Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 64: Quietly approach

"Why didn't anyone talk? Didn't you care about the current situation at all?" Zeus asked angrily after finding out that everyone around him was silent.

Seeing that no one was around, a handsome divine wearing a gold "color" armor explained: "God King, we don't care, but we don't know what to say. Aphrodite to the end Escaped from the chaos and order protoss, or they were deliberately put back after being bought by them. We have no clue at all. Now everything can only listen to Aphrodite's words, she said What is what, we do n’t have any other references, we ca n’t make a judgment at all. ”

Someone spoke first, and other deities found the topic. One of the guys said, "Yeah, Apollo said exactly what we thought. The situation of Aphrodite is difficult to tell, and the Twelve-Star God may not be acting according to plan."

A female "sex" protoss also echoed at this time: "Yes, on the surface, the twelve-star **** is surly surrendering according to your order to lure" confusing "Ziri, but who can guarantee that they have no intention of real What about surrender? "

With the words of the first few people to pave the way, the other protoss immediately began to say something to me, and Zeus the more he frowned.

Speaking of Zeus, the situation is actually the same as the situation I encountered. Because neither of us is quite sure which one these sandwiched guys are helping, so now everyone does not know who the matter is and whose plan is moving forward. After all, the plans of the two sides are basically the same in the first half. Zeus hopes to lead me to Greece, but I hope to pretend that Zeus thinks I have been attracted. No matter who ’s plan is successful in this regard, . The results are the same. So at present, no one knows which plan is really successful.

Different from the plan of the first half, the plan of the second half of Zeus and I are naturally completely opposite, but now because I do n’t know who the spies are helping, I and Zeus have encountered the same problem, that is, I do n’t know what to do. The plan should not be allowed to proceed. If the plan is running according to its own plan, then the stoppage now is undoubtedly rocking its own feet, but if it is allowed to continue, then in case the plan is going according to the other party's plan. That trouble will only get worse.

Coexistence of interests and crisis makes it difficult for anyone to make a decision. However, compared to Zeus' fear and fear, I arrived quickly. Helping Hephaestus to get the golden thread is the result of my decision to implement the plan. Otherwise, I should now take Hephaestus and leave them quickly, or turn the plan into a storm. As for Zeus, the fact that he is still in discussions shows that he cannot make a decision at all.

Although I am more ruthless than Zeus in the resolution of this matter, this does not mean that Zeus is a weak fellow. The two of us have dealt with this matter differently because of the circumstances in which we live.

For us, this operation was a windfall, and it became an unexpected surprise, and defeat was nothing more than a rush. But it was different for Zeus. They are now fighting the water. It is that they can completely restore their vitality and gain a foothold to regain development opportunities. If it fails, it will be completely finished, and the Olympus Protoss will be reduced to the third-rate Protoss.

In addition, in addition to the cost of success or failure, another reason why Zeus decided harder than me was strength.

This strength is certainly not to say that the fighting strength of the two of us. If singled out, Zeus would definitely kill me. Of course he must have suffered some injuries himself, and not too lightly. However, the more serious problems are organizational issues.

Mixed "Chaos" and Order Protoss have the huge support point of the Frost Rose Alliance. Unlike Olympus Protoss, Mixed "Chaos" and Order Protoss are our Guild Protoss of the Frost Rose Alliance and our own Protoss. The Protoss of Olympus is just a higher existence for the Greek people, and they are not recognized as their own. For example, mixing the meaning of "chaos" and order for the Frost Rose Alliance is like the meaning of the Chinese People's Liberation Army to the Chinese nationals. That is our own team, and the significance of the Olympian Protoss to the Greek people. It's like what peacekeeping troops mean to people around the world. Everyone may think that they are righteous and powerful. However, they do not consider peacekeeping forces to be their own forces, because the relationship is too far apart.

Because of this fundamental gap, when the Olympian Protoss and our Protoss conflict with each other, our Frost Rose Alliance will fight to support the Protoss and Protoss, but the Greeks do not Will go for the Olympus Protoss, at least most of them will not do it.

