Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 52: Hadids' unexpected gift


When I contacted my dad to find out how the Americans dealt with this matter, the answer to the 〖A〗 case that was unexpected did surprise me. "Americans admit it?"

"Yes." Dad's tone showed that he was obviously also surprised. [.. | m |]

"how can that be?"

"Nothing is impossible. Although I think this time is a bit abnormal, if you think about it, it seems that the Americans have no other way than to admit it."

When I heard Dad's words, I immediately thought about the situation of Americans. When the tsunami broke out, the American fleet was just nearby, and we were at war with only a few people and two dragons. These are not available in the news, so the Americans have no way make excuse. Of course, our Dragon's killer satellite also attacked them, but the killer satellite only shot the beam of protons. Although a beam of light can be seen, it is not very conspicuous because it is daylight. Besides, ordinary people don't know the existence of killer satellites, so this can't be taken for granted. However, I think the reason that really made Americans decide to take over this issue is not our inconvenience exposed, but other reasons.

If it is just because no evidence can be found, according to the habit of the Americans, they can make it up completely by themselves, or they can “trash” without evidence. Anyway, this is not the first time that Americans have done this. Basically, those countries that Americans have fought over the years have first accused the other party of doing something that violates international law, then this armed invasion, and the battle has ended I still haven't seen evidence of fart, but things have already been done, how can you treat him?

So Americans never need evidence, they do whatever they want, and they have as many excuses as they want.

This time, the reason why Americans took the initiative to take an uncharacteristic responsibility was that the key reason was that they had violated public anger this time. Americans are arrogant because of their strength, but they are not stupid, but rather clever. This time they used conventional troops to attack the secret troops of various countries. This is against the rules of everyone's game. This is tantamount to offending all powerful countries in the world. If they then use this as an excuse to "result" in pushing responsibility, the final result must be retaliation by all countries in the world. Americans don't want that to happen, they also know that they are not strong enough to challenge the world on their own, so they take the initiative.

What does it cost to take responsibility? Quite simply, I was condemned by some verbal nations, and then compensated for some money. Afterwards, I sent troops to do things to help them, and I said that there was really nothing to lose except a few dollars. However, if they do n’t admit it, then they must accept the joint containment of the world ’s powerful nations. By then, they will not only lose money as simple as that, but even if only in terms of money, the loss will be absolute. More than the sum of the losses to be borne.

With such obvious stakes in place, Americans can make the right decision without even thinking about it unless they suddenly become collectively stupid.

"Dad, what did the Americans say after confessing? They released nuclear weapons? There must be a reason for such a big deal? Otherwise, how to stop others from talking?"

"Nuclear accident." Dad replied: "The Americans just held a press conference at the White House and announced that the aircraft carriers in the aircraft carrier fleet passing by Africa were carrying their newly developed next-generation experimental nuclear reactor, but this reactor When the fleet passed through Africa, an abnormality occurred suddenly, so the fleet docked near the port to prepare for inspection and troubleshooting, but during the inspection, the reactor suddenly exploded for an unknown reason. As a result, the tsunami invaded the port city and the nuclear power in the reactor The material leaked out, which caused a strong radiation "radiation" in the area. "

"I rely, Americans really make excuses. Does anyone doubt it?"

"What the" governments "of all countries want is the attitude of the Americans. Since they bow their heads and confess their mistakes, then the" governments "of various countries will not pursue this matter. As for the people, public opinion can guide them."

Dad is right. No more ordinary people can go to the scene to investigate the explosion. In the end, everyone can only get the investigation report issued by the news unit and the military. And this time, because of the strong radiation "blast" in the explosion area, even ordinary news units It is also impossible to enter. Only large-scale news organizations of various countries can wear the three defense suits to enter the area for interviews and reports with the help of this team. This will undoubtedly reduce the difficulty of blocking the news. After all, the national military can help provide three defenses. The equipped news organization will not necessarily be a star gossip magazine, for these large news units. It is too simple to control their voice. After all, these units know what to say. Even if the "government" doesn't say hello, they will consciously help cover up.

In any case, the attitude of the Americans this time has been recognized by everyone, and the subsequent things can not be nothing more than losing money. Although it seems to the countries that know the truth that the United States ’international reputation and status have suffered a serious blow this time, even if it denies that this blow has already been caused, the United States has not undertaken any additional losses.

After communicating with my dad for a while, I ended up communicating and returned to the lounge. Although this time the matter has not subsided, but the future things no longer need us to manage. As for the ruins, I think joint development is an inevitable thing. After all, China ’s reinforcements have arrived there when we left. Now every country is equal to having secret troops guarding there, so everyone will only Be able to split the next benefit equally.

