Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 74: Accidental discovery

"Then what about the Twelve-Star God? Should I call them?"

Zeus groaned for a while before saying: "The Twelve Star God is still as planned, after all, you also said that those who attacked you were not their Twelve Star God, so is there any problem with the Twelve Star God? Not sure yet. "

Aphrodite nodded and said, "Then I understand. I'll tell the Twelve Stars to come here."

Zeus sensed Aphrodite's position with her divine power, and suddenly jumped up from her seat until she left Mount Olympus, and then yelled angrily, followed by a crackling smash in the room. . When the vent was over, he sorted out his clothes a little bit, and then called two priests to clean up the room, but he quietly left without knowing where he was going.

Besides Aphrodite, after leaving Olympus, she went to the Zodiac according to the original plan, but this time she still could not reach the Zodiac, but was blocked halfway. Living.

"I knew it would be so!" Aphrodite posed a fighting posture directly when he saw a row of Saints standing in front of him. "Can I ask a question before the fight begins?"

"If you want to know where we come from, please forgive me," said the guy in the opposite group of saints wearing a black cape and a red helmet on his head.

"No, I don't want to know who you sent, because I already know." Aphrodite pointed directly at one of the Saints. "The fool over there, remember to remove the Lord God's badge the next time you perform a secret operation."

Hearing Aphrodite's words, the pointed guy across the corner immediately looked down at his chest, and then the others' eyes moved together. They just didn't see anything like that bowed guy. However, they responded collectively in the next second, and looked up at Aphrodite in a hurry, but unfortunately their response was still a little slower. When they looked up again, what they saw was a red light curtain pressing on them. Before these people could react, the light curtain had swept over their bodies, and then the group of people suddenly settled there collectively.

"It's a bunch of waste." Aphrodite retracted the attacking posture, and then walked easily to the group of people. Then he rang a finger, and those guys who had just been framed suddenly came to stand upright, and then hula stood in a row, just like the army waiting for review.

Aphrodite went from one end of the team to the other, and looked at the group one by one. Then suddenly a finger was put on one of the guy's chests. "It's up to you to answer my question."

"Yes, my goddess!" The man replied immediately.

Aphrodite nodded, but before she could open her mouth to ask questions, she suddenly saw a guy in the team with a strange expression. Everyone else stood in a row without expressions, but this guy's expression was serious like a guard on guard for a while, and it seemed like he was working hard to bite his teeth, and as his expression changed, the blue veins on his body Actually all swelled on the skin surface. It looks like an earthworm. To make matters worse, this guy's body started to become unstable after a while.

Because this row of people stood like a javelin, except for him moving around like a fish out of the water, of course Aphrodite soon noticed him.

Walking calmly to this guy, Aphrodite looked up and down, and found that this was the man with the cape who had answered her before. This guy is obviously the leader of the team. Now it seems that as a leader, this guy's strength is also the strongest in the team.

"I didn't expect you to control your body. It's a firm-willed guy." Aphrodite suddenly reached out and gently touched the guy's neck, and when the fingers touched the guy's skin, he was red. The light flickered, and then there was a hole in the guy's neck, and the whole person suddenly fell backwards. Aphrodite clapped his hands after killing that guy, as if he had done a trivial thing and returned to the previous guy.

Unlike when Aphrodite left, look at this guy again. Although his body was still straight and his expression was still so rigid, his forehead was covered with sweat beads, and his eyes were full of tears.

Aphrodite looked at this guy with a smile and said, "Don't worry, he won't be lonely. Because you will be on the road with him soon. Okay, in order not to let him wait too long, let us Speed ​​it up. First of all, don't mind telling me who you guys were here from? "

Although the guy asked was full of resistance in his eyes, his mouth replied loudly: "We accepted the order of Hera."

"Herla?" Aphrodite also hesitated when he heard the answer.

After just being tracked, Aphrodite knew he would be attacked again. The current network of relationships within the Olympus Protoss can be described as intricate, the building is about to fall, and the human heart is naturally unable to settle. Now that there are three previous followers, it is not surprising that there are more. Besides, Aphrodite was originally ordered to investigate whether the Twelve-Star God had joined our Frost Rose Alliance sincerely, so she had already expected that the Twelve-Star God might strike her.

Now Aphrodite and the Twelve Stars seem to be two sets of spies. The Twelve-Star God has expressed his trust in our Frost Rose Alliance, but in fact they have accepted the assignment of Zeus, and whether they intend to transfer the plan to an instant transfer, or are truly loyal to Zeus, this is only for them to know. On the other side, Aphrodite's situation was similar. It seems strange that she ran back from our Frost Rose League. All people suspect that she has a relationship with us, and some people think she is still a member of the Olympians. Therefore, both Aphrodite and the Twelve Star Gods do not know who the other party is serving. In this case, temptation and attack are inevitable.

