Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 42: Kill

After setting up the "operation" of the battleship, I directly cut off the connection and ran out of the cruiser. When I came out, the deck of the ship was already at sea level. Generally speaking, the watertight tank water injection should not be so fast, but because I set the maximum speed of the hull "operation" control system to inject water, and because I have cut a few holes in the boat, the whole ship ’s The sinking speed has increased a lot.

Since I had left the ship, the detector outside the battleship found me. However, at this time, no one in the "operator" room controlled the computer to attack me. After all, when a warship sinks completely, it will form a huge vortex on the sea surface. If you cannot leave the hull for a certain distance before the warship completely sinks, then even if you can swim, you will inevitably be pulled into the deep water by the vortex and you will not be able to escape at all. So even though the ship hasn't actually sunk yet, the people in the command room have already left early. It is not that they do not want to rescue the battleship, but that they cannot rescue at all. When I left, I had destroyed the computer's input interface. This group of people did not have my universal connector. When they repaired the interface, the boat arrived at the bottom of the sea. [Search for the latest updates in m]

Looking at the rapidly sinking warship, I just glanced at the ship and turned it to another cruiser, but before I got closer, I saw Jingjing landed on the ship first, so I had to focus on On the side of a destroyer. This is already the largest ship in the fleet except for the carrier. The other large warships have basically been sunk. The remaining two cruisers Jingjing and Lingling each grabbed one and destroyed it. I had to look smaller


Although the cruiser and destroyer are not very different in terms of volume, the relationship between them is like the relationship between tanks and armored vehicles. At present, tracked armored vehicles in many countries look almost the same as tanks in appearance, but there is a huge gap in their actual NG capabilities. This cruiser is similar to the destroyer. In terms of tonnage, cruisers are generally not much larger than destroyers, and there is no significant difference in volume, but there is a huge gap between the two.

The cruiser is basically a heavy cavalry on the sea. It has a strong attack power and is protected by heavy armor. It is almost not afraid of general attacks. As for destroyers ... at best they can be considered light cavalry.

In terms of attack power, it may only be a little weaker than heavy cavalry, but it is much faster, but the gap in defense is huge.

Before, I didn't want to destroy the cruiser directly because it was too strong, and it was very hard to sink it, so I had to start from the inside. But the destroyer in front of it is not that much of a problem.

Looking at the destroyer, which was almost in a semi-paralyzed state, I landed on its foredeck easily. A group of soldiers rushed out of the pressure gates on both sides of the island and began to shoot at me, but I didn't care about them at all, but went directly to the only protrusion on the foredeck, that is, the remote-controlled turret. Next to it.

The Marines saw that they ignored me at all and dared to rush out of the door and start to "fire" at me in the open area. However, although the number of people who fired at the same time increased, the effect was still the same. Although the armor on me doesn't look very heavy. But it is not as weak as expected. This thing is power armor after all, and it uses a lot of alien technology from the Fourth Special Zone. The most important point is that compared to American mass-produced power armor, our set is a limited edition.

Although the American type of power armor is still scarce, it can be manufactured in batches after all. Even if the cost is higher, it is only relative to conventional weapons.

But my armor is different. It is a set of advanced technology verification machines, all of which are equipped with the most advanced technology, and many materials are manufactured using laboratory methods at no cost. This determines that its quality is far from comparable with mass production machines after cost savings.

Although there were many bullets fired by the American soldiers, they were light weapons after all, and the dense bullets hit me with no effect other than a jingle sound and smashing many Mars. At the beginning, the researchers at the base told me when they gave me the equipment. I can ignore the weapons with a diameter of less than 30 millimeters, because that kind of thing can't scratch the surface even if it hits me. Don't talk through it.

While the Americans were desperately "shooting", I was studying the gun. After scanning the structure of the gun body with an electromagnetic force field, I walked directly to a morning board behind the turret, and then squatted and hit the deck with a punch. Listening to a squeaky metal twist, my fist smashed directly through the deck into the space below, and while seeing this scene, the firepower of the American soldiers on the opposite side also stopped.

After firing for such a long time, even the stupid people can see the situation from my reaction.

If those bullets really threatened me, I could punch through the deck with just one punch. Doesn't that kill them directly? The only reason I did n’t respond to their bullets was that I did n’t care. It's as if a decoration worker is making a hole in the wall, and a group of young people next to it

The child keeps rubbing him with paper napkins, and then the worker will not try to hide or hit those children at all, because he won't hurt anyway, even the pain won't hurt.

