Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 76: Distressed Star Gods

Volume 20 Chapter 76 Star Gods with Distress

Looking at the twelve-star **** standing in a circle in front of her, Aphrodite suddenly felt as if she were in a sheep's mouth, but think that she was now invited by Zeus to invite them. The process is recorded. Yes, so they should not dare to embarrass themselves.

After thinking about it, Aphrodite was no longer timid, but instead went straight to the last step and followed the leading saint to the Twelve-Star God.

"Masters, Goddess Aphrodite is here." The Saint Seiya leading the way first reported to the Twelve Star Gods.

Aries of Aries came out and asked the Saint to leave before he greeted Aphrodite and invited her to enter the Aries palace.

Aries Palace is the most advanced palace among the twelve-star gods, but this does not mean that it has the lowest rank. Just thinking, Iris of Aries is actually the highest leader among the twelve-star gods, which is equivalent to the representative of the twelve-star gods. However, although Iris is the most powerful of the twelve stars, his combat effectiveness is not the strongest. Who has the strongest combat effectiveness in the Twelve Stars has not been conclusive. Some people say that it is Vogol of Virgo, some people think that it is Jiminar of Gemini, and some people say that it is Lebror of Libra. Some even thought it was Sairi Tirils of Sagittarius. However, because the twelve stars have never formally played against each other, and most of them have not done their best even during the discussion, this speculation has never been determined. But these four guys who are considered to be the strongest star gods are indeed the four strongest among the twelve star gods. This is right. However, it is only a manifestation of combat effectiveness, and has nothing to do with leadership and status.

Among the twelve-star gods, the leader is the strongest, and the highest position is Aries, Aries in the first house, while the second one is the eighth-star god, Sgur Beyonce of Scorpio. Although neither of them can rank in the top four among the twelve stars, their status is the highest among the twelve stars.

Because Iris had a transcendent status, he invited Aphrodite to enter the Aries Palace, and the other gods said nothing, and followed them into the palace.

Although not a faction, after all, the gods of the heavens and the gods of the underworld are both members of the Olympians, and they are quite similar in architectural style. The internal structure of the Star Temple is very similar to the Soul Tribunal of Hell's Three Giants hearing special dead souls. On the front of the hall is a row of tall columns that go straight from the ground to the top. Each one requires seven or eight adults to join hands. And its height is as high as 20-30 meters.

Behind this row of columns is a corridor that is more than ten meters wide, but instead of extending forward, it expands horizontally. In the middle of this corridor is a 78-meter-high gate. Pushing the gold door panel that is nearly one meter thick, the interior is a huge hall. Opposite this hall is a partition wall that is not connected to the walls on both sides. In front of the wall is a high platform on which a set of very beautiful desks and chairs are placed. Bypass the partition wall, the exit is behind and leads to the outside of Aries. There are more than a dozen small doors on each side of the main hall, which lead to the rest area and other functional areas. Saints who belonged to each star **** also lived in those gates.

Iris did not intend to talk with Aphrodite in the hall, but took Aphrodite to open a small door on the left side of the hall and entered the interior.

After passing through that door, there is a small restaurant. In addition to the entrance door, there are two doors in the restaurant, which are located on the other two walls except the opposite. Iris took Aphrodite and other stars to the exit through a small door on the right, then passed through a corridor with many doors in the middle, and finally went up to the second floor at a corner of the corridor. The second floor is also a corridor like the first floor, but Iris couldn't walk a few steps down the stairs and opened a door to let Aphrodite enter, and the star gods behind also rushed in.

After entering the room, Aphrodite looked at the situation inside the room. This is obviously not a study, but a room similar to a home bar. In addition to a row of counters filled with various beverages placed against the wall in the room, there were only two sets of sofas in two circles, and a large organ on the floor.

Because of the many sofas, the Twelve Stars and Aphrodite are not too crowded here. After Iris arranged that everyone was seated, they walked to the organ, then pressed one of the keys of the organ, and then walked back to the seat for himself to sit down. When he pressed that key, Aphrodite could obviously feel that his sensing range was limited to the interior of the room, that is to say, the exterior and interior of the room should be completely isolated at this time. Even if someone outside wants to eavesdrop on insider conversations, it's impossible.

