Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 47: Demolished it

With my reminder, luck was almost thrown out at the speed of teleportation. The robot over there supported the climb to the cement pier on the shore after falling in the port, but it just got lucky as soon as it stood up. It was thrown back into the water in one fell swoop, and the sky was full of splashes.

As soon as the robot fell into the water, he desperately hugged Lucky's neck and tried to control his head, but fortunately, he suddenly raised his claw and shook the opponent's shoulder. Of course, because of that layer of gold armor, there was no No breakdown, but this made the robot's arm loose. [Search for the latest updates in .. | m |]

In theory, robots and humans are different. When they are attacked, there should be no human response. For example, if a strong man catches a woman as a hostage, if the woman can suddenly attack the man's crotch at this time, then the man will probably let go because of great pain. This is an instinctive reaction, even if he goes consciously Resistance, the body will still respond in advance. However, the robot should not have this problem. On the one hand, it does not feel pain at all. On the other hand, the robot does not have any instinctual response. It only has instructions.

Just after the robot's shoulder was caught, it actually caused it to let go. This is obviously abnormal, but since it happened, it must be reasonable, but we have not found the necessary connection.

Probably the same problem as I noticed, Jingjing also stared at the skeptical guy who said the robot ... "

"It seems to be a problem." Lingling also noticed the situation.

I thought about it and simply started the data link to pass the information to the son-in-law. The son-in-law received the video signal I transmitted and immediately asked me: "What are you doing?"

"That robot, its movement is a bit strange. I can't explain why. You can help me analyze it."

In comparison, our son-in-law's computing power is simply god-level. If we compare the intelligence of normal humans to single-celled creatures, then the intelligence level of our dragons is almost arthropods, and the son-in-law is almost at the level of humans. . The gap is absolutely huge, so it ’s ok to ask her some unthinkable questions. If she ca n’t figure it out, then we just do n’t have to think about it anyway.

Sure enough, the son-in-law gave a reply directly within five seconds. "That guy is almost out of power. And there should be a problem with the energy storage device, and the energy supply is unstable. Fortunately, the output of the energy armor on the shoulder increased when it was grasped with a claw, causing a short period of energy in the power unit of its arm. The interruption, coupled with the lucky struggle, made it look like it had suddenly let go. "

"That's the way it is." That's what happened. When you don't know, it feels very mysterious. Once you know the reason, many things that seem to hang in the air often become simple.

Now that I know the answer, of course I will not keep it. I will use the data link to pass the message to lucky, and lucky is the first response.

The lucky guy who was scrambling in the sea with the guy suddenly kicked the guy away from it when he turned over, and at the same time he opened his mouth and sprayed a shot at the robot below. Compression energy bomb. When the robot saw this situation, he quickly guarded his arms in front of him and carried the blow hard, but what he didn't expect was that luck actually opened his wings and quickly emptied, and then he saw the white energy bomb around him started to pick up. The emergence of one. And when the robot saw these energy bombs appearing to prepare to fight back, those energy bombs suddenly smashed into the robot as if it was raining.

Fortunately, the seawater that had been blown up after a circle of energy bombs had not yet fallen down, but the silver on our side shouted suddenly, "Her husband, please move away a little, I will help." I originally heard that Silver called her to ask When I helped, I felt strange. After all, her wings were broken, and her actions must be restricted. However, I soon understood what she meant by helping. I saw the silver backpack on both sides of the weapon backpack suddenly opened two covers, and then two rotating brackets full of missiles extended from the backpack. As soon as the two brackets were extended, the front end was lifted up thirty degrees, followed by two beeps, and the two missiles took out a long white smoke.

"I x, please, do your husband and wife want revenge and do n’t use this missile for money?"

Even if I shouted distressed there was no use, the missiles that were "fired" could not be recovered. However, after I finished speaking, the two missiles burst into a small white smoke in the air, then threw the shell out, and then the two missiles flew out like a heavenly girl. A lot of bullets. These small missiles, which are much smaller than the large missiles, are like a group of small bees flying out of the mother warhead and rushing to the water spray in the port that has not completely fallen. If these missiles hit all of them, it is estimated that the robot is not considered You have to be disabled if you don't die. However, in the end those missiles still missed their targets.