Now that they knew that ordinary weapons were not effective, these people simply stopped firing, and then some of them ran back inside the boat, while others showed their fearlessness and rushed over with their guns.

The people running back are obviously not running away. The battleship is so big. Where can you run?

Those people are just looking for bigger weapons. As for those who rushed over, these were definitely individual heroisms. Of course, in reality, this behavior will not bring them honor and beauty as the protagonists in the movies. In fact, not only will they not get the protagonist-style benefits, they will even lose something. For example ...

"Ah," the first guy who rushed over drew the gun directly behind my head and began to "shot". As a result, the bullet bounced back on my helmet and broke his shoulder because it was not injured At stake, the guy was rolling around there.

Of course, I know the situation of this guy, but I didn't care about him at all, and it didn't affect me anyway. I was stretching my entire arm under the deck at this time, but I finally arrived shortly after the guy fell, and then pulled up, and a wire was pulled out by me.

In the surprised eyes of those who rushed behind, I pulled the thick cable of the wrist directly, and then pressed the fracture to the back of the neck. The reason why I did not pull out the universal interface was mainly because I was afraid of being hit by a bullet. Unlike the armor on my body, the universal interface is directly connected to my mechanical skeleton, and its internal wires are even directly connected to my spinal nervous system. How could such an important thing be violent to the enemy's firepower? under? So I pressed the cable directly behind the neck so that I didn't have to pull the connector out.

The moment I connected the cable to the back of my neck, the turret near me that had almost collapsed suddenly beeped, and then moved in the surprised eyes of the Americans.

I saw that the turret turned the gun barrel toward the front left toward the rear, and that direction was where the island of the ship was located. Generally speaking, this turret cannot actually turn at this angle, because there is a limit command on the marine computer, that is, the maximum turret rotation angle cannot make it aim at any position of the warship itself.

But this is only a limited instruction on the computer, not that the turret itself cannot turn that angle. This turret can actually rotate 360 ​​degrees, and it does not have any directional restrictions in terms of mechanics. But now, the computer with the restricted instructions has been burned because of overload, and the cable that controls it is now connected to me, that is to say, the turret is equal to my remote control.

The turret turned around, and of course, such an amazing change would not be seen only by the ground station team, but also by the commanders inside the bridge during the event. However, before they made any adjustments, the gun barrel on the turret suddenly lifted up a bit, the muzzle pointed directly at the command tower, and the two bridges that followed the roar blasted the whole bridge It was completely covered by a cloud of flame in an instant, and a large amount of thick smoke was rolled out of the windows of the bridge with the flame. As for the personnel inside ...

I don't think anyone can survive this situation anyway.

With the firing of the first shot, those who were on the deck finally reacted, they rushed over, some people shot at me, others tried to grab the electric wires, but they were suddenly caught The unfolded reticle was blocked out, and neither the bullet nor the human body could pass through the barrier. At the same time they slammed the protective cover anxiously, the turret of the turret was pushed down to a horizontal state, and then there was a loud noise. There was a large hole in the front of the island immediately, and then did not wait for the people around After the reaction, the turret fired again. This time, the entire front of the island was bombarded, but the flames caused by the explosion had not extinguished and the turret sounded for the third time. It still hit the same position.

"Come, stop him!" An officer who just ran out of the lower part of the ship yelled as he rushed here.

"But we can't touch him!" The group of people around me shouted helplessly.

The officer immediately pointed to the turret and shouted, "If you can't touch him, you should first jam the turret, and you can't let it" shot "again!"

The crowd then reacted, and one of them quickly pushed his pistol into the muzzle, but before he took his hand away, he heard a boom, and the artillery fired again. The turret exploded without flying out of the muzzle this time. Not only did the entire gun barrel explode, but the man with the pistol nearby was blown out, and it was estimated that the immortal had come to see his flesh and blood. Don't expect to be saved.

"Really, can't you guys die quietly?" When the remote control turret is finished, I have nothing to do. Unplugging the cable behind the neck and throwing it to the side, I slowly got up from the ground and closed the protective cover.

One of the guys in the group, a black man with long muscles like a big hoe, saw the protective cover disappear and immediately rushed up and hit my head with a gun but the result was a loud noise. Then, Zhen himself numb his hands, and even the gun fell to the ground.

When the guy looked at me in amazement, I suddenly reached out and pinched his neck, and then he grasped my wrist instinctively with both hands and tried to open my hand, and the person next to him also used a gun Opening fire on my head or neck, trying to rescue the black man, but their efforts were all ineffective, I still increased the strength of my hand, and then heard a click from the guy's neck, and then he My hands naturally loosened my wrists and choked.