Although Aphrodite thought that Iris and the other stars were acting strangely, she didn't ask since the other party hadn't explained it yet. She knew that being too aggressive often meant losing the initiative to talk.

Sure enough, waiting was the right decision. Iris, who finally took his seat, opened his mouth after everyone had calmed down, and he just cut into the main body with one mouth, without turning.

"Aphrodite, are you working for Frost Rose Alliance?"

Aphrodite Leng Buding, who was already ready to talk to each other, came across such a straightforward semi-affirmative inquiry, and suddenly he was asked and didn't know what to say. To make matters worse, although the other person's words were asked in question, this tone was obviously a declarative sentence. The other party is not asking if she has trusted us, the other party is just telling her about her trust in us. This is a positive answer, not a question.

Seeing that Aphrodite was silent, Iris also knew that he probably got into the subject too quickly. So he paused a bit and then said: "Zeus they haven't been to Isinger, they don't understand the horrors there. You and I have been to Isinger, we all know what Isinger is like. City. That place cannot be called a human-city city at all, it is a god-city built in human-world, and it is also a kind of armed fortress-type **** city. Compared with her, our Olympus is like The farmhouse is generally humble. "

Aphrodite frowned as Iris asked tentatively, "I don't quite understand what you mean."

"I mean it very simply." Iris looked into Aphrodite's eyes and said in a very sincere tone: "We have all been to Isinger, so we understand his strong defense. Like Isinger Once the city is locked in, no one can run away unless they intentionally release you. Therefore, you definitely did not escape from Isinger. You reached an agreement with them and were released. Seeing Aphrodite anxiously to explain, Iris quickly reached out to stop her and said, "Don't rush to justify, we have been to Essinger, so we will not believe you. In addition, you also No explanation is needed, because we will not tell Zeus. We just want a channel that can help us connect with Ziri. "

Aphrodite frowned, then began to think about how credible the content of their words was. However, after a short period of thinking, Aphrodite reluctantly admitted that the other party was right. She was caught by Isinger and stepped out of Isinger. During this period, she knew even more about Isinger than Iris. In fact, just like Iris said, Essinger is a city built on earth and a fortress city. Compared to the Olympus Mountain Olympus, which is similar to a natural village, Essinger is completely a war machine. To be able to run out of such a place, you must have the luck of buying the lottery ten times and just buying the jackpot every time, otherwise you can only hope to escape from there in your dream.

Since things were irrefutable, Aphrodite was also very bachelor. She nodded her head directly and admitted: "Well, I confess, I accepted the conditions of the Frost Rose Alliance and temporarily worked for them. But what are your plans for this? I think you got me here, and so mysterious Contact me, not just to get my information out and run to Zeus to tell you? "

"No no no." After hearing Aphrodite's own confession, Iris was obviously quite excited. He said with a little excitement, "How could we sue you? You did not find the bridge. . "

Aphrodite frowned. "What do you mean?"

At this time, Sgur Beyonce of Scorpio suddenly began to explain: "Iris means that we hope to establish contact with Ziri through you."

After listening to it, Aphrodite asked more puzzled: "Did you not bring a few sets of communication equipment when you went to the Frost Rose League?"

Upon hearing this, the star gods immediately laughed relatively bitterly. Finally, Sgur Beyonce explained, "The last time we went to Frost Rose League was not our own wish at all."

"Not your own wishes? Then you ..." Aphrodite asked half of himself and wanted to understand, then suddenly exclaimed: "Is it because you faked your vote last time?"

"Yes or no." Iris continued the conversation and continued: "At first we just thought that Zeus' management style was very problematic. Everyone had complaints in their hearts and didn't want to stay at the Olympus Protoss. Everyone just feels that there is no future in staying, and they don't really want to take action. However, some time ago Zeus suddenly found us and gave us a secret mission. "

"Is he asking you to give up?" Aphrodite responded slowly.

