Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 70: All the gods have been in the group.

"Zeus. No one is messing around now, let's make a difference?"

Of course I know that Zeus doesn't want to fight with me, and I don't want to fight with him, but the more I don't want to fight, the more eager I am, or it will only let Zeus know that I am also afraid, and he will attack me more unscrupulously. On the contrary, the more I behaved like a fighting freak, the more Zeus didn't dare to touch me, because he would think that I had something to rely on, but would not dare to start easily.

"Well, challenge me, you don't have that qualification." Although Zeus didn't want to fight, he must not be weak in momentum, or he would only be looked down upon by his subordinates. [.]

After hearing his answer, I knew that Zeus was really scared, so now I'm more bold to challenge him anyway. "I'm not qualified? That means that I only deserve to challenge your subordinates? Okay, no problem. You are the boss of the Olympian Protoss, I will give you this face, and I will challenge your subordinates from the next level. But are you sure not to do it yourself? If you are afraid, you will not embarrass me if you admit defeat directly. "Seeing Zeus want to explain, I quickly speed up and said before him:" Of course, if you are really afraid, then Designate a subordinate to come and die. Anyway, Athena has fallen, and I don't care about killing one or two more. "

"Where am I afraid?" Zeus finally got the chance to shout when I finished talking, but this kind of thing was originally an unproven thing. Regardless of whether Zeus explained or not, the result was actually the same. Anyway, he should doubt him. People naturally doubt, and his explanation is useless, and those who do not doubt him naturally do not doubt, and he does not doubt others.

Sure enough, seeing nothing seemed to happen around him, Zeus knew he could not explain it. At this time he immediately rushed down and fought against me was the best solution, so that most of the suspicions he was afraid of could be ruled out. Of course, some people may think that he shot this because I couldn't run it. Although it is true, but in a big way, at least this can eliminate most of the Protoss ’suspicion on Zeus.

Although the method is good, but unfortunately, Zeus really didn't want to come down and fight with me, so he ended up using the worst method, which was to directly point to an Olympian protoss to let him end.

At this time Zeus also knew that everyone's mind was unstable, so he didn't point people at random. This person sent by him was one of his confidants. Although not strong, loyalty is absolutely fine. So after being pointed to by Zeus, the guy stood up immediately.

"Zi Ri, let me accept your challenge today." "Well, is there really a guy who sent him to death?" Seeing that guy come out, I started to circle around him while using a very disdainful tone Mocked him.

At first glance, the guy's face is the type that is more serious and does not even make jokes. This kind of people usually do things with a scrutiny, and do things seriously to the point of being rigid. For this kind of person, joking with him is very easy to irritate him. If the friend is better, as my hostile identity, telling him this kind of thing is like throwing a match into a gasoline tank. .

Things were just as I expected, the guy exploded as soon as he heard me. He raised the golden spear in his hand and threw it at me in anger. Of course, such a spear thrown out of order is absolutely impossible to hit, but he did not plan to use a spear to throw it. I solved it. Immediately after throwing the spear, the guy rushed at me with a sword.

Obviously, this guy may be very rigid in doing things, but his combat experience is not low, so he will not go against me stupidly, but use a spear to attract attention, and he will quickly follow the spear with a sword Trying to take advantage of me. Unfortunately, he met me today.

If there is a battle between two individuals in the game, the last thing to fight is nothing more than three things: "sex", reaction, and luck.

"Sex" includes a lot of things, such as strength, agility, etc., as well as player equipment, and the monster's special nature is "sex". Anyway, these things are all data, some of them can be seen directly on the property "Sex" console, and some are hidden properties "Sex", but they are all data things anyway.

Although this thing is expressed in the game as "sex", it actually exists independently. The agility in the game should actually be supported by the body's response speed, that is, the time difference between when you issue an instruction to kick your leg and when your leg actually kicks out. However, the real reaction force is not so simple. It depends on the actual brain reaction speed of the player who "exercises" this character. This has a strong relationship with a person's innate neural structure and acquired training. Of course, the game characters are not realistic, and their response is the "sexual" agile corresponding speed.