Just when we thought that the robot was finished, the seawater at the port suddenly exploded again, and then we saw that the robot suddenly burst out of the rising water column and flew to the shore, and then just after it flew from its original position The small missiles all fell into the place where it was just now, and then there was a burst of explosions. The sea at the entire port was almost overturned, and even the stones under the port were lulled out. The water surface, and the sea water is either being impacted

o Blow off, or just haven't come down in the sky.

Although avoiding the fatal blow, the robot was obviously embarrassing. As soon as it appeared, it flew less than 20 meters and planted it in the cargo storage area of ​​the port area. It smashed a large number of messy containers that had been hit by the previous tsunami.

Fortunately, there was no pause in seeing that guy again, and his mouth opened with a bomb of energy. The guy below immediately raised his hand to block the energy bomb, but fortunately, he rushed down and pounced on it with the cover of the energy bomb.

After being caught by Lucky, the guy immediately responded and stretched out his hand, pinching Lucky's two dragon horns, and then desperately tried to prevent Lucky from biting it. But fortunately, his lucky head was stuck, but he was still pushing down hard, trying to force it down. As soon as the robot saw this situation, the ng mouth opened several small covers at once, and then heard the sound of crickets constantly ringing, and piles of red unknown weapons from the guy's ng mouth "shot" out, However, as soon as the ammunitions flew out, they ran into the lucky ng mouth, and then all were bombed out by the scales. It was impossible to break the lucky defense.

Although he would not be broken by the thing, luck still felt the ng mouth was very hot. He quickly pressed his claws to the two "shot" mouths and grabbed them with a strong bang, with two bangs. The "shot" mouth was immediately scrapped, and then the guy opened two more openings in the stomach, and then two machine guns reached out and began to "shot" against the lucky belly, but the lucky scales were not afraid of machine guns at all. Other than being hurt, the thing had almost no effect on transport, but fortunately in the end, the barrel of the two cannons was bent with their hind paws.

Seeing the machine gun was useless, the center of the ng mouth of the robot suddenly opened two layers of armor, and then something like a satellite receiving antenna came out.

Although this thing is somewhat like a satellite antenna, it is actually not the same as a satellite antenna. First of all, it is not an external antenna, but it is embedded in the ng port of the robot. Only a recessed bowl-shaped structure can be seen from the outside. In addition, the bottom of this bowl-shaped structure is not the white radio anti-radiation paint in the ordinary satellite antenna, but a bright anti-radiation film like a mirror. Finally, there is a protruding cylindrical structure in the center of this thing, but this cylindrical object is not a receiver like a regular antenna. On the contrary, this thing is a bit like the infrared emitter of a domestic infrared heater.

Even at the moment when this thing appeared, we thought it was a little familiar, and as it started, we immediately reacted to what it was.

Gamma "shot" line gun, also known as directional radiation "shot" gun, its working principle is to focus the gamma "shot" line generated in the nuclear reaction to "shot" in one direction, so as to achieve the purpose of destruction and destruction. Inside Dragon's Edge, we generally call this kind of directional nuclear bomb, because its principle of action is basically similar to that of nuclear bombs. The only difference is that nuclear bombs "shot" its destructive force in all directions, and it only goes in one direction. emission". Because its power is more concentrated, it can produce hundreds of times more destructive power in the destruction area than the equivalent nuclear weapon even with lower nuclear material consumption.

