Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 73: Zeus pinching out internal injuries

Volume Twenty-Seven Chapter Zeus with Internal Injury

"Aphrodite, do you hear them say how to destroy that device?" Zeus asked eagerly.

"No." Aphrodite looked at Zeus and replied, "I just heard who they are waiting to go in to destroy that thing, and then there is no need to launch. I guess it should be sent in first. Of course it may be The other party has bought one of us who is eligible to enter there to destroy the machine in advance. "

When Zeus heard this, he frowned, "This may be" sexual "should not be too big. There is indeed a space force field reinforcement instrument in the core storage of the divine power, but the space force field reinforcement instrument is not placed in the hall, and There is a separate room, and its own guard is not much less than the guards of our divine core. So even if the other party bought us into it, it is impossible to contact the space force field reinforcement instrument. Besides, we Olympus Not everyone in the Sri Lankan tribe has the right to enter the core depository of divine power. "

When Aphrodite heard Zeus' words, he thought for a moment, then suddenly looked up and asked, "What about the twelve-star god?"

"The Twelve Stars?"

Zeus was voicing the name, but Aphrodite has continued: "When I first came back, I had reported to you that the Twelve-Star God might take refuge in the" mix "and" chaos "and the Order Protoss, but you At that time, they did not answer me positively. If they are qualified to enter the core storage area of ​​the Divine Power and be close to the space force field reinforcement instrument, with their strength, it should not be difficult to enter the space force field even if they did not have access to the space force field reinforcement instrument Yes. "

Zeus, who was not too nervous now, could not calm down after listening to Aphrodite's words. He got up from his position, and started to circle around the room with his hands on his back, while Aphrodite watched him walk around without saying a word.

About ten minutes later, Zeus suddenly stopped his circling behavior, and then said, "Aphrodite, I'll" commit "you a task now."

"Please ask the King of God."

"I want you to call me the Twelve-Star God immediately."

Aphrodite nodded and asked, "That's all? Anything else?"

Zeus nodded. "On this matter, it must be done as soon as possible."

"I see. I'll do it right away."

After receiving the official order from Zeus, Aphrodite quickly left Mount Olympus, but after she left, Zeus called three more protoss who were all hidden in gold robes. .

"King of Gods." As soon as the three protoss appeared beside Zeus, one of them made a sound report.

Zeus directly ordered: "You follow Aphrodite, on the one hand, to monitor her actions, and on the other hand, to protect her. In case if the Twelve-Star God really does something inappropriate, your task is to help Aphrodite killed or captured the Twelve-Star Gods at the first time, and you should arrange for it yourself according to the actual situation. "

After listening to the order, the three immediately bowed their heads and saluted, and then turned around and disappeared into the office hall.

When these people chased Aphrodite and left, I was already at Hephaestus. Since I have been away for quite a long time, Hephaestus has already completed all kinds of materials and some processes that do not require the use of gold wire "flowers". After I brought the gold thread "Flower" back, Hehuastos simply processed it and got a new set of equipment.

Because this set of artifacts made by Hephaestus has not been used on humans, its appearance looks like a piece of armor turned from a fire, and the entire black paint is like a piece of charcoal.

Because it ’s not my equipment, I do n’t bother to care if the sexuality of this thing is good or bad. I ’ll give it directly to Hephaestus and leave.

When I came out of Olympus before, I noticed the secret code that Aphrodite gave me, and then I took the opportunity to open the crystal communicator, so I basically heard the conversation between Zeus and her.

Now Aphrodite is going to find the Twelve Star Gods, regardless of whether the other party is sincerely committed to Zeus, there may be conflicts with Aphrodite. I don't want to lose such a powerful protoss as Aphrodite, so if the twelve-star gods truly trust, I will stop them from attacking Aphrodite and explain everyone's identity. If they are fake trustees and really follow Zeus, then this time because of Aphrodite's provocation on their relationship with Zeus, they are likely to actually start against Aphrodite, and all I have to do is Stop their actions and protect Aphrodite from leaving. Of course, it depends on the situation whether or not you want to expose your identity.

Although I ran to Hephaestus to send the gold thread "flowers", it took a little time, but Aphrodite also inherited the slow speed of the Olympian Protoss. After I came out from Hephaestus, She is almost a third away from the residence of the Twelve-Star God. At the speed of a bird, basically, Aphrodite could not get far enough to be caught up by us, and because of the crystal communicator to help guide the direction, even if I thought "getting lost" was impossible. However, when I chased Aphrodite to the Twelve-Star God and found the position of Aphrodite, I suddenly slowed down and landed in the jungle.

Because Aphrodite was currently performing a spy mission, I could not rush to meet her, and therefore I did not immediately go up after seeing her, but first checked the surrounding environment to prevent people from seeing us meet . However, what surprised me was that this search actually found three big fish.