In the end, this luck is easier to understand, it is completely something that cannot be calculated. There is a saying that lucky is "sex" in the game, but it is only a probability, not a certain value. Theoretically, if you are really lucky enough to go out and pick up a lot of money and buy a lottery ticket, you will definitely win. Even if your luck in the game is negative, you can still explode the most. The battle of cattle is "sex", because the lucky value given by the system just increases or decreases the probability that you reach a certain data, but the system never sets any probability to zero, so you really want your luck to be against the sky , The system's lucky value is simply a dispensable thing.

Compared with the Protoss of Olympus in front of me, I am significantly higher than him in terms of sexuality. The nature of the protoss is not too exaggerated, it is generally only three or four times higher than the value of ordinary players, but the problem is that there is a metamorphosis of the divine power that is "sex", so the system calculates the combat power of the protoss and the average player ’s The combat effectiveness is calculated on a one-to-ten ratio. This determines that if a player is to be tied with a Protoss, and the fighting skills and reaction of the two are comparable, the player's "sexual" point must be ten times that of the Protoss. May remain tied.

However, that is a requirement of ordinary players. My divine power to suppress the "sex" determines that my combat power and protoss are calculated on a one-to-one basis, and there is no ten-fold probability at all. In addition, since I have the "sex" existence of the Tushen genus, when facing the protoss, all my **** will be double calculated. This pros and cons has caused my "sex" to actually exceed the "sex" of most Protoss, or I would just overthrow Athena just three or two times ago.

In addition to this basic "sex" aspect, I also have a lot more reaction forces than the protoss present. In fact, compared to the "sex" point, this is the real reason I became the number one on the combat list. Under normal circumstances, the human reaction speed will not differ too much. Even if it is a pilot or a professional baseball hitter such as a profession that requires reaction speed, its true neural reaction speed will not be faster than those that seem to be How much faster are the slow people. The reason why the speeds of the two seem to be very different is not the reason for the nerve's "shooting" speed, but the reason for the habit and the body's response speed.

This body response speed is actually agility in the game. Therefore, in the game, when all players are at the first level, the reaction speed is actually similar, and it will not be as different as in reality. Everyone's agility will not differ too much, and the remaining gap is only the nerve reaction speed, so that everyone's reaction speed is balanced.

Another reason that limits reaction speed is habit. A basketball player, when you throw a basketball at him from the back, and then call his name, he usually sees the basketball quickly after reaching back to catch it. However, a lightweight boxing champion with a nerve reaction speed far faster than that of a basketball player may be hit by the ball or deflect his head to dodge instead of catching the ball. This is all related to their professional habits, not entirely a matter of reaction speed. This is like if you let a person continuously train his head to dodge, then after a long period of continuous training, he may even dodge the bows and arrows that "shot" from the front, but he cannot avoid the car that hits the front. Because he is used to squatting and dodging, this can only flash the bow and arrow but not the car wheels.

In addition to the normal reaction speed of the player's reaction speed in the game, there is only the habitual reaction speed. As for the body response speed, this is replaced by the agility of the system. Because the basic reaction speed of human beings is almost the same, and the professional reaction speed is not touched by most people except for the habitual use of very few people, so the reaction speed of players in the game is basically the same. of.

Then, if we set the player's reaction speed to a digital range of forty-five to fifty-five, the forty-five is the slowest responding person, fifty-five is the fastest responding person, then, the monsters ’ The response speed will be between ten and two hundred. That reaction speed is of course low-level zombies, junior Nendoroids and other monsters. Two hundred speeds are highly sensitive monsters such as foxes or birds of Warcraft. Don't look at the speed of this fastest high-sensitivity monster, which is only four times faster than that of humans, but because the actual reaction speed is the sum of the speed of the nerve's "shot" and the value of the agility of the body, and Quick-responding creatures are generally very agile, so those high-sensitivity monsters often can't even catch the shadows in the player's eyes, don't throw a bit of slowness or freezing skills, and can't even see the opponent.

Based on this data, the reaction speed of the protoss is also a fast type, but this value usually does not exceed the high-sensitivity creatures, generally it is about one hundred, at most it is only twice as fast as the players. However, because the ten-fold bonus of the divine power “sex” also affects the agile “sex”, in fact, the protoss will be much faster than the player.

