Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 46: Origin of the Dragon Race

"Shenlin." My father suddenly reminded me when I didn't respond for a long time.

"Here. I just suddenly wanted to understand." [Search for the latest updates in .. | m |]

"Now that you understand, what do I need to do next without reminding me?" Dad's tone seemed rather cold when he was talking. To be honest, this is the first time I have heard my dad speak in this tone.

Of course I understand what Dad meant, just thinking about it is still a bit too much. "That one……"

"You can't bear it?" Dad guessed what I thought the first time.

"If the civilians have channels to speak, their words will not have much effect. This time all countries have been played by Americans, so what should be said about the news. No one should be confused. Even if Americans pull a few locals As a witness, I don't think anyone should believe it. Besides, if the information about our existence is really violent, it's not just us who offend. "

If Americans want to prove that this incident is not their cause, then there are only two ways. On the pretext, other countries have "fired" nuclear weapons, but this method is very unreliable. Then, apart from this method, the only remaining method is to tell the truth. But I, our dragons are secretive and should not appear in world opinion, and most other frontline countries have similar existences. If the Americans dare to lift us up, then we will implement the principle of secret bundling as well as the principle of nuclear bundling, and lift up the secret forces of other countries together. This hurts not just one or two countries, but the whole world, uh ... at least the common interests of all the first-rate and second-rate powers. The United States is strong, but tying all the first-rate and second-rate powers around the world, this balance will certainly not fall to the United States. Besides, once this matter is opened up, Americans ’own interests will also be greatly affected. Many people in their country will first jump out to stop this matter, so we think that it is possible for Americans to provide us. Minimal.

However, although the possibility of ng is negligible, in terms of national interest, it is worth doing anything that violates ethics, morals, and human beings for any reasonably small possibility, because the violent machine of the state is used to do this.

Of course, although the state organization is a violent machine, the executor is still human, and I happen to be in such a position that may control him. This really makes me feel a little embarrassed ...

"Do you really feel like leaving these witnesses?" Dad asked coldly.

After a little thought, I nodded firmly. "Yes, I think they should be okay. It is too expensive to sacrifice the names of tens of thousands of people for a so-called foolproof. Even if it is not our people, even if they can't live long, I still think This is necessary. Our dragon race is a sane race, but we cannot become a race without emotions. So I hope to end this follow-up plan. "

After a long period of silence in the communication, I suddenly remembered the son-in-law's voice. "I said you guys are all right to find something? The dragons are the perfect race and won't become murderous! Really, I thought your old bones wouldn't go to science fiction movies like little young people!"

"Son-in-law?" I asked for a video communication suspiciously, and the other side immediately agreed, and then a small window appeared on my retina, showing a very simple conference room, except for one paved. Outside the long table with green tablecloth, there are only a few potted plants left in this room, and the walls and the floor are just simple paints and carpets. It looks as simple as possible. However, the circle of people sitting around this table is not easy, because most of the faces appearing on this table can be seen during the NPC meeting, and these people are sitting on the main table Characters. Of course, there are also some characters who will not appear in any publicity reports, but there are not many of them. They are either middle-aged people in suits or elderly people in Tang suits or Zhongshan suits, and of course there are several military uniforms. Middle-aged and older.

Dad is at this table now, and he is in a suit. His position is on the left side of the screen, which is quite far away from the long table, and this only shows that his position is relatively low among these people. After all, this position can be understood at a glance. The one who is directly opposite the screen at the table is the first head. The closer the left and right sides are to him, the more weight. Status is low. Of course, sitting at this table, even if you are sitting at the bottom, will definitely make those governors and ministers follow you behind you.

"Then what are all the heads. Sorry, can you explain what was happening just now?" Seeing all of them looked at me with a smile, I felt like a question mark in my head.

After I asked, the head of the number one who was facing the camera suddenly smiled and said. "Shenlin, it was just one of our tests. I hope you don't mind."


"Yes." Chief One said: "I think you should know more about that meteorite than we know, and you know all the immigration plans after that. You guys ..." I can't remember, I got stuck for a moment, then suddenly thought of it and said, "The dragon is the one."

I quickly nodded.

The No. 1 Chief immediately continued: "You may not know the origin of the Dragons. You are not entirely made by Dragon Margin. Most of your genes come from the Fourth District. Before, we always thought that it was an alien gene. .

