Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 43: American secret weapon

∷Shu Ha Novels 罓: Novels 罓 ∷

Volume 20 Chapter 43 American Secret Weapons

Although they are also dragons, as a large creature, the destructive power of luck and silver is far from me and Xiaochun and Aimenis. Although we have the same muscles [.lvsexs. | M |]

o strength, but their muscles

The amount of o is hundreds of times ours. Of course, this power output is different.

The luck that got the order immediately flowed with Silver, and then the two dragons were divided into two groups in the air and rushed towards the battleship below.

Fortunately, a destroyer was selected first. Unlike my strenuous boarding and sabotage, I was lucky that I could n’t move the target directly to the stern, and then one tail swept half of the island, followed by the head into the fracture and the inside of the dragon. Sprayed down. Within five seconds, a loud noise suddenly came from inside the ship, and the whole ship jumped up, followed by breaking back into the water, breaking into three pieces and starting to sink, but fortunately, the wreckage under the pedals flew up. Turned and headed for the other boat, it took less than twenty seconds before and after.

While sinking a ship on the lucky side, Silver has also demolished another ship, and then rushed to the next ship. Compared to the strength of the two dragons, the metal battleship is similar to the origami crafts made by children in the manual labor class, and it was dismantled into a pile of fragments in three or two clicks.

Fortunately, after destroying three destroyers in a row, the weapons on the fourth destroyer targeted by him suddenly moved forward. The ship did not know if it happened to be missed before or repaired to restore power. In short, it seems to have restored combat effectiveness. Just as he was lucky to fly towards it, a previously sealed metal block on the side of the battleship suddenly opened a seam to both sides, and then saw a missile-mounted launcher rise. As soon as the sè frame was in place, it blew a lot of white smoke as soon as it was in place, and then saw the missile vacated and flew forward for luck. However, just at the moment when the two were about to collide together, luckily shot a claw on the missile, and then saw that missile plunged into the sea, followed by a blast of sea water.

After the missile was found to be ineffective, the turrets at the front and rear of the battleship turned around together, and then began to strike wildly. At the same time, various small firepowers were endless. But fortunately, after all, it is not a plane with a ng structure. He is a living creature, and his body can be twisted. For those cannonballs and bullets that are difficult to evade, it can be worn like a flexible fish. However, even if he was lucky and flexible, the enemy's firepower was too dense, so he was hit by the side of the body with a shell after approaching the battleship. However, the result was completely different from that of the people on the boat. Fortunately, after being hit, there was only a blaze of flame. Not to mention being injured or shot down, he didn't even shake.

"damn it"

Just when the people on the ship were frustrated and scolded, luck had broken through the flames of the explosion and hit the battleship. Because the habitual ng was too large, the entire destroyer was slammed to the other side and leaned sharply by the other side, as long as a little more effort was able to turn over. However, the stability of the battleship is still good after all. Although it is very crooked, it finally balances back. However, being close by luck, it has no chance of surviving.

Fortunately, standing on the battleship first stomped down a close-in gun that was still hitting him, and then a claw tore off a cannon on the side of the battleship and threw it into the sea. After looking at the ship island, he directly grasped the chimney in the center of the hull with his right front paw to fix himself, and then the left front paw slammed into the bridge and pulled outward. With a bang, the superstructure of the first half of the island was completely torn off by him.

Looking down at the big ng that he tore out, he was lucky to simply put the two claws together through this gap, and then dig down all the way like ng, and with the scattering of a lot of metal parts, he actually stunned Most of the body was put into the hull. However, digging and digging, he suddenly backed out, and then slammed a hull, but did not open his wings, but slammed on the front deck again. With the sound of a squeaking and distorting metal, the first half of the ship actually broke off from the large ng position that was fortunately pulled out, and then the whole ship began to sink quickly. Fortunately, he stomped the ship's hull while kicking the bow again and took off from the deck.

"Damn, can no one stop the two monsters?" The fleet commander on the aircraft carrier was about to go crazy at this moment. The entire fleet has more than one hundred large and small ships, and it has been a little over half a long time before, and if they are measured by tonnage, they have actually lost more than half. After all, all the sinkers were big guys, and the remaining boats didn't take up much tonnage at all.

An attache suddenly said to the fleet commander: "Report to the general, there seems to be a time weapon on our ship, why not ...?"

"But we didn't authorize that thing," said the chief officer.

"Instead of waiting for it to sink into the sea with us or being captured by the enemy, I think it would be more valuable to move it," the military officer insisted.

After a few moments of contemplation, the commander of the fleet said directly, "That's it. Start it now. In any case, it is better to be destroyed than captured."