It is also because Aphrodite can think about so many people may prevent her from seeing the Twelve Star Gods, so it is not surprising that she was intercepted halfway, but the attacker was actually assigned by Hera. This made her a little strange.

It stands to reason that Hera and Zeus should have one heart. Of course, this refers to the analysis from the surface relationship. As a member of the Olympus Protoss, Aphrodite certainly knew that the relationship between Zeus and Hera was not very good. Although Hera is a queen, she is actually very jealous. Moreover, Hera is not actually a woman in the traditional sense. The reason for submitting to Zeus is partly because the atmosphere of the Olympian Protoss is indeed relatively high in male status, and it is because she can't beat Zeus, so she became a queen. If it weren't for the ethos and strength, Hera would have become the female goddess of the Olympians.

If combined with this fact, think about it. Hera didn't listen to Zeus, and it was understandable. However, it seemed quite strange to send someone to intercept Aphrodite.

Zeus sent Aphrodite to meet the Twelve Stars, but he didn't want them to do anything. He just felt that he couldn't see through either side. On the one hand, he was a little skeptical of Aphrodite, on the other hand, he also felt that the twelve-star **** might be truly betrayed. So he is completely confused now. In order to clarify things as soon as possible, to figure out who has betrayed who has not betrayed, so that he can integrate his strength to counter the large-scale counterattack of our Frost Rose Alliance and the chaos and order protoss, he must make a judgment as soon as possible.

Due to this urgent form, Zeus finally adopted a relatively stupid method, which was to send Aphrodite to the Twelve Star Gods. Let the two teams that are likely to be mutiny touch each other first, if any of them mutiny, when they come together. Some unusual reactions are bound to occur, and Zeus hopes to see from this reaction who is trustworthy and who is not.

To put it simply, Zeus's action is to clarify the already mixed water surface so as to guide the next action.

As a member of the Olympus Protoss, even if Hera has a bad relationship with Zeus, she should not stop such actions, because no matter what she wants to do, it is important for her to know the basic form. It can be said that mixing the water now has no benefit to the members of the Protoss of Olympus. Even if Hera was going to take this opportunity to do something, it was not a wise decision.

Because this decision was so strange, Aphrodite was so surprised when he heard Hera's name.

When Aphrodite was wondering, I and Essinger's think tank were thinking about what Hera was going to do. The Crystal Communicator had just been turned on during Aphrodite's interrogation, so I already knew the information she had just interrogated. Similarly, Essinger got the signal at the same time, but we were as unclear as Aphrodite about what Hera was going to do.

As Aphrodite continued to interrogate other questions. The think tank on Isinger's side is noisy, because everyone's opinions are not unified, as for my side. I thought of many possibilities by myself, but in the end I was rejected by myself. No matter what you think about, mixing water is not good for the Olympians. It doesn't matter whether he is trying to stand on his own door or intending to rebel and surrender.

"I said ..." While we were all thinking about the cause, a voice suddenly plugged into our communication channel.

"Bingbing? Why are you also on the communication channel?" I suddenly hesitated when I heard Bingbing's voice suddenly.

Since Atlantis and the White Shark family and some other sea communities have joined our Frost Rose Alliance, our crystal resonance communication system has been significantly upgraded. The current communication crystal not only can synchronize the transmission of sound and image, but also has the biggest advantage compared with the old communication device of the past.

To put it simply, the previous communicator was like a walkie-talkie. There was a person shouting in the channel, and all the people holding the machine could hear it. Now the communicator has evolved to the mobile phone stage. You can specify with one or several people. Communication, and other people holding the device won't hear what you say.

Of course, to complete frequency-division communication, an exchange is indispensable; otherwise, it can only be transferred by a manual switchboard as when the telephone was just invented. Of course, there is no switch in our guild. After all, this is a game that is not realistic, so we can only use the manual transfer method for crossover communication. But we are lucky because we have the **** of war. Although he appears as a player in the game, he is actually a supercomputer. Its functions are far more powerful than ordinary telephone exchanges. So now the **** of war is the human flesh switch of our guild, and it is the kind with zero error. Even in many battles, there were tens of thousands of communications on the battlefield at the same time in a point-to-point, or even multi-point crossover communication, and the God of War did not miss it once.

However, just now, we were inexplicably connected to a correspondent who was not in the plan, which made us not surprised.

I just finished asking. The army **** immediately explained: "Bingbing is now in my main control room. All your communications are unencrypted to me, so it is normal to hear."

