Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 56: Grab a position

Volume 20 Chapter 56

I probably saw that my expression was weird. The other party quickly understood my thoughts and quickly explained: "This is President Ziri. I am not saying that we are the same, but that they are similar. "

"Special xìng?"

"Yes. You see. Your fighting method is melee plus summoned creatures, and occasionally you can use some auxiliary or attack spells. I am a mummy mage and can also melee, and my battle method is to summon undead creatures of the mummy series, and Your magic pet is very similar. Finally, I also have spells, and most of them are auxiliary. "

"You say that the fighting form between us is indeed a bit similar, but really, don't you feel uncomfortable to make yourself like this?"

Hearing me asking, the mummy mage didn't have any frustration, but immediately said excitedly: "I'm excited whenever I mention this. The shape is really uncomfortable, although it won't be hot, but it's OK to wrap myself up It ’s as annoying as a bandage. However, considering the combat effectiveness of this profession, and some similar fighting methods to yours, I will bear it out. I thought it would always be like this in the future, I did n’t expect that I ’ve only recently upgraded to a higher level. Knowing that this bandaged form is only the first-order form of a mummy mage. As the professional level and character level increase, I can advance, and as the stage changes, my appearance will change. Now this bandaged form is not permanent. And this time I came here to get the promotion equipment, and then I can transfer to the second-level mummy mage. At that time, my appearance will change a lot. Although it still looks bad, it is no longer a bandage. . And then I can continue to strengthen, and by the third level, I can become a perfect human appearance. "

"That sounds good." After I said it, I looked around at the crowd and asked, "Are they all here to help you with the task or do everyone have to come here to do the task?"

"No, they are all my friends. This time I came to help with the task." The mummy mage added and added, "We are usually a leveling squad, and our combat effectiveness is relatively well-known on our side. Unfortunately, it is the number. It ’s a little bit less than those who have guilds. Every time they come out, there are dozens of people. We ca n’t do anything to them, they are always robbed. ”

"Why don't you find a guild to join you?"

I just used Xingtong to observe the genus of these people, just like this guy said, their fighting ability is pretty good. In addition to the black knight level 999, all the remaining people ran up a thousand, and the mummy mage with the highest level has more than 1,230 levels, even if it is placed in our guild. Can be considered a master. It is said that if such a strength is pulled out, the general guilds should rush to ask for it. I did not expect that they would never join the association.

I probably also know the situation of these people. The mummy mage suddenly said, "It is not that no one wants us, but we are not willing to join. You may not know that we have a special situation here." The mummy mage finished. Then he whistled at the others.

A few people over there probably experienced a similar situation long ago, and stood up as soon as they heard the whistle. These stood out are the two black knights, the priest of the underworld, and the archer who spoke before. I glanced at the past and found that all four seemed to be nvxìng. Although the costume of the priest of the **** of the gods was relatively wide and could not see the figure curve, I could barely recognize that this was nvxìng.

After standing up, the four people made a common action, which was to show their faces. The black knights all wear full-cover helmets, and the archer also wears similar helmets. As for the priest of the underworld, her hood is almost about to cover the height of the bridge of the nose, and she always lowers her head. , The face is completely hidden under the shadow of the hood, and the face is not visible at all. However, immediately after they lifted the hat and helmet back, I immediately saw four beautiful faces. However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the four looks are exactly the same.


"And they are all very beautiful." The mummy mage said, "The four of them are too beautiful, and it is easy to cause trouble. In addition, they are still twins. This yòuhuò is not blocked by anyone at all. You also know There is no law at all in the game. Although they are protected by nvxìng, some people still ca n’t help but want to possess them. Although they can rely on nvxìng to protect themselves from danger, they ca n’t stand being harassed by people again and again. After meeting us, I will never join other forces. "

"That you……?"

"Hey." The mummy mage suddenly brought the priest of the **** of the **** to her side and smiled. "Their sister is my wife."

Rev. Hades stepped on the mummy mage timidly, and then hurriedly put on the hood and ran back to the team. Several other NVs also brought their hats up.