After receiving the affirmation of the fleet officer, the military attache immediately ran out of the command room, and less than five minutes later he heard a banging sound coming from the side of the ship. The people in the command tower quickly ran to the outside sky platform and looked at the side of the ship. Just after they were in place, they saw a large metal plate suddenly flew out from the side of the ship and fell into the sea. .

After the metal plate fell into the water, everyone suddenly heard a jingling crash, but this time the sound was obviously much softer. Less than five seconds later, they suddenly saw a robotic arm suddenly rest on the edge of the deck, then the other hand, and then the hands pressed down sharply, and a huge head rose. With a sharp turn, a huge humanoid body suddenly slammed from below the deck and landed on the deck.

After seeing this huge humanoid machine, the entire deck was still. Although the people in the command tower are all commander-level personnel, they all know that the ship is carrying a secret weapon, but they only know that there is such a thing, and they do n’t know what it is. . Because they are an aircraft carrier themselves, many people have previously guessed that the secret weapon should be an advanced fighter, but they finally understood it when they saw the thing in front of them. The fighter counts? Is this his grandfather's secret weapon?

Appearing on the deck was a huge humanoid mechanical body painted in blue and white navy colors. Its height reached almost fifteen meters, but it still looked quite stout. Compared to its normal limb proportions, the head of this thing looks very small, and it seems that it has no neck, and the entire head is almost sandwiched by raised shoulders.

Except for the weird shape of the head, the limbs of this gadget are almost similar to humans. The metal armor wrapped on the outside is very American style, simple and full of mechanical beauty. The only thing that affects the appearance is the huge weapon backpack behind that guy. This thing looks like the bell-ringer of Notre Dame. Not only is the camel very powerful, but it seems to be a little bit pressed by the thing on the back Feeling out of breath.

Just when everyone was there to defame this thing and the **** backpack on it was too weird, the thing suddenly moved. I saw the backpack on its back suddenly stretched out to both sides, and then pulled out a weird cannon. This én gun has a long extension tube, at least eight meters in visual inspection, and it is quite stout. The various protrusions on it are also terrible. The structure looks quite uncoordinated, and it feels like a set of children The blocks are glued to the surface of a steel pipe.

When this thing is unfolded, the giant robot poses a forward-backward posture. This is the standard standing posture. The stretched back can offset the center of gravity shift caused by recoil.

After putting on the shape, the én gun on this guy's shoulder suddenly started to emit a buzzing sound, and then everyone found that the air around this thing seemed to be distorted. This phenomenon is often seen on the road in midsummer. It was the air that caused the heat làng. Obviously, this stuff generates a lot of heat when it is working, and even the sea wind that is currently blowing cannot cool it down.

As a dragon with a strong sense of energy, we discovered the existence of this thing almost immediately after it started. Lucky and Silver, who were competing with the two warships, also raised their heads for the first time and looked at the stuff, but they didn't move in a hurry, but they were watching.

Although we hesitated for a while, the robot did not hesitate. Just two seconds later, a lot of light spots suddenly appeared in the muzzle of the gadget and began to gather toward the center of the muzzle, and then a flash, a blue and white sè The beam of light emerged instantly. The target of that beam of light should be silver, because the beam of light was directly towards her. The beam of light first hit the island of the battleship that Silver was destroying, and then passed through it as if it were a layer of water-soaked tissue paper. However, due to his extreme sense of energy and his high-sensitivity ng, silver made a dodge action at the moment the opponent fired, but the beam was almost moving at the speed of light. Although silver evaded in advance, it failed. Completely flickered away, but just avoided the vitality of the ng mouth, but the wings were hit by the beam. Almost only in the beam of light for less than a second, her entire wing was penetrated by ng, and a gap that reached one-third of the front and back span of the wing was hit instantly, and the bone position at the front of the wing was hit, and the rest muscle

o Not enough to support her wings, so that the whole wing fell down.

Fortunately, the "wife" immediately gave up the attacking ship and flew towards Silver when he saw that Silver was injured, but Silver was not stupid. After hitting a shot, he simply released the destroyer and fell into it. The water sank. Immediately on the sea, a large area was stained with blood and water.

Fortunately, after the silver sank into the water, it followed the head and plunged into the water. The robot on the other side that was engaged in secondary energy suddenly lost its target. However, it quickly found new targets, as three small spots on the sea were rushing towards him. These three dots are not others, it is Jingjing and Lingling.