The problem is far more than that. In addition to less basic support, there were also problems within the Protoss of Olympus. The reason why Zeus is hesitant now is that he doesn't believe in Aphrodite or the Twelve-Star God, and he now doesn't even trust all the Olympians, except those guys who are talking with him. same. Zeus did not trust these members of the Olympus Protoss, so they would not trust Zeus, at least they would not desperately fight. Contrary to them. Although the cohesion of the "promiscuous" and order gods cannot be said to be high, at least we do not have to worry about the loyalty of our companions, so our fighting power is one plus one equals two, or even greater than two, while the fighting power of the Olympians Is one plus one less than two, or even less than one. In this way, even if the Olympus Protoss is a strong war race, there is no deterrent at all now. What's more, the line of the gods of the Olympus that the most capable of fighting has just betrayed, and other members of the protoss are also unstable because of this matter. What kind of combat power can you expect from them in this state?

In addition to these issues, the problems of the Olympians are not over. In addition to those previously mentioned, the Olympus Protoss also have huge problems in the external environment. Before they were abducted by Hades, the Protoss of Olympus was expanding. Although the war stopped temporarily because of the collective change of the underworld system, the state of war has not been lifted, which means that the Protoss of Olympus is currently It is in a state of war with the two temples of light and darkness and the Holy See of Jehovah. In contrast, because of my relationship, the mixed "chaos" and order protoss can not only get the support of the two temples of light and darkness, but also a lot of hidden support from other protoss forces. This support can be sent directly to the battle by one or two powerful personnel. It can also be one or two special items that are of little value but are very useful. Even providing a little bit of intelligence or containment is something that can shape the war situation.

Faced with so many problems and troubles, if it wasn't for the Olympian Protoss who really needed a victory to stabilize the hearts and minds, Zeus would definitely not provoke our existence at this time. But he has no choice now, because we have taken away all the gods of Hades' Hades, if he does not fight back, the Olympus Protoss will inevitably collapse completely, a little capable God I must be trying to find a place to move next job. By then, let alone the powerful enemies around Olympus Protoss. Even without external pressure, they would have to collapse by themselves.

What Zeus can do under such unstable conditions is bet. Gambling everything will be done according to his plan, betting on those Olympus Protoss is not really motivated.

Finally, Zeus, who wanted to understand the relationship between China and China, suddenly struck the table with a slap in the buzz of the gods and shocked others. "It's been noisy. In this case, we can only believe in the loyalty of the Twelve-Star God. At present, we can't" chaotic "ourselves first. You all give me back to their posts as soon as possible, no matter which direction things go , Ziri is sure to come, so we must do our best with constant change, and the rest depends on how the wheel of destiny will turn! "

Just when Zeus was determined to start preparing. I finally made up my mind to start preparing to approach the Temple of Olympus from the side of the torch while I was struggling to climb the cliff. The mountains of Olympus are all high-level protoss. I dare not fly up directly, just like standing under the mountain and yelling at me. It's pure death-seeking. If you want to stay close to the Olympus Sanctuary, you can only climb up the cliff on the side of the Flame Tower. Fortunately, the cliff is not too smooth, and I can find a few footholds.

Climbing a cliff to climb a cliff, I did not intend to climb up on my own hands and feet, we have so many advantages, how to make good use of it?

Attached to the cliff, I first asked the little dragon girl to perform a reverse gravity technique for me. After feeling a lot lighter on my body, I started stepping on the rocks protruding from the mountain. Because the output power is very large, and my weight has become very light, I can lift up ten or twenty meters high at each step, and because I have wings, I do n’t have to worry about pushing too hard to get off the cliff and find it. The problem of getting to the footing point, so I don't need to find the footing point step by step like the ordinary climbing enthusiasts at all. I'm basically running up and down like running, and fast is no different than on the ground.