"Damn, you monster!" A long, well-behaved blond marine next to him immediately roared angrily and desperately shot at me, but the power of the rifle would not increase in the slightest because of his anger. The bouncing is still bouncing, and no bullet can "shoot" through my armor.

I threw away the black man's body at will, and I pinched the handsome blond man back and tossed it back. Then the guy screamed and drew a parabola into the air and eventually fell to the sea water in front of the bow. In.

After tossing the man, I continued to grab the next few people, either pinching the neck directly or throwing it directly into the sea. Anyway, these people are fragile in front of me like a doll.

No, the dolls have to work hard to tear them apart, but these guys are scattered in front of me.

After pinching the last person around me, I hadn't had time to throw away the side of the island in front of the corpse, and suddenly a group of people ran out. These guys are obviously the ones who just returned, because the weapons they replaced at this time are not the same as before. Some of these people held a grenade launcher, and some held a six-barrel Gatling machine gun, and even some people carried a flame sprayer, and they did not know where they turned out. Many things come.

The person who fired first was the person holding the grenade launcher. The man watching the corpse on the ground and the one in my hand was immediately violent, and then continuously pulled the trigger against me. I only heard the sound of crickets, and there was a continuous explosion around me. It's just that this small-caliber grenade is not as good as a rifle for me. Anyway, the power of the rifle is more concentrated. The explosive power of this thing is not great. Moreover, it is diffuse and has no effect on me.

After the person slammed all the grenades in one breath, everyone saw me in the flames, but to their surprise, I didn't even get my armor blackened, as if the explosion just didn't happen near me at all. same.

Although horrified, those people were in a daze. The muscular man turned on the Gatling machine gun instantly, and heard a dense roar, but the bullet was still useless except a lot of Mars splashed on me.

Immediately after the man "shot" for nearly ten seconds, I suddenly moved, but instead of stepping back and evading, he walked in front of his firepower. The big man took a step back unconsciously when he saw the situation, but the guy next to him carrying the flame sprayer launched the sprayer immediately, and a long fire dragon immediately turned My whole devour just made those people panic. I was still in a rush to meet them in a hurry. Although I am now completely surrounded by flames, I can still see a humanoid structure from the outside, but this humanoid has no intention of struggling and still walks towards them at a steady pace.

Eventually, as I approached them, the flames were squeezed back, and even those people had to desperately step back to avoid the heat from the flames. However, in the end, it was impossible to retreat, and the Pyro was finally unable to withstand the high temperature and had to extinguish the flame, but just after he extinguished the flame, I came to him and held it like a fireman. He lifted it by his neck, and the guy screamed instantly.

The flame sprayer is not a flame but a mixed fuel, so it is not to say that the flame sprayer will stop immediately after the flame is stopped. I was sprayed all the way before, and my body was soaked with this kind of highly adherent fuel. Even if he stopped the fire, it would not be immediately extinguished.

Because I was wearing a flame, the guy screamed at the moment he was pinched by me, not because the neck couldn't breathe, but was burned.

The outer structure of my armor is similar to ceramics. It has good heat resistance and heat insulation ability, but he is only a flesh and blood body. Which one lives on fire? So as soon as I met him, he screamed immediately. However, his scream did not last long.

Killing enemies is just for victory, and torturing them is a bit perverted. So I didn't let this guy suffer for a long time. After mentioning him, I turned him around directly, and then punched through the fuel tank behind him, and a burst of flame broke out instantly to blast us around. A large area was covered, and the guy was burned to death at the moment of the explosion, and his companions became firemen together.

After killing this group of people, I suddenly found that I made a mistake ~ ~ To use the weapons on the ship, I don't have to "manipulate" them to run, just detonate the bomb "medicine" library.

Thinking of this, I scanned the hull directly with electromagnetic induction, and then directly found the ammunition "powder" library, but before I started, a new data connection point suddenly connected to my data link.

"Oh? Lucky, silver? Are you back? Did all the enemies die?"

Lucky and Silver had runaway because the group of Americans had hit their son, and they wanted to kill the small group of people. Of course, I can understand the feelings of their parents, so I didn't call them when they came to attack the fleet.

Upon hearing my question, Lucky answered immediately: "The **** have been killed by us.

Xiao Budian and Xiao Bai were left on the shore. The two of us came to see if there was anything I could help. "

"Help? Too much. All the boats around are targets, and they'll just sink me if they are free."

"Small, look at me." (To be continued !.

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