Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 51: Dream and reality

"Nuwa, can you predict how our finished product" **** "can be? How much thrust can it have? How fast?"

The son-in-law just hesitated for a second or two before answering directly: "Your question is a bit difficult to answer, because we can't just build a single thruster."

I only heard my son-in-law's words and my reaction was really stupid. It is like when humans invented the internal combustion engine, they were first divided into two types: diesel and gasoline engines, and then according to different power needs, each engine also has different "performance" characteristics. Some have higher speeds, some have higher torque, and of course, some super engines will surpass other engines in all aspects, so it is silly to simply ask how much power the engine has, because there is no way to determine the power without a model.

"Sorry, I didn't think about it clearly. Then you should have classified our propellers. I just want to know which type of migrant ship and our warship will be installed?"

"Your question is still incomplete, but Zero Soul I probably understand what you want to know. The specific thruster model is probably like this. Based on the characteristics of the super electromagnetic thruster, I will cross-classify it.

First of all, it is divided into military and civilian types according to the different personnel. The civilian type only requires stable thrust and economical energy consumption. On the basis of the civilian type, the military type can release energy restrictions to obtain explosive power and instantaneous direction changing ability. Of course, this has special requirements on the overall structure and manufacturing materials. In addition, according to different usage requirements, Zero Spirit I will also make a horizontal classification of the super electromagnetic thruster, and name them a-type and β-type. Type a super electromagnetic thruster is mainly used for large ships, such as immigration ships or large battleships. This model requires strong output power and long battery life. In addition, the beta type will be used for attack fighters and transportation boats, and is dedicated to small ships. Compared to type a, type β requires a higher thrust-to-weight ratio, and also requires explosive power and instant response capabilities, but the requirements on battery life can be reduced. "

I nodded and said, "This classification is really good, so what level can their" **** "reach?"

"In terms of thrust alone, the strongest should be the thrusters equipped for our **** carrier, which will be designed reasonably according to the optimal" **** ". I predict that the thrust of a single thruster should reach about 2.8 billion tons. Depending on the volume of the **** carrier, 36 to 38 thrusters may be installed. In addition, there may be hundreds of auxiliary thrusters with a thrust of about 3 to 5 tons. As for the maximum speed, this It has no practical significance. If necessary, the speed of the **** carrier and the migrant ship can easily break through one-fifth the speed of light, or even one-fourth the speed of light. It is not impossible, but given that we are currently With the detection technology and the computer's response capabilities, we usually keep the spacecraft at one tenth the speed of light, which is the limit. After all, the universe is not a horse, and the speed is too fast. We can't escape the obstacles in front. Volume Small ones can also rely on protective shields and armored hard resistance, but in case of encountering the planet, it is troublesome. So after we copied this thruster, our speed was not limited. The power of the aircraft is our detection technology. As for small aircraft, there is no question of speed. If the fighter is fighting in air, the speed is too fast. The pilot ca n’t even react, let alone the body cannot bear the horror. Even if we use the physical fitness of our dragon to be a pilot, the maximum g-force is barely over 10,000. If it is large, we will still play eggs. So the speed of a small aircraft is not that it can fly multiple pieces, but that How fast can you drive. If we make a missile with a super electromagnetic thruster, we can even accelerate it to infinitely close to the speed of light with sufficient energy and acceleration distance, but what's the use of that? "

The son-in-law said it makes sense. The working principle of the super-electromagnetic thruster is not the same concept as the rocket thruster now known to ordinary people. Under the premise of a constant working state of a rocket thruster, its acceleration capability will gradually decrease with the continuous increase of its own speed. This is also the reason why human aircraft usually cannot fly too fast, because once the speed reaches A certain standard, the rocket thruster will be reduced to almost negligible level. In this state, how can you say that it is possible to accelerate?