Due to the fast speed and the fact that Olympus is not very high, it didn't take long for me to reach the top of the mountain. The last section of the road is close to the top of the mountain and may be found, so I do n’t dare to fly with wings anymore. I can only climb at full speed, but fortunately, I still have a dragon's tendon. The dragon's tendon fastened the rock and pulled itself back.

Snapped. On the edge of the cliff where the torch of fire on the right side of the Temple of Olympus was, a hand suddenly reached the edge of the cliff, and then a head came out carefully. Because the transformation of the Hades costume resulted in two extra long red "colors" and "hairs" on the helmet of the original Shenlong suit, so now I only wear armor without a helmet. If the task of lurking approach is like carrying a helmet and "plugging" a flag on top of your head, what is the secret approach?

I stretched my head and looked around to confirm that no one was there. I pressed the ground on the edge of the cliff and jumped up. After landing, I rolled forward and reached the bottom of the torch wall next to the cliff.

The torch is not a place to stay, so its structure is also special. From a distance, it may be similar to an enlarged pavilion. Its bottom is basically a solid circular base, almost four or five meters high, and may be more than ten meters in diameter. The top of this base is not a wall, but a gorgeous circle of gold colored columns. However, the top of the standing branches in this circle is not the roof, but a circular ring. This ring is exactly the same diameter as the base underneath and is located at the top of the circle of posts. Although the ring itself does not cover the top of the pavilion, it actually has a powerful covering effect because it is a magic device. The inner and outer rings of a real ring are carved with mysterious magic symbols, and the colorful "color" flowing on it clearly shows its powerful energy reserve. but. I'm not afraid of this thing. Because most of this stuff is not "sexual", otherwise I won't wait for me to get close to this distance.

After looking left and right to confirm that nobody was there, I first released a group of ghost beetles, and then let them move apart. One of them left clockwise along the base, and the other left counterclockwise, while meandering along the base to the opposite side. The remaining ghost beetles started to climb up the wall of the base, and when they reached the top of the base, two of them climbed up directly to observe the situation inside the flame of fire, while the remaining two started along a pillar to the top Going forward.

With the sight of a few ghost beetles, I quickly closed my eyes to the situation near the torch.

On the side of the torch facing away from the cliff, a fairly wide stairway extends from the ground to the top of the base. Two sacred mountain guards stood at the top of the ladder and faced below it. There is nothing extra inside the torch, there is only a golden "color" mechanical body on the smooth and flat ground at the center of the building. This gold "color" mechanical body is basically a metal frame and some lenses. It looks a bit like an astronomical instrument, but there is no similar thing.

There is a strange energy body floating on the top of this gold "color" instrument. It looks like a mist of gold "color", but if you look closely, you will find that there are many bright glittering spots. Flowing around.

Although I don't know what this energy group is, I can roughly guess that this should be the Olympus flame, because it is the only thing in the flame platform that can be connected with the flame.

Except for this flame and the metal machinery under the flame. There was nothing else in the entire torch. With the sight of the two ghost beetles crawling to the top, I scanned it all nearby and there was nothing worthy of note at all.

After making sure there was no danger here, I carefully climbed to the base. Then he hid behind one of the pillars. The support pillars on this base are said to have a circle. In fact, there are a dozen in total, and each one is more than one meter in diameter. It is not a problem to block individuals.

With the cover of this pillar, I carefully confirmed the relative positions of the two guards and me. After all, there is still a gap between the picture seen from the beetle's line of sight and my first-person perspective, so I usually check it with my own eyes when conditions permit.

After determining the relative position of the target and me. I began to move along the circle of pillars to the guys one by one, of course I would not be stupid enough to move directly to the two pillars next to them, after all, that place is equivalent to already standing on their side , The other side of the eye can see me. So I used a little strategy, that is to summon the dart, and then let him go along the outer circle of the torch to the other side of the two guards on standby.

