Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 72: Aphrodite's Fake News

Volume 20 Chapter 72 Aphrodite's Fake News

Aphrodite said to let me go, but Zeus didn't stop it. All of this stems from the words whispered by Aphrodite and Zeus. Therefore, the Olympians who were present were very eager to know Aph What did Roddy say to Zeus? Zeus would rather be ashamed than stop me.

In fact, Aphrodite did not tell Zeus any important news, she just reminded Zeus.

Before I sent Aphrodite back to the Olympian Protoss, there were three tasks. One of them was to find the Protoss who might trust us in the Olympus Protoss. The other was to investigate the Twelve-Star God. Whether trust is credible, and the third is to investigate the position of the core of the power of the Olympian Protoss.

In the past two days after Aphrodite's return, in addition to contacting "good" Protoss members everywhere, the most common thing he did was to investigate where the core of the divine power was, and just after leaving Hephaestus, She finally got the location information of the core of divine power from Athena. As for the sentence that Aphrodite just said with Zeus was "God King, Ziri may have come to deliberately restrain us. When I escaped before, I heard that they were going to attack the core of our divine power, and they It seems that we already know the core position of our divine power. "

The core of divine power is the root of a protoss, and any protoss will guard it as life, and the Olympus protoss is obviously no exception. No matter what Aphrodite said is true or false, Zeus did not dare to bet on the true "sex" of this matter. It's as if someone called and said a plane was bombed, even if the police did not believe it, the plane would be grounded and searched carefully because they couldn't afford to gamble. Zeus also knew that Aphrodite's words were not necessarily true. Even if Aphrodite had made him attack me before, that only reduced the danger level of Aphrodite, which did not mean that Zeus completely believed her. , But even if he didn't believe it, Zeus still decided to let me go for the time being.

I may not be able to stay forcibly, but after all, it is not a 100% success rate. Moreover, as far as the current situation is concerned, I am not as good as he imagined. At least arresting me will inevitably pay a very serious price. And, more importantly, even if I was killed or captured, the symbolic meaning is actually greater than the actual meaning, because I am a player, no, killing me can only make me downgrade, and it will not really make me disappear. Therefore, in addition to face factors, the actual meaning of intercepting me is not too great.

Although the Olympus Protoss is as dead-faced as most Protoss, they have not yet loved their face to the point where they dare to use the core of the divine power to gamble. The power of face and faith, they are not important.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that Zeus made such a choice. On the contrary, if Zeus still insisted on not letting me go, it would be strange.

Zeus didn't speak here, and the surrounding Olympus protoss didn't dare to "plug in" casually. When Aphrodite saw that no one spoke, he simply pointed in a direction to make way for the Olympus Protoss over there. Those protoss hesitated to look at Zeus again. Seeing that Zeus was still unresponsive, he slowly moved to the side. Give up an exit.

I used to "irritate" others in order to make the other person irrational, so that I could take advantage of the battle. Now they have given me all the passages. If I continue to talk about it here, it will not be arrogance, but water in my head. I glanced at the surrounding Olympus Protoss. I didn't say a word. I turned around and walked from that exit to the edge of the square, followed by immediate body transformation. After the wings behind me deformed for a while, I pushed out a few propellers. Along with a rumbling boom and flames from the "shot", my entire body "shot" into the air like a missile and accelerated rapidly, and out of sight within a few seconds.

"God King, why let him go." I didn't speak before because I was thinking of maintaining Zeus authority in front of outsiders. Now that I'm gone, those Olympians start asking questions immediately.

Regarding these people, Zeus ignored it at all. He turned to Aphrodite and said, "Follow me," and then turned directly to his office in the Temple of Olympus.

Because Zeus always had a stinking face that was not allowed to enter, the Olympians did not dare to ask questions even if they had questions. They could only return to where they should stay.

Although Aphrodite was called out by Zeus, she was not worried at all. In her status, Zeus did not dare to treat her without conclusive evidence. So she was convinced that Zeus called her Bacheng for the core of divine power just mentioned.