Now I understand what these people think. The nv children do not want to join other teams and be disturbed by sāo, and the male xìng have a stable guarantee because the relationship between this mummy mage and one of the nv children is established, so that they only need to be patient in the team and the rest The three sisters slowly deepened their relationship, and sooner or later they will have a chance to get one. Of course, the current situation in the team is that there are too many monks, but anyway, after all, it is such a beautiful beauty nv, how can there be few competitors? According to this ratio, their competitive pressure has been reduced a lot.

Because of this relationship, the group of people present can maintain a relatively stable organizational structure, and the mummy mage as an important relationship bond enjoys absolute **** in the team. Moreover, this guy is indeed the strongest among the people. Yes, it would be more appropriate for him to be the leader.

In the conversation with these people, we are gradually becoming familiar. The team talked to each other while walking towards the lava ground xùe.

"That ... President Ziri, do you know why it is a volcano but lava fields?" Walking along the way, the mummy mage suddenly asked.

When I heard this question, of course I could only shake my head. "Actually I was pitted by this name before I came. I was looking for a big pit on the ground before. I never thought that the lava field xùe would be the name of a mountain. If I did n’t hire a guide later, I do n’t think I would Find it here. "

"It turned out not only that we were deceived," the mummy mage and the people around him also sighed, and listening to their later narration, it seemed that they were worse than me. I do n’t have a bird like a jet, which has a high motive force, but these people ca n’t do it. In order to find this lava field, I do n’t know how many circles around Greece.

After hearing what they said, I immediately joked: "You should be glad that Greece is not China here."

"Why?" One of the nvxìng black knights asked stupidly.

Before I answered, the next archer said, "Stupid. We searched the whole of Greece to find this place. How old is Greece? How big is China? If we encounter this situation in China, if If you are unlucky, you will not be able to find it all your life. "

"Say that too"

We are chatting with each other to relieve boredom, and suddenly the road ahead is broken. I felt strange when I came over a long time ago. It was a flat road made of volcanic rocks. Why did the guide say it was dangerous and refused to lead me? Now I understand, he is not talking about the road before, but here.

The area we just walked around was surrounded by all kinds of strange rocks, but the ground beneath it was black volcanic rocks formed by cooled lava, and it was relatively flat and basically a good road. But that's the end of the easy part. There is now a lava river in front of us, and it is not as wide as it is. It is actually like a river. Lava Yangtze River, this is what this thing feels to me.

Of course, if it's just a lava river, then it certainly won't hurt us. After all, no one is stupid these days, many special areas can fly over. Not to mention a river, it is a piece of sea, as long as it is not like the Pacific Ocean, it is easy to fly over. However, it is probably impossible for this lava river to fly past, because there is a circle of red light shining above it. Although I don't know what it is, it doesn't prevent me from knowing that the thing cannot be approached .

If you ca n’t get close to the red light above, then you ca n’t fly, so there is only one way left to get across the river.

There is indeed a way, and there is only one way. It is connected to where we are currently standing, and to the road we came over. However, the road in front of me, or the bridge in front of me, seems unreliable.

The first half of the lava stone bridge deck is only over a foot wide. Although it is more spacious than a single-wood bridge, it is really extremely psychologically stressful because the bridge deck is only a foot above the lava below. Sometimes, the lava bubbles turned up can even blow up on the bridge.

If you are walking on a long wooden board across a flat road, most people can actually walk by. But if this wooden frame is between two cliffs several hundred feet high, few people can pass by. Now this lava river is just like that cliff, it is definitely a test of human psychological quality. However, in my opinion, even if the person is OK, the bridge is quite worrying because it is not like a stone wall above the surface of lava, but similar to an arch bridge. There is only a thin layer of rock on the bridge deck, and there is a stone pillar deep in the lava spaced more than ten meters below. The other positions are suspended. Just looking at this span, I doubt whether people can stand on the bridge.

