Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 55: Met a fan

Start from scratch 55, Chapter 50 The text from Chapter 20 meets fans

"You're looking for a lava crypt, and that's it," the guide I asked pointed to a volcano ahead and told me.

"Damn, isn't this a volcano?"

"Yes, it's a volcano," my guide replied.

"Why is it called a lava crypt?"

To be honest, the name hurt me a lot. I heard the legend that Hephaestus lived in a volcano, but when I asked a local to ask where Hephaestus lived, they told me he lived in a lava crypt, so I just I went to find the crypt, but I didn't find any crypts near Olympus. In the end, I had no choice but to ask a guide, and then asked him if Hephaestus lived in the lava crypt, because I thought the information I had previously asked was wrong. In the end, the guide told me that the news I heard was okay, but when I asked him why I couldn't find it, he told me that I knew it better than the place. Now that I'm finally everywhere, I do understand.

Obviously, I didn't expect anything wrong, Hephaestus lived in the volcano, but the name of the mountain was lava crypt.

My guide is not surprised by my doubts, because he has seen many foreigners who have encountered the same problems as me before. Hephaestus is a more useful np in Greece. Compared to those Olympians who live on Mount Olympus, Hephaestus's residence is obviously easier to access, and he is playing in the game. There are also many functions inside.

First of all, Hephaestus is an important local transfer NP. If your auxiliary occupation includes a blacksmith, you must find him to take the task to complete the final promotion. In addition, Hephaestus is still Vulcan himself, so if anyone wants to transfer to the Fire Mage, he must also find him to take the task. It is said that if you transfer to a flame mage, you will lose the release ability of all magic powers except the fire magic power, but at this price, you can increase the fire magic power of the fire mage by 20 to 30%. If it comes to damage output, the rank of the fire mage is absolutely high. Of course, the function of Hephaestus doesn't stop there.

Because Hephaestus was himself a foundry master. So players throughout Greece, as well as countries in a large area nearby, may receive some tasks related to him. This kind of task is usually a task that the city has a certain relationship with equipment enhancement, and as long as such tasks are found. In the end, you usually have to go to Hephaestus for a task.

For such a busy god, foreigners often come to see him, so this professional guide has also taken over many such players, and he has long been used to wondering about my doubts.

"The reason this place is called a lava crypt, you will naturally know when you go in, but I can only take you here. The road ahead can only be passed by you."

"Aren't you sending me to the door?"

"I'm afraid this is not possible. The road ahead is very dangerous. Unless you pay another four times the commission, I will not take you in. After all, even if I go in, it may not be safe again. come out."

"Fuck. That wasn't the case before."

"The good thing was that I took you to find the lava crypt in which Hephaestus lived. Now that I have found it, it is there. So I did not breach the contract."

"Okay, you're ruthless." Although this guy did something a bit irritating, it seems that it really can't be considered a breach of contract. After all, I have already seen the target. Although the distance is not close, at least it is impossible to get lost. After paying the money and watching the guide leave, I started walking towards the lava crypt alone, but not far before I met another group of people.

As said before, Hephaestus is a rather busy np. Although there are not as many people in his career hall as in the city, there are still quite a lot of people coming and going. At least I have encountered a group now.

"Hey, did you go to Hephaestus, too?" After the previous group noticed me. I took the initiative to ask, at least it seemed more friendly.

The people on the opposite side didn't look Greek either, because there was a mummy mage among them. Mummy mage is a special profession in Egypt. But not a specialty occupation. Characteristic occupations refer to special occupations with special meanings, such as Taoism and martial arts in our country. Japanese ninjas and Japanese samurai are called specialty occupations. Of course, Egypt also has special professions, but it is not a mummy mage.

Mummy mage is an advanced profession and is a special department. Its initial basic occupation was a necromancer, but after the necromancer advanced, as long as some special conditions were met, he could be transferred to a mummy mage. In fact, mummy mage is a relatively different kind of transfer, because it will turn the mage into a magic swordsman-like state. Although the so-called mummy mage also carries the title of mage, in my opinion this profession should actually be more favored to the warrior profession, because mummy mage's own melee ability is very strong, and their magical powers other than summon the undead of the mummy series There are only some curses and auxiliary magical powers left.