This kind of thing may not be clear to others, but we are too familiar because we just used it half an hour ago. That's right, that killer satellite. The killer satellite of our dragon edge is actually not a simple energy weapon. It is actually a gigawatt-class light cannon, a positron electron gun (proton weapon), a gamma "shot" line gun, and an emp electromagnetic radiation "shot". The combination of artillery, according to the needs of the ground station, killer satellites can freely combine or launch any one of the energy weapons. Because these energy weapons are different in Wright ng, they can often achieve unexpected results on certain specific occasions or specific targets. It is for this reason that our killer satellites have so many strike capabilities at the same time. Of course, there is another reason why it is so complicated, that is, when these weapons are all gathered together and activated at the same time, it will become the first level-the planet destruction cannon, a kind that can be on the surface of the earth. Shoot superweapons that can be seen in space directly with the naked eye. As long as we think about it, in theory, this thing is a super killer that can blow up the old Crystal Mountain base in one breath. There is no air-raid shelter or underground facilities in front of it, because it can even penetrate directly. The crust bombards the magma of the mantle. For this weapon, humans currently have no protection capabilities. Of course, we don't dare to do that easily. After all, piercing the earth's crust can cause a chain reaction. We don't want to finish with whom.

Anyway, it can be selected as one of the weapons by the killer satellite. This gamma "shooting" line gun is definitely a weapon of the level of the big killer. Before seeing the light beam of the "shooter" on the robot's back, we already felt very powerful. I didn't expect that this thing would even carry more terrifying things. However, although it turned out this thing, luck is not stupid.

As a dragon, lucky energy sensing is naturally very strong. Almost immediately after the gadget was activated, lucky discovered the purpose of this thing. Fortunately, he did not hide. On the contrary, he suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed Longyan on the deformed head of the guy, followed by luck and began to lower his head desperately, and adjusted the direction of his mouth to the launcher.

Of course the robot knew what lucky was doing, so it desperately stood up to the lucky dragon's horns and prevented him from aiming at the launcher, but lucky Long Yan still made him defeat the robot. Fortunately, we have learned that the robot ’s energy is out of order, so instead of aiming at the launcher, he started spraying the dragon, but he kept spraying, and fighting with the robot while spraying. .

The robot is now in a state of insufficient power supply. As soon as lucky Long Yan sprayed on him, he had to concentrate the energy on the energy shield to resist the high temperature erosion of Long Yan. With the transfer of energy, the power of his hand The motor immediately lost power due to insufficient power supply. As a result, the power that could have been comparable to that of Lucky was now obviously falling, and I could only watch Lucky Longyan move a little to Gamma. 『Shooter』 of line gun.

As Long Yan gradually moved towards the gamma "shooting" line gun, the gold armor of the robot's body suddenly began to flash brightly and darkly, and then the armor of his ng mouth began to soften and deform. Trend, and the "shooter" of the "shot" line gun began to gradually turn red. This red is not a sign of the firing of the transmitter, but the metal on the surface is burned red.

After carrying it hard for nearly fifteen seconds, the gold body on the robot suddenly retreated, and then saw that the position of the ng mouth of the guy changed from gray to orange red at a speed visible to the naked eye within a few seconds. Then, to the bright white, there was a sudden bang at the end, and a ball of fire came out from it. At the same time, we also felt that a large number of radial "radiation" lines began to appear in the surrounding space. Needless to say, that guy ’s gamma “shot” line gun must have exploded, and the nuclear material in it should have leaked out ~ ~ so such a strong radiation "shot" appeared around.

I looked back at the back of the city with pity, and then suddenly thought of something, so I quickly called Jingjing to explain to her. Jingjing nodded and immediately spread her wings and turned towards the refugees.

After Jingjing turned around and flew away, luck on the battlefield over there had already achieved complete dominance. The disappearance of the gold sè on the robot only indicates that it has no energy to support the energy armor, and with the disappearance of the energy armor, the lucky attack immediately had a significant effect on this guy. With a squeak of metal twisting, Lucky bit the guy's right shoulder and slammed his head back, tearing his arm off.

Turning his head to shake off the arm, fortunately he immediately tore off the other arm of the guy, and then the whole body stood up. Then, like a polar bear hunting a seal, the whole body was concentrated on the two front paws. The ng mouth of the robot smashed down. Just listening to the bang, the robot's upper body was smashed into the ground, the ng mouth part fell down a large area, and the energy response on this guy was also disappearing quickly, apparently in fact lost its function.

"It doesn't seem to matter here. Lingling, you go with me to see the refugees. There is the radiation" radiation "left by that robot. .

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