throw" thruster, plus the powerful power of the wings, it is also necessary to flash. It's just that the light ball "shot" by the plasma cannon is actually a mass of plasma, and the plasma is said to be ionized air. Not only does it carry a large amount of energy, but it also carries a strong cracking electromagnetic phenomenon.

To put it simply, this thing has electromagnetic attraction.

Spherical lightning in nature is a very common type of plasma, and in people who have witnessed reports of spherical lightning, it is often described that spherical lightning will flutter to people or household appliances to burn or blow it up. This is because of the electromagnetic effect on the human body and electrical appliances, the spherical lightning will be attracted by this electric field, and eventually hit the human body or electrical appliances.

The spherical lightning energy in nature is so dispersed that it can already chase people or electrical appliances for tracking attacks. The artificial plasma energy emitted by this artificial electromagnetic cannon is so high that its tracking and adsorption capacity will only be stronger. This kind of thing is not to say that you won't be hit if you move away from its moving path, but that you must flash outside the range of its induced electric field to hide in the past. It took more than a second to avoid the moving path of the plasma. I can do it, but it is impossible to avoid its electric field range.

Seeing that I could not escape, I could only temporarily concentrate the electric field energy of the whole body in front of me and opened the electromagnetic shield. Almost immediately after the electromagnetic shield was completed, the plasma directly hit my electromagnetic Shield. With the sound of a current explosion, my electromagnetic shield shook violently. At the same time, my head hurt, as if someone had pierced it. Fortunately, the electromagnetic shield was not finally blown away, but I guess I can take at least one or two more attacks for this attack and I must rest for a while. The sting in the brain just now is obviously that my electromagnetic generating organ has been damaged by the shock, otherwise there should be no pain.

I found that I actually blocked the plasma cannonball, and the people on the opposite cruiser were confused.

"Damn, what the **** is that?" An officer screamed in surprise when he saw me on the monitor.

The "Fuck" worker next to me looked at me in amazement, just now they all saw me directly hit by the shell, but a white light curtain in front of me suddenly flashed and The shells disappeared without a trace, while I remained intact in the air.

A quick-response "fuck" worker quickly reversed the picture of the moment he just hit, and then stopped at one of the moments and exclaimed: "The sir has a protective cover!"

The commander of the weapon batch platform immediately took a look in front of the monitor. In the picture, the electromagnetic barrier in front of me was just in the state of being activated by the plasma, so the entire barrier flashed a clear white light, which looked unusually conspicuous.

The commander immediately confirmed the existence of the protective cover when he saw the picture, but he quickly continued: "The protective cover has also been made in our laboratory, and it needs a lot of energy to support it. It depends on the size of this guy. , I don't believe he can maintain this thing for a long time. Give me a boom. I'm going to see how many shots he can stop. "

The fact is like the officer's speculation, I can't stop a few rounds, but I'm not a fool, can I stop there and let them become targets? As soon as the plasma cannon began to re-energize, I immediately closed my wings and closed the thruster. The whole person fell straight into the sea like a stone.

"Lost target." The radar monitor cried as soon as I entered the water.

The sonar monitor called immediately. "Sonar found the target and was approaching us at high speed." "Lock him up and fire" torpedo. "

"Reported that the submarine speed is much faster than our torpedo."


As a powerful weapon, torpedoes pose a considerable threat to ordinary warships.

Especially in modern times, with the advancement of technology, the range of torpedoes and target tracking capabilities have been greatly improved, which makes modern warships more worried about the threat of torpedoes. However, the torpedo has a shortcoming because of its characteristic of advancing in the water, that is, it is not fast enough. Although the speed of some modern torpedoes has been greatly improved due to the discovery and application of supercavitation technology, due to the characteristics of supercavitation technology, the maneuverability of this torpedo is very poor. Its straight-line speed is indeed high, and it can also steer. Although this steering angle is not large, because the warship itself is not very flexible, it does not affect the hit rate of this torpedo. But if the battleship is replaced with my existence, then the problem will be even greater.

My speed under water has already exceeded ordinary torpedoes, and my body size is small, so I can turn flexibly under water. The problem of too large turning radius of supercavity torpedoes is particularly prominent in the face of small targets such as mine.

