Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 65: In the trap

Looking at the search guards around, I quickly ran back to the Flame Tower, but instead of rushing to the road, I hid under the base behind the Flame Tower first. This place can't be seen from the road in front of the torch, and there is a cliff in front of me. If the other party rushes over to search, I just jump over and jump.

Due to the large number of manpower, the search of the other party progressed quickly, and a large group of guards quickly rushed to the side of the torch. My two unicorn warriors also impersonated wearing the armor of the holy mountain guard, and the other party apparently did not notice that the two were counterfeit goods. When the team approached, because they saw a guard here, one of the leading guards asked directly: "Did you see anyone passing here?"

Of course, the unicorn warrior immediately shook his head to report that everything was normal here, but in order to ensure that the other party was not suspicious, I let the answering unicorn warrior pretend to direct another guard to go around the torch, and also deliberately walked to where I was. The position pretended to look down and looked around, and finally ran back to report to the other party that there was nothing.

I don't know if the guard level of the torch is relatively high, or there are other reasons, anyway, the guards who came to search actually believed them. Immediately after the boss beckoned, the guards immediately followed the leader and ran back along the same path, and did not forget to inspect the bushes and various statues along the way. Of course, they could find nothing but weeds.

When the guards ran away, I carefully activated the stealth effect, and then climbed to the ring on the top of the torch to observe the situation on the square with the pupil.

As the guards searched around, Zeus soon appeared on the square. And he was followed by a large group of senior protoss. After carefully examining the glowing golden thread in the flower garden, Zeus ordered a thorough search of the flower garden. After all, the cut was still very obvious, and the jagged structure on the cut also proved that the attack on the golden thread should be Some kind of bug, so Zeus ordered to search the flowerbed.

After seeing that the guards began to carefully check the flowerbeds inch by inch, I couldn't help but start to rejoice that I had just recruited the ghost beetle by "chaos". If this is discovered, even if Zeus can't think of me, I may have some trouble.

After repeated inspections for a long time to make sure there was nothing suspicious, the guards finally began to relax. Zeus and the senior protoss also left, but the guards were doubled in the square. The most annoying thing was that before the Olympus Temple, a high-looking senior Olympus was left. Protoss.

The sudden increase in defensive forces made my action more troublesome. Of course, they will return to the normal defensive state sooner or later, but I do n’t have the time to wait. So in the end I was helpless and "touched" the back of the stone statue I was hiding in before. Of course, I was very careful when I returned. But this caution was not wasted because it actually made me find a hidden trap behind the statue.

I'm pretty sure this trap didn't come before when I left, so the only possible "sex" it appeared here was the guards just laid out.

There are only a few places to hide around the square. The other side quietly laid traps in these places, naturally the purpose is self-evident. Fortunately, there was no time for the other party to prepare something particularly exaggerated, so they just put a flame trap. The power of this trap is obviously very low. Even if I stand on it and let it burn out until the energy is exhausted, it will not cause any harm to me, but the other party did not intend to use this to hurt people. They just want to act as an alarm.

Because I discovered this thing in advance, I avoided it carefully. And in order to be afraid of this thing, there are serial traps. So I didn't remove it at all. Our Frost Rose League in Isinger is equipped with a device that will start a serial second-order trap once it is removed, so I guess the Olympians may also have this kind of thing, so I did not touch it, lest Adding to the snake.

Carefully avoided the trap and hid myself, and then I observed the situation over there again.

Obviously, it is impossible to get down the golden thread by the phantom worm, but I ca n’t get close to the golden thread by myself. Therefore, I must find a way to compromise. Finally, after ten seconds of thinking. I finally thought of a fairly reliable method.

Immediately after thinking about the solution, I stepped back to the side of the torch, and after confirming that the guards on the other side of the square could not see me, I immediately climbed down the road and hung myself on the cliff.

After successfully moving to the cliff on the side of the mountain, I started to move along the cliff to the square side like a spider man. Although this is very strenuous, it is finally close to the square.

Because magic is not available near the square, Little Dragon Girl's gravity does not help at all. Over his head is the guard of the Protoss of Olympus. I also ca n’t fly with wings, and the dragon's tendons are also unusable, otherwise the sound of the rope heads embedded in the mountains will be heard by the guards above. But there is no other way, fortunately I still have eternity.