However, didn't you grab some alien computers back some time ago? Our researchers analyzed those computers and found that the genes in your body are not actually alien genes, but a kind of combat weapon made by aliens without a complete idea. "

"What? We are fighting weapons?"

My dad suddenly took the conversation and said, "Oh, deep forest, this is the case. According to the contents of the alien computer we analyzed, your original genes are indeed a super combat weapon. The purpose of aliens to make this creature In fact, they are similar to ours. They also want to use this creature to act as a spacecraft pilot and combatant. "

"I can understand why aliens make combat creatures. Why even pilots use our genes? Do their spacecraft fly in the air for thousands of years and need to freeze the people?" (Mo Mo was silently hand type)

"That's not it." Dad explained: "According to our analysis, aliens spend much more time on interstellar voyages than we do, but the universe is too big, and their interstellar voyages generally take one or two months. Time. Although it is much happier than we have flew for thousands of years, it is still too long. So they also used a way of exhausting our frozen dormancy for space navigation, and during this time, you guys Such biochemicals have become the best navigators and combat defenders. As for those combat ships, they are full of such biochemicals, and the reason is that your genetically modified biochemicals are everywhere All aspects of the genus are beyond the aliens themselves. The speed of reaction in space war is directly related to the survival rate. "

After our analysis, the physique of this group of aliens may be similar to that of us humans, and can be said to be very weak. If in the universe, these natural persons are allowed to fly the spacecraft and fight against the spacecraft you fly, even if the spacecraft ng can be the same, I think it is not a problem for you to be one enemy ten. "

I thought for a moment and then nodded: "If the ammunition and energy are enough, one enemy may not be a problem. After all, the human body's ability to resist overload is too poor, even if the spacecraft is extremely capable of movement, your bodies are also It can't stand it. Also, the human anti-shooting nerve is incomparable to us. The speed is too slow, which will be a huge disadvantage in battle. "

My dad answered immediately after I said: "Aliens also recognize their physical deficiencies, so they have created biochemicals like you to do things that they are not fit to do. However, those aliens People and our ideas are not the same. The biochemical people they make are more like robots, without feelings, rigid thinking, and no creativity. "Mo Shen hit.

"Then we?"

"Although your original genes were based on biochemical human-invented inventions of aliens, we made some adjustments in the initial experimental stage and incorporated some human genes. Nu Wa also made adjustments and modifications. Compared to your original form, You should be a lot stronger, not too weak. After all, although the spacecraft was an alien technology thousands of years ago, the genes of your model were actually in the experimental stage at that time and were not completed. The stars did not have the original biochemicals of your model at that time, of course, their technology should be able to be researched soon, but I think that during this period the war must be delayed for some time. So even if you encounter those aliens People don't expect to be much weaker. "

At this time, the leader of the No. 1 topic said: "Because the aliens originally designed you as combat weapons, we old guys are worried that you will extinction and return to life, although your genes have been modified. Yes, but we ca n’t fully believe those data. So this test is there, but it seems to be pretty good now, you have n’t rejected the rejection of Huirenhuing. On the contrary, compared with some people ’s tears, you have instead There are more people ng. Please forgive our distrust. After all, as the head of a country, we cannot take the future of the entire Hui people as an adventure. If you consider the zero bar and group to be a **** higher than humans because of your own strength , But human life is ants, then we really do not rest assured to hand over the entire migrant fleet to you. "

Although I was a little uncomfortable, I nodded quickly, "I can understand this. After all, let a group of wolves go to the train to transport sheep, then it is better not to **** it. But what are you going to do this time? These Does anyone really care? "

"That's not it." The expression of Chief No. 1 immediately became serious. The gentle smile before has been completely replaced by a quiet and cold expression. "For these survivors, our decision is this. First of all, you must scan them electronically. You must not leave any physical evidence, such as photos, videos, etc., must never exist. Second, use your ability to give them Warning, it will increase the difficulty for ordinary reporters or ordinary good people to obtain information from them. As long as these two points are achieved. The other should not be a problem. Anyway, we just do not want to let the public opinion know about this matter, and we do not want to prevent other governments from returning to their homes Know this. It shouldn't be difficult to lock back. "

I nodded and said, "I understand that. Then, if there is no problem with me, I request that the task be started immediately."

"You're busy."