After the darts were in place, I began to count down with him with my personal contact. "Three, two, one, act." The darts deliberately struck the ground with their own small paws as soon as I shouted the action in my heart contact, accompanied by a crisp impact. The two guards immediately lifted the spear that was still on the ground and turned around, but when they saw the dart at the same time, the dart had been lifted from its place, and then flung to the guy closest to him. His face began to scratch and scratch. The guy immediately threw away his spear and reached for his dart, and the guard near me quickly ran to him and tried to help. Of course, I was faster than him and caught up with him the moment he started. His left hand directly passed his head and covered his mouth to prevent him from shouting. At the same time, holding the eternal dagger in his right hand quickly wiped his throat, the guy's struggle immediately became fierce, but it only gradually softened in just three or five seconds. .

Seeing that I kill the guard and let go of him, the dart over there jumped off the guy. The guard watched the dart run and was ready to step on him, but a long sword immediately penetrated his armor from the back and pierced his heart, followed by a sharp change in the blade's edge after the sword tip pierced the heart. Like a hedgehog, a lot of spikes popped up instantly, completely piercing the guy's heart into a sieve.

Such a serious damage only made the guy kicked two legs and fell down. He couldn't even make a shout during the period.

After confirming that both guards were dead, I immediately cut off their equipment, and summoned two Kirin warriors to put on their armor and weapons to stand at the door to pose as guards. Anyway, the armor worn by the guards here covered the body tightly. There are helmets and masks over the head. So as long as the body is not too different, it is easy to pose. As for the armor of the two, it is even more flawless. The first person was wiped by my neck, and there was no damage on the armor at all. Although the second person's breastplate was worn through a hole, the breach was behind and the front was not damaged. There were no people in this torch, even if someone came in from outside, he would never see the cave behind him. So you can fool most people.

After clearing the blood on the ground, I cleared the scene slightly and threw the two bodies off the cliff. After confirming that there were no more traces, I took back the darts and ghost worms and began to "touch" the Olympus Temple.

Hephaestus told me before coming here that there is a large anti-magic array on the square in front of the Temple of Olympus, so the magic will be invalid when entering here. However, I didn't expect this range to be so large, and I just felt a different kind of energy fluctuation just less than ten meters out of the range of the torch. This fluctuation is not only very powerful, but also very uncomfortable.

I know that the source of this discomfort comes from the magic that the magic circle suppressed on me, so I didn't care too much, just accelerated my speed and approached the square in front of the Temple of Olympus carefully.

Said to be a square, it should actually be a natural rock platform. In front of this square is a stepped downhill road. From there, you can reach the Magistrates College. Behind the square is naturally the Temple of Olympus, while the left and right sides of the square are cliffs. The flame of fire and the temple of heaven that I came over are located in a straight line with the temple of Olympus, slightly behind the square, and the flame of fire may be slightly forward.

I carefully moved to the corner between the Temple of Olympus and the square. Here is a huge stone statue, but it is not clear who it is. There is also a stone statue like this on the opposite corner, but it is a stone statue of a female "sex", which is opposite to this one on my side.

Because this stone statue is relatively large, it can just cover me, and you can hide yourself behind you by hiding at its feet. It is impossible to find me unless someone comes from the direction of the torch. However, even with this thing, I am still very depressed.

What I have to do is not to arrive here safely and wait, but to pick the golden thread, but the flower garden where the thing is located is actually at the forefront of the square, next to the mountain road leading to the Divine College. The straight line distance from me to that side is more than one kilometer, and it will definitely be found even if I rush at it at the fastest speed, after all, the square is not empty. Here, in addition to the four guards standing at the corner of the square, there are guards on that downhill road and at the door of the Temple of Olympus.

The four corners of the square each have a sacred mountain guard wearing gold "color" armor, and there are one on each side of the staircase. A row of sacred hill guards stood at the gate of the closest Olympus temple to me, and there were also two middle-level protoss, which were not easy to deal with. Moreover, there is a very bad state here, that **** magic suppression circle only works for me, and it does not work for the licensed Olympians. So not only can't I use magic here, once I find it, I have to fight close to my body, because my magic can't be used at all, and because of the suppression of that magic array, even the space channel can't be opened. That is to say, unless I release all the magic pets in advance, in the event of a real fight, I will never expect them.

