Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 71: Scared Zeus

Aphrodite's words surprised Zeus because Zeus suspected her. Before Aphrodite was captured by us, he ran back to Olympus himself. This experience can be said to be quite unreliable. This is like during the war, if one of his officers was captured by the enemy, and he later ran back by himself, would the troops simply let him rehabilitate and continue to command the army without reviewing him? Is this obviously impossible?

Zeus wasn't a fool either, so he also suspected that Aphrodite did not come back by himself. He worried that Aphrodite was deliberately put back by us. Of course, although his guess was actually a fact, he could not confirm the matter himself.

As a higher-level existence in the Olympian Protoss, Aphrodite's status and strength are quite high. Such an existence is a huge asset to the Olympians, so even if there is some doubt, Zeus will never move Aphrodite until he really obtains credible evidence. .

However, just now, Aphrodite suddenly offered to Zeus to kill me. This proposal confused Zeus. If Aphrodite had trusted us, then what she should do now is to help me escape, instead of actively helping Zeus to kill me, so Zeus began to doubt his own judgment.

Of course, the actual situation is definitely not what Zeus thought. Aphrodite had signed an agreement with me. This is not a legal agreement in reality. After all, legal agreements, as long as you have the ability, are bold enough, and occasionally you can safely breach the contract without paying any price. We signed a formal agreement guaranteed by the Mother of Earth. In the game, the higher **** is almost omnipotent. Not to mention Aphrodite, even if the protoss forces in all parts of the world were tied together, it would not be enough to poke them with one finger. This huge gap in strength guarantees that no one dares to violate the agreement guaranteed by the higher god, except those who are deliberately seeking death, because the result is basically equal to seeking death.

Aphrodite certainly did not want to die, and she had no intention of helping Zeus at all. The reason why she did this is actually very simple, just to complete her task.

To be honest, I never expected that Aphrodite was such a person. She seems to be particularly positive about her own affairs. To put it simply, she is a utilitarian. The agreement she signed with me was that she must help us complete the differentiation and draw the members of the Olympus Protoss to leave, and she could not disclose any news about the task before the end of the task.

She just suggested that Zeus kill me. If Zeus shoots, I don't know if I will die, but the loyalty of the surrounding protoss to Zeus will be greatly affected. After all, if the range magic is dropped, there will be accidental injuries, and Zeus will blow up his own people regardless of it. This will definitely cause a serious blow to his image. After that, Aphrodite wants to persuade others to leave the Olympus Protoss But it's much easier. As for my death ... what does that have to do with her? The agreement signed by Aphrodite was only to guarantee the completion of the task, and I would never die in the agreement. Besides, I am a player. Even if I die, I can be resurrected, but it doesn't really hang up completely.

Of course, after Aphrodite did this, the Protoss would certainly be jealous of chaos and order in the future, but she didn't care. Just like most beauties are proud, Aphrodite is a pretty proud goddess as a beauty god. She likes the feeling of being held by the stars, and she never cares about offending people, because in her cognition, everyone else will follow her except Zeus. In addition, Aphrodite felt that she was a powerful combat force, and she would inevitably receive the same attention in the Protoss of Chaos and Order as in the Protoss of Olympus, so she felt that she should be very high in the future. As for me, I am only the president of the Frost Rose Alliance, but she is a member of the Protoss of Chaos and Order. Although the two are related, they cannot be said to be the same thing, so she feels that I cannot represent the chaos and order protoss, nor can she control her.

I probably can understand this idea of ​​Aphrodite, so I didn't think there was any problem, but Zeus fell into confusion.

Using range magic to attack I did hurt members of the Olympus Protoss, but to be honest, Zeus didn't care. Compared with the guys in heaven, Zeus is more like a tyrant than a power expert. His position was fisted out, and anyone who was not convinced would fight until he was convinced. Although this management method is rude, it is effective very quickly. When then there are as many sequelae as possible. The collective betrayal of Hades's Hades system, and the end of the Poseidon system, are all thanks to this crude management method. In contrast, although the ambitions of our country ’s heaven courts also want to take the upper stage, all they want is to kill a higher existence, and then occupy that position by themselves. . This can also be regarded as the difference brought about by the differences in the ideology and management methods of the two protoss forces.

After all, Zeus hesitated, and quickly made a decision. He didn't care what the members of the Olympus Protoss thought of him, at least they didn't think he was cruel, because he used this to manage his men. So, after a short thought, Zeus immediately decided to take a shot.

"Give it up, the King of God is going to use a big move." Aphrodite immediately reminded him after seeing Zeus raising his hand to release the big move. On the surface this is a reminder for those Olympians to stay away, but in fact I know it was called to me.