Although it can be melee, and can summon a large number of servants, and the overall combat effectiveness is quite good, but the number of people who really choose this profession is very small. The main reason for this situation is the jump of the transfer type. After all, as a result, the player chooses the mage profession at the beginning, which means that he does not like melee, but suddenly he is required to be a melee mage, which will violate many people's preferences, so even it The fighting power is stronger, and many people will choose to give up. Of course, this is only one of the reasons. Other factors such as difficult to find equipment, overly different tasks, and too ugly shapes also cause the scarcity of mummy mages.

In any case, it is certain that the mummy mage is an Egyptian occupation, and in addition to one mummy mage in this group, there are two guards of the gods wearing golden armor and jewellery. This goddess guard is actually a military service with my summoned creature death guard, and they both have a wolf head like Anubis, and their legs have one more joint than humans.

This occupation is also a special occupation in Egypt, but compared to the mummy mage, this occupation is more popular. Basically, in the leveling area of ​​Egypt, you can see players of the guarding profession of the **** of the gods by just a few laps. This profession is characterized by high agility and high speed, second is super endurance, and third is thick blood. It is immune to 35% damage from melee attacks. If you want to say the disadvantage, it is that the damage is too obvious. Once the enemy finds an opportunity, he will be killed in one shot.

In addition to these three special professionals in the team, the rest are more normal. A priest of the dark gods, two dark mages, four black knights, and two magic archers.

Hearing me take the initiative to say hello, the few people who stopped there immediately stopped, but after seeing my equipment, they all froze. Because the plan persuaded Hephaestus to join us, I canceled the camouflage after saying goodbye to the guide. Due to the relationship between Hephaestus and the Olympian Protoss, there was generally no Olympus Protoss willing Running here, even if it was to equip, it was all sent by a holy warrior to say hello. Even if it was done, no one would take the initiative to see him.

It is precisely because of this situation that I hardly worry about being discovered by the Protoss of Olympus here. If he starts the disguise, it will make Hephaestus feel that I am not sincere and it is better to go ahead and lose.

Because camouflage has been cancelled, my image is now back to normal, and the guys there took a breath of air after seeing my equipment.

"I trust, at least 1,500 or more masters." A black knight in the step team first responded and said.

The female archer next to him slaps him and slaps him in the palm of his hand: "The equipment of class 1500 cannot be so gorgeous. This is definitely a class of 2,000."

"Are there more than 2,000 players in the game now?" Asked a guard from the underworld.

The mummy mage standing in the middle of the team suddenly said, "Why do I suddenly feel like I've seen this person?"

"Have you seen him?" The people around him looked at him together, and the latter cried out suddenly.

"Ah, I remember. You are Ziri."

To be honest, I was surprised. After all, most of the players in the game wear armor or headgear, so the facial features are not so obvious. If you do n’t believe me, just go find an ancient war movie and see if the facial features of those with helmets on the battlefield are well recognized.

It is said that in the case that facial features are not easy to remember, most players use equipment to determine the identity of a player. After all, the equipment of advanced players is generally very advanced, and advanced equipment is naturally scarce, so we These advanced players are much less likely to change gear than ordinary players. As time goes by, everyone naturally regards some people's equipment as their characteristics. For example, the set of frozen armor of the Russian Frozen Banshee is the equipment that can represent her.

In this case, my dragon set is naturally my representative image ~ ~ Now the dragon set has become the dragon soul set. Although there is no change in the shape and structure, it is because of the extra crystal shell. So the visual effect does have a relatively big change. Ordinarily people should not recognize me at all. Besides, Asians are basically the same in the eyes of foreigners. This guy can recognize me with just one face. This memory is too abnormal.

"That's right, it's me. How did you recognize it?" Since it was recognized, I didn't plan to conceal it, because this group is obviously Egyptians, and they won't go to the Olympus Protoss, so Recognize it and recognize it, it poses no threat to me.

Upon hearing my approval, the mummy mage over there rushed over in excitement, and cheerfully took out a secret in my surprised eyes. When the exquisite book and a pen were handed over, "You can sign for me Is it a name? I am your fan. You see, in order to imitate you, I deliberately changed myself into a mummy mage. How about it? Like you?

When I heard this guy, my face turned into a kaleidoscope. After re-examining his bandaged look, I really didn't understand what he meant like me? Say I look a lot like a burn patient?

Start from scratch 55, Chapter 50 of the text from scratch Chapter 55 meets fans The update is complete!

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