However, hyperelectromagnetic thrusters are not the same as rocket thrusters. Its working principle determines that as long as there is space nearby, it can obtain a stable thrust. Although this thrust will also decrease as the rocket thruster increases with speed, it can theoretically accelerate itself to the speed of light. In fact, considering various losses and some physical variables, it can only practically approach the speed of light infinitely, but never reach the speed of light. However, even so, the speed of the hyper-electromagnetic thruster is much faster than that of the rocket. Considering our current poor long-range detection capabilities, it is no longer the "sex" performance of the thruster that restricts our flight speed, but the "sex" performance of the detector. After all, in the universe, it is not possible to confirm the zero-handed ahead If the regiment has any obstacles, it means that the dog is flying blindly with its eyes closed, and the ghost knows whether it will suddenly hit it.

"Son-in-law, how much time can we save if we can increase the spaceship to a fifth of the speed of light?"

"About six months." The son-in-law replied with certainty: "If we can't achieve other breakthroughs during this time, the" **** "of the propeller alone can improve, and we can stay on the earth for another six months. Starting again, this time should be enough for us to build a few more spacecraft, which should be able to save 120 million more people. "

"120 million people in six months, 20 million people in a month!" Wei Na sighed. "If only we could get more time, it would be better to give us a few more years. Then you can People from all over the country have been taken away. "

"Actually, we have a way to take all the people away. It's a pity ... forget it. Not to mention." Suddenly the son-in-law sighed that we had just given the good mood that we could save 120 million more people. No more.

In fact, we all know the way the son-in-law said, that is, the world unites, and then announces the secrets of the world's return to the end and the date of return.

The theoretical plan for this ideal solution is this. First of all, countries from all over the world returned to form a unified government, and concentrated global resources and strength. On the one hand, the internal friction caused by the black hands on the other hand is saved, and on the other hand, unnecessary losses caused by repeated research and repeated reserves can be avoided. For example, the project of preserving earth species. Because countries are now doing their own things except for the European Union ’s agreement to share the spacecraft, every country capable of immigration must preserve its own animal standards, as in the story of Noah's Ark. Samples of various animal kingdom plants around the world should be preserved and taken to an alien planet. This project is not something that everybody thinks of bringing a male and a female to each other. It is necessary to save a species, even if they use artificial methods to help them re-expand the population, or to keep two heads. Besides, the delay we have on the road is not a day or two, nor a year or two, but hundreds of years. How should those animals be preserved during this process? Let them multiply? Or cooling? Therefore, these species conservation plans actually occupy more space than the immigrants themselves. If it is not necessary to take all these earth species away, and if you personally use a spaceship, we will not take everyone before the disaster, at least Can you send Chinese people out of the box?

Because everyone has their own affairs, China has to implement a species conservation plan, the United States has to do the same, Japan has to do the same, and the European Union has to do the same. Russia is of course indispensable, and then Australia, Brazil, and other second- and third-tier countries. Well, even if they only keep some of the five species, this project is definitely enough to make them bald.

However, if you combine the government government and engage in immigration together, it will save a lot of work. The world only needs to work together to get a set of biological samples; ok, how many places can there be to hit people.

In fact, the species conservation plan is just one of the factors. There are still many things that can affect the number of migrants, but one thing is certain. As long as everyone joins together, the benefits are many. The question is-is it possible?

You ask the Chinese President to say to the President of the United States: "You America will only listen to us today." What do you think the Americans will do? The situation is the same in the reverse. Even if a coalition government is formed, everyone will hold a coalition for a while, and the situation will not be much better. The United Nations is the best proof. There are countless meetings every day, and it is normal for a topic to be noisy for a few months. This is only half the time. In the face of such major issues as the future of the country and the survival of the people and the Dai people, who do you think will let who ? Therefore, uniting the governments of various countries can only be empty talk.