However, the above situation does not apply to me. First of all, the divine power does not work for me, so the Protoss does not get a tenfold bonus to the agility "sex". Secondly, because my genre "sex" is higher than most of the protoss, so I will basically not lose in terms of agility, "sex". Last but not least, I am not a human at all. The reaction speed of human anti-shooting nerves is indeed not much different, which is determined by human biological characteristics. The problem is that I am not a human, I am a dragon. Recently obtained information has proven that our dragons' genes were originally a kind of combat biochemical man developed by aliens, and as combat creatures, the speed of response must be the focus of strengthening. In addition, we have the electronic brain as an auxiliary component, and many instructions that require fast response have been pre-stored in the electronic brain's judgment system in the form of instruction sets. In other words, our neural anti-shooting speed has actually approached or even exceeded the response speed of traditional computers.

What is the response speed of the computer? It depends on the clock cycle of the computing chip. The computer is not actually coherent when computing data, but it is computing one cell at a time. Each cell is a cycle. Within each cycle, the computer processes a set of instructions. In other words, the response speed of the computer is one clock cycle.

The clock cycle of a computer is not fixed, but it is accelerating with the advancement of technology, which is why the speed of computers is getting faster and faster. Our Dragon's electronic brain also has a clock frequency, and our biological brain is a non-intermittent computing method. Therefore, there are two criteria for our response speed. If the problem encountered is pre-stored in the instruction set, then our response speed is one clock cycle of the electronic brain, which is one-twenty-seventh of a millisecond. This speed is about two million trillion times the clock cycle of son-in-law. Although it is two million trillion times slower than the son-in-law, this is enough to make us feel proud. After all, the son-in-law is about to catch up with a battleship. How big is our electronic brain?

Of course, the above is just the response speed of our electronic brain, and this is only a theoretical speed. In reality, one thing cannot be completed by only one instruction, and this process usually uses dozens to hundreds of instructions. But even if you multiply this value by a few tens or hundreds, the result is still too fast for you to react. If you have to make a figurative metaphor for this data, that is, if I will chop the enemy in the course of each reaction time, then after one second, even if the other party is an elephant, it has been chopped into pieces. The meat is filling, and some of the pieces may soon be cut into sub-things. Of course, this is just a metaphor, and in the process, I must ignore the time of my sword, otherwise the whole process will still be extended to hundreds of hours.

Anyway, this speed is unusually fast, and because of this speed, the protoss in front of it are simply trying to die. The agility aspect is already a disadvantage, coupled with my amazing neural anti-shooting speed. In this case, if I fully activate the entire brain, the action of this guy in front of me will become a tens of thousands slower. Super slow motion, I can even read a book while fighting with him without any delay. Of course, because our brain's energy consumption is too scary under full load, we are usually in a half-sleep state. However, even so, the speed of that guy is still a slow motion in front of me, but this slow motion just feels slow, and there is no such exaggerated situation that people wait in anxiety.

The guy just threw a spear at me, and then took advantage of the spear's attack to quickly approach, trying to seize the opportunity. It's a pity that his reaction speed is too far behind me. The spear he threw did distract me, but because my response was too fast, when my attention turned back, he hadn't actually started yet. If he had just used the peacock to open his screen arrow, "shot" his eight feather arrows at a time, maybe I would be a little negligent because I wanted to calculate the flight path of the feather arrows, but he only threw a spear, speed It's not half as fast as Feather Arrow. How could something so slow interfere with me? So, when he actually rushed in front of me, he saw a beautiful shield patted at his face.

When ... there was a loud noise like Chen Zhong lonely, the guy covered his face with blood and fell straight backwards, but before he landed, I flashed in front of him in one step and folded his hands with his fists. Click again on his chest. His original trajectory of flying backwards immediately changed, his back bowed down, his head and feet floated, and he slammed on the ground, then before his head and feet fell to the ground, I lifted it again A kick of his leg over his back of the head kicked him off the ground. After his entire body floated upwards again as if in a normal posture, I quickly changed my foot again, and volleyed "shot" in the middle of his stomach, and then he bowed into a shrimp and flew directly. Back to the crowd he just ran out of, he immediately brought down a large group of people.

The knocked-out Olympus Protoss hurriedly got up to help the kicked guy, but there was no sound of that guy at this time. And in my eyes, a huge cloud of black mist was flying on the guy's body and quickly flew towards my body, and then merged directly into my armor.

