Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 66: Scary Victoria

Victoria is certainly not a **** of plague. The reason why the Olympians are so afraid of her is that the nature of her wheel of destiny is so scary.

Although I have always said that Victoria's wheel of destiny is "sexual", but the death of it is "sexual". In addition, Victoria can designate two types of "sex" not to appear before "shooting", so if you hit the enemy with "shooting", the probability of drawing a death of "sex" will be at least one sixth. In addition, Victoria can also control the occurrence probability of favorable and harmful genres within a certain range, so in fact, the probability of occurrence of that death genus is much higher than one-sixth.

It sounds like the probability of one in six is ​​not very high, but if you are thinking about it, if someone shoots at you with a revolver with only one bullet, wouldn't you be afraid? Even if you pull the trigger, you may not be able to fire the only bullet, but after all, you have only one life. Is n’t it necessary that who will block this one-sixth probability? So the reaction of these Olympians is actually normal now, because Victoria is the guy with a bullet, and they don't want to use their lives to gamble Victoria's luck.

Watching the form suddenly reverse, I immediately seized the opportunity to turn around and run. The enchantment has been destroyed, and now I just need to have a chance to rush out, don't even try to catch up with me at the speed of the Olympian Protoss. Now it happens that the Protoss of Olympus have been frightened by Victoria. When do they not wait to run?

My side reacts fast, but Zeus is not slow. When he saw that I was about to run away, he immediately shouted to the other Protoss of Olympus around him: "Give me all the punches. Who can catch Ziri and triple the share of his faith."

For the Protoss, the power of faith is the wages of the migrants. Now Zeus has actually paid three times the price. Who doesn't want this treatment? Under the so-called reward, there must be brave husbands. The one-sixth probability is not necessarily drawn, and some people just like to gamble on that little bit of luck. They will not take risks without motivation, but since there are so many chips on the opposite side, they will naturally bet on them in order to obtain those chips.

Immediately after Zeus shouted, seven or eight protoss immediately jumped off the steps of the Temple of Olympus and rushed towards us. As soon as I saw the situation, I called out: "Victoria puts an arrow!"

Seeing so many past colleagues around her, Victoria knew that the situation was urgent. As soon as the guys rushed down the steps, the golden ring in Victoria's back had already shone with dazzling gold. Followed by a gold "color" lightning suddenly flew down from the gold "color" ring directly into Victoria's hand and turned into a gold arrow, then Victoria quickly opened the bow, and then loosened his fingers, and banged An arrow flew directly across half the square and hit the guy running in front.

Plop ... "Oh ..." The guy at the arrow didn't know if he was scared or what happened. At the moment of the arrow, he fell to the ground and his body continued to roll forward for several times because of his habitual nature. It was a complete stop. Although it did not fall to death, it did not seem to be light.

Seeing the arrows in the companion, the remaining people reacted differently. Two guys raised the speed immediately, apparently they wanted to rush forward to us and launch an attack. The remaining five people were a little slower, obviously afraid and shrinking, but although the sea was scared, they just slowed down. Did not stop or leave.

After Victoria noticed that two guys were out of the crowd, the golden "color" light wheel behind her suddenly accelerated the speed of rotation, followed by two gold "color" lightnings, and simultaneously "shot" into her palm into two golden arrows. , And then flew out as Victoria loosened her bowstring.

The two guys running at the front hit the arrow almost at the same time, and then the guy on the left, like the man who hit the arrow before, suddenly fell to the ground, then the whole person rolled over and rolled forward. But he was lucky compared to the other guy, because the other guy was hit by the golden arrow. The whole person suddenly broke into a pile of black "color" dust, and then disappeared into the world completely with a gust of wind.

Death was initiated by "sex". Victoria's arrow of fate actually dropped a protoss in seconds. In this case, the surrounding Protoss of Olympus was pumping for a while, especially among the five who ran slowly Two of them simply turned around and crawled and ran back to the temple of Olympus.

Suddenly fell two, plus one died directly, the remaining three guys also stopped in place and did not dare to move. And Victoria did not continue to "shoot".

Victoria's arrow of fate does not "shoot" the arrow of death every time, and she can only use the arrow of fate once for a certain time. Therefore, as long as she does not release the arrow, everyone present will have a one-sixth chance of being killed, but once she really "shots" all these people, it is true that some people will be immediately dropped. But the rest would never be afraid of Victoria's arrow of fate. So as long as Victoria doesn't let go of her arrows, she can maintain deterrence, and once she "shoots" someone, as long as the guy does not die, she is no longer threatened by her. Of course, even if it is not "sex" to hit death, it is definitely not a good thing to get a disease, sorrow or something. The two guys who fell before are definitely one of these two kinds of "sex", otherwise they will not suddenly follow suit.

"Victoria, what is the" **** "of these two guys?" Seeing the two protoss who had been "shot" turned up again, I quickly asked Victoria. After all, knowing the opponent's condition makes it easy for me to adopt a suitable fighting method.