The commander was still thinking about it, and a lower-ranking officer next to him suggested, "Why not use an anti-torpedo torpedo?"

Anti-torpedo torpedo itself is also a torpedo, but its role is not to attack warships, but to specifically intercept other torpedoes. Compared with large anti-ship torpedoes, this type of torpedo is generally small in size, fast in speed, flexible in turning, and the most important point is that it does not release the power of the torpedo when it explodes, but it will cause a large area around it. Shock dàng shock. This allows it to destroy nearby enemy torpedoes without hitting directly.

Judging from the current situation, it is undoubtedly the best way to send a "shoot" anti-torpedo torpedo. After hearing the suggestion of the deputy, the officer immediately ordered the "shooting" of the anti-torpedo torpedo, and the "operator" crew immediately began to execute it.

At this time, I was close to the warship underwater. Although the anti-submarine capabilities of modern warships have been greatly improved, as in the past, their anti-submarine capabilities are still not comparable to surface combat capabilities. I easily got close to the battleship from underwater, but just when I was going to go up, the side waters of that battleship suddenly dropped three small things like missiles.

Since the anti-torpedo torpedo is targeted at a torpedo with little protection, its power does not need to be too large, so its volume can be greatly reduced. At the same time, smaller size also means more flexible maneuverability.

As soon as the three torpedoes entered the water, they immediately started the thruster and "shot" at me.

As soon as I saw those three things, I immediately understood what it was, but unlike the water, I have at least a dozen ways to get these things done.

Seeing that the three torpedoes approached at high speed, I did n’t even have the intention to hide. I just reached out and pointed a finger. The water in front of me immediately flashed a blue light, and then I heard a bang. At the same time, it exploded some tens of meters away. Although this distance will still have an impact

o appears but for me it is almost no more.

"It is reported that the anti-torpedo torpedo exploded early for unknown reasons."

"What? Where's that guy now?"

"He's under our boat."

Almost immediately after the sonar report, the entire ship shook suddenly and then saw a red area on the stern of the three-dimensional image of the hull displayed on one of the computer screens in the command room. Immediately after the "Fuck" crew point in this area, the red area was enlarged and displayed on the screen, with a bunch of data reports next to it.

The operator said immediately after seeing the data: "Report, Lou thruster was damaged, and the drive shaft was stuck."

"The drive shaft is stuck? How did that guy do it? Did he carry a large explosive?"

"I don't know." After the "Fuck" crew member answered, the hull followed the screen and flashed red lights immediately. "Fuck" the operator looked at the screen and reported again: "The auxiliary thruster on the left was damaged and the drive shaft was locked. The watertight compartment of el73 has been closed and has been closed."

"Damn, don't we have any weapons to use?"

Just as the commander shouted, the "operator" operator reported again: "The steering rudder was damaged and could not maintain the heading .... the watertight tanks 076 and d077 had entered the water and had been closed."

The commander on this side has not responded to the series of reports, and the control staff on the other side cried, "The watertight compartment of d075 has entered the water, and the number of d072 is incorrect. Something entered the ship. The guy came in. He is climbing up. C074 watertight tank enters water b074 Watertight tank enters water b073 Watertight chamber loses pressure, b072 Watertight chamber loses pressure. The guy made a hole in our watertight tank to advance! "

"Get the guards on board right away and stop him!"

"But sir, that guy has a protective cover!"

This remark stunned the commander. Yeah, the opponent can even carry down the cannonball of the plasma cannon. Can he be afraid that the submachine gun will not work?

At the same time the main officer was questioned, the former deputy immediately said it! "Maybe the other's protective cover is only effective for energy weapons, it can't stop the bullet at all. And he may not be able to activate the protective cover in the narrow area of ​​the ship. Besides, even if we can't move, can we just do nothing?"

Hearing the words of the lieutenant, the chief officer also responded to ordering the defense personnel to intercept it, but only when his order was issued to the control officer on the other side, he cried: "Report, the guy has entered the horizontal channel b61 and is moving towards b51 The channel moves.

Damn, he found the spiral ladder! , "

"Any image?"


"Projected onto the home screen."