Now I find that the greatest benefit of this "sex" is that it can be used to judge whether the enemy is dead, because as long as the enemy is successfully killed, the soul power will be absorbed by me, and the soul power is not emitted on the other side, indicating that he has not yet dead.

The soul power of this guy came out, only to show that he was dead, so I didn't even see it, and I turned to Zeus who was still there.

"Hey, I said you're looking for someone to fight with me, at least find a better point? What's the matter of sending this garbage out?"

When Zeus was asked by me, I didn't know how to answer it, but when he was awkward and abnormal, the woman I did n’t know who came with Athena suddenly said, "God King, you What challenge do you say to this guy who broke into the mountain? We are not on the stage with him, what are we going to fight? Let ’s go together and catch this guy first. ”

Zeus had been thinking about his own security issues before, and was wondering if I had any other conspiracy. Later, because of my language trap, he was gradually guided to the way of dialogue. In the end, he turned the besieger into a heads-up, if not The woman reminded him that he might still be confused. But now suddenly I heard the woman reminded that he had reacted.

"Damn purple sun, I was actually taken in by you," Zeus suddenly exclaimed, "Everyone punches me, no matter what skills he uses, give me a chance to catch him."

Hearing the roar of Zeus this time, those protoss did not have Yang Fengyin, because they all heard that Zeus was really moving this time, and they also knew that the Olympus Protoss would definitely be finished in this way, so this will everyone All the careful thoughts were put away, and they rushed towards me together.

In fact, morale is like this. Previously, it was raging, then fading, and exhausting, but after the morale completely fell to the bottom, it was blown a few times. Not only did morale not drop, but it suddenly broke out. Used on the enemy, we can derogatively call this a dog jumping off the wall, and the current Olympus Protoss is almost in this state.

Because the Olympians were crazy at this time, their morale was useless. The only thing I can do at this kind of time is to run on the real ability. I don't have to think hard. I'm not arrogant enough to think that I can single out the entire Olympus Protoss. Even if many of their heavyweight members were not on the scene, that was not something I could compete with. After all, the opponent is still a powerful protoss.

Seeing the group of Olympians around me, I reached out and grabbed eternity without hesitation, followed by dividing a part of eternity onto the blades of each part of my body, and then the remaining part Throw into the sky. Eternity immediately split into twelve spheres, and then a gurgling sound turned into twelve high-speed spinning sword wheels and began to spin in the air like a bunch of helicopter rotors.

The surrounding protoss saw the spinning sword wheel flying around and immediately began to dodge. The eternal sharpness they have seen before. Zeus' half axe is still lying on the ground. No one would be interested to use his body to try his destructive power.

As the crowd was scattered, I immediately found a chance to rush into the middle of a group of Olympus Protoss behind one of the sword wheels, and then waved weapons across the opposite side to prepare to attack me together, but I was suddenly A sharp brake, a sharp bend and hit the ground.


Kaka Kaka boom ... Countless lightning bolts fell from the sky around me as if it were a torrential rain, and instantly burst a group of people who were bombed by the Olympians around me. But this is not the end. With the thickening of the thunderbolt on the bowl, each hit location will quickly spread a blue "color" aperture to the surrounding area, and everyone who is scanned by the aperture feels like their body is overcharged in an instant. Hemp couldn't move at all, and the surface of the body suddenly added a layer of frost, and the temperature suddenly dropped several degrees.

It is said that thunder and lightning are energy. It is not bad for such a thunderous temperature to rise. I did not expect that the temperature would decrease. As a result, the sudden freezing of the Olympus Protoss was a mess.

Compared to the unprepared Olympus Protoss, I know what effect my skills will have. So the moment the thunderstorm fell, I rushed to the nearest person. As the thunderstorm landed, the man was immediately frozen by the nova that followed, and my fist slammed into his head. With a bang, the guy's head shattered into a piece of crushed ice on the ground, followed by the soul power of black "color" into my body.

Because the thunderstorm nova's landing point is the most dense around me, the Protoss of Olympus in this range has been frozen the most completely. In addition, I used the key attack, and instantly killed several Protoss. The soul power consumed by the equipment transformation will make up for a large amount.

So many people died here, of course, the surrounding Olympus Protoss also saw it, but because the range of thunderstorms was too large, they would not be able to help at all for a while. When they eased over and rushed up again, I He has already rushed forward.