Although it seemed scary, I quickly wanted to understand. Since this place is the residence of Hephaestus, and Hephaestus is a **** with many tasks, this bridge should be safe. Otherwise, how did so many players come to him? You know that those players even have the profession of barbarians and orcs, if they can pass, it doesn't make sense that our small body will step down the bridge, right?

After thinking about it, we are more relieved about this bridge, but I don't think that if this thing will not collapse, the people who can pass it will never be 100%. Besides that, in addition to this narrow bridge deck in the front half, the latter half is even more terrible. The complete bridge is gone only at the center of the river, and the rest are all a stone platform above the lava river. The large one is only two square meters, and the small one is only slightly larger than the area of ​​two bear paws. Bigger. It's better to have a smaller body like ours. If you are a savage or giant, you can only stand on one foot.

But I guess such small stones may not be standing, because they are too small. And based on the distribution of those stones and the rule that there must be a large slab every interval, I estimate that the small stones are just for you to step on them once, and there is no plan to make them long. Stand on it.

In fact, the danger on the lava river is much more than that. The physical fitness of the players in the game are strengthened. Even the lower-level personnel are stronger than the actual people. I do n’t know how many times. So this seemingly dangerous road is actually a little bit for gamers. No threats. What I was really worried about was something hidden under that lava.

The game is no better than reality. The number of species and regional distribution here are much stronger than in reality. Even in lava, there are many living things. In this large area of ​​lava river in front of you, if there are no lava creatures, it is just talking nonsense with closed eyes. In addition, considering that the fire in the lava area belongs to xìng, generally those who can live here will not be ordinary creatures, usually they are either extremely fierce or addicted to xìng, anyway, the creatures here are the kind that you do n’t mess with it Types of.

Although it is known that those terrifying and dangerous creatures lurk under the lava, it is impossible for ordinary people to respond in advance. After all, lava is not water. It is neither transparent nor difficult to produce a track. Therefore, even if something is moving under the lava, as long as it is not too close to the surface and the speed is not too fierce, it is generally difficult to find. That said, unless those creatures jump out of the lava into the air, you can hardly find them. In addition, the stone bridge and pier are more than a foot high from the lava surface. Even such a short distance, even a master, would not dare to say that it would definitely come over. So, thinking about this lava river is definitely not that simple as imagined.

"What to do?" The mummy mage looked at the lava river in front of her and asked me.

"I can take you there, but after your affairs are over, I will talk to Hephaestus. You must persuade Mephatus to help me with the tone of an onlooker. Of course, enter Before Hephaestus's residence, you had to pretend you didn't know me, so that what you said as an onlooker would be more credible. "

The mummy mage nodded and asked, "This is all right, but I don't know what we need to say? If you know in advance, think about something?"

"No, you just have to say it based on your feelings. Otherwise, the words will be faked because they are so organized and easy to find."

"All right, listen to you."

After the mummy mage agreed to my request, I summoned Evert and Plague directly. Let the Everett armor be assembled on me, and instantly enlarge the whole of me, and it looked like I was wearing power armor. In fact, Everett ’s armed form does have some special features of power armor, at least in terms of strength, it can superimpose our two forces, and the attack power can be greatly increased. Of course, I just need his fire resistance now.

After seeing me armed, the mummy mage was all stunned, because after all, no one in the game has ever worn this kind of clothing that looks like power armor, but because they saw the previous form of Everett, also Understand that this is just a special use of magic pets, so I was just surprised and didn't think this thing was beyond the scope of the game.

After the completion of the armed forces, they looked at the mummy mage and they were still in a daze. I simply pointed at the plague and said, "Don't stare at me, hurry up."

"Ah? Oh." After being reminded by me, the people reacted, and quickly climbed up the back of the plague.

To be honest, dragons in games are actually not very common. There are more dragons around me. One is because of the lucky relationship, and the other is because I have a better relationship with Long Island, so the dragons often appear around me. But for the average player, the dragon is still a very rare species. Don't talk about riding, you can't even see it. Now suddenly there is an opportunity to ride a dragon, and this group of people is of course terribly excited. However, there were no fools in this group of people. They were excited and excited. After climbing up, they did not run forward to the plague's head, but stood on the back of the plague's back.