"Dammit, there are so many guards!" After glancing around the situation here, I directly gave up the plan to run over the square. If I dare to take the initiative now, I will definitely be punished before I run to the flower garden. People surrounded. So this plan was not expected at all.

After thinking for a while, I suddenly turned around and ran back to the Flame Tower, then released a group of ghost beetles outside the magic suppression area, followed them and ran back to the foot of the stone statue I had hidden before.

After re-hiding, I glanced at the flowerbed where the golden thread was, and then released the ghost beetle. These little guys, like most insects, have the ability to hang themselves on any surface, and they can stand smoothly even on vertical glass. What I need now is their ability, because I plan to let them pick flowers for me.

Except for the Olympus Sanctuary at the back, the front and left and right sides are almost cliffs, and the guards will not look under the cliff at all. Besides, with the size and color of the ghost beetle, even if a guard looks down, he may not really see it.

The instructed ghost beetles quickly climbed down the cliff near me, and then approached the flowerbed along the cliff, and soon they reached the flowerbed.

Under my command, the ghost beetle that arrived around the flowerbed immediately climbed from the side of the cliff to the edge of the square, and then quickly moved towards the flowerbed.

Due to its small size and almost transparent body, the first ghost beetle easily climbed to the flowerbed and then quickly drilled into it. In order not to attract attention, I only sent such a ghost beetle to approach, the other ghosts hid on the side of the cliff without raising their heads.

Like Hephaestus said, the golden thread does not grow alone, and there are a large number of flame sunflowers surrounding it. The ghost worm that entered the flowerbed quickly passed through the flame sunflower and climbed to the side of the golden thread. Different from the flame sunflower, the golden thread is not only slightly longer than the flame sunflower, but also the color and shape of its petals are different from the flame sunflower, so I easily found the golden thread.

Under my command, the ghost worm easily climbed to the side of the golden thread, and then began to walk along the path. The predecessor of the Ghost Worm is a species known for its ability to devour, so their large teeth are very destructive, not to mention that the golden thread is just a plant, and I didn't expect it to have any hardness. However, things often differ greatly from ideas. At the moment when the ghost worm bite on the golden thread, the mutation suddenly emerged.

At the moment when the golden thread flower was bitten, the entire surface of the golden thread flower instantly glowed with a bright golden "color" light, followed by a golden "color" beam of light with a thick arm. "Shoot" in the heart of the flower, straight to the sky. Probably the only thing blind to such an obvious thing was that the guards all saw it anyway.

The quickest response is naturally the two holy mountain guards who guard the downhill path nearest to the flower garden, but when they ran towards the beam of light, I encountered other problems.

Originally, I did not need to climb those guys of the Olympus Protoss. As long as the golden thread was in my hands, it didn't matter if I was found. Anyway, I could run away, they couldn't stop me. However, just when I was going to be a dark stealer, I was surprised to find that the pliers that Ghost Worm had just left had only two very shallow cuts on the flower stems of the golden thread. It takes hours to cut this flower stem ~ ~ I rely on it, right? Is this flower impossible to beat with iron? "

In fact, it is insulted to say that it is iron. You need to know that the ghost worms can easily get rid of even steel. Our guild in the steel forest over the steel city is relying on the ghost worms to bring down those steel trees one by one to smelt, you think about it, these ghost worms can even smelt pure steel trees Down, but it can only leave a small incision on the flower stem of this golden thread. How hard should this flower stem be?

I now understand why Hephaestus was so surprised before I said a few words. With the hardness of this thing, coupled with the habit of firing a beam of light and the surrounding guards, this thing really can't be stolen. However, now is not the time to sigh about this, because the guards started calling for reinforcements when they did not find the enemy in the flower garden. The surrounding Hulara ran out of a large group of guards, and then started searching around. I was scared Turn around and run towards the torch. I can never be found before the golden thread is in my hands, otherwise it will be difficult to start! (To be continued)

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