Sure enough, after Zeus entered his office together, Zeus stared at Aphrodite's eyes and said nothing. Aphrodite knew that this was Zeus' attempt to see the flaws in herself, but because she was fearless, she didn't mean to "show" cowardly at all, and looked at Zeus so silently.

After a few minutes, I probably felt that playing the staring game was no good, so Zeus stopped pretending to be deep, and finally took the initiative to ask.

"Are you sure they know?"

Aphrodite knew what Zeus meant, so she shook her head. "No, I'm not sure."

"then you……"

As soon as Zeus said two words, he was interrupted by Aphrodite.

"Although I ca n’t determine whether the" mix "," chaos "and order protoss really decide to attack our core of divine power, or whether they know where our core of divine power is located, I can roughly judge something, and this judgment The results make me afraid to gamble. "

In the end, this dare not to bet was the approval of Zeus, because he did not dare to bet.

"What the **** did you hear?" It may be that the previous sentence convinced Zeus a little more about Aphrodite, so the interrogative tone was much more kind.

Aphrodite did not sell her because of Zeus's kindness, but continued to tell her what she had heard. Aphrodite is not a fool. Although she hasn't learned such things as acting, she knows that the main point of playing a corner "color" is that she cannot do behaviors that do not match the angle "color", not to mention she is now " "Ser" appears, but she plays another self who is loyal to the Olympus Protoss, so she knows how to master this measure.

Aphrodite was a goddess of beauty and love, but she could not get her own love, and was forced to marry the laughingstock of the Protoss of Olympus. Her appearance was ugly and disabled. S. All of this is not what she wants, and the reason for all this is that the old "kinky" stick is trying to turn her own "girl" into her own "woman". Aphrodite later rejected Zeus's unreasonable demands, so Zeus was angry and married her to her most ugly son, Hephaestus. Although Hephaestus and Aphrodite have reached a secret agreement afterwards, they are only pretending to be husband and wife, but in any case, they are forced to fake marriage with a ugly and ugly guy, and they cannot find their true love. It is already quite painful in itself. In this state, even if Aphrodite did not want to defect, she would never have a good face for Zeus, let alone get close.

Aphrodite knew her situation, so although Zeus' tone eased, she was still an official face, saying, "I once heard a guard who guarded me in the Frost Rose League cell. "Chaos" talked about the order with the Protoss and another adventurer about attacking us. At that time, there was a "door" behind them. The two spoke quietly, and I only heard a few words intermittently. Among them One sentence is like this. The "mix", "disorder" and order protoss said that the core of our Olympus protoss is very large, and he estimates that he can be allocated a large portion of the divine power. "

Zeus had no response when he heard this, but it only took a few seconds before he suddenly became nervous. The fact that the Twelve-Star God was prepared to take refuge in our Frost Rose Alliance was indeed arranged by Zeus. The purpose was to trick me into Greece so that they could get started. After all, local "sex" protoss can't go abroad at will, this restriction is quite annoying, so if the Olympus pros who want to take revenge against me, they can only lead me to their land. However, it now appears that their plan was very problematic when they were originally formulated, because they did not calculate my combat effectiveness reasonably.

Just now I was besieged by so many Olympians in the square. Although they were all second- and third-line Olympians, they were also protoss. I can persist for so long in the siege of so many second and third line protoss, which is already an exaggeration in itself. Besides, I did two pretty amazing things. The first was to overthrow Athena within a few strokes, and the second was to take his big move. Both of these behaviors illustrate my horrific fighting power. In this way, the plan to deceive me into Greece was a mistake in itself, at least it was incomplete, because they did not plan how to let me enter the designated encirclement as they intended. Just fooling me into Greece, and with my fighting power, as long as I don't step on their encirclement, it is impossible for me to be harmed only by the Protoss of Olympus that I encountered nearby.

Although the plan has problems, after all, the twelve-star god's bait plan has been implemented, and the plan itself is based on the twelve-star god's defection. So, if there is a star **** to flee, it is necessary to "fuck" as the core of the divine power, so it is understandable that we have information related to the core of the divine power, which is why Zeus did not react at first.