Iris nodded and said: "Zeus meant to bring the purple sun into the sphere of influence of our Olympian Protoss. He didn't tell us what to do afterwards. In addition, he was afraid that we would not do well. We forcibly entered the magic circle on us, which allowed him to monitor our actions and conversations at any time. We had to contact Frost Rose Alliance according to his requirements, and we dared not have any action beyond the scope of the mission. "

Iris said here, and next to Sgur Beyonce continued: "You just asked us why we did n’t have a communicator, why should we communicate with you, the reason is here. We got the communication at Frost Rose League. Zeus also knew about the device, so after returning, he immediately took all three sets of communicators over. First of all, he wanted to figure out how this thing works, and then used this thing to eavesdrop on the internal communication of the Frost Rose Alliance . But this communicator and our divine power structure are completely two unrelated technical systems. Zeus studied it for a long time, and finally broke the two communicators and failed to understand the key technology of this thing. The last one left He didn't dare to mess around with the communicator, but he didn't give it to us, but stayed with him so that he could monitor the instructions sent by Frost Rose Union at any time. "

Aphrodite nodded and said, "So you have to find me now to help you contact Frost Rose Alliance?"

Iris nodded: "In fact, when we received this task, we already thought about joining the Frost Rose Alliance, but because we were constantly monitored by the magic circle, we dare not show any betrayal at all. Meaning, you can only act according to Zeus's arrangements. "

"Then how dare you tell me this now?" Of course, Aphrodite knew that they must have thought of a way to lift the monitoring, but just wanted to know the specific method and reason.

Iris replied generously: "Zeus's supervision of us has been relaxed a lot since we returned, and we still have such a shielded room, so Zeus cannot monitor us all the way. But out of this room, our Behaviour must be controlled. "

Aphrodite nodded again: "I understand your situation now, but what do you want me to take back now? The communicator seems to be blocked here."

"In fact, we just want the Frost Rose Alliance to help us find a way to set up the same equipment as that of Persephone."

"Pelse Fournier ..." Aphrodite was still habitually repeating what she said, but suddenly she froze and looked at Iris and Skul Beyonce in surprise. They finally swept around the expressions of the Twelve Stars and found that each of them had a depressed expression, and then they were finally surprised and said, "You won't be all struck by the energy by Zeus, will you?"

Sgur Beyonce smiled bitterly: "If there isn't an energy disintegration law that can be remotely activated, what do you think we need to listen to Zeus? Even if we have a surveillance law on us, we know he betrays him. I ’ll know when I ’m there, and we ca n’t help it again. It ’s a big deal when Frost Rose League puts Zeus down and we come back. But with this thing on top, we only need a little rebellious behavior, and Zeus only needs a spell. Will completely kill us. "

"No wonder ...!" Aphrodite thought for a while: "I can't answer you yet, but Zeus' order for me is to take you to see him, so I can't stay here for too long. I ca n’t see this. You follow me first. I will take a detour halfway to Hephaestus to get my equipment. Zeus also knows that my equipment was damaged in the last battle with Ziri, so go get the equipment It is also a legitimate reason that he should not care. In this process, I will try to contact Ziri to see what he says. "

Iris talked with several other stars, and finally nodded helplessly: "Well, I can only do this for the time being."

After removing the magic barrier, the Twelve-Star Gods and Aphrodite left the Zodiac together with Aphrodite, but instead of returning directly to Mount Olympus, they detoured to the lava crypt of Hephaestus.

Although there are surveillance arrays on the Twelve Star Gods, Aphrodite does not. She deliberately distanced herself from the Twelve-Star God, and then she walked alone at the front of the team and activated the communicator to contact me who was rushing to the Holy See.

"What? There are also energy bursts on the Twelve Star Gods?"

"Yes, I've seen it with my own eyes, it is indeed a remote-activated energy burst method." Aphrodite replied very positively.

When I heard Aphrodite's words, I immediately said, "I'm not doubting what you said, I'm just surprised that Zeus actually installed a large number of energy disintegration mates to control his subordinates. Did he not know that this would disperse all people's hearts? ?"