Immediately after discovering these three guys, I lowered my height and fell into the jungle. After taking off the birds, walked around behind the three, and then hung at the end of their team to watch their actions carefully. After continuing to track for a short while, I released a few ghost worms and darts to continue to help me monitor the target, but I myself opened a little distance.

Turn on the communicator and quickly connect Aphrodite's signal, then I said directly: "Keep your state now, don't look back, listen to me. If you understand, answer me softly."


"Okay, remember don't look back and stop. I'm about six hundred meters behind you, and there are three Olympians between us."

"What?" Aphrodite was obviously quite shocked by the news, but fortunately, because of my reminder, she was surprised and surprised, but her expression and movement were almost unchanged. "When did they start following me?" Aphrodite asked suddenly after a little relief.

"I don't know." I answered truthfully, "I saw them following you when I came down, but it looks like they have no plans to attack, at least for the time being their purpose is just to follow."

"That means they may have been following me for a long time?"

"Yes. But looking at their actions, these people seem very cautious."

When Aphrodite heard me, he immediately asked, "What should I do now? I don't know what to do if I continue to dress like this, or what?"

I thought about it and asked, "How far are we from the residence of the Twelve-Star God?"

"At this rate for at least ten minutes, you can see the zodiac where they live."

"In that case, try it."


"Yes. I'll show you their position. You will suddenly turn around and attack them. Don't worry about hurting them. You use a big move as soon as you come up, and then rush to fight with them and" force "them to ask their behavior. If They are really hostile to you and will inevitably violently resist, even directly attack and hope to kill you. And if their mission is not to hurt you, they will definitely explain to you. No matter what their purpose is, at least we will Know their intentions. "

Aphrodite thought for a moment and thought, "I see. You're ready, I'm going to start."

Ahead and forward is the sphere of influence of the zodiac. Their twelve star gods are not young or old, and in case the three guys following behind are ready to join the twelve star gods to kill Aphrodite together. Yes, even if I tried to save Aphrodite at that time, then Aphrodite ’s identity would be completely exposed. So, you have to do it early.

Although the three cloaked guys are wearing similar to those of the undead mages, the cloak's hood blocked the entire face from their shadows, making others unable to see their looks and equipment at all. However, the capes on these three guys are pure gold. Things that look like the Olympus Protoss have three types of colors, gold, white, and silver. Apart from these three colors, few people see the fourth type of color. Of course, this is not to say that there is absolutely no, but it is rare.

These three guys' golden cloaks may be very tight, but they are basically dreaming about their positions. Unless you happen to be in a golden mountain or standing in a treasure chest full of gold coins, this cloak of "color" is nothing to hide. But one thing surprised me. Although these three guys wore gold cloaks, Aphrodite has not found them until now. Is this why Aphrodite was vigilant about "poor sex" or something, I didn't want to understand, but with my instructions, she wouldn't get it wrong.

Aphrodite, who walked well without any warning, suddenly turned his head back, and then raised his hand to throw a red "color" light ball. The light ball flew to a cape man in a blink of an eye, and then exploded with a blast of less than one meter beside him. However, at the moment of the explosion, a light curtain of blue "color" electric light seemed to flash on the guy, and then the person was directly blown out.

Because he was mentally inadvertent, and the action was too sudden, Aphrodite used large skills again, so this time is absolutely not small. Just after the guy was blown out and smashed two trees in one breath, it was considered as a stop, and a guy standing near him also had a layer of ripples on his body, and then a light blue "color" light curtain. Gradually flashed on this guy. There appeared to be cracks in two places on the surface of the light curtain, but then they quickly shrank and healed.

The moment I saw the light curtain, I finally understood why Aphrodite was caught by three guys wearing such a "sao" bag, but they didn't notice that they had a special protective cover to isolate them. However, it seems that this thing is not effective for me, and I don't know why.

In short, for whatever reason, after being blown up, the guy who fell to the ground finally entered the sight of Aphrodite. Originally, she wondered why she didn't feel anyone behind her, but she believed that I wouldn't joke with her at this time, so she finally "shot" a magic attack on a completely nobody's place according to my instructions, and the result Really blasted himself out of nothing. And the space next to it seems to have two small "holes" like broken glass. You can see someone behind you through the hole, but the third person I said still hasn't seen it.

Although the position of the third person was not seen, this did not prevent Aphrodite from pursuing the first target. The layer of invisible protective shield next to the guy who was just blown up is gradually repairing at a slow speed, but the guy who has penetrated two "holes" has disappeared into her field of vision again.

Although she knew there were two enemies around, and she couldn't see where they were at all, Aphrodite didn't care at all, because she knew I could see it, that was enough.