However, Zeus's later expression showed that he thought of the key point. According to Aphrodite, the "promiscuous" and "promiscuous" and order protoss at that time referred to the quota of divine power. The allocation of divine power quotas is a matter that every protoss must perform on a regular basis, which is like paying wages, except that some protoss are monthly invoicing, some are annual invoicing, and of course there are various calculation methods for weekly invoicing. However, there is a problem in linking the divine quota with the attack on a protoss.

If you say that you are attacking a hostile protoss, and you later say that you will receive a quota of divine power, then the only conceivable result is the loot. Only by attacking a protoss and successfully robbing the opponent's divine core, will it be possible to allocate additional divine power to all members of the protoss.

Originally, this statement was nothing, but the problem was that Zeus' plan for the Twelve-Star God to "get" their divine seeds from the divine core, but now the plan we are going to do is to make the entire divine core take away. If this is true, it means that the plan is beyond the scope of the original plan of the Olympians. In other words, what is going on now is not their Olympus Protoss plan, but our Frost Rose Alliance and the "promiscuous" and "chaotic" and order Protoss plan.

"What else have you heard besides this?" Zeus had apparently lost his tone of investigation and evidence collection at this time, and his tone indicated that he was trying to gather information to determine the arrangements for the next action. This is not a suspicion, but an action plan based on this information after confirming the truthfulness of the matter.

Aphrodite heard the change in Zeus's tone, but she did not show it, but continued to say in the previous attitude: "I later heard some of their conversations, but someone in and out of the cell at the time opened and opened. The "door" thing covered their voices. I only intermittently heard them say what a lake is called, and the "mixed" and "random" and order protos said that he hated getting into the water. Then the frost rose Members of the Alliance said that he did not like water, and I heard them say that they would not have to enter the water after a device was destroyed. "

At this time, with the words of Aphrodite, Zeus's brow was deeper and deeper, and finally he was almost twisted into a bunch of hemp "flowers".

For an irrelevant person, this passage has little meaning, but it is extremely amazing for Zeus, because the core of the power of the Olympian Protoss is under a lake, and the name of the lake is Called Arcas. Obviously, the lake that Aphrodite heard was Lake Akash, and the talk about launching in the dialogue clearly showed that we knew that the core of their divine power was under the lake. Otherwise, the members of our Frost Rose Alliance and members of the "promiscuous", "disorder" and order gods will somehow come to Greece to dive?

Of course, this alone is not enough to make Zeus nervous. As the lifeblood of a protoss, which core of the protoss's divine power is not a heavy organ and a heavy guard? The core of the power of the Olympus Protoss is similar. Even if someone knows the location, it is not easy to rush in. What's more, there is an alarm device directly connected to Zeus there. As long as there is an attack on that side, Zeus will know immediately. So as long as that place can block the enemy for a little while, all the Olympians from outside will quickly rush to that place.

However, the above situation is based on the fact that the enemy must storm ~ ~ Usually, even if someone sends out the core store of divine power below Lake Akas, they must dive into the bottom of the lake and defeat the lake The guarding monsters here have to storm all the way in according to the pre-arranged channel. This is bound to delay time, and they can use this time to rush the enemy inside and outside.

However, Aphrodite's remarks also mentioned that we wanted to destroy a device, and then we did not need to launch the water. This outsider certainly didn't think there was any connection, but Zeus knew it, because the divine core storage place under Lake Arkas was a space force field reinforcement instrument. This magic device allows a space to be completely closed, leaving only a single channel for people to enter and exit. The space within the scope of this instrument will be indestructible, which means that you cannot teleport within this range, nor can you enter the interior of this range through any place other than the channel.

Because of the existence of such a device, Zeus was not at all worried that he would not be able to keep it. Anyway, no one can teleport in, and there are so many high-level guards and guardian beasts inside. The enemy wants to rush in through the only channel, even if it is filled with human life, it will take a few hours. At that time their reinforcements arrived early. However, now we plan to destroy the device, and it sounds like a way to destroy it. Can this keep Zeus from worrying?

"Aphrodite, do you hear them say how to destroy that device?" Zeus asked eagerly.

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