Divide eternity into four parts, and then let two of them adhere to the surface of my metal gloves evenly. Made my gloves partially deformable. The remaining two parts are of course to be covered on the feet, and then sharp claws are formed at the tip of the shoe. With these things, it is much simpler to move on the cliff. Whenever I ‘plug’ into the rock. The eternity on the outside of the glove will become a sharp blade, and then you can “plug” into the rock silently like cutting butter, and then when I determine that the depth is appropriate, the eternal tip will expand laterally and become ten. The glyphs and the sharp corners are turned into arcs, so that I can lock my hand firmly in the rock, let alone fall, even if I want to pull out, it takes a lot of effort.

Although the structure of the nails on the feet and the hands are different, the principle is roughly the same. As long as I cut into the rock, I quickly expand and deform to fix my body, and then when I want to change the position, I change back to a blade shape for easy extraction.

Using this method, I moved laterally on the cliff like a big spider. Soon it was under the cliff next to the flowerbed. However, the next part cannot be passed in this way, because the flower garden does not lean on the cliff.

Although there are no railings on the edge of the cliff, a road has been repaired, and the road runs around the edge of the square. The yellowish-colored slab road is more than four meters wide, and after crossing this road, it is necessary to pass a foot of grass to be a flowerbed. In addition, even if I can safely find access to the flowerbed. With a height of less than a foot from the golden thread and the flame sunflower, there is no way to hide among the flowers.

Now that so many guards have been added to the square, as long as I "outcrop", Lima will definitely be found, so I have no way to cross that stone road. Of course, I really don't need to go.

Although the ghost worms cannot bite off the flower stalks of the goldenrod instantly, they are more useful.

I carefully pulled the dragon's tendon from the "shot" mouth on my wrist, and then removed the rope head. Handed the rope to a ghost worm. The phantom worm quickly dragged the line and began to climb to the flowerbed. Because ghost worms are almost transparent, they can be hard to spot without notice. The dragon's cord is opaque, but it is very thin, and the silver-white "color" thread is basically not easy to find except that it will be brighter at the angle of reflection.

Calculating the safety distance, the ghost beetle finally dragged the rope into the flowerbed, and then the ghost bug began to execute my order. It carefully wound the cord around the flower stem and tied it in a knot. Of course, the cable did not touch the stem during this process. Because I do n’t know if the flower stem is cut to make it glow or to light up just like a touch switch.

Fortunately, until we fully prepared the cable, the golden thread did not respond.

After confirming that no one was aware of the situation here, I sent a second Ghost Worm to drag another of my ropes to climb the stone road and pass through. It's almost the same as the first time. This time, no one found two more silk threads on the road. The second ghost worm successfully pulled the second dragon tendon into the flowerbed and cooperated with the first ghost worm to bring the second The rope also knotted on the flower, but this time the position is relatively high, and the rope was framed on the leaves of the surrounding flame sunflower, and the knot is also the kind that will automatically tighten when pulled P-shaped knot.

When everything is ready. I took two deep breaths to calm my mood. After making sure everything was ready, I suddenly injected a lot of magic into the first cable, and then instantly activated the take-up.

The characteristic of Long Jin Suo is that when it is only very tough in normal mode, but once you input magic power into it, it will become a sharp cutter that cuts iron and mud. As long as the magic power you input is strong enough, In theory, it can cut through any material substance.

The magic suppression in the square just keeps me from performing magic. It's not that I can't mobilize the magic power, so when the dragon's cord is injected with magic power, it immediately becomes extremely sharp, and as I slam the line, the knotted dragon's cord immediately catches Flower stalk of golden thread. Followed by cutting the past and smoothing the flame sunflower along the way.

Almost immediately after the stem was cut off, the golden thread flower fiercely "shot" a dazzling beam of gold "color", and because a large area of ​​flame sunflower suddenly fell in the flower garden. So the guards around me discovered my existence and started rushing to this side. However, they can't be as fast as the take-up device of the dragon tendon. Just when those guys just started, the tendons on my other hand began to shrink sharply. Because no magic was injected this time, the cable did not cut the stem, but because the structure of the p-ring was tightened and fixed on the stem instantly.

This golden thread flower had been cut off by the dragon's tendon before, and now it was suddenly pulled, of course, it flew towards me immediately. The take-up device of the Long Jinsuo cable can quickly take up the wire even if I suspend my weight. I can imagine how much the pulling force is. Such a small flower with a big palm is very light to it. It was pulled out and flew directly into my hand. At this time, the fastest response among the guards was just just running. Just one or two meters away.