Although the move just now works well, my fit is supported by magic. Although the big move is powerful, the consumption is equally amazing. The use of physical fighting methods without major moves can greatly reduce the magic cost and extend the fit time, which is why I have been afraid to use big moves. Now this state is that I am besieged by a group of protoss alone, and I can barely hold on to the state of fit. Once the state of fit collapses, I will definitely die soon without punishment, so I can use it as much as possible without skills.

I did n’t dare to use the skills again when I got close again. I tilted my head away from the protoss that the protoss split and rushed to him. The left-handed blade claws popped out and instantly penetrated into the guy ’s side waist. Then my wrist flipped. The blade claws closed again, but the guy's stomach was opened with three huge round holes. Even if he didn't die, he wouldn't expect to fight for a short time.

After knocking this guy down, I was trying to stop him by the way. I didn't expect that the phantom behind me suddenly reminded me that someone was attacking behind me, so I had to give up the opportunity for this guy to make up for the knife and dodged. Although it is a state of fit, the body and energy are all under my control, but the will of the magic pets has not disappeared, they can help me observe the situation behind me. Just now, if I usually can catch the opponent ’s attack through the change of wind pressure or the sound of weapons breaking through the air, but now I am under siege, in this state the scene is too noisy, and the target that needs attention is too Many, I ca n’t do everything, if there is not a group of magic pets to help me watch, it will definitely not flash.

I just avoided the attack from behind and suddenly heard Ling reminded me again: "There is magic wave, flash."

I didn't get used to it before. The Protoss of Olympus thought about coming up and chopping me. After all, as a strong war race, they generally fight by means of hand-to-hand combat. Although the Olympians are also magical, they are rarely used. This point is very similar to the habits of the dragons.

The gang of Olympians just thought they were near and chopped me, but I found that there were too many people, and I was “chaotic” everywhere, so no one except the few people who were closest to me Opportunity attack. But after all, it is a protoss. The siege has only begun to react within a minute, and many pros have begun to prepare magic.

Unlike fighters fighting in close quarters, fighters need fighting space. It is good for an enemy to be surrounded by up to six or seven people. This will also affect each other's attacks. If they do not affect each other, the three people are actually already Limit it. But the mage is different. The mage attacked from a long range, and many of the magic was not "shot" in a direct "shoot" manner. For example, the lightning bolts used by the electrical system were the most frequent. This spell was shot from the top of the enemy. This attack method determines that as long as there is no direct "shoot" spell, the mages can besiege a group of people. Of course, this is not to say that teachers can attack a target with impunity, at least some spells cannot be used at the same time, such as fire dragon and water dragon scroll. If these two spells are used to attack the same target, they will eventually become A large mass of water vapor can hardly be said to have an attacking power except to heat the other side. However, as long as the attack spells are slightly unified, in most cases the mage can still attack jointly.

Now this group of Protoss of Olympus is doing this. Except for those who are near, they are still chasing me, and the far away ones begin to attack long-range spells.

This is sometimes the case. It will be difficult to think about it, but it is actually very easy to do. The group of Olympians had been scared of me before, and felt that attacking me would cause a lot of casualties, but the number advantage began to play a role, especially when they thought of using magic, my battle immediately became troublesome. Up.

"Left ... Right ... Forward ... Stop ... Left to the left ... Get down ..." As the magic of the Protoss began to concentrate on me, Ling was too late to remind me how to dodge, It was only she and Xiaochun who helped me sense the magic wave and then instructed me to dodge. But following this method of hiding, I could not attack or escape at all. And, even worse, my magic is draining a little bit. Although the magic will not be consumed greatly without skills, the fit method itself will consume the magic, and the speed is quite fast. Even if I do not use magic to fight, maintaining the fit state is already very difficult.

"No, I'll finish it sooner or later." I dodged the attack and discussed with the magic pets what to do.

Xiaochun reluctantly replied: "If you don't hide and die immediately, continue to hide. If you run out of magic, you will die. Anyway, you can't run away anyway." Hit me. And ... "

"Lying down"

Having said that, Ling's reminder forced me to stop consciously discussing and lie on the ground, and then the ground not far behind was blasted out by a magic bomb with a large pit with a diameter of half a meter. Don't look at this small pit. You must know that this is the Anti-Magic Square. It can blow the ground out of the pit. It is by no means an ordinary attack.