The area radar image originally displayed on the home screen was suddenly replaced by a video image.

In the picture, a person with a pair of wings behind is walking towards this lens like a walk, and at this moment several marines suddenly rushed from under the monitor and started facing the person in front of them violently. "Shoot", but the opponent approached their intensive firepower as if they had not seen a bullet at all. The Marines on the "force" side had to alternate back. However, during the retreat of the Marines, the figure in the picture suddenly disappeared into the distance of the picture and immediately arrived in front of the group of Marines.

When the gang of marines were so surprised, they suddenly reached out and pinched the head of the front ground team member, and then with a hard finger, they saw that team member's head burst out like a rotten watermelon. The tops of the channels and the walls of the channels where the brain plasma and blood "liquid" were sprayed instantaneously were everywhere, but it was strange that the person was not touched at all.

Looking at this picture, there was a deadly silence in the command room for a while, and some people even stood up with their cold hairs. It's not that they are not brave enough, but that this picture is too impactful.

Instant movement, ignoring bullets, and pinching heads with one hand are not things that humans can do, or even things that normal people can understand. If it is said that the bullet is ignored because the opponent's armor is relatively sturdy, and the head is pinched because of the strength, what happened to that momentary movement?

Of course, I can't move instantly. The reason why the guys think I will, is mainly because I'm too fast. The on-board monitor is just a very ordinary image acquisition device. Its frame acquisition interval is one-fifth of a second, which means that 50 images can be acquired in one second. If someone can go through the entire picture area in one-fifth of a second, then the camera can't shoot him at all, and if I move like one in fifty-seconds A large distance, and this distance is within the monitoring range, then the picture I see on the monitor will be as if I will move momentarily, generally from far to near. In fact, I still walked step by step, but the camera was too fast and the camera didn't shoot.

Just when those people were dumbfounded, I suddenly turned my face to the monitor, then waved at them, followed by the whole picture completely blacked out. After a few seconds, the personnel in the command room reacted from the shock, and the commander felt a whole body of weakness for no reason. No matter how powerful the weapons on the battleship are, the defense inside the ship basically has nothing but the Marine Corps. However, the previous battle clearly showed that I had the ability to fight against battleships, and now the human who has turned the enemy from a battleship into a flesh and blood, this guy can imagine.

When those in the command room were at a loss, I was looking for something in the corridor. Because I do n’t know the structure of the ship, I can only find it one by one aisle. Fortunately, my electromagnetic induction ability can also help me to determine the responsibilities. Otherwise, it is not very easy to find the position I want in such a large ship easily. However, because of this electromagnetic induction capability, I finally found my target computer hangar without much effort.

Although the command and control rooms of the battleship are located at various positions on the hull, the central computer is actually centralized. This room is protected within the hull by a specially reinforced armored deck, and it has its own power system that can continue to provide power for twelve hours in the event of a main generator failure.

Although our dragons are more powerful than humans, they nodded like this after all ~ ~ It took me too much effort to sink a warship with my bare hands. So I think it's better to let it sink on its own than to make a hole in the boat.

Following electromagnetic induction, I quickly found the computer hangar, and after removing the guard, easily removed the door and entered the computer room. When I found the "operation" terminal of the host computer, I unplugged the data interface behind the neck and "plugged in", and then the "operation" interface of the computer on this cruiser instantly appeared in front of me.

I clapped my hands with a smile, then selected all the watertight compartments in the computer interface, and then entered false data to simulate the battleship fire. Because the ship has automatic fire protection settings, when I choose to simulate a fire, those watertight tanks that are simulated will automatically start filling. Although this method can make the boat enter the water, it can be without fire. As long as the fire is out, the drainage system can be activated to pump water out, and the boat can float up. But because of my reasons, all the pumping system was shut down by me now, and I should change the setting to fill only part of the watertight tank with water, so the whole ship sank to the bottom of the sea at a speed visible to the naked eye. Go on. Although other departments on the ship can see this result, they ca n’t “operate” at all, because their controllers must be connected here before they can “operate” as the automatic system on the ship, but I have already disconnected their lines. Now, they can only watch but not do, and can only watch the basically intact battleship sinking by itself.

"Hey, would that save you a lot of work."! .

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