After cutting off communications in my country, I first looked at the surroundings. The seawater was almost receding at this time. The ruin under my feet has basically come out of the water, and there is still some standing water in the low-lying areas on the ground. The distant sea has basically returned to calm. Although the sea water is still dàng, the waves are not too big, but there are no ships left at sea.

After confirming that the explosion shock had passed, I quickly connected the signals of Jingjing and Lingling. "Where are you two?"

The answer to me was a huge water column and a sudden burst of ruin behind me. After Jingjing and Lingling flew up, they flew towards me and landed next to me. .

"Did you see Xing Yunyun and Silver?"

"The radio is still a bit" cluttered ". The underwater part is temporarily unscannable, but there are signals from both of them in data communications. Life should be fine."

We were talking, and suddenly felt that the signals of Xing Yunyun and Silver became strong, and the two signals were approaching us quickly. Less than five seconds later, a white track suddenly appeared on the sea ahead, and then the water surface saw a large bulge. Less than five seconds later, the swelled part of the sea suddenly broke off from the water, a faucet appeared on the sea, and then less than a second later, another head burst out.

"It's Xing Yunyun and Silver." Lingling shouted pointing at the front.

"Go, look over."

By the time we fly to the port, both dragons have landed. Fortunately, Yun Yun's body looks quite complete, but some of the scales are missing. Lu has made some large and small wounds, but the depth should only be a flesh wound. Fortunately, compared to luck, silver doesn't look so embarrassed, but it is actually much heavier. The root of his right wing was almost bombarded by a third, and the wing shook on the ground and looked completely immobile.

"How are you, Baiyin?" Because I knew that Xing Yunyun was not really hurt, I ignored him directly.

Bai Yin glanced at his wings and said, "I have shielded the nerve signals here, so I didn't feel pain at that time, but the bones were broken, and the whole was shattered. I could n’t even take it if I wanted to borrow it. , It may be necessary to return to the base and replace a new bone. "

The skeletons of our dragons are all mechanical skeletons. They are just like robots, so broken bones can be replaced, but fortunately, Yun Yun and Silver are so large that it is more laborious to change bones. After all, such a big figure was standing there, even if the whole pig-knife was "plugged" into their body, it seemed to them that it was almost stuck with a needle.

After inquiring about the situation of silver, I said to Xing Yunyun again, "How did you do it this time? My wife was beaten. It ’s understandable to get revenge, but do you have to use this big trick? Do you look at this? The city is yours. If it were n’t for this time Americans had a top tank, my dad would have to chop you up to make leather shoes! "

"So what am I impulsive!"

"For our dragons, impulsivity is unforgivable. Human impulses are because of their characteristics in their genes, which cannot be completely suppressed by subjective emotions. But there are no defects in our genes, and you will still be impulsive. This shows that you haven't taken the initiative to suppress this idea at all. "

"I know what's wrong isn't it? You see that I've been injured like this, don't scold me!" Fortunately, I was so badly wounded that I pretended to be sympathetic, but unfortunately he was not a kitten Puppy, no matter how you pretend, no one feels distressed.

When Bai Yin saw her husband was scolded, he hurried out and said, "Shenlin, don't scold him, he is also concerned about me!"

After hearing Bai Yin's pleading, I said to Xing Huiyun: "This time, I will give you silver, and I won't say you, and next time I will transfer you to the body of the dragon, and put it in the exhibition box."

Xing Huiyun shouted as soon as I heard Matsuguchi: "There must be no next time ~ ~ I heard that Xing Huiyun had promised to take him with me to deter those refugees, and I suddenly felt A very strong energy

o Motion suddenly came from under the sea.

"I'm leaning, get things still!"

Almost as soon as I finished shouting, a huge water column suddenly rose on the distant sea surface, and as the jacked-up seawater flowed down one after another, the huge pedestrian machine appeared again in our In sight. However, just when we thought that this thing was going to attack us again, the thing was flying and suddenly a large cloud of black smoke was ejected from behind, and then the entire robot began to crook to the side, and the height continued to drop. However, this guy happened to support the taxi to the port before plunging it back into the water, but the water depth at this time was not enough to completely submerge this guy, at least its waist was above the water. However, even if he wasn't flooded, this guy seemed almost finished, after all, the billowing smoke on his back looked like it was about to explode.

I looked at the robot over there and said, "Fortunately, aren't you saying you want to get revenge for the return shipment? The fallen dogs have been delivered to the door. You haven't hurry to fight?". !! .

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