Maybe someone may say that it's all the last day of the world, can we all step back and work together? Yes, it does n’t work, because the people who determine the destiny of the country are never the people who occupy the main body of the people. They are always the leadership. No matter what a country is, the people who decide the direction of the country can only be a few people. Morality is the law of physics, because you ca n’t make humans unify their thinking. Therefore, if a country is united, it can only be a minority leader. Otherwise, it will pull a boat in different directions like a group of trackmen. Because all the forces cancel each other out. So since the country is led by a small number of people, as long as this country is capable of immigration, it will inevitably lose its leadership position. After all, from the perspective of human selfishness or the overall importance, It is an inevitable result to give priority to sending the highest leadership of the country away.

So now that leaders are destined to leave, why should they take a few more people to sacrifice their leadership? Anyway, these countries are not only able to take away a few percent of the population. Now basically everyone can guarantee that their country has nearly half of the immigration rate. In this case, sacrificing the other half or bringing them does not make much sense to the strength of the country itself. So why do leaders work for these people?

Therefore, national integration is simply impossible. It is indeed possible to establish a united government of the earth, but it must be through **** wars or a more gentle integration of the people and the Dai people. Either way is very long. Time, and we just have no time now.

Among the sighs of the son-in-law, in addition to the beautiful and indeed effective but never-achievable plan of the United Earth Government Government, the announcement of the doomsday.

The core of this idea is this. First, the doomsday news is announced, and then all entertainment and unnecessary production and consumption are stopped. People around the world concentrate their efforts on preparing the immigration project, and by the time of concerted efforts, it will not be possible to get everything All the people are sent away, and it is not a problem to transport them.

But just like the coalition government plan, this plan is actually more unreliable. You can never imagine how complicated the human mind is. Once the disaster news is announced, the social order of all countries will collapse and the world will be completely paralyzed. In this case, let alone send some people away, it is estimated that the current delivery volume cannot be guaranteed.

Although it is not possible at all, in theory, if all humans on the earth can really establish a united government, and completely stop unnecessary consumption of concentrated forces to create immigration spaceships, then we can guarantee 100% of the earth's people. Immigration, what a wonderful result! Unfortunately, that can only be a dream, because human thought has never agreed, so now we can only watch as nearly two-thirds of the people on the planet are left to die on the planet.

Forget it, I also know that this thing is not reliable, so don't be sad. The son-in-law saw that we were all in a bad mood and ended the topic.

Next, the son-in-law began to introduce us to the various items and technical analysis we brought back this time. Of course, she meant to help us divert our attention, but we didn't really care about it. We could n’t take everyone away. We only feel regret, but not pain. After all, our relatives and friends can participate in immigration. Those who die are people we do n’t know or are not familiar with. Second, we are not humans, not even our race. Worrying about them is already very good, it would be too fake if you are heartbroken.

In the introduction of son-in-law, we finally got to know everything we brought back. In addition to advancing its technology and super-killer star cannon ~ ~ this harvest is actually quite a lot Yes, we also found a lot in the alien residential area that we thought would be of little value, many of which were later identified as true civilian technology, which basically did not help immigrants, but there were some Useful technology, such as an unknown device we brought back at the time, was eventually analyzed to be an interstellar communicator.

Communicators usually have the most easily damaged equipment due to the presence of transmitting and receiving antennas. The non-invasive communication equipment of aliens is basically finished, so we have not been able to figure out how aliens communicate, but we did not I thought that this time I would find an interstellar communicator in the residents. To know that such a thing is found in the residents, it is basically rarer than finding a military satellite phone in someone's home. It is enough to know that ordinary communications have general equipment. Who would be fine to bring an oversized satellite phone.

Although we only have this communicator that has no energy recently, he at least showed us the working principle and general working method of alien communication equipment, that is to say, she has actually pointed out the research direction for us, and With this guideline, we can go directly to the goal, which is much easier than blindly finding a way to communicate between stars.

After watching all the technical items on the son-in-law's side, I got in touch with my dad and discussed the issue about the tsunami. I did not expect that as soon as the information was connected, my dad gave me a very amazing answer.

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