Because he could only see one goal, Aphrodite rushed towards the guy without choosing at all. In addition, the guy is now injured and struggling on the ground. It is unlikely that he will get up quickly in a short time, which is the best choice for starting.

While Aphrodite rushed towards the injured guy, I was watching the actions of the other two guys. After all, Aphrodite will never have a problem with an enemy that has already been injured. The other two guys really need attention. Moreover, I also want to judge their purpose from their actions.

Under normal circumstances, if the mission of these two people is not to attack Aphrodite, then most of the time they will voluntarily stop, and if they resist without a word, it means that they would not even kill Aphrodite was definitely not with her. And if that's the case, then I don't mind killing them. Anyway, Aphrodite is now being ordered to perform the task. Even if these three guys are really sent by Zeus, the completely unknown Aphrodite can sue the villain first, kill the three guys, and then go back to Zeus to report Someone attacked her. At that time, even if Zeus could regenerate, he would only be able to dumbly eat Coptis chinensis.

Since there is a way to cover this up, I am not in a hurry, just waiting to see how these people react.

It turns out that these three guys made very incorrect decisions. After seeing Aphrodite pounce on his companion, they didn't stop Aphrodite from explaining the situation to her, but rushed directly behind her, and the guy on the ground quickly bounced off the ground and put The weapon was taken out.

When Aphrodite saw this posture, she knew that she was not a passerby. She directly transmitted the magic to the left hand, followed the sword in the right hand and slammed into the opponent's weapon, while the other thought that she was going to When he was working hard, he suddenly let go, lowered his head to avoid the weapon swept by the opponent, and then pressed his left hand on the opponent's stomach. The guy flew out again, and flew directly into the deep forest.

Seeing his companion being bombarded again, the remaining two immediately took out their weapons and quickly chased Aphrodite, but while they were running quickly, one of them seemed to be hit by something. Suddenly stopped, but when his companion turned back in haste, he only saw the guy bowing forward in a strange posture. Three transparent holes appeared in his stomach, and blood was flowing from behind him. However, the blood drops did not land directly, but flowed in the air before falling to the ground from the sudden recovery of the laws of nature.

Since these three people can be sent by Zeus to perform the task, it is naturally not an idiot. Seeing the flow of blood and water, the fool knows that someone who was invisible gave his companion a sudden. The reason that the blood and water seemed to drift in the air was Flowing along the opponent's weapon, but because the opponent is completely invisible, it is invisible.

These three guys have their own special stealth equipment. Now they are actually pitted by the stealth of others. This stab is not small.

Just as the uninjured guy turned around and rushed over, a small current suddenly flowed in front of the stopped guy, and as the current passed, a figure was slowly emerging.

"Zi Ri?"

I have just left the Olympus for less than half an hour. Even if the other person remembers that "sex" is bad, it will not be possible to forget me so quickly, so when my figure emerges, the other person immediately recognizes My identity.

Earlier I was on the Olympus alone to resist so many Olympus Protoss has already demonstrated my extraordinary fighting ability. Although the guy in front of him is proud of himself, he is not arrogant enough to feel that he can be like me. People withstood the joint attacks of so many Olympians. Especially the last one that took over Zeus's big move, it is definitely not something that can be done with a gimmick, it is a manifestation of real strength, and it is a "sexual" confrontation. If you do n’t have that hardware, it ’s “sexual.” Even if your fighting skills are at their peak, it ’s absolutely impossible to take over Zeus ’s tricks.

Because of knowing my strength, this guy didn't even think about hitting me. He didn't know who had attacked his companion before, so he rushed straight up and wanted to attack me, but after seeing my true face and recognizing who I am, the guy didn't want to immediately turn around and start running. It's a pity that he just reacted now. It's obviously a bit late.

The guy just turned around and found a beautiful face in front of him that just wanted to look at her and did n’t want to do anything more, and the other person ’s eyes were still dazzling. Staring at the beautiful light. This is the last consciousness of that guy, and then his world is over.

She patted a stone statue with an obsessed "fascinated" expression in front of her. Yeyue twisted her waist and walked to my side, and asked, "Are you looking for help from Aphrodite?"

I closed my eyes and contacted the dart that was released before, then nodded. Yeyue turned around and swam out without waiting for my eyes to open. Although there are no "legs", the truth is speed. Yeyue's speed is actually higher among all my magic pets. In addition to special agile systems such as flying and darts, the speed of Yeyue is definitely among the top three among the magic pets that walk on the ground.

Almost in a blink of an eye, Gong Yeyue disappeared into the dense forest, but I didn't follow it, because I knew I didn't need my help anymore.

The three protoss that were followed were killed by me, and the remaining one was seized by Aphrodite from the beginning and kept under pressure. Just now I saw through the eyes of darts that Aphrodite had the upper hand, but it was very hard to suppress that guy, so I let Yeyue pass to help. With Yeyue's strength, two to one, the battle will be solved soon.