After reminding me, Ling suddenly said: "You can consider trying to strengthen the Dragon Soul suit with soul power. The protoss who just killed them seem to have absorbed a lot. Compared to the death once, I think it's still more to consume some soul power. Cost-effective."

"It's a good thing, step back ... squat down ... don't stand up, climb forward, okay, stand up. Where did I just say? By the way, this is a good idea. You can strengthen your equipment, Maybe some easy-to-use properties are "sex". If it doesn't work, use the last trick. "Xiaochun suggested.

Victoria suddenly said: "Can't consider the transformation of the form? With flying birds and Everett thrusters, all the magic is injected into the thrusters. In theory, our speed should be faster than the flying speed of any non-instant hit magic. This means that even if someone attacks with magic, they cannot catch up with us. "

"It takes time for the transformation. Do you think that the Olympians will give us time to prepare?"

"Otherwise use my arrow of destiny?" Victoria said again. "If you are willing to use magic in a fit state, maybe I can forcibly use the third- or fourth-order arrow of destiny."

"Unless you can use the seventh-order destiny arrow, you don't need to say it." I battled and said, "The magic is not enough now, instead of blocking that uncertain factor, such as strengthening the equipment according to Ling's statement. Anyway, return With a last resort, I could split Olympus if it didn't work. The guy from Zeus won't let me live, and I won't let him through. "

"In this case, then strengthen the equipment." Ling reminded: "But do not strengthen all the equipment together, waste is not so useful. You first strengthen each piece of equipment, and see what effect the various equipment strengthens It ’s useless, it ’s strengthened. When you finally try it all over again, it ’s all useful, and it ’s useless. Once, you ’re all strengthened, and then take advantage of that opportunity to rush out. ”

"To understanding."

After listening to Ling's suggestion, I immediately began to inject soul power into each equipment and began to test the enhanced effect. Although temporary strengthening is random every time, there will be a basic strengthening direction. What I want to see now is what direction each piece of equipment will strengthen.

It was n’t that hard to test that the equipment was “sexual”. It was nothing more than injecting soul power to look at the “sexuality” of the subordinates, but now I ’m in the fight, I ’m a bit busy, and I ’m distracted to look at the “sexuality” "If the average person had already been brought down. I also rely on the speed of response, distracted and multi-purpose by relying on the speed of thinking dozens of times faster than others, but even so, the dangers that I still hide from.

Although I know how hard I have to avoid the enemy ’s attacks, the problem is that others do n’t know. At this moment I was bitter in my heart, why wasn't Olympus the Protoss? They originally thought that everyone could kill me with a little anger, but they did not expect their morale to start to drop again after a brief outbreak. But this time not because of their selfishness, but because of my performance.

Almost seven or eight minutes have passed since their collective outbreak began to besiege me. This time is not too long, but this group of Olympians and I are both agile and the speed of neural anti-shooting is more than ten times that of human beings. At our speed, one can imagine how exaggerated the fighting frequency is. Just look at these seven or eight minutes ~ ~ At least I have flashed away hundreds of close-up attacks and nearly a thousand magic blows. But despite such intensive strikes, I have not been hit once so far.

That's right, it wasn't hit once. Because of the situation in front of me, once I was recruited, there would be an 80% chance of being dropped. Don't forget that a group of people are attacking around me. I reluctantly flew away by relying on the super high speed and many magic pets to help me observe the attacks in all directions. Once I was attacked, this rhythm would be "chaotic" immediately, and then it must be a succession of strokes, until I was killed or captured alive. However, so far, although the dangers have been resurrected, I did not encounter them at all. This is why the Olympus Protoss started to retreat.

So many people are close-up attacks and magic bombardment, and they haven't encountered them for seven or eight minutes. How can this be?

"God of God." Just as the gang of Olympians began to hesitate, Aphrodite took the opportunity to whisper to Zeus and said, "Isn't it possible? Purple Sun's agility is too high and the reaction is fast, We ca n’t hit him at all. Everyone is afraid of hurting yourself by mistake and do n’t dare to use range magic.

The moment Zeus heard this, he looked at Aphrodite in amazement. He didn't expect Aphrodite to say such things, but I thought of it.

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