I was finally relieved to hear this answer. Although Bingbing will not endanger the safety of the guild and the communication itself is not particularly secret, information security is a big deal after all. Of course, this kind of thing needs to be taken seriously. However, since it was not an accidental error, there is no problem, and there are not many people who can enter the control center anyway.

"Bingbing, what did you want to say before?" After I figured out the reason, I asked Bingbing again, and she seemed to want to say something when she interjected.

When I asked her, Bingbing said again, "Oh, that's it. I just heard your conversation, and then I thought of a possibility."

"Well, talk about it." Although I don't think Bingbing is the kind of person who can think of this kind of problem. But the top three Zhuge Liang Zhuge Liang, no one can guarantee that others must have thought of it. Everyone may suddenly come up with some wonderful ideas or ideas, this is not the patent of the inventor or literary creator.

With my encouragement, Bingbing immediately said: "I feel that if the people within the Olympus Protoss want to stir the water, because if they want to protect the Olympus Protoss, then I hope I can find the traitors to clear them up. In turn, if they are determined to rebel, they will find ways to find out and contact those traitors so that they can hook up with external forces. "

I nodded and said, "We know this, so we feel weird."

"No, I think so. Although the other party is loyal to the Olympians or tries to contact us, they do not want to confuse the water. So what if the other party belongs to a third party?"

"A third party?"

All of the think tanks over there with Isinger and I were all there.

Third party? Our relationship with the Protoss of Olympus has never been intervened by a third party, but who stipulated that there must be no third party?

Our side was quiet for a while because of thinking, but Bingbing thought we didn't understand her thoughts, so she explained in a hurry: "I think. If the other party has already trusted in a third-party force, and then hooked with the other party, Then there is no need for him to make things clear again. After the water is stirred up, the accidental injury of both sides will become serious, and in the end, whether it is our victory or the victory of the Protoss of Olympus, the casualties will also be very serious. However, The third party does not worry about this, because they are outside forces and there is no loss to them. On the contrary, the more serious the casualties between us and the Olympian Protoss, the easier they will be in the end. "

Bingbing is a relatively simple girl. The thought of this problem can only be said to be caused by different thinking directions. Just because she didn't understand, she jumped out of the constraints of habitual thinking and thought about the possibility of the existence of this third party force. But once we figured it out, the speed of thinking and deduction was naturally faster than her. In the time I explained in Bingbing, we have already figured out the key.

Yes, Bingbing thinks very well. If the water is muddled, we do n’t know who the Twelve-Star God is helping, and Zeus cannot figure out the question of the ownership of Aphrodite and the Twelve-Star God, so in the end everyone can only speak by strength, because It is no longer clear which are their own and which are the enemies. The only way is to set up a banner and raise the flag, and then see where they are moving closer. However, once the battle is set off, it means that a spy battle has become a full-fighting battle, and this casualty and investment will inevitably be much larger than before.

It can be said that once both sides are completely confused by intelligence, the price paid by both sides will increase exponentially. Because of this, neither of us wants this to happen, and we both want to find out who is who. However, for a third party, once the water is muddy, it is perfect. Let's fight with the Protoss of Olympus, as long as they come to pick up the bargain afterwards.

When we think of this possibility, we feel that the hairs of the whole body have stood up. The large-scale operation that we paid at such a high price, if we return because of the futility of this incident, it will be a sad reminder!

"Bing Bing, thank you for your comments, it has been a big help. But we will discuss things next, I will not talk to you first." I quickly felt Bing Bing's opinion.

Su Mei from the think tank, they also quickly thanked Bingbing for the reminder ~ ~ Then we started to analyze the possibility of this third party to join, and at the same time notified Aphrodite to conduct targeted interrogation of those caught Captives, to verify our guess.

Although those who were arrested were groups of saints who were not even a formal protoss, but since they could be sent to perform such tasks, their loyalty was high. And a team with high loyalty, the probability of knowing some secret news is definitely higher than those of ordinary teams.

"Everyone is trying to take a share of this conflict with the Protoss of Olympus, it means that they have the ability to reach out to Greece."

Xiao Yao's voice followed: "So the other party is either not far from Greece or has the ability to fight across regions."

"No, even if it is very close to Greece, it must be a powerful protoss. After all, this is a cross-border operation. For regional protoss, this kind of battle will have a 30% discount. If we do not fight, even if we As a result of the mutual consumption with the Olympus Protoss, the strength of the other side must also be a first-rate protoss, and those little protoss who practice witchcraft have no such strength. "

"But there are still too many goals!" (To be continued.)

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