In addition, because the Americans created an excuse for a nuclear accident, this time it was convenient for countries to open the ruins. After all, it is possible to send troops over there under the banner of humanitarian aid and justice. Who will let go of such a good opportunity?

Since there was nothing to worry about me, I said hello to the pets and started to reconnect to the game. Fortunately, the physical examination did not affect his electronic brain connection network, so he returned with us. in the game.

After re-logging in the game, of course, I ran to the God of War for the first time to understand the situation, but what I didn't expect was that I just appeared on the streets of Isinger and found that the city seemed a bit wrong. Looking at it, I was surprised to find that there were several ruins in Isinger Sky City hanging upside down, and these ruins seemed to be connected in a straight line from the center of the city to the outside of the city.

"I rely, what's going on?"

"Well? President, you are back!" Suddenly I saw me appearing, and a guild player immediately screamed excitedly.

Saying hello to him without care, I pulled him directly and pointed at the rubble in a line above my head and asked, "What's going on?"

"That was caused by the escaped goddess of Olympus." The player said angrily: "It's all because the guy on duty at the time was so guileless, and actually opened the cell door in violation of the rules, so that you caught him The goddess ran away. "

"The goddess I caught?" I stumbled at the introduction, and then suddenly remembered it. Yes indeed. Before I left, I just signed the agreement with Aphrodite. Wasn't that just asking her to pretend to escape from us and run back to the Olympians to undercover us? So she's started? It's really fast enough.

Thinking that this is just an ordinary player, I don't know what the specific thing is, so I let go of him and hurriedly rushed to the chaos and the temple of order. Of course, this kind of thing about the protoss has to ask the talents of the temple. Of course, Wei Na is not online these days, so she should not know, but Xinghuo and Peacock are both here, and it is right to ask her.

In fact, when I rushed to the Temple of Order and Chaos, Weiner was already asking about this. After all, she also left the game during this time. Now that Starfire and Peacock are the first to report this to her, And I don't know why Hades is here.

"Well, are people still here?" As soon as I entered the room, I saw Hadis, who was facing away from the door, and the sparks and peacocks on both sides.

Hades turned around when he heard the door ringing, first nodded slightly to me, and then said, "In the two days you left, Aphrodite has completed the plan with us. first step."

As I walked to them, I said, "I have seen it when I came here, and I know the general situation from passers-by. Please tell me the details and your specific arrangements."

Hades nodded: "It's like this. After you signed the agreement with Aphrodite, Aphrodite talked to us about this matter, because you are not there, so I will be with Starfire, Peacock Pluto Together we made a rough plan, and your wife, Miss Rose, also helped us with a lot of ideas. "

"Then how did you arrange it ?.

"We first used an adventurer arranged by Miss Rose and several temple guards to guard the cell. Then the adventurer opened the cell door and entered the cell in violation of the rules, as Miss Rose predicted. He was controlled by Aphrodite's charm skills, and then he opened the magic limiter on Aphrodite. Aphrodite, who obtained 〖Free〗, ran out of the guard room for the first time, and then Killed the outside guards and blasted the prison. Afterwards, Starfire and Peacock Pluto came forward to pretend to intercept, and the three of them fought all the way out of the city. During this time, a protoss of our Hades lineup was sent out to pretend to pass by, and then He took the initiative to help the interception, but because of the lack of cooperation, he created an opportunity for Aphrodite to escape from this direction. In order to make Afroditi's successful escape seem more credible, we also injured her , And she also severely wounded our Protoss of the Hades. "

Speaking of this, the peacock immediately "plugged in" and said, "That Aphrodite is really cruel. If I hadn't known in advance that she was our undercover, I thought she was going to kill us then. You don't know, she even used her life-saving secrets at that time, and the power was really terrifying. The linear ruin on top of Isinger was the trick, otherwise it would not destroy the city. That's it! "

When I heard the words of the peacock, I immediately comforted: "The city is damaged and can be repaired. But it is a matter of money. I think this is more" realistic ". If four protoss are fighting in the city, there is no building. Injury, this is too fake, is it normal to destroy a street in this way. But then again, did she send any information back after she left? "

"Not yet," Hardis replied.

I thought about it, "I always feel a little uneasy about letting her run alone, I think I still have to go to Olympus by myself."

"If you insist on going, I suggest you better bring Pandora." Hades said.

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"Because Pandora knows the Olympus Protoss very well, if you bring her, you can get some intelligence support."

I thought about it and shook my head: "I have Victoria. Pandora may not know much more than her. Besides, Pandora's physique is a bit unsuitable for this submerged task.

Speaking of Pandora, it's actually not suitable for fighting at all, and her true strength should still be reflected in her ingenuity. It is more appropriate to say that she is a staffer than she is a soldier.