Aphrodite instead said in disapproval this time: "The Protoss of Olympus has always been managed this way. The fist is the boss, and this is the order of the Protoss of Olympus. Zeus used to suppress it by his personal strength. Everyone, now adding an energy disintegration method is nothing more than strengthening the control. It is not an exaggeration. "

When I heard Aphrodite's words, I shook my head and had to say that the logic of the Protoss of Olympus was really strange. Although high-pressure policies have been tried in many countries in history, they are based on the absolute control of national freedom and the inability to resist. Protoss generally do not have too many members, and the geographical restrictions for them are actually not great at all. Once one party adopted a high-pressure policy, fleeing to another protoss became the first solution for those little gods.

Before, I thought it was a miracle that Hades split from the Olympian Protoss. Now it seems that the division of the Olympian Protoss is a matter of time. If they have been fighting against the wind, and the area of ​​faith has been expanding, it is good to say that as soon as they encounter obstacles and cannot break through in a short time, various internal contradictions will immediately emerge. So the division of the Olympus Protoss is simply a matter of system, and my arrival was nothing more than the last straw that struck the camel.


"I listen."

"where are you now?"

"Just left the Zodiac and I am heading for Hephaestus. I want to use the excuse of equipment to find Hephaestus to find a way."

"Your judgment is correct. Now take them according to your own plan. Hephaestus I will inform him. Before, we helped Persephone to create a suppression system for the rout of the law. The technology of Hephaestus, as long as we pass the production materials, he should be able to make the same thing. But the number of twelve star gods is quite a lot, I am afraid he may not come by then and complete so many sets . "

"I will try my best for time."

"I know that, anyway, try to find an excuse to go slower. I will contact Hephaestus now."

As soon as Hephaestus received my newsletter, she was surprised and said, "What? Zeus installed the Twelve-Star God with the energy disintegration method?"

I nodded in a very certain tone: "Yes, and they are not equipped with ordinary energy disintegration methods, but remote-controlled energy dissolution methods. At any time, as long as Zeus is happy, a password can put ten The two-star **** became twelve abolish people or even dead people. "

After hearing this, Hephaestus said, "But you tell me, I can't help it. The energy loop of the energy disintegration circle determines that it can hardly be destroyed safely. Dismantling the magic circle itself will cause magic. Absorbed at a faster rate, and eventually hurt people who have been imprinted with magic circles. Although I am good at forging and making magic arrays, destroying magic arrays is not my specialty. "

"You don't need to destroy it, just help us to build something. You can now use the large communicator I gave you, check out a device called the energy dissipative law array suppressor, and I will give you permission . You can make twelve sets for me according to the drawings. "

"Okay, I'll do it."


"What's the matter?"

"I don't think the twelve sets are very reassuring."

Upon hearing this, Hephaestus said violently: "When did my Hephaestus play out scrapped equipment? How complicated can you be with a small energy disintegration array suppressor? Even with my eyes closed. I can type. "

"No, no, no, I'm not doubting your yield, but I think that since Zeus can imprint the energy of the Twelve-Star God and break the matrix, it is hard to guarantee that he will not brand this thing to other gods. This time I come to Olin The Protoss is here to dig the foot of the wall. I want the Protoss from all walks of life. In the event of encountering a branded person again, I can't let you do it temporarily? "

"That's it too. But that can wait. I'll finish the twelve sets before I say."

The forging technology of Hephaestus is nothing to say, and the energy collapse method we designed for Persephone is not difficult, so Hephaestus wants to smash according to the drawing. It couldn't be easier.

Although it was easy for Hephaestus to build this suppressor, after all, twelve sets were needed, and it did n’t take much time, so when Aphrodite arrived, Hephaestus had just completed the final set. Suppressor.

Since I reminded Hephaestus of the other party ’s situation before, Hephaestus was not stupid, ran up and greeted Aphrodite, but first showed an abnormality to Aphrodite. Obedience. This is of course for Zeus, in fact, the relationship between Aphrodite and Hephaestus is far from so close. In addition, in order to prevent Zeus from seeing the problem, Hephaestus showed a very bad attitude towards the twelve star gods.