Their behavior should actually be understood as a kind of basic etiquette, just that most people don't expect. After all, the dragon is different from the existence of ordinary Warcraft. Their intelligence and power determine that the dragon cannot be made to run like a horse. As their master, of course I can fly around with luck or plague, but for the average person, they are not much more noble than the dragon.

Standing behind the back of the plague like these people now, it's like one person carrying another person, that's a relationship of assistance, not insulting. This is as if the old, the weak, the sick, and the fugitives were rescued during a flood. The person being carried is only accepting the help of the person who carried him, not insulting the other person. However, if you have to ride on someone else ’s shoulder or sit on someone ’s head while being carried by others, this is another matter. Except for relatively young children who can sit on the necks of relatives and play, it is an insult that most people demand to ride on their necks.

Dragons don't consider themselves cheaper than humans. On the contrary, in most cases they think humans are cheaper than dragons. In this case, it is no problem for the dragon to carry a few people, but if you dare to ride around his neck or climb to his head, you are simply trying to die. Even for me, apart from fighting needs, I rarely stand on the head of luck or plague. Even my master is like this, most people should pay more attention to their behavior.

Someone in that mummy mage and his companions must have thought of this and reminded others, so they all gathered near the tail of the plague and did not dare to move forward after climbing up, which made the plague's impression on them much better. . After they all went up, the plague turned back and reminded them to take off. With the Dragon's acceleration ability, if he deliberately made it difficult for anyone, only one sudden advance would be enough to throw people away from his back.

As soon as they were prompted to take off, they all lay on the back of the plague and grabbed the plague's needle-shaped dorsal fins. Each of these things was as thick as a human arm, which was definitely the best fixing point. Of course, this must also be coordinated with the plague, after all, that stuff can be put down. If the plague doesn't want them to grab, as long as the dorsal fins are tightened, this group of people will never think about finding a point of focus.

Because there was only the red light near the bridge on the lava river, the plague did not dare to fly completely. Now he is not so much flying as he is running on lava. Because hot lava will generate a large amount of updraft, plague can obtain a large lift by spreading its wings. In addition, the lava itself is not completely unforced like the water surface, so as long as the plague is fast enough, it can be stepped on. The lava surface runs forward. Anyway, the dragon can take a bath in the lava, so he won't be afraid of getting burned.

Seeing that the plague ran into the lava range, I also spread my wings to help the two steps, and then took a small leap. The four propellers behind me bounced off instantly, allowing me to fly easily, and then followed closely. Behind the plague.

Originally, if ordinary players passed through here, those lava creatures under the lava would definitely jump out and attack passers-by, but this time only the plague really touched the magma and he also drove Longwei, so those lava creatures connected I didn't dare to risk one, so I was afraid to provoke this bad guy.

Lava creatures are indeed xìng cells that you do n’t mess with him, but they are not stupid. Even if you like to actively attack, you have to find the right one? Nothing to provoke the dragon, that's not to cause trouble, it's to death. After all, if ordinary creatures ca n’t fight, they can still dive into the lava. Not many creatures dare to chase under the lava anyway, but the dragon is one of them, so considering this consequence, those magmas that originally felt that someone was approaching and moved madly The monsters chose to pretend they didn't see it.

Because of the neglect of the monsters and the fact that the lava had no lethality to the plague, we easily rushed to the opposite bank all the way, and the entire process was useless for five minutes. When the mummy mage jumped across the river across the plague, they felt a little incredible. Before they came, they had inquired about the danger of the place where Hephaestus lived. Although the information collected was incomplete, at least this lava river still inquired.

As a natural barrier with the highest casualty rate in lava fields, this lava river is definitely a notorious mess, and of course it has also earned it a very high profile.

"Do you still need my help?" The plague asked directly after dropping the mummy mage after they landed.