Moreover, Pandora is different from ordinary deities. She should actually be considered an artificial person, or a **** made by God. According to legend, Pandora should be an artificial goddess created by Zeus' order to the **** of fire, Hephaestus. Her appearance is based on the appearance of the goddess ng of all the Olympians, and it is the most perfect female ng image obtained after filtering and merging. Afterwards, Zeus let the beauty **** Aphrodite inject Pandora ’s body into the body of the man, and then she was directly taught by the goddess of wisdom Athena and Hermes, respectively. Creative and language talent.

To put it simply, Pandora is a super beauty who combines all the beauty and is born with a body fragrance that can make men crazy. The long beauty may not affect her participation in the battle, but the body fragrance that cannot be covered is a big trouble. If it ’s okay to face the enemy on the battlefield, but if you want to sneak in somewhere, her scent will be troublesome. Even people with severe rhinitis may hardly smell her, more Not to mention those protoss with dog noses.

Hadids asked me to bring Pandora just hoping that Pandora could help me provide information,

Now it seems that Pandora is really not suitable for this, so he did not force it. But he handed a stone after I refused.

"What is this?" I took the stone and glanced over it.

This is a roughly triangular stone, but the shape is not very regular, and the three corners are not sharp, but are rounded. The size of the stone is just enough to hold it with one hand, and its thickness is probably a little thinner than the moon cake. Both sides of the stone are smooth, one side has nothing, and the other side is carved with a strange symbol, and I don't know what it means.

After I asked, Hades said to me, "This is a hellstone, and you can convert one or a whole set of **** into the underworld ng."

"Transforming equipment into the underworld ng?"

Jie "Do you know Haoyi?"

"You mean the undergarment of the underworld?,.

"Sacred clothing is the name of the gods system. We are all called Ming Douyi, or directly called Ming Yi.

This suit is one of them.

Then I nodded and said that I understood what Mingyi was, but still looked at Hades doubtfully and asked, "But what do you give me this?"

"Help you strengthen your equipment." Hades said: "I only remembered it recently. The main thing is that this thing is not very useful to ordinary people, but it is very useful for you to come to the embankment."


"Because you are a murderer."

Crazy "Ah?"

"Hey, just kidding." Hades had a rare humor, but none of them except him felt that this was a blame, but Hades didn't notice our expression at all, and still voluntarily Gu Zi said, "Although it is a joke, the principle is correct. In our underworld, we have the ability to kill each enemy and absorb the spirit of the other person into ourselves. But the absorbed spirit **** is not to strengthen the body, but to strengthen the equipment, so in our underworld, the soldiers will be stronger and stronger, the more enemies you kill, the sharper your sword will be. Of course, the gains from killing different enemies are also different. The energy that can be absorbed by killing a deity and killing a mortal is absolutely ten thousand miles away, but you seem to often kill some very powerful guys, so this ng is really more for you It doesn't fit. "

When I heard this characteristic of ng, I felt that Hades was right. Based on the number and quality of my kills, this genus is really suitable for me. In this way, I can get double experience when I fight in the future. One experience upgrades me and the other upgrades equipment.

Of course, you still have to figure out what the side effects are. I don't want to be as foolish as I was when I was stupid to drink the spring of the evil spring.

"So what, you just said that this thing can transform my equipment into a state of Hades, then what will happen to my original equipment?"

"It has no effect at all. Except for an additional genus ng that absorbs the enemy ’s spirit to strengthen the equipment, it will not have any ng influence, but the shape of your equipment may change slightly. Generally, the original original Into a black sè. ”

After hearing this, I looked down at my dragon suit again. Since obtaining the title of the national weapon, the magic dragon suit has been merged with the national weapon quartet, and then evolved into the current dragon suit. In the ng genus, it can be said that the dragon set can completely suppress the dragon set. As for the appearance, the dragon set is indeed much more beautiful than the dragon set, but the disadvantage is that it is too beautiful. The previous magic dragon suit was black and black, although it was also exaggerated, but it was not too exaggerated, but it was not bad except it was cool. However, the Shenlong set is mainly gold sè, although there are also black and red decorative lines, but after adding black and red lines to the golden sè, not only does it not darken the equipment. Instead, it's exaggerated because Yan Sè is too jumpy. Fortunately, my camouflage skills can cover my own armor form, otherwise how can I sneak attack when wearing such a piece of equipment like the Golden Man?

Now that Hardis said that this would not affect the ng, but just adjusted the appearance of the equipment slightly, I was immediately relieved. After asking how to use this thing, I immediately smashed it into my ng mouth, and then the stone broke into pieces like an egg. Then a large number of purple and black light spots flowing out of the stone quickly flowed into my Shenlong suit.