Zeus wanted to zoom in. Those Olympians around would dare to stay with me, one by one, how fast they could run and how far they could stay away from me, but I also took the opportunity to make a correct response.

Just now in the battle, I have tested the corresponding effects of the various equipment on my body strengthened with soul power according to Ling's suggestion, but the answer I got was to make me both regret and happy. Regret is regret that you should not test the effects of the equipment one by one, but happy that the soul strength enhancement does not have the waste wood attribute, and all the component enhancements will have very extreme and powerful attributes.

Just when Aphrodite shouted that Zeus was going to use a big move, and the surrounding Olympus Protoss broke away from me, I suddenly turned on all the equipment on my body to strengthen the soul, and then, only Seeing a layer of streamer flashing from the top of the equipment, the equipment in my whole body changed again.

Earlier, Hades helped me to transform the Dragon Set into a Dragon Soul set, but the equipment changed once, but the change was not large, only some details were adjusted on the original equipment, and an extra layer was added to the entire equipment. Crystal case. But now, this equipment has actually changed again.

The armor is not much changed, but the pattern is still adjusted in a small range, and the crystal shell on the outside of the armor seems to have some magic text embedded in the crystal layer by internal carving. These text will follow The infusion of magic lights up a kind of dark red or faint blue and forest green light, like a neon light. Of course, these words are not as fancy as neon lights, but give people a mysterious and cold feeling. In addition, due to the changes in the pattern and some carvings, the feeling of the dragon soul suit seems to have changed from that gorgeous and handsome feeling to the cold, thick, **** Gothic style. But think about it, after all, this is strengthened with soul power, and the soul power is actually the soul power absorbed after the death of the enemy. In this way, the current Dragon Soul set is basically strengthened with the breath of death. It also shows the feeling of sunshine, which is strange.

In fact, the change in the main body of the equipment is not large. The biggest change is the small commandment ring hanging behind me. This thing was originally composed of the commandment heart and the eight oath pillars, plus two moon blades. But now it is completely different.

Both moon blades were deformed and turned into two circular cutter wheels, but their diameters were much smaller than the original moon blades, less than sixty centimeters in length, and both sides of the cutter wheels A dark red rune appeared. In addition, four pillars of vows appeared inside the two knife wheels, but the pillars of these vows were much shorter and thinner than when they were originally on the rhythm wheel. They are embedded on the inner ring of the cutter wheel and are distributed in a cross shape on the inside of the cutter wheel at an interval of ninety degrees. The other end of the vow is all pointing to the center of the cutter wheel. However, the ends of the four oath pillars that point to the center of the knife wheel are not connected, but leave a space about the size of a fist. I do n’t know what it is for.

Except for these two knife wheels, the core of the disciplinary wheel has now become a ball as large as a melon. The body of this sphere is a translucent crystal structure. The color looks like blue, but it is not very stable, and it will suddenly jump from one color to another. In addition, at the equator of this sphere, there is a circle of golden ring about **** wide. This circle is obvious metal, and it is quite smooth, and it feels that it can shine.

This changed sphere seems to be a satellite-like thing, it always moves around my body, and its flight trajectory seems to be a sphere. If you can mark this sphere, it should be a wrap around my entire body, diameter A standard sphere at around two meters five. Also, the two cutter wheels seem to have changed similarly. They are now flying obliquely above my shoulders, and are suspended there at a height of thirty centimeters from my shoulders, like two propellers. I was suspended there at a forty-five degree inclination angle, and my position was quite stable. As long as I moved my body and even raised my arm, they would follow, as if their rotation axis was invisible. Stick and stuck on my shoulder the same.

Seeing the sudden change on my side, Zeus didn't hesitate. Aphrodite reminded the members of the Olympians to dodge, and he heard it, so he knew that I would know that he was going to attack, so it was understandable that I made some reactions and tried to resist. However, although he didn't care about my change now, he soon had to care about it, because the change was too frightening.

After seven or eight seconds of brewing, Zeus suddenly gave me the scepter in his hand. During this period, I wanted to sneak in and interrupt him, but I saw so many Olympians around me preparing for it. I rushed to intercept my samples at any time, and I gave up. Of course, escape is also a way, but I think it is more dangerous to run now, because once I lift off, it is equivalent to becoming a target. On the ground, in order to protect Mount Olympus, Zeus does not use too exaggerated attack skills. You know that even when I am in a state of fit, I can use a large skill to stab Jehovah's Temple Mount. With Zeus' strength, does he not have similar or stronger skills? So, now that I'm flying, I'm going to target him. By contrast, I'd rather stay on the ground, because he's not too brazen.