Victoria glanced at the two guys and said, "The one near you is sorrow, and the other one is sick."

When I heard that the two sexes were "sex", I immediately put on a fighting posture. After all, those two guys are different from others. Although they are now in the negative sex, they no longer need to be threatened by Victoria's arrow of fate, so the probability of them rushing up will definitely exceed 90% .

Sure enough, I just finished asking here, Zeus had already shouted at the two guys. "Don't stand, hurry up, you'll hit an arrow, and you won't be attacked by the Wheel of Destiny anymore!"

In fact, you don't need Zeus to call the two protoss to know the current situation. So they rushed up immediately. Due to speed restrictions. So the two guys still rushed forward at a distance, and the other three rushed forward, just after Victoria quickly aimed a golden arrow that had just formed and shaped towards them. The guy immediately stopped again. They don't want to bet on that one-sixth shooting percentage.

The two protoss who rushed up knew the current situation, so they didn't expect anyone else to rush up to help, and they rushed to attack without any pause in front of me.

The protoss in front of him is not the ordinary low-level protoss, but the higher status of the Olympus theros. Of course, it is definitely incomparable with the Athena and Apollo. I can shake Athena positively. Naturally, he is stronger than this guy. In addition, he has just become a "sex" in sorrow, and his "sex" has dropped by 20%, which means that he has already been abolished half. This strength meets me one-on-one, what's the difference between finding death?

Although I know the guy in front of me is not my opponent, the other party obviously does not think so. The pride of the protoss is a feature that has penetrated into the bones. For many years, their habits have convinced them that apart from other protoss forces and higher gods, any other species are ants in front of them. Although my reputation is already very loud in the divine realm, as long as I do n’t see it with my own eyes, most protoss still choose to believe that it is just an exaggerated legend. They would rather believe that this is the protoss that I defeated to deliberately exaggerate my strength in order to save face, and they would never believe that I was really that strong.

Although this kind of misunderstanding is not available to everyone in the Protoss, the guy in front of him is clearly one of them, so that he actually directly attacked me without waiting for the next companion to approach.

Facing this attack, I naturally don't care. Raised his hand directly, grasped his wrist, followed by a punch and hit his nose, and instantly slammed him backwards, followed by the wrist, flipped the blade, and instantly pulled back. There was a splash of blood and blood, and the guy's body softened instantly. Before he fell, I quickly let go and lifted my leg to fill the guy's stomach, and the guy immediately flew out and knocked down the guy who rushed a little late. While the guy was still struggling to figure it out under the body, I quickly walked over, and then reached out to the guy who was generally trapped by the sculpture over the eternal moment that wrapped him, and then reasoned that his body flew towards me Palms. And during the flight, it has been combined into the form of a hook sickle.

Starting with eternity, I quickly stabbed down, the guy just pushed the corpse and rolled to the side to avoid the shot, and then he kicked on my ankle and lost my center of gravity, but my right elbow However, a nearly two-foot-long elbow blade popped up suddenly, and with the opportunity of fluttering forward, the elbow blade cut directly through the guy's neck and completely cut his head.

The two Protoss were killed one after the other, and it didn't take ten seconds to add one. The surrounding Olympians were all there. After all, I heard that there is a big difference between what I saw with my own eyes, not to mention that this group of protoss had always thought that I was not really strong. However, everything in front of me clearly shows that I have no less combat effectiveness than the first-line protoss, and even stronger than some first-line protoss. Such a huge contrast will surprise everyone, and the Protoss is no exception.

The gods who were just surprised by my fighting power had not yet responded, and suddenly someone noticed the protoss who had been wrapped by eternity before. At that time Zeus shouted that the guy could not die, so no one cares about him, but after I retrieved eternity, the guy has become a pile of black and red "color" mud that can't see the shape, so The great change is to hold the gods together again.

If I can defeat the Protoss simply because I am stronger, then it is strange that the guy wrapped in eternity becomes mud. After eternal enveloping it, it has not moved, and no other changes have taken place. Even if this guy is killed, at least some wounds are cut out of him, which should not be the way it is now.

The pile of things in front of them not only looked like a pile of feces, but also abnormally, their volume was significantly smaller than that of the human body, which means that something was missing from that guy.

In fact, the guy became so understandable because he was eaten. Yes, it was indeed blown, but not by any beast, but by eternity. Do not think that eternity is just a weapon, after so many enhancements, plus its own instrumental spirit. Eternity can now be regarded as a special creature. As for the situation where the protoss was eaten. This is mainly due to the effect of eternal devour.

The eternal blood contains the blood of the Phoenix, that is, with a strong repair ability, plus the control of the instrumental spirit, so this repair becomes a selective "sex" absorption, that is, devour. He can devour as long as it comes into contact with forever, whether it is energy or matter, he can absorb as long as it is useful. There must be a lot of useful material in the armor of that Protoss. And there must be something similar in him, plus the soul is also energy, so in the end, the guy did not run out, and the whole thing absorbed by eternity was only a pile of red and black "color" waste residue. Of course, it is not wrong to say that it is eternal stool.