The battle ended in fact faster than I expected. I don't know why, the protoss of the Olympus seems to have no resistance to the petrified pupil of Yeyue, and the suppression effect is surprisingly good. It is said that Yeyue's ability is based on the comparison of the strengths of the two sides, although compared to her weak existence can be 100% petrified, but when it is stronger than her, it can only be partially petrochemical. Moreover, even if she is weaker than her, if it is not too weak, the petrochemical process will not be so fast, but it will slowly enter the petrochemical state. However, the Olympus Protoss who was turned into a stone statue just started from being stared at Yeyue until he turned into a stone statue completely. It didn't take three seconds in total. This speed is a bit too fast. Generally, even a petrified tree, Yeyue, takes about two seconds, and it is about this time if the freedom in the city is petrified. The average player is stared at by the petrified pupil. The petrified time of the whole body is usually between four and five seconds. The ones that can be completed within three seconds are generally more than a thousand levels lower than me. Low-level players.

Although the Olympus Protoss are also weak and strong, how can it be garbage that is sent to perform secret tasks? However, the other side was petrified without even supporting it for three seconds. What kind of situation is this? Buster? Natural enemy? Shouldn't Olympus's weakness be resistance to petrification?

Although it felt strange, it didn't come to me by thinking alone, so I didn't think about it in the end.

With the addition of Yeyue, Aphrodite quickly killed the last enemy and returned to me. Seeing a corpse and another stone statue at my feet, Aphrodite asked directly, "What should I do now? Should I continue to find the Twelve Star Gods, or ...?"

I just thought about the detour slightly: "Don't go to the zodiac first, go back to Zeus, tell him you killed this person, and you have to do this ... that way ..."

After listening to my request, Aphrodite nodded and understood, then gave up the mission and returned to Olympus.

The speed of the Olympus Protoss Zeus is of course clear, so when he saw Aphrodite coming back so quickly, he also took a moment, and then he found that Aphrodite seemed to have battle marks on him. Zeus wasn't stupid. When he saw the situation, he turned his head around and guessed what was going on, and then he felt a little confused.

Sure enough, Aphrodite quickly reported to Zeus what he least wanted to hear.

"God of God, when I was approaching the zodiac, I suddenly noticed that someone was following me, so I fought with them."

As soon as Zeus heard the news, he asked, "What about the ... people who follow you?" Zeus almost shouted, "What about the three people who follow you?" Fortunately, he didn't respond slowly, and he gave a stiff response to his lips.

Aphrodite heard that Zeus suddenly disconnected and knew that he almost talked about it, but still pretended to say nothing: "Three people who attacked me were discovered by me in advance, so I deliberately They were led to a terrain that was in my favor and suddenly launched a counterattack. The three were wounded on the spot because they were unprepared. The other guy wanted to attack me and was eventually killed by me. "

"What about the two you injured?"

"Kill it." Aphrodite asked unknowingly, "Should I not kill them?"

"Of course you don't ... you should kill them." Zeus shouted angrily after four words and found that he had said something wrong again, but he immediately returned to Yuan. "How can you kill them? At least you have to leave a live question and ask who they are assigned? What if you are a twelve-star god, what are you going to do? Now there is no evidence of death, even if they did it, You have no excuses for dealing with them! "

When Aphrodite heard this, he immediately put on a serious expression and handed out three badges. At the same time, he said, "I can conclude that they are not the twelve-star gods ~ ~ All carry your badge. They are your direct saints, and not many people have the opportunity to approach and buy your saints. This includes Tianhou Hera and other high-level protoss who are more active around you. There must be a traitor hidden in it. What I heard in the Frost Rose Alliance was only to know that the Twelve-Star God had intentionally defected. Now it seems that there are more than just a few people with problems inside us. "

Zeus now wants to yell at Aphrodite's neck: "There is a fart traitor? I sent three of them to follow you! You actually killed the three Saints I most valued, You are not willing to succumb to my little jerk, but there is a beautiful "woman" I just got in my hands! Hey ... I haven't yet come across that last line of defense! "

Of course, the above are the aspirations of Zeus, and it is impossible for him to speak out. So the reality is this. Zeus put a deep expression on his face and said, "I will check this question by yourself, so you don't need to worry about it. All the Saints who can reach me are the high-level existence of our Protoss of Olympus. This is a big thing, and you ca n’t “discuss” anyone without conclusive evidence. Also, you have closed my mouth tightly to this matter, and you are not allowed to raise it with anyone. ”

Although Aphrodite wanted to laugh, she nodded her head and said she would do it, and then she continued to ask, "What about the Twelve-Star God? Should I call them?"

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