As Zeus's preparations ended and he stretched out the scepter he had never used, a red light suddenly began to gather at the top of his full length, then the red began to rotate, and became larger, and finally the red light gradually Enlarged into a ball more than one meter in diameter. This thing does n’t look like range magic, but the horrible energy density makes me feel nervous for a while, because in my magic induction range, it seems that the surrounding magic net is shaking, as if it would collapse at any time. .

After a short period of energy gathering, the red ball of light finally flew out, and the speed was extremely horrible. It almost came to me in an instant, and then slammed into my face with horror. However, in the next second, another scene of Zeus' stare suddenly appeared. I saw that I actually held up the light ball with a shield, and the moment I was holding the light ball, I started to be pushed backward by the light ball and slipped out. My two legs are like two iron plows that pull out the slate ground that has been strengthened against magic and impact, and they have pulled out two large grooves, but the light ball has no meaning to stop, it is so hard to push As I moved forward, the entire ground was shaking violently. Obviously, it also had a great impact on the surrounding space.

Although I used the shield to block this light ball, it was amazing to Zeus, but in the next second, something that made him almost even get chin off happened again. I saw that the two knife wheels originally floating above my shoulder suddenly flew to the top of the light ball and left and right apart, and then the knife wheel started to rotate while speeding up, while aligning its side with the light ball and gradually approached it. . In the end, when the sides of the two fast-moving blade wheels were finally attached to the ball of light, the holes vacated by the vows in the center of those blade wheels were like two exhaust ports. The red light mist was drawn from the light ball.

The fog and mist that flew out of the light ball did not dissipate, but turned to fly towards the ball above me immediately after spraying two or three meters away at high speed. One of the two crystal faces of the sphere divided by a gold ring suddenly became transparent, and the other side became red, followed by those red mists that swarmed in from the transparent side. As the process progressed, the light sphere I was resisting quickly became smaller with the naked eye. At the same time, I was being pushed more and more slowly, and the light sphere shrank to less than one meter in diameter. It stopped even after seven.

It seems that the capacity of the photosphere to resist absorption also decreases after the volume becomes smaller, because as the volume decreases, the photosphere seems to dry up faster and faster, and in the end it is completely sucked as if it were being deliberately opened by a balloon. Done.

When the light ball disappeared, the two cutter wheels immediately flew back over my shoulders and continued to slowly rotate, and the ball above my head changed back to the original, as if nothing had happened. . However, these two things have not changed much, but I am not very good at it. Although I withstood the attack, I stretched the shield in front and it was white steam at this time. Some sharp-eyed people can even see some redness in the center of the shield. It is estimated that the two knife wheels Slower, the shield will burn out.

Unfortunately, although the shield is about to burn through, it is not burned through after all, so now I have little to lose except that I feel particularly tired, and even the magic that disappeared because of the fit actually rebounded a lot. The red mist absorbed by the thing above the head obviously has a magic effect, and it seems to be quite efficient.

"You you you ... how can you be fine?"

Zeus wouldn't even be too eager to speak now. Not because he was too old to have a stroke, but because he was too surprised. Gang Gang's move seemed unremarkable, but as long as the person with a slightly stronger magical sense knew that, it was definitely a big move.

Some of the spells released by the mage seem to be lightning storms and thunderous. They seem to be immensely powerful. In fact, they have not completely controlled the magic, which caused most of the magic to leak. It's like a lighting lamp, you can see it glowing, it means that it has scattered the energy, except for a little heat, it has almost no lethality. On the contrary, the laser beam, which cannot be seen from the surroundings, is also light, but it can dissolve the iron, because it concentrates the energy on an electricity.

Zeus' magical look is not very loud ~ ~ In fact, it shows how powerful his magic control ability is, and it is because he concentrated the magic into that ball and restrained it. Energy, no excess energy is lost, so the power of this magic is far more horrible than those seemingly powerful spells. If other magics can only produce sixty damage with one hundred magic power, then this magic is one hundred magic power that produces ninety-nine damage, which is absolutely super efficient. However, such a horrible magic was actually blocked by me and absorbed. What do you say about Zeus now?

"It's impossible! How did you do that?" Zeus was obviously stimulated, and even his thinking had problems. Otherwise, he wouldn't ask me.

Aphrodite probably thought that this situation was more suitable for her shot, so she took the initiative to stand up, first grabbed Zeus and whispered, and then faced me and said, "Zi Ri, you listen to me. Today Seeing that you can take the blow of the King of God, we have decided not to hold you accountable for stealing golden threads. If you are acquainted, get out of here immediately. "

As soon as Aphrodite said this, the surrounding Olympus Protoss immediately turned his eyes to Aphrodite, and then looked at Zeus together, even more surprised after seeing that Zeus had not spoken. . They both saw Aphrodite and Zeus whispering before, and now they were all wondering, what exactly did Aphrodite say to make Zeus agree to let me go.

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