The golden thread was in my hand. I didn't plan to fight the guards at all. I jumped off the cliff and turned straight. As soon as I get out of the magic blockade around the square, I can summon the birds and leave this place. The Olympus Protoss is not very good at flying at all. Compared with the flying fighters such as flying birds, that is the difference between a family economy car and an F1 car. Flying birds can throw them a few streets at half power.

However, although I planned well, it was a pity that the Protoss of Olympus were not fools, and they were shocked. Just when I jumped off the cliff proudly and thought I had succeeded, my falling body suddenly hit something and stopped in an instant. When I reacted, I realized that I didn't know when there were more layers of light curtains blocking me in the air.

This layer of light curtain is not flat, but an arc structure. It looks like it might even be a sphere. The light curtain extended from the cliff behind me, rolled upwards, and then disappeared at the top of the cliff. I can't see from the top of it if the top is closed, but I think it should be a closed whole.

Almost as soon as I was stopped by this thing, I knew that the trouble was serious, and quickly turned around and jumped up the cliff and returned to the edge of the square. The guards over there obviously knew the existence of this light curtain, so they were not surprised at me jumping up again, but continued to rush towards this side. and. Because they have been running before, the person closest to me is now only a few meters away. If he had a long weapon, it would almost have reached me.

Despite knowing that the other side's trap was hit, I'm not the kind of person who likes to sit and wait. The layer of light curtain just changed from the forbidden magic array, because the magic suppression effect on my body disappeared at the same time as it became a golden "color" light curtain, and I suddenly found that the center of the square did not know when it would rise Obelisk. On the top of the obelisk was a gold ball that was slowly spinning. It is not difficult to see from its position and the powerful magic wave that this is the foundation of this enchantment. As long as it is destroyed, it should be able to destroy the enchantment.

I just tried it before I came up. The enchantment can penetrate forever, but it ca n’t cut the gap. Because eternity will heal automatically as soon as it is pulled out, so I do n’t expect to run out with Ben, I just want to Destroy the ball as soon as possible.

After thinking about all kinds of things, I also let go, and summoned Ye Ying directly to step over. The sacred mountain guard next arrived at this time. A sword stabbed at Ye Ying, but Ye Ying and I disappeared directly like a cloud of smoke, and ran out of the obelisk next second, and at this time in my hand Eternity has changed into a sickle-gun form and was placed sideways by me.

Alas. I rode at the shadow of the obelisk and rushed past the obelisk, eternally slicing through the obelisk's body, followed by the obelisk slowly began to incline and fell down in the direction of my running.

This obelisk is not as big as the American obelisk, it is only a dozen tall. The thickest side is only over a meter long, so it falls very fast. When the golden ball at the top of it fell down and fell to a height of more than one meter above the ground, Yeying and I rushed to that position. The hook sickle lanced across the golden ball and split it into two instantly. The surrounding gold "color" enchantment also disappeared and invisible at the same time.

After successfully destroying the enchantment, the rest is to run. However, since others have laid this thing down, they cannot be unprepared. Although my opponent was unable to save the golden ball because I was too fast, anyway, when I destroyed the enchantment and ran away, they finally arrived.

"Where to run."

Seeing me appearing in the middle of the square, Zeus and the group of protoss suddenly rushed out from the front Olympus Temple, and they all rushed over to me.

I was shocked to see such a large group of protoss rushing aggressively. I can't figure out a Zeus, and with so many helpers, I don't think I can defeat them. Not to mention a lot of masters here, even if they use the soldiers to estimate the energy consumption. But don't forget that this is their old nest, and these guys are protoss, and even their miscellaneous soldiers cannot simply be treated as miscellaneous soldiers. I wouldn't care if it was a general miscellaneous soldier. Anyway, it would never pile me up, but the miscellaneous soldier of the protoss could not, especially if I could not get the initiative.

Knowing that I can't compete, I immediately let Night Shadow start the dream shuttle ability, and instantly the two of us turned into a cloud of smoke and penetrated into a void. However, this time we did not jump out of the far place according to the plan, but directly fell out less than two meters away from the disappeared position, and then a guy with a black "color" armor from The piece came out of nothingness, and looking at the spear in his hand, it was clear that he blocked us.

"Haha. See how you die this time." Seeing that I was blocked, Zeus laughed wildly. The last time Hades had made Zeus hate me, they now saw me unlucky.

Although blocked, I didn't give up. After falling out, Ye Ying fell directly into another open space door. The guy in the black armor flashed immediately and wanted to follow it, but the arc of blue “color” flashed from the void in the next second. Flew out. The training space is our special agency space, which is protected by the rules of the system. What is this guy trying to do?