When those purple and black rays of light flow into my ng mouth, my ng mouth immediately ignites a circle of purple and black flames, and then it seems that the flames are spreading in gasoline, and the flames quickly follow my The surface of the armor spread to the surroundings, and it only took me a few seconds to burn through my whole body, and the place burned by the flame was automatically arranged and doubled as if it had come alive, and finally the flame completely passed. That location has become a new look.

The entire change process took less than ten seconds to complete completely, and I also checked the equipment ng for the first time. Compared to the appearance, I care more about ng. If the ng is lost, no matter how beautiful the equipment is, it can only be garbage equipment.

Fortunately, Hades is very accurate. The equipment ng has not changed at all. Of course, there is an additional ng that can strengthen its own equipment according to the strength of the opponent ’s **** every time an enemy is killed. There is a parenthesis, and a question mark appears in the brackets. I don't know what it means, and I can't ask Hardis. Although he understands the ng of the robe, but he cannot see the ng panel, how can I discuss it with him?

Since the role of this question mark is not clear for the time being, I did not care about it anymore, and it does not seem to respond to use anyway. Next, of course, I checked the appearance of my equipment for the first time.

Of course there is no mirror in the conference room of Wei Na, but with so many great gods present, it is easy to look into the mirror. Probably know that I want to see the changes in equipment. Spark has directly brushed me a mirror clone, which is much better than looking at the mirror. After all, the mirror can't look behind. After this mirror, I can surround myself with Look at the characteristics.

Although the new Dragon Set has not changed in terms of genus ng, its name has changed. The current Shenlong suit should be called the Dragon **** suit, and its appearance has changed along with this name.

Many of the decorations on the previous dragon set have traces of the shape of the dragon. Although there are still many dragon-shaped results, the appearance has changed a lot. The first is that the mask on the helmet has changed from the original full-cover metal mask to a crystal mask, and it also seems to have a change function, which can be changed to any color as I like, even completely transparent.

Except for the mask, the other parts of the helmet have not changed much, but the blade-like thorns extending backward from the forehead seem to have become larger, and there are more positions on both sides of the forehead. Two super-long red feathers protruding obliquely rearward. I originally thought that the Dragon **** suit would be a bit more low-key than the original Shenlong suit. I didn't expect that it would be good now, but Yan Sè did not change, but two feathers came out, and it was still very red. What's worse, Hades's change of face did not happen. No, it didn't happen, it became brighter.

If you look closely, you will find that there is a layer of transparent crystal armor on the outside of my armor. This layer of armor not only does not change the appearance of the armor, but makes them appear more bright and beautiful.

The original Shenlong suit was already very much like a craft, but now it has completely become a royal color, and the rate of going back is definitely one thousand percent. Of course, what I hate most is the two hairpins. Fortunately, I'm not a sniper, otherwise I don't expect to find a hiding place in my life with these two things. Because even if I find a Tupo lying on the back, others can still see two 毛 "hairs" standing up from the back of the Tupo. Do you think this is a fart?

Below the helmet, the changes in the armor part are roughly the same as the helmet. The main structure is basically the same, but it has become more flashy, as if wearing a gem armor. But this way,

The gems that were originally set on the surface of the Shenlong armor are not too conspicuous. After all, the entire armor seems to be covered by the gem layer, so the gems that will glow are not as prominent as before.

After thoroughly checking the face and structure of each part of my body, I suddenly remembered that I still had two blade claws, so I retracted my gaze focused on the mirror image, and then raised my arm to bounce the blade claws. However, accompanied. After Ding's voice, I was dumbfounded again.

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

My blade claws are exactly the same as the original shape without any changes, but the material has changed dramatically. The silver-bright blade that was originally shining with cold light has now become completely transparent, and the entire blade claw looks as if it was made of diamonds.

Hades also came to me at this time and turned around in a circle ~ ~ When I finally saw my blade claw, I couldn't help but say, "No! The equipment that used to be smelt before It ’s all turned black? Why do you look like diamonds? "

"You asked me, who did I ask? Didn't you say it would turn black? What kind of situation is it? Would you like to turn me into a gem exhibit?

For Dragon hun, the changes in the set Hardis didn't figure out what was going on anyway,

He has never seen this change before, but fortunately, it is normal, except that the question mark has not been figured out.

When Hardis was busy studying why the accident occurred, I remembered that this may be related to the question mark, so I opened the ng console and selected the question mark to see if there was any help What. However, just when I first focused my attention, the question mark suddenly exploded. That's right, it was an explosion, and it turned into a fireball. Although things on the ng console won't really hurt, the effect surprised me. However, as the fireball disappeared, a series of numbers suddenly appeared at the location of the question mark.

"2 mouths throw 3q. What does this mean? ...

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