I glanced at the traffic situation in front of me and shook my head, "Go back first, I'll call you in case I need it."

The plague nodded directly into the training space, and I looked back at the direction of the Lava River. At the Jiangxin location not far from us, a huge head was slowly sinking into the lava.

Although I don't see the whole picture, but I know that thing, it should be a magma dragon. That is also a kind of dragon, but it is less harmonious, and it seems that the head is a bit problematic. If it belongs to the type 250 monster, if it is anxious, it will dare to rush up even if it is facing the dragon king. But at present it seems that this dragon should not bother us, after all, the magma dragon is just impulsive, not really stupid.

After crossing the magma river, the remaining road will be much smoother, but it is not very safe here, because this place is full of dòng, and those dòng will spew out a stream of hot steam from time to time. This kind of landform is actually common near the lava area, but such dense and large-scale is relatively rare.

For the average person, the hot steam sprayed from those dòng is quite dangerous. Because the temperature is too high, it will cause quite serious injury if touched. But one thing is fortunate that this kind of thing doesn't evaporate people into a cloud of white smoke as quickly as it falls into the magma, so as long as you flash fast enough, it will only drop blood and not die. There is enough yào product, basically there is no problem. Of course, if there is a set of equipment with high fire resistance, or if someone in the team can release protective spells, it is even better.

The mummy mage and their party felt scalp as soon as they saw the stone forest that was constantly spraying with steam in front of them, but this place was not particularly dangerous, and they were always ashamed to ask me for help. However, when they were ready to carry it hard, they suddenly felt that there was a red light curtain on their bodies, and then they turned and looked at me in amazement.

"Spirit of fire, fire damage is invalid for one second, and 30% of fire damage is absorbed after one second. That's all I can help you with."

"Thank you, this is already very good."

After getting my help, the group of mummy mage went boldly into the stone forest. The steam itself is unlikely to spray people at once. As long as they are rushed to avoid the moment they are sprayed, the damage will not be too high. Unless they encounter unfortunately, they will not die. Now with 30% more flame absorption, their chances of surviving are naturally higher.

Compared to them, the mummy mage, I am much easier. Everett blocked it, not to mention that the holes were just spraying hot steam outwards, even if they sprayed lava.

Because I told them to talk to me as an onlooker, I could n’t enter Hephaestus's house with them, so I deliberately let them go for a few minutes first, and after I entered Shilin This is like travelling and seeing it intentionally to distance them.

On the premise that I deliberately slowed down, in the end I was a full ten minutes later than the mummy mage before they reached the periphery of Hephaestus's residence.

This place is behind the stone forest, but not on the wall of the volcano, but on the ground. The span of the dòng mouth is more than thirty meters, and there is a downward spiral staircase along the dòng wall, but it looks very special, a bit black, but the gloss is not right.

Before, I have been wondering why this place is called lava ground xùe. Now I understand it. This place is indeed a lava field, but the volcano behind it has attracted attention, which most people don't expect.

Going down the steps all the way down, I don't know how many laps to go around, I got a little dizzy at the end, and finally came to an end. If it wasn't for the distance from the mummy mage, I would have just jumped down, but now I can only walk down this way.

Fortunately, the bottom of the xùe is not directly connected to the palace-like corridor, but directly to a hall. I not only saw the mummy mage here, but also saw a few other people.

Since these people are clearly divided into small groups, I know that they are not all the way. It seems that there should be three gangs besides the mummy mage.

The closest of these people to me was the mummy mage and their group. I guess it was because they arrived last, so they stood closest to the stairs. The group of people standing in front of them left was a total of sixteen people, a few more than the mummy mage, but their combat effectiveness may be weaker, because I feel that their occupational configuration is a bit luàn.

Located on the right front of the mummy mage is a relatively small group of about seven or eight people, but the professional match is relatively suitable, but the level does not look high, and I don't know which one is stronger than the left group.