In any case, the Twelve-Star God is still a member of the Olympus Protoss system, and the relationship between Hephaestus and the Gods has always been extremely uncomfortable, so the worse his attitude at this time, Zeus Instead, there will be no doubt.

Aphrodite had also communicated with Hephaestus through the communicator beforehand, so as soon as she entered, she began to ask Hephaestus according to the script if her equipment could be completed. Because I got the golden thread, this equipment is naturally completed. However, in order to find a chance to equip the twelve-star **** with a limiter, Hephaestus did not say that it was finished, but told them that they were a little bit behind, so they waited.

Later, when Hephaestus told them to wait, Aphrodite immediately pretended to be anxious and asked to see the smelting department. Hephaestus immediately agreed, and then brought Aphrodite to the smelting room.

"Is this your smelting room? Isn't that all right?" Iris asked deliberately disdainfully.

In fact, they are now in the training room with the magma river that I visited before, not really forging the room. Hephaestus didn't want Zeus to know what his forging workshop looked like, so he brought them here only. Anyway, it's just cheating Zeus, which smelting room is the same.

After hearing Aris's words, Hephaestus also pretended to be angry and quarreled with Aris, and of course, Aphrodite came out and rounded the field. After being restored, Hephaestus took out something similar to sunglasses and handed it to Aphrodite. Aphrodite took the thing in doubt and asked, "What are you doing for me?"

Hephaestus immediately explained: "I will start the furnace in a while, it will become very dazzling here, so I have to take the mountain to see things. There will be a lot of sound after the furnace is opened, you better put your ears also Block it up and use the pink tablet on the table to write.

Aphrodite immediately asked, "But what do they do?"

Hephaestus pretended to be very reluctant to say that they could not see, but under the persuasion of Aphrodite, he finally took out twelve sets of sunglasses and gave them to the twelve stars. After they all put on their sunglasses, with the order of Hephaestus, his assistant immediately opened the smelting furnace, and the entire cave was immediately drowned by a dazzling light. Without sunglasses, don't expect to see anything here.

At the same time as the strong light, when the furnace door was opened, there was a roar immediately in the room, and at the same time it was mixed with the clanging of forged metal. Anyway, even the loud noise was almost inaudible when standing together. In this environment, Zeus' surveillance array is completely scrapped, because the gadget can only collect sound and light information like eyes and ears. Now it can return to Zeus an orange-red world plus a bunch of noise. Anyway, what is useful is invisible and inaudible.

With the cover of this noise and strong light, Hephaestus quickly pulled out the energy disintegration law suppressor that had been put out from under a workbench and reminded the twelve star gods to hurry up with a well-written powder plate. Take off the armor.

The Twelve-Star God did not know that the suppressor was ready before, because he was afraid of being heard by Zeus. Before, Aphrodite only used inductive language to tell them to come here and secretly with Hephaestus. These things, but can't tell them exactly what to do. Now the twelve-star **** suddenly finds that he has prepared the energy disintegration array suppressor, and immediately excitedly wants to yell, but they are all senior master gods, and this self-control is still there. Excitement returns to excitement, but nothing excessive is done.

At the request of Hephaestus, the Twelve-Star God took off his armor and exposed the energy burst method printed on the back.

The energy disintegration law on the Twelve-Star God is obviously different from the one on Persephone. This is mainly because of the failure lesson of Persephone, Zeus improved his energy dissolution law. Of course, Zeus is fundamentally wrong in his research direction. He thought that we thought of a way to break the law matrix and make it invalid, but in fact we didn't break the law matrix, just to make it not work properly. Because Zeus was mistaken in his research direction, he strengthened the structure of the energy collapse matrix after going back, and also added a set of protection matrix to prevent it from being cracked. It's just that these changes are totally useless to our suppressor, because the suppressor has no intention of cracking the normal matrix at all.

After examining the energy bursting matrix on the Twelve-Star Gods and confirming that the design scheme we provided is effective, Hephaestus immediately began to make small adjustments to their suppressors one by one. This is just to make the suppressor more personal and personal. After all, the suppressor achieves the purpose of suppressing the energy disintegration matrix by increasing the energy pressure, but because everyone's magic type and intensity are different, the same energy disintegration matrix is ​​printed on different people, and the suppression method will be slightly s difference. It would have worked if it hadn't been changed, but Hephaestus was a man of excellence. What he couldn't allow himself to go out was just "useful". He wanted absolute perfection. Therefore, he finally made fine adjustments to each star god, and readjusted the size of the suppressor to suit the different figures of the star gods.