"What did you do to him?" A female "sex" protoss looked at the beach on the ground and wondered if it was blood or something.

I didn't even care about her roar. Anyway, everyone is hostile, not to mention she's not as good as me, and I don't have to deal with her at all. However, although I think so, the other person doesn't think so. I don't know if dying is something that has nothing to do with her, anyway, this goddess sees me ignore her and then she's completely mad. but. Just two steps away, Victoria suddenly turned around and "shot" the long-awaited arrow of fate.

With a sigh, the goddess burst into a black ash at the moment he was hit by the arrow of fate, and then drifted away with the wind.

This time it was not just the Olympians. Even I was surprised to glance back at Victoria. Since Victoria became my magic pet, this death has not appeared a few times in total. Although it is a one-sixth probability, this death is definitely suppressed. Otherwise it will not be so difficult. Pumped. But today, the suppression seems to have suddenly disappeared. In such a while, he has been hit twice. Counting the three arrows that Victoria "shot" before, this is one-half the rate of occurrence. If such a terrible "sex" can keep this occurrence rate, let alone the Protoss of Olympus, the court of heaven would probably dare not touch me. I will die half before I start. Who will take care of this loss?

Probably realized that morale will be completely gone in this way, Zeus finally used the usefulness of his **** king and shouted: "Don't be afraid, it was just an accident. Everyone rushed together. Kill her as soon as possible, she can" shot "two at most Three arrows, so many of us, don't be afraid of her. "

Although he was still scared, Zeus' words sounded reasonable, and after all, he was a **** king, and everyone was not good at disobedience, so a lot of Olympus protoss rushed up. But just when they started, Victoria did something even more amazing.

As the gods rushed up, the wheel of fortune behind Victoria suddenly flew to her head, and then the wheel of fortune with a diameter of seven or eight meters suddenly contracted into a small wheel of fortune with a diameter of only seventy to eighty centimeters. Following Victoria Then he "plugs" his long bow into the wheel of fortune. As if entering the space gate, the golden bow disappeared completely after passing through the wheel of destiny, and when Victoria pulled the hand that reached into the wheel of destiny again, she had one more hand. Take the golden crossbow. However, what is even more amazing is that when she leveled the golden crossbow, the wheel of destiny seemed to be embedded in the crossbow's "shooting" mouth, and actually moved along with the crossbow body.

Just as if she was "shooting" with a gun, Victoria directly raised the golden crossbow and then pressed the back of the butt-like part on her shoulder and quickly pulled the trigger.

According to normal circumstances, at this time the golden crossbow should "shoot" a crossbow, and because the front of the crossbow is the wheel of destiny, the last "shot" will become an arrow of destiny. However, the current situation is obviously not the general situation. That crossbow indeed "shot" the energy arrow, and the wheel of destiny did transform it into an arrow of destiny, but it was not a branch, but a piece.

The golden crossbow in Victoria's hand is not a primitive weapon at all. This thing is almost like an automatic rifle. As Victoria pulls the trigger, the wheel of fate begins to spin quickly, and then accompanied by a burst of blasts ... Ring, the arrow of destiny "shot" in front of the wheel of destiny is almost connected in a straight line, and Victoria also "fucked" to cross the crossbow and began to "shoot" from left to right. fly.

The group of Olympians on the opposite side was not very determined. When they saw the arrows of fate that had "shot" from the front, they were scared and they immediately fled around.

It ’s not that they do n’t want to rush, they just ca n’t escape. With such a dense crossbow, no one dares to try it, even if it has a death rate of one sixth.

In fact, they were timid enough to help them a lot, because if this group of Olympians continued to rush forward, then although they might catch me and Victoria, they would definitely cause a lot of casualties, because Victoria is now using This is not the previous attack.

In addition to firing at a high speed, this continuous "shooting" mode is also different from a single attack. The most important point is that it can attack the same person multiple times.

Do you know what it means to attack the same person multiple times? That is to say, I still shoot at you with a revolver with a round of bullets ~ ~ But instead of firing a shot you won't die, even if you pass the level, but will hold you in one breath. If you are pulled by the opponent six times in a row, the mortality rate is not one-sixth, but one-hundredth.

Of course, such a perverted reinforcement is naturally limited, but anyway, this killing effect can definitely kill people in a short time. What's worse, in addition to the death of "sex", the remaining four choices of "sex" also appear repeatedly, and they can also be superimposed. Not to mention that death is "sex", even if six of the diseases are "sex", you will die!

Anyway, Victoria scared the Olympus Protoss this time, so she rushed back and lay down at least a dozen Olympus Protoss on the square, and all of them were "shot" Like the hedgehog. There are more injuries.

"Dammit, is the seal loose?" Seeing Victoria erupting in the square, the only Zeus who could not help but muttered. (To be continued)

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