Because I knew that guy would be unlucky, he rushed up when he fell out. The sickle gun in his hand flipped, and the tip of the gun pierced his heart. Although the guy saw my attack, he couldn't dodge because his body was paralyzed by the electric current. He just watched me pierce. However, just as I was about to succeed, a feather arrow suddenly flew from the side and hit my gun. The huge force directly rammed the tip of the gun, and as a result, I "plugged" into the ground next to that guy. It didn't hurt him.

I was about to draw a gun and kill again. Three stunned arrows flew near me. If I went to attack him, I would definitely have a sword. At present, I do n’t dare to exchange injuries with the enemy. After all, it ’s me being beaten by the group. If the injury is to replace the injury, each of them can replace me with a skeleton.

Looking at a target that could have been easily killed, I finally had no choice but to pull back. But just when I just pulled out eternity. But suddenly a huge pull came from my hand. It turned out that the guy on the ground hugged himself unconsciously, causing me to lose eternity. It wasn't a problem to suppress him with my strength, but now I don't have the time. Looking at the three feather arrows that are about to hit, I can only let go.

Eternal released his hand, and the guy on the ground immediately climbed up and tried to drag eternity out of his possession. Although he was electrocuted, he did not suffer much injuries. It was just a second at the time. However, just as he was about to grab eternity, eternity suddenly exploded. That's right, it exploded, and turned into a pile of splashing "liquid" body, and immediately wrapped the entire body of him. After covering this guy, eternity hardened immediately. Instantly turned that guy into a red "color" metal sculpture. The surrounding protoss rushed to his side and strove to smash the sculpture, hoping to get it out, but no matter how hard they tried, one of the unlucky eggs accidentally hit the weapon on the sculpture surface, and the whole sword It all broke. The eternal artifact destruction is "sex", but it is known as the artifact killer. Dare to use weapons and eternal collision, then be prepared to smash weapons.

Seeing that man here couldn't save it. Zeus suddenly shouted: "Leave him alone, there is a way to get Ziri to seize nature. We the protoss will not be suffocated. What are you anxious for?"

Upon hearing these words, other protoss also reacted and rushed towards me hoping to hamper me quickly, anyway, I had no weapons in their hands, and they were not worried at all.

Of course I have thought of the things that the Olympus Protoss thought, but now it is not so easy to run. During the time I was entangled in them, the surrounding area of ​​the square was already surrounded by a three-layer outer layer and a three-layer outer layer. Although these guys are not my opponents, they don't need to defeat me. As long as I block them when I run away, even if they delay a few tenths of a second, the Protoss can drag me back into the battle circle, so I want to run now It is unlikely. Of course, I won't give up until the last minute. If it doesn't work, I will use the last trick to directly integrate the gods, and then put the holy sword to judge. At the beginning I was able to split the Temple Mount of Jehovah, and today I can split it in half. I'm a scourge anyway, Zeus won't let me live, and I won't let him through.

Although I was fighting, I was already planning the worst way to deal with it, but I was not too worried about it. Amazingly a few levels, although Zeus must have a way to "sexually" kill me many levels at once, but he must not be able to completely trap me, because that is not consistent with the system settings. Therefore, the biggest loss I can sustain is nothing more than dropping many levels, plus losing the golden thread, and there should be no other loss.

With this feeling, I began to prepare to give it a try ~ ~ Victoria, come out to help. "

Calling Victoria out at this time was certainly not for fighting. Anyway, her fighting power has been unreliable, so I didn't expect her to help. The reason I called her was to let her tell me that direction was the most important position on Mount Olympus. If I couldn't hold it for a while, I would split it there, and it would definitely make Zeus feel bad.

Originally I just wanted to ask Victoria to point me in the direction. I didn't expect the moment when Victoria appeared, the surrounding Olympus Protoss collectively took a breath. Some of the fastest guys even ran out of brakes While slipping forward, he fell to the ground, and then climbed backwards with his hands and feet after his **** fell to the ground, until he climbed out for a few meters before turning around and getting up and flying. Even the old **** Zeus actually retreated to the gate of the Temple of Olympus as soon as he saw Victoria, and even deliberately hid behind a bunch of protoss.

Looking at the sudden change, I turned to look at Victoria with a strange look, and then asked with uncertainty: "Victoria? Have you been a **** of plague before?" (To be continued)

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