After the last energy disintegration was completed, Hephaestus picked up a pink plate and wrote on it: "Now the energy disintegration on your body can no longer threaten you, but it can be activated. It just ca n’t cause actual harm. In addition, I ’ve just installed a red button on the belts you just installed. As long as you click, the monitoring matrix will fail, and you can automatically restore it by clicking it again. Prevent Zeus from becoming suspicious when he cannot see you. "

After reading this, Iris took another pink plate and wrote some words of gratitude on it, and other stars and gods came up and hugged and thanked him. But when Taurus Taurus was about to embrace, Hephaestus was scared away.

joke! Tols's guy is almost three meters tall, and his arms are thicker than others' waists. If he doesn't control his strength and exerts a little bit, then Hephaestus can only spend the second half of his life in bed. He's just a little stupid now, and there's nothing wrong with his movements. He doesn't want to become a polio patient.

When they hugged, Hephaestus closed the furnace, and pretended to have taken out the equipment that had been prepared for Aphrodite from the stove. In fact, due to the fire-resistant properties of this equipment, it will not melt at all in this magma furnace, and it will not even become soft. Hephaestus just put it inside to pretend.

When Aphrodite saw the equipment coming out of the stove, he immediately jumped up. This is not fake, she is really excited. After all, I ’m used to wearing good gear. Suddenly, without equipment, it feels like I ’m all over. This will complete the new equipment, and she is of course very excited.

Afraid of delaying time, Aphrodite put on her body to bid farewell to Hephaestus after receiving the equipment, and then took the twelve-star **** to Olympus with joy and checked. Attributes of your new equipment. Although she didn't tell others what the attributes were on the top, but looking at her smiling flower-like expression, she knew that the attributes of this set of equipment would only be much better than her original set, otherwise if it was just the same or slightly Beyond that, at most she just smiles, and she will never lose sight of this virtue.

Just as Aphrodite took the Twelve Stars to Mount Olympus, I finally went outside the Holy See of Jehovah.

The Holy See at this time was very different from the last time I left. The last time I walked away, I collapsed the Temple Mount, which eventually caused the Temple Mount to fall and fall outside the space compression enclave. As a result, half of the Roman city was smashed by the Temple Mount. Of course, all the deaths and injuries caused by the innocent people have to be counted on me. But I ’m not worried about this. At first, I ’m not a Roman, so I ’ll only add experience and kill honors to the death of players and players here. I wo n’t increase the evil value. Second, I am an evil class, and many more. Evil values ​​do no harm to me. The so-called debt is not worrying, lice are not itch is the reason. Anyway, my evil value has broken the table long ago ~ ~ Nothing more.

Although the Temple Mount was hacked by me, the Holy See of Jehovah is not finished. They just lost some miscellaneous soldiers and fixed assets such as buildings. There was not much actual loss. Therefore, they are definitely going to carry out post-disaster reconstruction.

Although there is no construction machinery in the game, there are magic and various kinds of Warcraft that can be used, so the actual construction speed is not only slower than in reality, but it is dozens of times faster.

Now, although most of the city in Rome is still buried by the collapsed mountains, the steep slopes of the mountains have been blasted so that they can form relatively gentle slopes with the surrounding horizon, so that you can build stairs or It is a sloping road climbing up the mountain. In addition, the top of the collapsed mountain seems to have been leveled by hand, and it seems to be a little basic. It is estimated that the Holy See considered that it was not practical to remove the entire mountain, so it was simply restructured into a structure that can be inhabited, so that it became a part of the city, but the originally level Roman city would become half a mountain in the future. , Half of the state is plain.

Of course I didn't come here to see the Holy See engaged in civil engineering. I wanted to investigate whether Hera's foreign aid was in the end, so I had to find Jehovah first.


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