Before I saw the luck of their shipbreaking, we had no hand. Anyway, it is more professional to deal with large objects such as battleships. But now silver is injured. Fortunately, to protect her, we naturally hurry up. On the one hand, the thing must be prevented from continuing to attack them, and on the other hand, the threat must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Looking at us approaching at high speed, the robot immediately turned the muzzle and aimed at the center. I sent a beam of light, but compared to silver, my flexibility was significantly higher, and more importantly, I already had I was ready, so as soon as the opponent ’s energy response reached the threshold, I immediately dodged. Basically, it had n’t fired yet, and I was no longer on its strike line.

The first shot was missed immediately by the guy, but the result was still the same. Probably knowing that this is not possible, the guy started to reduce the power of the hair to increase the speed. As a result, he failed to hit even seven or eight rounds. However, although I was not hit, each time the energy column flew past us, Jingjing and Lingling could clearly feel a feeling of overcharge on my body. Although the beam of light itself is highly concentrated, there seems to be an electric field effect around it, so it feels like it has entered a thunderstorm area, and the whole body is static.

Although that thing increased the speed, but after seven or eight shells, we were also close to the aircraft carrier. Seeing us approaching, the robot retracted the cannon on its back, then suddenly two small ngs were opened on his shoulders, and two eight-tube-speed guns protruded from the ng, and then began to violently Open fire. However, this short-range weapon is still ineffective for us. With the flexibility of the mobile ng, we easily passed the barrage and rushed to its side.

when. The first person I hit hit the robot's head, and the glass structure on the front of the guy's head exploded instantly, and then I put my hand directly into its head, the wrist fluttered, and a circle of blue and white sè The impact aura of the smashed in, and the head of that thing burst into a pile of scattered fragments.

When I blasted off the guy's head, Jingjing hit the shield on the guy's right shoulder. Immediately after the gun was fired, it was immediately shot into the discus by Jingjing's shield. Although this shield is not the Holy Shield in the game, it is the strongest material that can be synthesized by the Science and Technology Department of Longyuan Group. Compared to our armor and various weapons, this thing is almost indestructible, at least for the time being, it must be possible to use nuclear-level equipment to destroy it, and the destructive power in individual combat Equipment is basically impossible.

When Jingjing snapped the cannon on the right shoulder of the guy, Lingling also cut off the cannon on its left shoulder at the same time, so that the guy's firepower stopped instantly.

Suddenly hitting this thing by taking a step backward to stabilize the figure, but it did not panic, as soon as it stopped, immediately reached out and patted the three of us, the action seemed to be catching flies. However, he just raised his hand and heard a gurgling sound immediately, Lingling actually took her sword and cut all three fingers on the left hand of this guy.

The palm of this robot is also five fingers like a human. Although three are missing, although it can still grasp things, the stability is much worse. On the other hand, Jingjing's impact on the guy's left hand

o Although it also hit its palm, it just blasted it a little bit temporarily. Obviously, the solidity of this thing is not too low. As for Lingling, I think it is because Lingling's swords are different. Like Jingjing's shield, Lingling's sword is also special. Although the cutting principle is similar, its material is better than our sword, and her sword also has an ultrasound

o Resonance device can let the molecules of the object enter the resonance state before touching the object, thereby destroying its structural strength and making it easier to be cut. Although this kind of device can be very good, but the cost is too high, so only among us Lingling's sword is equipped, others do not have this design.

Although the three of us only had Lingling cut off three fingers of that guy, this thing suddenly made a harsh noise. We all shook our ears and backed, and it took a half step back, and then the body suddenly lit up. A strange color. These colors are like spreading pigments that cover all parts of the robot's body surface in an instant, but unlike the previous i color, this color is actually golden. The original navy i color machine actually turned into a machine made of gold, and the whole was shining with golden light.

Although I didn't know what it was doing ~ ~, I rushed up with my sword immediately. However, when my sword cut again to the gap in its head, I heard a continuous sound of noise, and at the same time my sword was in contact with that guy, and it was splashing with fire, but no matter how hard I tried , But just can't go in.

when. Just when I was desperately trying to get the sword in, the guy's big hand suddenly swept over, and slapped me out with a slap. Seeing this situation, Lingling rushed up again with a sword, but the situation of originally cutting off her three fingers easily did not occur again. This time, Lingling's sword actually encountered the same situation as me, no matter how hard she could not cut it in. .

when. Lingling who was blocked there soon followed my footsteps and was shot directly. The thing then ejected a gun barrel from the arm, and then blasted at us. The barrel seems to be very thin for it, but considering its volume, this thing is actually larger than the tank's main gun caliber. Fortunately, although Lingling and I were shot and flew, anyway Jingjing was all right, she rushed over in time to block the shell with a shield.

"Damn, what's going on with this thing?" Since it was shot, I simply hid under the deck of the battleship with Jingjing and Lingling, and I had to use my brain to deal with this kind of uncut thing. . ..

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