The last group is a group of mummy mages who are directly opposite them. The number of this group is relatively scary. At first glance, the number is not clear. In the end, I still counted it with the fast calculation ability of the electronic brain. More than eighty people. Almost half of the entire hall was occupied by them

Seeing me appearing on the stairs, the crowd over there looked at me together, and it looked rather unfriendly. While I was there, one of the guys with the largest number on the other side suddenly stood up and yelled at me with pride: "The one over there, get out of here, today is full."

I certainly couldn't listen to him. I ignored him and went straight down the stairs. I also looked at the hall. In addition to these four groups of people, the hall is basically a natural dòngxùe. In addition to the ground being leveled, there is a large mén of five or six meters high behind the opposite group, but mén is standing two A guard. The height of these two guards is more than seven meters, even if the big mén behind them has to bend slightly to drill in, and they all wear black sè armor like yù stone, or one of the guys turned his head I glanced at me and almost treated them as two statues.

When I watched the two strange guards, the shouting guy over there came angrily because I was ignored. However, after he approached, he finally found that the equipment on my body was a bit exaggerated. At that time, he froze, but thinking that he still had so many people behind, his courage immediately strengthened again.

After a short pause, he strode directly in front of me, then stuck his finger on my shoulder, and wanted to open his mouth to say something, but unfortunately, he was out of luck, Dragon Soul suit The revenge of xìng actually started. A circle of golden light suddenly gathered from all parts of my body to the position of being poked on the shoulder by the guy, and then only heard the sound of a current, the guy flew back directly, and fell after falling to the ground. After the movement, and seeing that his body was still smoking, it seemed that there was a faint smell of roasted ròu floating.

Gollum. All the people around swallowed collectively. A guy who was more able to scream was even more exclaimed: "I'm x, isn't it? What kind of equipment is this? Even if it is charged, it's too strong, right? It's almost cooked."

Probably this has played a sufficient deterrent effect, so when I walked into the crowd, no one dared to jump out and say things like let me go. However, the boss of the team with the largest number of people in the opposite direction turned to me again after instructing people to drag the half-baked guy to the back. The guy said in a very impolite tone: "I will not care about you who nòng hurts me, after all, it was his own first action. But even so, here is the rule."

"Rules? What rules? Who decides?"

I was afraid that I would offend people, and the mummy mage standing not far from me pretended to be as arrogant as the previous guy and reminded me: "What is this place? The only rule here can be except the **** of fire Hephaestus. Could anyone else be His Excellency? "

"Since it is the rule of the master, then it may be worth listening to."

Upon hearing this, the mummy mage replied: "You listen carefully. According to the rules of Lord Hephaestus, he only does three things a day. Whether it is sending and receiving tasks or asking him to make equipment, there are at most three things. We are here Even you count five groups of troops, which means that two of them will definitely not be able to enter today. "

I nodded ~ ~ Then raised my fist right hand and said slowly: "I see. In the end, it's up to my fist to decide who is advanced?"

As soon as I said this, the guy with a muscular muscle across the face yelled arrogantly: "Understand and hurry up. Although you are well equipped, you are only one person. Today's quota is not yours." That guy After speaking, suddenly turned to the other three groups of humanity: "You too, the acquaintances quickly hurry. Our firepower mercenary regiment is chartered today, we have all three mission opportunities, you all quickly get out of the way. "

The **** mercenary group, **** alliance, and **** in the game actually mean guild, but they are called differently. However, the chairman of the fire power opposite is really the master of the long muscle ròu in his head, and he wants to pick one. Many of you are right, but depending on the strength of the teams here, I feel that even if I didn't come today, the remaining three teams will be enough to get them. After all, the average strength of the four teams is the worst. Even if there are more people, it is estimated that they will not be good.

After shouting, we saw that we were not moving. The guy immediately yelled and ordered the younger brothers to start chopping people, but as soon as his voice fell, a feather arrow was right in the center of his brows, and then the guy was so straight. ng fell down. At that moment I seemed to hear a lot of people around me shouting "idiot" together. However, although the idiot hangs up, the battle is unavoidable

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